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GABIT attendees thread

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    Yeah, maybe SyFy were like puh-lease and they were all nuh uh, gotta sleep.

    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      So, first question for AT at AT5 (that's a lot of "as" and "ts", eh?): why only 13 episodes for season 4?
      First question at AT5? I doubt if the question will last that long. I bet there is an explanation well before then via Twitter or some other method.


        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        I must spread my love before I can heap some more on the PengYn, but this ^ Agree.
        As long as it's just love you'll be spreading

        *PG Forum, PG Forum, PG Forum*


          Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
          Aww as you ask so nicely and I'm busy working on AT5's speech, here you go.

          Can't give you Amanda's cos it's not written down anywhere. Sorry. Mine will have to suffice.

          Aww! I felt so much reading that Julia, those feeing I had in the hall that evening came flooding back.

          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          warm-up for the tearducts ^^
          *nods* *hugs*

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            That's what we're all dying to know I'm hoping it was a MAD decision and not a SyFy one.
            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            Yeah, maybe SyFy were like puh-lease and they were all nuh uh, gotta sleep.

            Sorry about the double post...

            Just wanted to say, yeah I agree and hope this is the case too.

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              That's what we're all dying to know I'm hoping it was a MAD decision and not a SyFy one.
              educate me if i'm wrong, but is MAD martin, amanda + damian?

              i was really hoping for 40 , but i'll take what i can get as long as there is a season 5 lurking somewhere.


                Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                educate me if i'm wrong, but is MAD martin, amanda + damian?
                That's right -suits them doesn't it?

                i was really hoping for 40 , but i'll take what i can get as long as there is a season 5 lurking somewhere.
                Are you trying to kill them???

                Yes, several more 13 ep seasons wood be very good


                  i disagree. they should do at least 20 again. otherwise the season seems like it's over before you know what hit you. but many more seasons for sure. that means many more TSE's (pretend you didn't see that gabitry)

                  21 days till i jump the puddle. can't wait to see everyone.


                    Thank you Julia. It took me back and I can hear your voice as you read it. You always seem to be able to put into words the things I think we all feel.


                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Yeah, maybe SyFy were like puh-lease and they were all nuh uh, gotta sleep.
                      I know that at GTTS in Melbounre last december Amanda said she enjoyed/loved the 20 ep season but it does take a looooong time to produce each ep so maybe the reduction is a time thing...I hope.
                      Either way, woohoo for season 4 - now I hope the ratings are kind again and we have a chance at getting a season 5!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Gurgle... I just searched the entire house 3 times for my passport, then remembered that after using it as a form of ID the other day I slipped it into my mothers handbag so I wouldn't have to carry it around (what? That's why mums carry those things, right?). I phoned her in the South Island where she is on holiday and had her take a look. She found it, even as she protested that she would have noticed

                        While I was looking I also found a pair of circular knitting needles I have been searching for for weeks, so that was a bonus
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          i've got my passport, but can't find the extra credit card size card they give you in case you lose your passport. i'll search once more, but guess i better carry a copy of my passport just in case.


                            Oh, wow, so we're up to speech writing and passport searches? Then AT5 must be near!

                            Just thought I'd drop by (again) with a few lines about the AT5 Photo Mosaic Project. It's all done, as I've told before, but what I didn't tell you (I think, I'm pretty sure I didn't tell you anyway) is that there are two items coming out of this project to be sold at AT5. One being the big poster that will be sold at the big auction and then a smaller, completely different mosaic (still made out of AT pics though) that's framed, and will be sold at the silent auction. (all the money for S4K)
                            This giving you guys who can't bid on items at the big auction a chance to bring something home at a more "humane" price.

                            I've said this a million times but I mean it; thank you all who helped out, and thank you in advance to you who are planning to bid.

                            So I guess, bring on AT5 then!


                              Just bumping the list (cause I needed it and took some time to find it)

                              AT5 attendees
                              SamJackShipLover (Annelies) + Flow - Holland
                              Celandine/Brenda - USA
                              LeeFraser - Alison - UK
                              2Shy/Sanna - Sweden (But really Ã…land)
                              EH-T- land of moose and beaver
                              Scythe - Jen - UK
                              antoa - land of unemployment (for now)
                              Hannah (Tittamiire) - UK and my own planet
                              Julia (samcarterrules) - Scotland
                              Donna (Julia's carer) - Scotland
                              Doris (Julia's carer) - Scotland
                              PengYn - land of shiny hair and hug-me eyes
                              Andrea (Andy) - Germany
                              Laurie (llp) - Pacific North West
                              ames / bluejelloqueen - Crazy Canuck (like there's really any other kind, eh? LOL)
                              Chloe aka Prelsey_carter (Australia, but will be in Vancouver at that time)
                              elephantgirl - weird Belgian that used to call Chicago home
                              Donamac/Dona - another Pacific Northwester (love that rainy weather)
                              Claire (clairec007) - Scotland
                              Fresh Horse - Eureka!
                              Wendy - m_wendy_r -- UK!
                              Tesla_Twin / Cynthia - Switzerland (country of chocolates and mountains and lake!)
                              ShimmeringStar - US
                              Nat - halfbloodme - + Kazzie + Kerry - UK
                              Isabelle (Oris) - France (AT.... ♥)
                              CJM - New Zealand
                              Suse (suse2301 or suse_germany) - Germany
                              Franny - Ireland / Germany
                              Susanne - Germany
                              Neep/Eileen - New Zealand
                              XFchemist (Silvia) - Italy
                              Devilish Me (Irena) - Serbia
                              Jumble - UK
                              Josiane - UK
                              Sarai - UK
                              Cags - UK
                              MoB- Brooklyn
                              lame moose (mocha)-chicagoland-land of chicago bears, but no moose
                              trindajae - oregon
                              Len - Canada
                              penjab (Jill)
                              mamasue9 (*fingers crossed*) USA

                              AT5 cocktail party attendees
                              Celandine / Brenda
                              Neep / Eileen
                              MoB / Jennifer
                              SamJackShipLover / Annelies
                              lame moose (mocha)

                              Dinner @ Anderson's, Surrey
                              Wednesday 9th February

                              MoB (can do 14th but not 9th)
                              Laurie (LLP)

                              Jack the Ripper Walk - Wednesday 9th February

                              Franzi (Fron)

                              Musical! Thursday 10th February
                              SamJackShipLover (Annelies)

                              Dinner! Thursday 10th February - location to be decided then
                              penjab (Jill)
                              mamasue9 (Sue)


                                I'm bowing out of the musical thursday night since I'm spending the day with some old friends.

                                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends

