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Creation SG Con, Burbank Nov. 17-19, 2006

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    OH MY!!! Yes...Michael and David day today!!! Yippee!! So wish I was there so I could scream "I love you David!!!!"


      Originally posted by Chelle View Post
      We're just getting ready to head down for the brunch , we get Michael Shanks, Cliff Simon, and Tony Amendola...... Then on to the rest of the day! Weeeeee!

      You know, I was really surprised at how few people there were at the con on Friday... but that was nice in it's own way. No long wait for photo ops, the autograph line didn't go on forever...... I'm sure today will be a different story! Michael and David and JR, OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!
      Ackkk! You're killing me here!!!
      You're gonna have a great time - can't wait to hear ALLLL about your day!

      Thanks for the VanCon sig, Nathan!


        GUH! I love reading all the reports! Keep 'em coming! I'm stil suffering from PCD (Post Con Depression) from NJ two weeks ago
        Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


          Originally posted by Chelle View Post
          All I have to say right now is


          Um, I'll back up a little..... We got here around 230am last night, and the EXIT OFF OF THE FREEWAY FOR THE HOTEL WAS CLOSED. Took a little bit of creative driving a few exits later (you all know how three lefts equal a right, right? ), got to the hotel and fell into bed. The BF text messaged me at 6am to make sure we got here safe,...... Love him, but wanted to KILL him.

          So on to my massive squeeeeage. Many thank yous (and make a butt-kicking ) to Arctic Goddess for not only giving my sis Kris payback for all of the times I've embarrassed her to death, and for talking a certain someone into calling me up on stage for a public display of affection!

          Picture this - it's the very end of Cliff Simon's time on stage, he answers one last question and I think he says, "Okay, one last thing - Where's Chelle?" and starts looking around the room. I probably turned every shade of red that's in the visible spectrum of light along with some infrared too. I didn't answer right away, so Neelan_Liquor yells from across the room "SHE'S RIGHT THERE IN THE FRONT ROW!!!!" and points right at me.

          Me -->

          Cliff tells me to come up on stage, and I swear to gawd I thought I had to be glowing red!!!!! I get up and walk up onto the stage, and Cliff proceeds to plant a big fat kiss on me (scratchy, five o'clock shadow on his cheek, I got scruffed by the scruff!!!), and gives me a great big huge squashed hug!!!!!! GACK!!!! In front of the whole place!!!! My sister was laughing her arse off the whole time..... And for the record, Cliff smells very very nice, thankyouverymuch. And I'm still bouncing off of the walls.

          Okay gotta go eat. There'll be pics soon, need to get a card reader so I can post the ones the sis took with my camera, but I'm sure half of the place got pics too. See y'all later!

          Pat, I owe you one...... BIG TIME!
          Wow Chelle!! What an amazing way to begin the con! Thanks for sharing the story, and thanks to Artic Goddess for arranging your wonderful experience!
          Can't wait to see the pics!


            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
            Michelle, great pictures - your camera was definitely better than mine!

            I got a few good ones, though. Here's David when someone handed him a cell phone to talk to her friend who couldn't make the screening. He was so sweet! He talked to her for several minutes, and I'm sure he almost gave the girl a heart attack.

            Me and David:


            And me and Kate:


            It was really an amazingly fun night. And now I'm too excited to sleep, even though it's 2 AM.
            Thanks for sharing your terrific pics! Keep 'um everyone! Glad the con is off to a great start!


              Originally posted by Chelle View Post
              All I have to say right now is



              Um, I'll back up a little..... We got here around 230am last night, and the EXIT OFF OF THE FREEWAY FOR THE HOTEL WAS CLOSED. Took a little bit of creative driving a few exits later (you all know how three lefts equal a right, right? ), got to the hotel and fell into bed. The BF text messaged me at 6am to make sure we got here safe,...... Love him, but wanted to KILL him.

              So on to my massive squeeeeage. Many thank yous (and make a butt-kicking ) to Arctic Goddess for not only giving my sis Kris payback for all of the times I've embarrassed her to death, and for talking a certain someone into calling me up on stage for a public display of affection!

              Picture this - it's the very end of Cliff Simon's time on stage, he answers one last question and I think he says, "Okay, one last thing - Where's Chelle?" and starts looking around the room. I probably turned every shade of red that's in the visible spectrum of light along with some infrared too. I didn't answer right away, so Neelan_Liquor yells from across the room "SHE'S RIGHT THERE IN THE FRONT ROW!!!!" and points right at me.

              Me -->

              Cliff tells me to come up on stage, and I swear to gawd I thought I had to be glowing red!!!!! I get up and walk up onto the stage, and Cliff proceeds to plant a big fat kiss on me (scratchy, five o'clock shadow on his cheek, I got scruffed by the scruff!!!), and gives me a great big huge squashed hug!!!!!! GACK!!!! In front of the whole place!!!! My sister was laughing her arse off the whole time..... And for the record, Cliff smells very very nice, thankyouverymuch. And I'm still bouncing off of the walls.

              Okay gotta go eat. There'll be pics soon, need to get a card reader so I can post the ones the sis took with my camera, but I'm sure half of the place got pics too. See y'all later!

              Pat, I owe you one...... BIG TIME!
              Hahaha wow.... Thanks for sharing that story... I think... Not jelous of course *mumbles*

              Can't wait for the pics!


                Love the reports and pics I'm seeing so far - esp the David ones! I so wish I could be there...

                Looking forward to more pics!


                  I am delighted that you had a great time, Chelle. Cliff is such a sweetie. And very funny. I just wish I had been there to see it. Post pictures....lots and lots of pictures.
                  Visit me on


                    Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                    I am delighted that you had a great time, Chelle. Cliff is such a sweetie. And very funny. I just wish I had been there to see it. Post pictures....lots and lots of pictures.
                    Nicely done, AG, nicely done!

                    Thanks for the VanCon sig, Nathan!


                      The three hour lag is killing us East Coasters. Runs off to find tissue (drooling in anticipation )
                      A Symbiote



                        pictures of Michael are up from the brekkie



                        Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                          Oooh nice piccies! Thanks for the link Sue


                            How do you do the thumbnails thing?
                            I just uploaded craploads of pics to my flickr acct, so this post'll be pics from friday.

                            here's chelle and cliff hugging, although her sis probly has a much better one

                            here's a nice close one of cliff, i don't know when this was.. during his talk or the cabaret

                            colin was awesome because he came off the stage and went up and down the aisles so everyone could get abetter pic of him before he got down to answering questions. lol.

                            and here's the one i was talking about in my last post

                            here's a link to the album, because I'm too lazy to link each and every pic like flickr wants me to. this is close enough, yeah?

                            by the way, i came to the conclusion that my camera hates the inside of the main room at the hilton. most of the pics were horrible, these ones were... oook.

                            today's pics in a bit.


                              Michael Shanks Online has WAY better pics of the breakfast, so I'm not going to post my pic.

                              The breakfast was fun.. Michael came to our table first. =) He flew in from Vancouver and he was flying out later that afternoon to take his daughter to be in the Christmas parade(?) back up in Vancouver. Tony's doing a play up in Berkeley, I believe. People at our table were getting up to check on their bids on the auction, sitting back down, getting back up, etc. When Cliff finally got to our table, he sat down in one of those seats so when the girl got back she said, "hey! you took my seat!!" and he let her sit on his lap while we talked. =) lucky girl!

                              Tony Amendola and Obi Dnefo spoke together. I've kinda forgot what they talked about. Somewhere in their talk they talked about being grounded in theatre. Tony's done stage directing, but no directing in tv/films. Obi does writing and directing for tv/film and theatre stuff too i believe. Obi's directing his first film, an independent. Somebody asked if he was named after Obi Wan Kenobi. He laughed and said no, he was about 5 when it came out. But he loved that his nickname was already Obi, cuz when you're 5, being a Jedi is awesome.

                              David and Kate Hewlett, Jane Loughman, John and Michael Lenic came up for A DOG'S BREAKFAST. They showed a new trailer (quite funny). David made fun of Kate a LOT, lol. Eventually, someone in the audience asked Kate when was the last time she got back at David for all his teasing. Immediately, Kate socked David in the face. She grinned and said, "Right now." Apparently, she hits him regularly to get back at him, though usually at inopportune moments. haha.

                              Michael was up next. My memory of what he talked about is shot, so I'm not even going to try. Here's two pics though:

                              During the autograph session Michael was rushing, just signing his name, because he had to leave for the airport. =(

                              JR was fun! I didn't really know what to expect, but it was entertaining. He commented something like, wow... you guys sure are taking a lot of pictures! but i've seen some of the pics you have of me [and he started making all the really awkward expressions that people have pics of him doing], so it's ok I don't blame you, you'll take like 20 shots and only 1 shot will come out. He jokingly said, "what do you want me to do? I should stay really still so they can come out." and he did a couple exagerrated expressions, but I actually caught one! haha. And then it was neat because he brought his friend onstage! Michael Trucco from BSG. Apparently, (since Michael was in town,) Michael had wanted to check out JR in action at the convention, because Michael'd never been or done a convention. Not that I have much of a comparison, but I thought Michael did a great job for a newbie! That's a pic of when Michael first came onstage, he just brought a regular chair up. The staff set him up w/ a higher chair later, but it was hella funny before then. You could tell they were really good friends by the way the harrassed each other. =)

                              Here's a blurry pic of Michael Trucco by himself. I thought he was a really good sport about everything. and hey, for any BSG fans, he might be at the next BSG con. there's much nicer pics (not from the con though) of him at his site (and he participates on its forum too)

                              That's all for now. here's the link to the album again.
                              Last edited by erink; 18 November 2006, 09:33 PM.


                                Originally posted by erink View Post
                                Michael Shanks Online has WAY better pics of the breakfast, so I'm not going to post my pic.

                                The breakfast was fun.. Michael came to our table first. =) He flew in from Vancouver and he was flying out later that afternoon to take his daughter to be in the Christmas parade(?) back up in Vancouver. Tony's doing a play up in Berkeley, I believe. People at our table were getting up to check on their bids on the auction, sitting back down, getting back up, etc. When Cliff finally got to our table, he sat down in one of those seats so when the girl got back she said, "hey! you took my seat!!" and he let her sit on his lap while we talked. =) lucky girl!

                                Tony Amendola and Obi Dnefo spoke together. I've kinda forgot what they talked about. Somewhere in their talk they talked about being grounded in theatre. Tony's done stage directing, but no directing in tv/films. Obi does writing and directing for tv/film and theatre stuff too i believe. Obi's directing his first film, an independent. Somebody asked if he was named after Obi Wan Kenobi. He laughed and said no, he was about 5 when it came out. But he loved that his nickname was already Obi, cuz when you're 5, being a Jedi is awesome.

                                Michael was up next. My memory of what he talked about is shot, so I'm not even going to try. Here's two pics though:

                                During the autograph session Michael was rushing, just signing his name, because he had to leave for the airport. =(

                                JR was fun! I didn't really know what to expect, but it was entertaining. He commented something like, wow... you guys sure are taking a lot of pictures! but i've seen some of the pics you have of me [and he started making all the really awkward expressions that people have pics of him doing], so it's ok I don't blame you, you'll take like 20 shots and only 1 shot will come out. He jokingly said, "what do you want me to do? I should stay really still so they can come out." and he did a couple exagerrated expressions, but I actually caught one! haha. And then it was neat because he brought his friend onstage! Michael Trucco from BSG. Apparently, (since Michael was in town,) Michael had wanted to check out JR in action at the convention, because Michael'd never been or done a convention. Not that I have much of a comparison, but I thought Michael did a great job for a newbie! That's a pic of when Michael first came onstage, he just brought a regular chair up. The staff set him up w/ a high chair later, but it was hella funny before then.

                                Here's a blurry pic of Michael Trucco by himself. I thought he was a really good sport about everything. and hey, for any BSG fans, he might be at the next BSG con. there's much nicer pics (not from the con though) of him at his site (and he participates on its forum too)

                                That's all for now. here's the link to the album again.
                                thanks for the report and your pics are great thanks for sharing those also

                                sometimes I find lighting so hard to deal in cons

                                sounds like having a blast though; jealous envy.


                                Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online

