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Convention Etiquette: Discussion and Advice on Do's and Don'ts

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    Originally posted by medusacascade View Post
    You're naughty!!! Behave yourself *grin*, or they'll make you watch every Elvis film back to back *grin* there's punishment for you!

    LOL! I'm sorry. I just had to really be naughty. At Cons, I do behave myself...really.

    Originally posted by medusacascade View Post
    Oh, I think I know which male you mean. Yes, I practically curled up with embarrassment in my seat. I've been very lucky with the people I've got to know at cons that have kept me on the straight and narrow (yes, I'm well behaved anyway, I'm nearly 43, but even so). People like AG and Deeds were total saviours when it came to pointing me in the right direction etc. I think that some of our good 'con etiquette' comes by being around people like these who show us what's right. We can then see by their example what makes for well-mannered con attendees. I've only been around one 'fan' who was embarrassing and bad mannered, so I've been lucky. Nearly all of the fans I've met are polite, well mannered and considerate of both the guests and their fellow con goers. I think what I'm trying to say is that these sort of fans 'lead by example' and we can go a long way to knowing what's acceptable and what's not than by following their actions?
    What a very kind thing to say. I don't think I've been so nicely complimented in a very long time. Thank you.
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      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      IMHO, some don't care. All they want is what they want, when and how. And screw the rest of the world that won't cater to them.

      Others? Others are just so self-involved that they literally don't realize what asses they are making of themselves
      Which can ruin it for others. There are those that will politely ask for a hug during a photo op or something. And then there are those that think that there is a little orb and it revolves around them.

      For some guests they may have had no problems giving hugs to those that asked poitely. And now will not just because of some inconsiderate fans

      I'm not really the hugging type, so it would be more like the guest coming up to me and asking for or giving a hug to me (as Alex Z did during the autograph session last year at GateCon).
      My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
      "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


        I don't want to impose upon others' space.

        it's just like, if stuff happens at a con: an actor is late and their panels are shortened, there's an actor swap - actor a cancels so actor b is booked in his/her place - etc...stuff happens. It is NOT the con out to get you. It's not a grand conspiracy against you personally.

        It's a prime example of 'stuff happens'.

        So chill out please. I'm not saying don't be upset or frustrated or disappointed. It's just not meant personally towards you so please, work to put stuff in perspective.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          I don't want to impose upon others' space.

          it's just like, if stuff happens at a con: an actor is late and their panels are shortened, there's an actor swap - actor a cancels so actor b is booked in his/her place - etc...stuff happens. It is NOT the con out to get you. It's not a grand conspiracy against you personally.

          It's a prime example of 'stuff happens'.

          So chill out please. I'm not saying don't be upset or frustrated or disappointed. It's just not meant personally towards you so please, work to put stuff in perspective.
          That's completely understood I just love being at a con (says she with all her experience of, er, one!) and hope to be at least one a year from now on. When is your next con, Sky? Will I be meeting you at GateCon next year? I hope so.
          Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
          STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


            Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
            What a very kind thing to say. I don't think I've been so nicely complimented in a very long time. Thank you.
            Hey, the truth doesn't always hurt, ya know *grin*!
            Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
            STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              I don't want to impose upon others' space.

              it's just like, if stuff happens at a con: an actor is late and their panels are shortened, there's an actor swap - actor a cancels so actor b is booked in his/her place - etc...stuff happens. It is NOT the con out to get you. It's not a grand conspiracy against you personally.

              It's a prime example of 'stuff happens'.

              So chill out please. I'm not saying don't be upset or frustrated or disappointed. It's just not meant personally towards you so please, work to put stuff in perspective.
              Agreed. "Stuff happens".

              It won't be the con out to get anyone. And in most circomstances, it won't be the guest out to get anyone either. In fact I'm sure that most guests when they have to cancel, actually feel bad that they cannot make it, knowing that there will be some fans who chose to go to the particular con because of them.

              And other factors can happen to cause a guest to be late, such as illness, auditions etc. And we just need to realize that "Stuff happens" and it is not anyone out to get anyone

              It reflects very positivly on the fans when we can celebrate with the guests when these things happen and we know that it is because they have a new "gig" be it acting/directing/producing/writing etc.

              Yeh there will be the dissappointment that they could not make it, however there is still usually many other guests to make up for the one that had to cancel. Sometimes the con will even be able to get someone else to come in the place of the one who had to cancel
              My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
              "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


                IMO, most people just don't know the dedication and work that the guests put into just attending a convention, and the thought anybody would blame them if forced to cancel is just mind-boggling. I got screwed by the FedConUSA debacle last year myself, but it certainly wasn't the fault of any of the guests that couldn't make it, that much is for sure. I didn't even get a refund because I'd bought my ticket ahead of time. If anything, it was the professional attitudes and kind natures of the guests that did make it that kept my trip to Houston from being a 100% complete waste of time and money, so if I didn't before, I definitely now have a HUGE amount of respect for Connor Trineer, Garrett Wang, John Billingsly, Bonnie Fredericy, and all the other guests who stayed long enough to sign a few autographs for the fans who got shafted. Even Paul McGillion, who didn't make it there because he got caught up in the mess of incompetency, made the effort to say a few words of appreciation on his web site to apologize to the fans, a man who even went to Shore Leave '07 between many long hours of filming, flying in on a red-eye with 1 hour of sleep just to make sure the fans wouldn't be disappointed. If THAT isn't dedication to the fans, I don't know what is.


                  Originally posted by medusacascade View Post
                  People like AG and Deeds were total saviours when it came to pointing me in the right direction etc. I think that some of our good 'con etiquette' comes by being around people like these who show us what's right. We can then see by their example what makes for well-mannered con attendees.

                  Thank you very's only good old fashioned manners as far as I'm concerned...I was taught those by my parents and have tried to pass them onto my son....from the compliments I got from my friends in Chicago this August, it seems to have worked!!...

                  Much appreciated my dear....

                  Deeds xx
                  Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                  MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                    When is your next con, Sky?
                    afraid i won't be at gatecon. The next ones i plan to attend are the Sanctuary Experience and Meet the Man next july in Vancouver.

                    I went to the chicago con last month but it was a short trip. My friend's nephew was along for his first con experience so it was drive in on thu, drive home sunday and the main focus was his aunt showing her nephew his first con experience.

                    Living where I live, most cons are too expensive and too far away to do more than one a year. The only reason to do SE and MTM is that they're abutting weekends so only one air fare. (that was the only reason I did AT2 adn Avalon, only one trip across the ocean. never could have afforded it had there been the need for a second one)
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                      IMO, most people just don't know the dedication and work that the guests put into just attending a convention, and the thought anybody would blame them if forced to cancel is just mind-boggling. I got screwed by the FedConUSA debacle last year myself, but it certainly wasn't the fault of any of the guests that couldn't make it, that much is for sure. I didn't even get a refund because I'd bought my ticket ahead of time. If anything, it was the professional attitudes and kind natures of the guests that did make it that kept my trip to Houston from being a 100% complete waste of time and money, so if I didn't before, I definitely now have a HUGE amount of respect for Connor Trineer, Garrett Wang, John Billingsly, Bonnie Fredericy, and all the other guests who stayed long enough to sign a few autographs for the fans who got shafted. Even Paul McGillion, who didn't make it there because he got caught up in the mess of incompetency, made the effort to say a few words of appreciation on his web site to apologize to the fans, a man who even went to Shore Leave '07 between many long hours of filming, flying in on a red-eye with 1 hour of sleep just to make sure the fans wouldn't be disappointed. If THAT isn't dedication to the fans, I don't know what is.
                      Hense why one of the only ones that I dream of meeting is Paul McGillion. I have heard nothing but good things about him and would love to meet him

                      Most of guests do recognize the importance of their fan base (in some cases can potentialy help in keeping a guest employed on a show if there is enough support). And don't want to do anything intentionally to dissappoint or hurt any of their fans. And many will try to make up for it in some ways such as notes on their websites or Blogs, doing extra at a con in the future etc.
                      My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
                      "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


                        Hi, I was reading one of the con reports (found at Prion's LJ) from Dragon Con and read the following about the fan's experience in the photoshoot line for Ben Browder:
                        Some girl about 2 people in front of me wearing a bustie (how do u spell that?)
                        with her boobs hanging out grabbed his backside. The next thing I knew Ben was saying "Hey, hey no, that's something I
                        keep for my wife." Bless his heart he remained polite but I could tell it upset him. I don't know why people do
                        something like that.. When the woman walked out the door I had gotten to the lady handling the line and she called out with a sour look, "keep it above the belt people!"
                        I can't believe people actually do that! Can't they file charges or something to teach people that this is not acceptable? Or at least make them leave the con?
                        I've never been to a con, but does stuff like this happen often? If I were a celeb I'd be a bit leery of fandom...


                          imho, that girl shoulda been kicked out.

                          what she did was assault

                          she should be kicked out and banned from further events
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                            Hi, I was reading one of the con reports (found at Prion's LJ) from Dragon Con and read the following about the fan's experience in the photoshoot line for Ben Browder:

                            I can't believe people actually do that! Can't they file charges or something to teach people that this is not acceptable? Or at least make them leave the con?
                            I've never been to a con, but does stuff like this happen often? If I were a celeb I'd be a bit leery of fandom...
                            At the very least, she should have been kicked out of the convention for inappropriate behavior. It would have been well within Ben's rights to ask for her to leave.

                            Stuff like that does not happen often but it does happen as some fans have no regard for other people's boundaries.



                              I may not know the law as well as I should, but in my book - that was assault.

                              At the very least that girl should've been kicked out of the con. No refund, no nothing. And the police called.

                              IMO Ben should've pressed charges.
                              Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                              To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                              Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                              And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                                Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                                At the very least, she should have been kicked out of the convention for inappropriate behavior. It would have been well within Ben's rights to ask for her to leave.

                                Stuff like that does not happen often but it does happen as some fans have no regard for other people's boundaries.
                                Agreed. He was well with in his rights to have the con staff to kick her out of the convention WITHOUT a refund. When you purchase a ticket, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. And if you can't adhere to the terms and conditions then you don't deserve to be at the con.

                                People like that make me ILL. Thankfully most guests realize that someone like that is just one bad apple in the bushel and the rest of us are genuinly great people to meet and be with.

                                Just goes to show that as I said there will always be those that feel that there is this little orb and it revolves completely around them. And to heck with anyone else and who space they invade or whom they hurt or offend as long as I get what I want or think I'm entitled to or deserve.

                                For myself doing something like that is completely foreign to me. When I was at GateCon last year, I coudn't even get up the nerve to ask any of the guests I was getting photos with, if they were ok with giving hugs during the photo ops. Yeh I thought it woud be nice to get my photo op with Corin as a hug shot, but just couldn't get up the nerve to ask him. Never mind trying to pull any stunts like that one above. Truthfully, as much as I don't mind meeting the guests, I don't really see them in that way. To me they are more just people I would like to get to know as friends. And that kind of behavior isn't stuff I do to friends......
                                Last edited by SG7; 08 September 2009, 08:47 PM.
                                My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
                                "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi

