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What is the origin of your user name

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    Originally posted by sgtgary
    Honestly... lack of creativity! I'm normally called Sergeant <last name> all day long so I've always had a screen name that combines rank and 1st name... It's easy to remember too!
    Nothing wrong with that! Sergeant is a good name



      My name fits me so perfectly that I can't believe it took me months to come up with it. I could never think of something that really fit me, but the other day I had an epiphany: I'm a gatehead and I love horses. Gatehead + horselover = gatehorse!!!!!! Soooooo simple! Why didn't I think of that earlier, like when I made my first aim sn?! Oh wait, I'd never heard of SG then . I'm so bad at coming up with sns I like. This is the first one I really love. Well, now I have it and I'm gonna go have fun!

      lj here if you're interested.


        Oh, because Jack is my favorite character and I wanted to give him a rank since, he's a brigadier general now...yeah.

        Jack: Is mental illness contagious?
        Daniel: This has been disturbing on many levels.
        "Trandoshan eliminated...with extreme prejudice." - Scorch RC-1262
        My deviantART profile


          I chose my id because it is the title I was born with (which I just recently found this out)!!!

          Sorry I have not posted for a LONG time but I have been sick for about a year, was in the hospital 4 times after last Thanksgiving. I am doing much better now thank you for asking!!! I had to start training Karlyn all over again since I had just started her when I started getting sick.
          Attached Files
          Tribute to a Great K-9 --

          Mickey, the FIRST Rescue Kooikerhondje in the USA --


            because i'm hannah and i'm a shipper


              Well gee let me think um something to do with loving Dr Who and a play on the name Rose. Although now I look at it I think I should have had a capital R. Oh well live and learn.


                It should be Freelancer. I thought it sounded cool 8) I used it on a forum a few (maybe 3-6) years ago and it kinda stuck. I try to use it everywhere, but sometimes it's taken so I have to use variants such as ./freelancer or Freelancer42. I actually like ./freelancer better.
                Dispite what ppl might think it has nothing to do with the game, I came up with it before it was released. I still love the game though

                "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


                  Ashur was the patron god of ancient Assyria. Since all the pagan gods are really Goauld in Stargate, and I really wanted a Goauld name for these forums I decided to call myself that.
                  KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD!


                    Cool. I like your name


                      Darkstar is to me sort of poetic "darkstar, in dark places is shrowded in dark and uncertenty and yet leads the way with just enough light and hope that destroys the fear that comes with it", the nite and day the opposite ends the name holds two meanings it contradicts its self and yet joins together so well.

                      i could explain it better but i cant think of the right words at this moment in time, but you get the idea
                      For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                      We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                        I was looking at all the people logged on and some of the names were... different. I was wondering how you came up with your name.

                        Mine - Sheppard named a wraith steve and i liked steve so i chose ''steve'' and my fav number is 17, so there you have steve17.
                        I didnt say you did it, i said i was going to blame you.


                          Mine started out as a derogatory nickname. I worked in an office with a woman who was a real...not very nice person. She was serious to the point of having NO sense of humor, and like to control each and every situation. I, on the other hand, like to laugh (when appropriate- and to her is was never appropriate) and am very laid back. When I would misplace things or make any kind of mistake (which was rare- I was good at that job) she would say "You are a major trip" with a nasty sneer on her face. I decided to own it. I sometimes call myself Trippy in my posts. I am Trippy, hear me roar.
                          Last edited by majortrip; 04 October 2005, 08:04 PM.
                          Sig by Camy


                            well, mines pretty obivous...i like Harry Potter...i like Snape...i like Potions class...and i am a Mistress seemed to fit


                              I like McKay

                              Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                              Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                       name wonder where it came from???

