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Convention Etiquette: Discussion and Advice on Do's and Don'ts

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    For anyone who's interested where our Foxy will be and with whom she'll be mixing with.....

    Sounds awesome!!....

    Deeds xx
    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


      It was fairly warm last summer at GateCon and even in the main hall when it was full of people would get somewhat warm. And I can remember having showered sometimes twice in a day knowing that I was about to go to my photo op and get my picture taken with some of the guests.

      That and you just never know who will be mingling around and willing to do adlib photos so it is always wise to shower more often than not for the benifit of everyone there

      Ditto on the perfume. It is one thing to use it SPARINGLY. But remember that not everyone enjoys perfume, or may be alergic so try to use it very sparingly or not at all.
      My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
      "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


        Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post

        Heat? What's that? LOL. I remember Montreal summers. I'm missing them right now. I'm in Northern Alberta where the summer has been so chilly that even the mosquitoes have moved south. I hope you are having an awesome time. Who are the guests?
        Neil Gaiman is GOH, but then, we had him as GOH at Eastercon last year, plus I've known him for twenty years, he was a fixture in UK fandom and congoing for years, so not much of a draw for Britfans.
        There will be hundreds of authors there, Worldcon is kind of essential for pros and editors.

        My friend, Kari, has just had her first novel published (she has quite a lot of books and papers on Welsh history and Dumas in print) and she's my guest for the Pre-Hugo party. Of course, the Hugo losers party afterward is the most fun, Terry Pratchett was my guest for that party in Chicago (or Philly, I lose track) - because he was a Big Name Pro, no one had thought to invite him.

        Worldcons are bloody hard work for all of those involved in conrunning, but worth it. We will be producing 3 newsletters a day from Thursday to Monday, but we are all volunteers and we've been doing things like this for years. It's our social life and what we do at cons. The newsletter team have been conrunning since the 1980's and together since running a flikcon, Fourplay, in '92.
        We are currently sitting round a breakfast table, recovering from last nights sake.
        We also party together, of course!



          And another thing. If you ask a guest for a photo or autograph (other than at times where these are actually scheduled) or hugs or anything and they decline, please respect that and move on. It usually is not anything personal (unless you actually did something). They probably just needed their space or are tired or what ever. As they are just people like you and me. And for some of the guests, they are just invited to "show up" and not officially there and the photo ops and Autograph sessions are a way of generating extra income.
          My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
          "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            I have seen actors have their reputation damaged because of one fan with a vendetta, or who is playing favorites (let me dog the actor i don't like to promote the one i do like)

            It's vicious what rumor mongers can do. And in this case, the actor did nothing wrong or illegal, it was just fan, with a sense of entitlement, who, when it didn't play out the way she wanted it to, started to slander him all over the internet. And she did a pretty good job of it too.

            Ever wonder why some actors keep distance between you and them? Why they're sometimes standoffish and reserved? Why you feel like they're looking at you with a bit of fear and skepticism? Because there have been a few nuts out there that abuse a friendship and betray a trust.

            That's why there's a distance, why many actors have 'keepers' (they're more chaperons at times), why they will go out of their way to never be alone with a fan.

            Respect that. Respect that distance. It's not to offend you, it's to protect them.
            In my naive Canadianness I was surprised to see the guest at my first con had some protection. Then it dawned on me that not all fans were raised properly by their parental units (as I was) and not all are mentally stable (as I like to think I am ) so the protection is, sadly, needed.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
              Neil Gaiman is GOH, but then, we had him as GOH at Eastercon last year, plus I've known him for twenty years, he was a fixture in UK fandom and congoing for years, so not much of a draw for Britfans.
              There will be hundreds of authors there, Worldcon is kind of essential for pros and editors.

              My friend, Kari, has just had her first novel published (she has quite a lot of books and papers on Welsh history and Dumas in print) and she's my guest for the Pre-Hugo party. Of course, the Hugo losers party afterward is the most fun, Terry Pratchett was my guest for that party in Chicago (or Philly, I lose track) - because he was a Big Name Pro, no one had thought to invite him.

              Worldcons are bloody hard work for all of those involved in conrunning, but worth it. We will be producing 3 newsletters a day from Thursday to Monday, but we are all volunteers and we've been doing things like this for years. It's our social life and what we do at cons. The newsletter team have been conrunning since the 1980's and together since running a flikcon, Fourplay, in '92.
              We are currently sitting round a breakfast table, recovering from last nights sake.
              We also party together, of course!

              Hope you recover soon, as I'm looking forward to meeting you eventually, immensely

              I think I've been incredibly lucky for the most part with the friends I've already made, both here and at Creation in April. I'm really happy that I can count people like Deeds and AG as friends already, and looking forward to getting to know more people, too.

              Yup, I think I'll be leaving the perfume at home (one less thing to cart over to Vancouver *grin*) and just bringing body lotion with me, as I suffer from dry skin. That shouldn't over power anyone, hopefully
              Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
              STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


                I think it always pays to pace yourself with outside con activities. It will help to stop you getting 'all conned out'! The sheer excitement of it all means you feel like you're missing out if you're in your hotel room doing something mundane such as sleeping! I found being selective helped me and whenever you feel your body telling you to take that 'time out'.......take it!!!

                I often think of the actors as they sit there signing autographs or smiling non stop with photo ops after having done an hours panel and wonder that on occasion they must feel 'conned out' as well. It must be as tiring physically and nervous energy wise for them as it is for us at times too. I certainly would find it hard to think of something to say to an eager fan standing expectantly in front of you. I think it helps to remember that too.


                  Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                  Neil Gaiman is GOH, but then, we had him as GOH at Eastercon last year, plus I've known him for twenty years, he was a fixture in UK fandom and congoing for years, so not much of a draw for Britfans.
                  There will be hundreds of authors there, Worldcon is kind of essential for pros and editors.

                  My friend, Kari, has just had her first novel published (she has quite a lot of books and papers on Welsh history and Dumas in print) and she's my guest for the Pre-Hugo party. Of course, the Hugo losers party afterward is the most fun, Terry Pratchett was my guest for that party in Chicago (or Philly, I lose track) - because he was a Big Name Pro, no one had thought to invite him.

                  Worldcons are bloody hard work for all of those involved in conrunning, but worth it. We will be producing 3 newsletters a day from Thursday to Monday, but we are all volunteers and we've been doing things like this for years. It's our social life and what we do at cons. The newsletter team have been conrunning since the 1980's and together since running a flikcon, Fourplay, in '92.
                  We are currently sitting round a breakfast table, recovering from last nights sake.
                  We also party together, of course!


                  Thanks for that. Looks like I'm going to have to start attending those kinds of conventions as well, since I want to network with other authors.

                  Deeds: Thanks for the link.
                  Visit me on


                    Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                    I think it always pays to pace yourself with outside con activities. It will help to stop you getting 'all conned out'! The sheer excitement of it all means you feel like you're missing out if you're in your hotel room doing something mundane such as sleeping! I found being selective helped me and whenever you feel your body telling you to take that 'time out'.......take it!!!

                    I often think of the actors as they sit there signing autographs or smiling non stop with photo ops after having done an hours panel and wonder that on occasion they must feel 'conned out' as well. It must be as tiring physically and nervous energy wise for them as it is for us at times too. I certainly would find it hard to think of something to say to an eager fan standing expectantly in front of you. I think it helps to remember that too.

                    Most of them usually start with, "So, where are you from?"
                    I've been told that it is draining for them. One actor told me he feels like his face is melting off after smiling for the camera dozens of times. But they do it because they know that the fans want something to remember the event, so they are willing to grin and bear it, so to speak.
                    Visit me on


                      Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post

                      Thanks for that. Looks like I'm going to have to start attending those kinds of conventions as well, since I want to network with other authors.

                      Deeds: Thanks for the link.
                      Lit SF cons are good for that, editors, authors, agents.
                      Plus they are my social life, I went to my first con in 1982 and I've been involved in running them since '88.



                        Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                        I often think of the actors as they sit there signing autographs or smiling non stop with photo ops after having done an hours panel and wonder that on occasion they must feel 'conned out' as well. It must be as tiring physically and nervous energy wise for them as it is for us at times too. I certainly would find it hard to think of something to say to an eager fan standing expectantly in front of you. I think it helps to remember that too.
                        I know the feeling. I was at GateCon last year and I had a point for about an hour on the Saturday where I was "Conned out" so to speak. And I knew why and just needed a break.

                        I can only imagine what it must be like for the guests. There I am only one person who really only has to meet those that I would want to either meet, get an autograph or photo op with. Where they are the guests, and will be meeting a few hundred or more of us fans. And if they are scheduled to be there (and not just invited to "drop by") must be available for all that they are required to do unless specific circomstances allow otherwise.
                        My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
                        "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


                          Hi all
                          If you are about to attend your first event...

                          Don't be afraid, there are bound to be others in the same situation.
                          I've attended a lot of conventions over the last few years. I often Steward, and seem to be a magnet for some of the first timers. So don't be afraid to approach people.
                          As a Steward I find it quite natural to help.

                          Attending conventions is fun.
                          It's a great way to make friends. I have and I'm in contact with a lot of them.
                          Hopefully I'll meet some of you guys at an event...

                          But above all it is important to have fun...!

                          "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
                          Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
                          Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
                          Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
                          I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
                          To thy own self... Be true
                          May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


                            Originally posted by Starfist View Post
                            Hi all
                            If you are about to attend your first event...

                            Don't be afraid, there are bound to be others in the same situation.
                            I've attended a lot of conventions over the last few years. I often Steward, and seem to be a magnet for some of the first timers. So don't be afraid to approach people.
                            As a Steward I find it quite natural to help.

                            Attending conventions is fun.
                            It's a great way to make friends. I have and I'm in contact with a lot of them.
                            Hopefully I'll meet some of you guys at an event...

                            But above all it is important to have fun...!

                            If I didn't already meet you at Creation, then I'll be looking forward to knowing you If I did, then I didn't get to know your GW username!
                            Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
                            STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


                              Originally posted by SG7 View Post
                              I know the feeling. I was at GateCon last year and I had a point for about an hour on the Saturday where I was "Conned out" so to speak. And I knew why and just needed a break.
                              After experiencing Comic Con, I will never complain about crowds again. I know what a sardine feels like. What I've not been able to figure out is why people do not keep right when they are walking. It would keep things moving much more quickly. Instead, you get relatively large walk ways between displays, and everyone is moving in what ever direction suits them. So you get at least a third of the attendees trying to swim upstream, slowing everyone down. Heaven help them if they have a sudden emergency. People would get killed in the stampede.
                              Visit me on


                                Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                                After experiencing Comic Con, I will never complain about crowds again. I know what a sardine feels like. What I've not been able to figure out is why people do not keep right when they are walking. It would keep things moving much more quickly. Instead, you get relatively large walk ways between displays, and everyone is moving in what ever direction suits them. So you get at least a third of the attendees trying to swim upstream, slowing everyone down. Heaven help them if they have a sudden emergency. People would get killed in the stampede.
                                It might do them good to post signs at every enterance and in strategic places around the room(s) telling everyone to keep to the right.

                                I go to a gaming convention "GenCon" (where I will be this weekend) and I run into a similar thing only I don't think that it is quite as bad. They have an exhibitors hall (where you can buy stuff) and it can get pretty "thick" in spots in there and one would think that they would have the common sense to either keep moving and to keep to the left. However some will stop dead in their tracks in the middle of the isle to look at something and suddenly you have log jam
                                My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
                                "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi

