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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    Heee! Miss ya'll. What Eh-T said (really old people can be quite wise).

    To see my welcome to Manchester, read about it here:

    Neep! I'm glad you arrive safely. It was weird waking up without you on my couch. Sorry about the rude manhandler

    PS: you left your netbook cover behind so I will hold onto it for you until you travellings bring you back to London. Stay safe!


      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      Just a quick post to say I arrived home safe. Unfortunately, my house was broken into while I was away. Apparently the place I come from is not so friendly after all. Off to deal with the police.
      It's probably not even a local but sorry to hear aboat the break in.
      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      Chelle, safe travels back to Oz. Miss you loads already. I'll send you a link for all our times together when you get back home. *hugs*
      Me thinks we need a 'hug' smiley here already....
      Hey Cel!!! (((Cel)))
      I miss everyone but I'm just getting used to being back home and with the family. The flight home was uneventful...except for turbulence from Singapore to Melbourne but otherwise it was ok. I fell asleep at the dinner table...I just couldn't keep my eyes open so I had dinner for breakfast this morning! Poor Tom had cooked a special dinner and made dessert and I flaked it on him. Now I'm doing the unpacking thing and have already got 2 loads of washing done...I'm on a roll!!! And...I got my ventolin...gotta love Aussie chemists/pharmacies!
      Originally posted by PengYn View Post

      The fun we had yesterday is really just another reminder (as if we need one) of why Gabit is such a fantastic event. Because the friendships and the closeness are awesome and genuine, and often I forget that AT was the seed of it all. Gabit has done a tremendous job at watering the little sprouts of friendship, and honestly - best Gabit ever!
      I just wanted to re post this as I think this kinda sums it all up rather succinctly!
      Speaking of seeds...I've been watering that seed I planted in hubby's mind about AT5...I'm sure I see something sprouting already...lets hope the drought doesn't stunt the growth!
      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
      a small part of my pictures... I have a total of 566 pictures. But I only uploaded about 40ish, I think They are only Amanda Tapping, and others with her but nothing else.
      I am trying to get my 566 pictures uploaded onto megaupload, into a rar file, but it isn't working.
      Please credit!!! It took me a while to put the RAW pictures into JPG and PNG.
      Awesome! I have bookmarked pages to peruse pics, I'm afraid may be a long time coming as I have no way to upload on my computer and hubby's lappy is extremely slow, but I don't have anything that everyone else already a huge huge thank you to everyone who has uploaded their pics already!
      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      Oh, and edit. Also fun. Someone asked Amanda about her hobbies or something at one point and she talked about playing the guitar. She said "I would never play guitar for charity" and made her point really clear, pointing her finger at Julia&Co ... "you hear, NEVER". Lol.
      So, the AT4 closing video was played and the clever gabit tech people had edited her words, so Amanda is now on tape saying "I would play guitar for charity". ROFL, one of the funniest things of the whole weekend (one of the ... lol, there were many).
      Now if that's a huge incentive to return for AT5!!
      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      Maybe three. I did mention to the officer from the identification unit that they had stolen my Sanctuary DVDs (minus one) and took the opportunity to tell her about the series.
      Added bonus, I learned all about dusting for fingerprints (although that is a bit of a pain to clean up).
      Hmmm...maybe a change in career is ahead for you then EH-T!
      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
      Chelle, I miss you!! (((((((chelle)))))))) glad Steve is enjoying the trip.

      AT4 pics:

      If you see yourself and don't wish to be there ie posted publicly please let me know and I'll remove it right away.

      I know this is a bit harsh but the photos have taken me 4 days to get so that everyone could see them so...AT4 attendees feel free to 'steel' them. Non-attendees please ask me before you 'steel'. Hope that is OK.

      I miss you too Julia! And Steve is now sitting on my dvd cupboard...he passed through customs with no problems...I took his bum pen and stowed it in my suitcase just to be sire that everything made it home safely!
      Originally posted by antoa View Post
      I miss all you guys!
      Got home yesterday afternoon (though my body was thinking it was midnight). Was wide awake at 2am, but managed to get back to sleep again. I don't think I've slept that much in quite a long time.
      There are just no words. This past week was so amazing and I am not wanting to go back to reality quite yet because that means some scary stuff for me right now. I am more determined than ever to make a change, but I am still apprehensive about it all. I just have to keep reminding myself that it is about the little changes and not to expect anything big right away.
      *huge hugs all around* I can't wait until SE!
      (((antoa)))...worse thing about being in Oz is the distance from everyone. Good luck with the scary're a lot tougher than you think...I admire that in you.
      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      Wait, do some parts of foreign not have trifle? Wow.
      One thing I've learned from my travels is that most parts of foreign don't have a lot of things we have here at home. I think I must have said "we have that at home too" a gazillion times on my travels...I think everyone should move here!! You want it...we got it!!!
      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      You know, when I was in England I had to try out authentic fish and chips and did have my fair share to the point that I couldnt stand greasy food after awhile. Funny how I miss it though now. Even the mushy peas which don't make no sense at all to me. Baby food extraordinaire.
      Miss everyone and wish I could buy everyone a ticket for SE so we could do it all again, but with a different, though beautiful view of lovely Vangroovy in every direction.
      I'll never miss mushy peas...but we get that here too!! And fish and chips is a lot cheaper here than in jolly old London!
      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      Mmm .. mushy peas ... I loved them!! And maybe should get used to them .. hehe.
      Sanna and myself are working on writing all questions from the Q&A's. Sanna remembered a lot!! We were planning on writing down at least the questions after each session, but were too lazy so only did so after the first one ... lol. But we remembered 50 questions so far, so I think we got most of them. Hope to post here soon
      Cool...looking forward to reading all the questions...I have yet to go to the Gabit forums...will do that hopefully tomorrow.
      Originally posted by Master Bray Tack View Post
      OK .
      I am still off the Grid ... I will Explain Later . While I was in London I was chatting to a few people and was Encouraged that I should Compose a Short Poem ,, So , Some time at the end of This week I will do my best ,,

      Gabit were Brilliant
      They wore their magic Hats
      And when their needed at a Con
      They'll say " We'll do just That " ...

      John was Behind the Lens
      He took Amazining Snaps
      And when he was Happy
      He would Say " That is a Wrap " ...

      I still have alot of work to do on this . But hopefully it will be done at the end of This week ... Thank you for your Patience .

      Talk Soon , Padraig
      Awesome start!

      Ok...need to quickly update at the Samandan thread then I think I will have a nanna nap.

      I never fully realised how much energy a coughing fit can zap from giving my lungs one week to clear before I go see the quack!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Con pix have been uploaded to an LJ gallery with 3 subgalleries - one for each day and a separate one for the auction, because there were some great moments there! (Pix are 700 pixels tall, double clicking on individual pix will get you to full size.)

        :::Click Here for AT4 pix:::

        One from Sunday (under spoiler cut for size):

        Thanks to the G4 and staff for another wonderful con. Looking forward to AT5 and hope to get to SE in July.
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          Hey Cel!!! (((Cel)))
          I miss everyone but I'm just getting used to being back home and with the family. The flight home was uneventful...except for turbulence from Singapore to Melbourne but otherwise it was ok. I fell asleep at the dinner table...I just couldn't keep my eyes open so I had dinner for breakfast this morning! Poor Tom had cooked a special dinner and made dessert and I flaked it on him. Now I'm doing the unpacking thing and have already got 2 loads of washing done...I'm on a roll!!! And...I got my ventolin...gotta love Aussie chemists/pharmacies!

          I just wanted to re post this as I think this kinda sums it all up rather succinctly!
          Speaking of seeds...I've been watering that seed I planted in hubby's mind about AT5...I'm sure I see something sprouting already...lets hope the drought doesn't stunt the growth!

          I'll never miss mushy peas...but we get that here too!! And fish and chips is a lot cheaper here than in jolly old London!
          Chelle!! Miss you lots and lots already! Glad you made it home safely though as I know how anxious you were to see the kids and hubby again. I had a wonderful time in London with you and fondly recall your laugh, bubbly personality and our last bus ride to the Ren with the cranky old woman in the seat behind me. Good times!

          Don't forget what I said about the *coughticketcough* too. I meant what I said m'dear. Keep gently watering that seed and I'll take care of the rest.

          So you said about the fish and chips many times over. I may have to pen 'visit Ozzie' into my world tour just so I can eat my fill and see if your right. Always wanted to do some bush walking so it seems the perfect combination. Eat and walk it off.

          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
          Con pix have been uploaded to an LJ gallery with 3 subgalleries - one for each day and a separate one for the auction, because there were some great moments there! (Pix are 700 pixels tall, double clicking on individual pix will get you to full size.)

          :::Click Here for AT4 pix:::

          One from Sunday (under spoiler cut for size):

          *covets your camera* omg....BRILLIANT picture!!


            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            Chelle!! Miss you lots and lots already! Glad you made it home safely though as I know how anxious you were to see the kids and hubby again. I had a wonderful time in London with you and fondly recall your laugh, bubbly personality and our last bus ride to the Ren with the cranky old woman in the seat behind me. Good times!
            Don't forget what I said about the *coughticketcough* too. I meant what I said m'dear. Keep gently watering that seed and I'll take care of the rest.
            So you said about the fish and chips many times over. I may have to pen 'visit Ozzie' into my world tour just so I can eat my fill and see if your right. Always wanted to do some bush walking so it seems the perfect combination. Eat and walk it off.
            *covets your camera* omg....BRILLIANT picture!!
            Sounds like you need some ventolin too!!!
            That old lady was such a hoot...I thought she was gonna bop you with her umbrella for sure....but that bus ride was fun for all the wrong reasons!!!
            You're amazing. Wish you were here.
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              Heee! Miss ya'll. What Eh-T said (really old people can be quite wise).

              To see my welcome to Manchester, read about it here:


              steal queuing is done just to confuse foreigners *nods*

              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
              Ok...need to quickly update at the Samandan thread then I think I will have a nanna nap.

              I never fully realised how much energy a coughing fit can zap from giving my lungs one week to clear before I go see the quack!
              *tackle hugs Chelle gently without banging her head onto the floor* I hope your lungs clear up and you catch up on sleep!
              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                Con pix have been uploaded to an LJ gallery with 3 subgalleries - one for each day and a separate one for the auction, because there were some great moments there! (Pix are 700 pixels tall, double clicking on individual pix will get you to full size.)

                :::Click Here for AT4 pix:::

                One from Sunday (under spoiler cut for size):

                Thanks to the G4 and staff for another wonderful con. Looking forward to AT5 and hope to get to SE in July.
                Terrific pictures! Have snurched some for my archive. Thanks

                Thanks too to the others from whom I have happily snurched memories, and those yet to come.

                For details of AT10 go to


                  Did you get this one mumsey? It's from Ames' facebook.

                  Titta and I forgot how to do gentle hugs and we nearly gave Becky a heart attack

                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    Did you get this one mumsey? It's from Ames' facebook.

                    Titta and I forgot how to do gentle hugs and we nearly gave Becky a heart attack

                    LOL - how did i miss that! now that's a proper headlock... hug! i meant hug!


                      Hey everyone

                      I've finally finished my AT4 con report. Each event I always try to capture the spirit of Gabit. I try to include everything that I remember from all of the Q&A's as well as the event as a whole, and I also try to illustrate what it means to me personally. So... it gets lengthy but hopefully it will be an enjoyable read for you.

                      AT4 "Reflections" Con Report

                      My LJ does have a naturally grey font and I know that there might be some folks here who have trouble with it, if you do please message me, because I can tweak it a bit for you.


                        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                        Hey everyone

                        I've finally finished my AT4 con report. Each event I always try to capture the spirit of Gabit. I try to include everything that I remember from all of the Q&A's as well as the event as a whole, and I also try to illustrate what it means to me personally. So... it gets lengthy but hopefully it will be an enjoyable read for you.

                        AT4 "Reflections" Con Report

                        My LJ does have a naturally grey font and I know that there might be some folks here who have trouble with it, if you do please message me, because I can tweak it a bit for you.
                        Thank you, thank you... it all goes past so quick and it was lovely to read and have a reminder


                          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                          Hey everyone

                          I've finally finished my AT4 con report. Each event I always try to capture the spirit of Gabit. I try to include everything that I remember from all of the Q&A's as well as the event as a whole, and I also try to illustrate what it means to me personally. So... it gets lengthy but hopefully it will be an enjoyable read for you.

                          AT4 "Reflections" Con Report

                          My LJ does have a naturally grey font and I know that there might be some folks here who have trouble with it, if you do please message me, because I can tweak it a bit for you.
                          That's a pretty big report for such a tiny woman! Well done my little PengYn, you make aunty EH-T proud!
                          (wow, young people have good memories )

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Ah but PengYn, they didn't steal their complete uniforms. They just stole the jackets so if they ever wanted to dress up they would all have to "pull a Neep."

                            I love that she uses my internets name
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              The day I returned to work I found myself cutting stamps off of the mail as it had become so automatic. I'm assuming we will do the stamp thing again for AT5? We could bring them to SE but I'm not sure the Gabit folk want to haul them home.

                              BTW, who won the stamp collection thing? Want to pass on my congrats.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by babancat View Post
                                Thank you, thank you... it all goes past so quick and it was lovely to read and have a reminder
                                YAY THX for sharing...<3
                                SANCTUARY ROCKS

