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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    add me as a female vote. I'm not a member of there so i can't vote
    No problem sky, will do.

    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me



      I have another favour to ask, for my talk I wanted to use some quotes from you guys...

      About why you attend a GABIT convention, what is it that makes it special to you?

      I know there is so many good things you can say about GABIT, but I would ask that you keep it to a sentence or two. The other thing I would ask is that when you type your answer would you guys mind putting your name and country at the end (it can be your screen name if you would prefer)

      I really appreciate that not everyone will be comfortable doing this, so please don't feel pressured to do this, only participate if you are willing to have your words and name appear in my presentation.

      Thank you all so much, you rock so much!

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

        I have another favour to ask, for my talk I wanted to use some quotes from you guys...

        About why you attend a GABIT convention, what is it that makes it special to you?

        I know there is so many good things you can say about GABIT, but I would ask that you keep it to a sentence or two. The other thing I would ask is that when you type your answer would you guys mind putting your name and country at the end (it can be your screen name if you would prefer)

        I really appreciate that not everyone will be comfortable doing this, so please don't feel pressured to do this, only participate if you are willing to have your words and name appear in my presentation.

        Thank you all so much, you rock so much!

        Gabit got me out of New Zealand for the first time to hang out with some of my best friends and have the trip of a life time

        Neep from New Zealand
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

          I have another favour to ask, for my talk I wanted to use some quotes from you guys...

          About why you attend a GABIT convention, what is it that makes it special to you?

          I know there is so many good things you can say about GABIT, but I would ask that you keep it to a sentence or two. The other thing I would ask is that when you type your answer would you guys mind putting your name and country at the end (it can be your screen name if you would prefer)

          I really appreciate that not everyone will be comfortable doing this, so please don't feel pressured to do this, only participate if you are willing to have your words and name appear in my presentation.

          Thank you all so much, you rock so much!

          Besides providing an event where you can meet an amazing celebrity, help raise money for charity, and meet other like minded people; Gabit doesn't make you feel as you are just money. They treat you as a person and to me this is the best quality of any Gabit event.

          JanSam USA


            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

            I have another favour to ask, for my talk I wanted to use some quotes from you guys...

            About why you attend a GABIT convention, what is it that makes it special to you?

            I know there is so many good things you can say about GABIT, but I would ask that you keep it to a sentence or two. The other thing I would ask is that when you type your answer would you guys mind putting your name and country at the end (it can be your screen name if you would prefer)

            I really appreciate that not everyone will be comfortable doing this, so please don't feel pressured to do this, only participate if you are willing to have your words and name appear in my presentation.

            Thank you all so much, you rock so much!

            Gabit events are special not only for the care and detail the organizers take to always make it memorable, the people who come together from all around the world to share in this atmosphere creates a bond that I've experienced in no other convention before.

            Celandine USA


              Oh, and some of the best memories are actually from sprawling about in the lobby.
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Oh, and some of the best memories are actually from sprawling about in the lobby.
                Inorite! I don't believe I felt as comfortable and at home enough at any other convention to make the lobby part of my personal space. We were even lying on the floor!

                I do wonder about the SE coming up now. Will it be the same? I sure as heck hope so!


                  Haha, you will make it so!

                  D'oh... I made a comment on facebook about wanting to wear shorts and jandals (flip flops) to work, but can't because of the dress code. Now people are making inappropriate comments about what I am wearing. Sigh. What I did find to wear is almost as weather appropriate at the shorts and singlet I would be wearing on the beach if I didn't have to go to work... fitted black t-shirt I bought in Prague and shortish skirt. No sand though.
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Off topic work

                    3 weeks back at work after my trip and Christmas break... and I'm ready to throttle my team leader. It's tiring having to supress my bull s detector and just smile and nod. I'm doing some qualifications for work at the moment, and the questions are so vague and open to interpretation that I keep asking her for clarifications, working definitions... I had a debate with her about race vs ethnicity and how some of the questions were trying to make us play into stereotypes. Grrr. Guh. She's so passive aggressive I could scream.

                    Not to mention the big issue on my mind- would life for everyone be easier or harder if I complained about her sexual harrasment? I'm aware I have long legs, please don't draw everyone's attention to them. Please don't talk about my waist, or go on about my curly hair. It's creepy. What I said about wearing the skirt and top to fit the dress code? I take it back. I want to be wearing baggy jeans and a duffel coat right now. With a hood.

                    Can we have a year long AT5 please? I enjoy the sexual harassment that goes on there.

                    ETA She just ripped a page of her calendar and gave it to me because it reminds her of me... "Today I just show up and flow through the day." She thinks I seem particularly calm and relaxed. Seriously.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      I have another favour to ask, for my talk I wanted to use some quotes from you guys...
                      About why you attend a GABIT convention, what is it that makes it special to you?

                      I know there is so many good things you can say about GABIT, but I would ask that you keep it to a sentence or two. The other thing I would ask is that when you type your answer would you guys mind putting your name and country at the end (it can be your screen name if you would prefer)
                      I really appreciate that not everyone will be comfortable doing this, so please don't feel pressured to do this, only participate if you are willing to have your words and name appear in my presentation.
                      Thank you all so much, you rock so much!
                      Hey Julia...ask and you shall recieve!

                      For me, attending a Gabit event isn't just about meeting Amanda Tapping, it's about meeting all the people who attend and the Gabit team...all of them. It's the most wonderful, fun, warm atmosphere one could ever experience that it feels more like a family reunion than a convention....and so much more. It's an event where life long friendships are formed and the desire to return is overwhelming.
                      Chelle from Australia!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

                        I have another favour to ask, for my talk I wanted to use some quotes from you guys...

                        About why you attend a GABIT convention, what is it that makes it special to you?

                        I know there is so many good things you can say about GABIT, but I would ask that you keep it to a sentence or two. The other thing I would ask is that when you type your answer would you guys mind putting your name and country at the end (it can be your screen name if you would prefer)

                        I really appreciate that not everyone will be comfortable doing this, so please don't feel pressured to do this, only participate if you are willing to have your words and name appear in my presentation.

                        Thank you all so much, you rock so much!

                        I attend GABIT conventions because they run a good convention. They're well organised and I feel that everyone is respected. It seems to matter, as an individual, whether or not I have fun at the event rather than the important bit being how much money I spend. What makes it special is all the people I know there and the friendships that have been made and cemented at the events. Hannah, UK.

                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Off topic work

                        3 weeks back at work after my trip and Christmas break... and I'm ready to throttle my team leader. It's tiring having to supress my bull s detector and just smile and nod. I'm doing some qualifications for work at the moment, and the questions are so vague and open to interpretation that I keep asking her for clarifications, working definitions... I had a debate with her about race vs ethnicity and how some of the questions were trying to make us play into stereotypes. Grrr. Guh. She's so passive aggressive I could scream.

                        Not to mention the big issue on my mind- would life for everyone be easier or harder if I complained about her sexual harrasment? I'm aware I have long legs, please don't draw everyone's attention to them. Please don't talk about my waist, or go on about my curly hair. It's creepy. What I said about wearing the skirt and top to fit the dress code? I take it back. I want to be wearing baggy jeans and a duffel coat right now. With a hood.

                        Can we have a year long AT5 please? I enjoy the sexual harassment that goes on there.

                        ETA She just ripped a page of her calendar and gave it to me because it reminds her of me... "Today I just show up and flow through the day." She thinks I seem particularly calm and relaxed. Seriously.
                        Creepy! I've got a long black robe and creepy mask you could borrow to wear to work....I'm not quite sure it'd be practical though. It'd probably put her off, but up the creep factor 100% if it didn't...
                        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                        My Fanfic~My Femslash


                          I've been to cons where you are little more than a walking wallet. And they can't seem to see past 'how much can we charge you for.....' and there is an emphasis on the fact that you can be the biggest fan that your credit card allows for.

                          where there is a dominance of 'such and such special event where tickets cost......' and the actors spend so much time being shuttled from pay event to pay event, that the general admission fans kinda get ignored.

                          yes, conventions need to make money. Even if the money that they make is in line with 'enough to pay expenses and donate to charity'. They all need to pay for themselves.

                          But when i see cons - that shall go unnamed - with the emphasis on 'must maintain the profit margin....' then the air of 'fleece the fans' is definitely there.

                          Gabit isn't that way. They know what it feels like to be seen as nothing more than a wallet, and they don't treat their attendees that way. There is a minimum of separation of fans and, with the exception of a social event and a couple of charity things, every event is open to all.

                          They know how to schedule a day and balance enough events to keep people busy without putting so much in that it backs up and causes hours long delays. they're smart enough to know how many fans they can handle and take care of and know when to put a cap on attendees rather than the 'more the merrier and more attendees we have the cheaper stuff is and the more profit we can make' attitude that some others have.

                          they are organized, there are no marathon line sittings or 'i'll come back in a couple of hours and see where the line is'. i've been to cons where you can't go to dinner because you're waiting in line or for your line to be called to get an auto or photo and you're 'trapped' waiting and waiting and waiting. which is tiring and exhausting and frustrating. I recall spending 5-6 hours for my line to be called.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                            Hey Guys,

                            If you guys don't mind... I'm doing a talk for college and wondered if those of you that have attended any GABIT convention could go here And take part in the poll. Thanks


                            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post

                            I have another favour to ask, for my talk I wanted to use some quotes from you guys...

                            About why you attend a GABIT convention, what is it that makes it special to you?

                            I know there is so many good things you can say about GABIT, but I would ask that you keep it to a sentence or two. The other thing I would ask is that when you type your answer would you guys mind putting your name and country at the end (it can be your screen name if you would prefer)

                            I really appreciate that not everyone will be comfortable doing this, so please don't feel pressured to do this, only participate if you are willing to have your words and name appear in my presentation.

                            Thank you all so much, you rock so much!

                            I attended my first Gabit convention as a way to say thanks to a woman, Amanda Tapping, whom I admired for providing a positive role model on and off screen to everyone but especially to young women. I attended my second Gabit event out of continued respect for her but also to reconnect with people from all over the world and to continue to meet new people from all over. The more we connect with others the more we find commonalities instead of differences and that is a good thing.

                            Sharon from Canada

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              For me, it was the Magner's Pear Cider. In all seriousness, GABIT was my first con ever and I went because some of my online friends convinced me it was the best event ever. And it was! Meeting Amanda was awesome but hanging with people I only knew thru the internet were the cherries on top, the icing on the cake. Amanda with the magic of the G4 make the event special, they make you feel special. Now it's become a pilgrimage because I enjoy the people and the event so much.

                              Maggie of Texas (USA)


                                Originally posted by AmberMoon View Post
                                For me, it was the Magner's Pear Cider.
                                My first trip over for AT3, I didnt drink any of the cider, but stuck to the ale. For this last event, I vowed I wouldnt miss it. Needless to say, I did have my fair share on that trip; from Oxford all the way to London. I loved it even more for the fact that it's hard to find in the US.

