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GABIT attendees thread

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    Getting excited now wasn't sure I was going to be able to make it to AT4 until a few days ago, now it's a full week, hubby's having his 2nd an eye op THIS Thursday at Bristol and then on to Heathrow Friday.


      Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
      The cocktail party portion of the ticket is in the process of being offered to the next peeps on the CP waiting list.

      Glad to hear it, I did suggest on the Gabit thread that there was probably a waiting list for that.

      Glad those already there are having a good time. I'm off tomorrow but still have a couple hours of work left. Speaking of which....

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

        I was wondering if anyone would recognize "gulley washer". I grew up about 500 miles west of Sky and we had some real gulley washers on the high plains. I think maybe it is a US Great Plains expression. Maybe it goes up into the Canadian prairies too?

        I second the vote on how beautiful prarie sunsets are. You can see them for 360 degrees and they are so many brilliant colors.
        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        gully washer = lots of rain, very fast, it rises fast and 'washes out the gullies'

        ie: flash floods

        A gully washer storm is when it rains so hard the streets temporarily flood cause it's coming down faster than it can drain away
        Not just a Plains thing. We use it here on the East Coast too, but I agree - it probably is a non-city thing since y'don't find dirt/stone roads where the pouring down rain turned small ruts into huge gullies in the city much.

        Hard to believe that this time Wednesday I'll finally be in the air. Got a full day of work tomorrow, but I refuse to stay late like I've been doing the past five months that we've been shortstaffed. And am keeping my fingers crossed for noone in the row I picked my seat on the long haul flight across the pond - I really want to sleep on the way over since my roomie is SheWhoNeedsNoSleep! Was happy yesterday - tried on my bargain-buy cocktail party dress and woot! -it looks great and it's finally hitting home that the con is nearly here!

        Safe travels to those who've left or will soon be doing so.

        And here's the 10-day forecast link I use for Heathrow weather: Looks like they've upped the temps to 60F from the low to mid-fifties that they'd been forecasting a few days ago.
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          4 days to go until AT4!!!!!

          263 days to go until the Sanctuary experience!!!!!

          270 days to go until Meet the Man!!!!!

          I know in my mind what I need to pack! I'll do it Thursday morning. Then sleep in the afternoon, work an night shift, walk home, have a sleep, get up to catch the train!

          I'll be bringing a trolly case which will be much to big for my luggage needs for the weekend. Main contents will be my laptop bag and camera bag. It is the only case I have which will take them both and i'm not going to carry either of them in open view on the London Tube!

          I'm also going to borrow mums compact camera. I want to do a little sight seeing on Monday morning and I dont really want to use my SLR for that.

          My main aim fr Monday am is to go to Kings Cross station and take a pic of the wall that leads to (well is surposed too) platform 9,3/4.


            Sarai... if you check this thread before you head off my flight number is QF0029 and it should arrive at Heathrow 1.30pm on Wednesday at terminal 4 if you want to wait for me once you have cleared customs. Will try to email this message to you too, and will try to check internet again in Hong Kong, around 12 hours from now.

            See y'all soon!
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Oh ****e- battery nearly dead. If anyone knows Sarai's email address or her full name, please PM me. Yes, should have sorted this earlier
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Oh ****e- battery nearly dead. If anyone knows Sarai's email address or her full name, please PM me. Yes, should have sorted this earlier
                Sent you a pm and a FB message...
                awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                  I swear the fates are conspiring against me going on this trip to AT 4.

                  First, I lose all my email confirmations and the G4 couldn't send me my e-ticket.

                  Second, the movers lose my passport.

                  Now, I went and lost my wallet on Saturday. OMG ! I think I have enough ID, credit cards, etc. to travel, but who knows. I'll see you if I see you.

                  At least that is three things that went wrong already, the rest of the trip has to go well doesn't it?


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    Sarai... if you check this thread before you head off my flight number is QF0029 and it should arrive at Heathrow 1.30pm on Wednesday at terminal 4 if you want to wait for me once you have cleared customs.

                    See y'all soon!
                    I am also Arriving 2 Moro at 1.30pm on EI 712 from Cork . Terminal 1 ...Star Gate Cap and a Weird Fish Green Top ... If you see me , Say hello ,,,

                    Safe flying ...
                    CRAZY IRISH GUY :

                    Puddle Jumper Pilot- Sheppard - Asmir
                    Scientist - McKay - Shirt n' Tie
                    Scientist - Zalenka- Bar
                    Cook and able body - Ronon - Master Bray Tack .
                    Crazy Irish Guy Was Here .

                    Are we Geeks or Nerds


                      Still biting my nails . Flying out tomorrow and still have not found my Pass port ... They said I could use my Licence but I am looking for that too .. Fair idea where it is .. Have not packed yet and I am feeling Gruff .. Ie: Excited about the weekend ,, But not for the next 16 hours ... Must go back to work now .. I have a Table of 33 coming in at 9 pm . Christmas Parties are starting .. Paul :: I know you are Singing ,, Do not forget the coins For the Jar ..
                      CRAZY IRISH GUY :

                      Puddle Jumper Pilot- Sheppard - Asmir
                      Scientist - McKay - Shirt n' Tie
                      Scientist - Zalenka- Bar
                      Cook and able body - Ronon - Master Bray Tack .
                      Crazy Irish Guy Was Here .

                      Are we Geeks or Nerds


                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        I swear the fates are conspiring against me going on this trip to AT 4.

                        First, I lose all my email confirmations and the G4 couldn't send me my e-ticket.

                        Second, the movers lose my passport.

                        Now, I went and lost my wallet on Saturday. OMG ! I think I have enough ID, credit cards, etc. to travel, but who knows. I'll see you if I see you.

                        At least that is three things that went wrong already, the rest of the trip has to go well doesn't it?
                        Oh no!! I'm sure it must mean the rest will be just fine

                        We had a lovely day today at Stonehenge. Tired now though, lots of travel. And busy day tomorrow. I'll go find the JtR tour post and bring it up ... I need the info lol.

                        Can't believe it's only 3 days!!!


                          Found it Anyone else who wants to join, but is not on the list ... just show up ... it's what we all do!

                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          A few of us are busy planning for our trip to London and discussing the JtR tour. It's still a go right? Everyone who wants to, just shows up? The link to the site and the list below.

                          Jack the Ripper tour (wednesday, november 11, 7.30 pm, £7.00)

                          Definitely want to go:
                          Annelies (SamJackShipLover)
                          Master Bray Tack

                          Here's some important/useful information from the site:
                          - The Jack the Ripper Walk goes at 7.30 pm from Tower HillTube.
                          - The tour will not leave before 7.30 pm. Please make absolutely certain that it's London Walks that you get hooked up with. Never set out with anyone - or part with your money - until you're certain it is the bona fide London Walks guide you're with.
                          - You don't need to get there wildly early. The guides never start the walk on the dot of the listed starting time. They will always allow at least a five minute "period of grace"...and sometimes it's more like 8-10 minutes.
                          - The guide will be standing on the pavement ("sidewalk" in American parlance) immediately outside the exit of the designated TubeStop. So the important thing is that you have to emerge out of the station...the guide's not going to be inside the station down on the platform meeting the tube train as it pulls into the station. You have to emerge from the station. But just as soon as you set foot out of the station you'll spot the guide. He or she will be holding up the distinctive white London Walks leaflet. And chances are they'll be sporting the very stylish little London Walks badge. And of course once the group starts to form up, it's dead easy to spot the guide - he or she is the person in the middle of the group handing out London Walks leaflets and making change.
                          - You can calculate how long a tube journey in central London is going to take by using what Londoners call "the three minute rule". I.E., simply allow an average of three minutes between stations. So if, e.g., you're travelling to Tower HillTube Stop from, say, Gloucester RoadTube Stop...well, Gloucester Road is 12 stops away from Tower 3 x 12 = 36. That journey is going to take 36 minutes give or take a minute or so.


                            Looking forward to the weekend...the anticipation is slightly killing only issue I have is that I can't get ventolin over the counter here so my asthma is playing funny buggers with me but aside from that London is such hoot!
                            Spent about an hour at the laundrette this evening chatting with a local and then was seated next to 3 Aussies in the pub at dinner...we're everywhere!!!!
                            Can' t wait to meet everyone soon....and I know I keep saying that but's so close now it's almost too hard to believe!
                            Night all...

                            Oh...Stonhenge was amazing...the one place in the world I thought I would never was such a surreal moment to be standing so close to it...finally!
                            Oh and we rode in a Black cab/taxi...with fingers crossed, tomorrow we ride on one of those big red busses!!!
                            I'm just a little bit excited now!!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                              i'll just say, in 2007, my friend and i went sight seeing and all we needed was a slicker and an umbrella that we occasionally used

                              we were in and out so much (the tubes, busses and tourist attractions) that it wasn't horrible
                              At Avalon in Wells it poured rain several times (November 2006) so let's hope London weather is generally better than the southwest of England.
                              I have my fingers crossed but I am bringing an umbrella.



                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                                Looking forward to the weekend...the anticipation is slightly killing only issue I have is that I can't get ventolin over the counter here so my asthma is playing funny buggers with me but aside from that London is such hoot!
                                Spent about an hour at the laundrette this evening chatting with a local and then was seated next to 3 Aussies in the pub at dinner...we're everywhere!!!!
                                Can' t wait to meet everyone soon....and I know I keep saying that but's so close now it's almost too hard to believe!
                                Night all...

                                Oh...Stonhenge was amazing...the one place in the world I thought I would never was such a surreal moment to be standing so close to it...finally!
                                Oh and we rode in a Black cab/taxi...with fingers crossed, tomorrow we ride on one of those big red busses!!!
                                I'm just a little bit excited now!!!
                                It sounds like you are really enjoying the change in weather from sun to rain, too. I'm so glad you were able to come to AT4 and I'm looking forward to meeting you. Wish I could go with you all on the Jack the Ripper tour but I will land probably be wending my way to London Wednesday to arrive on thursday 11:30am. So have fun and I hope to see you all later. I'm almost all packed and sorting out the cats who are definitely aware that I'm leaving.

                                I've got a bit of chocolate but couldn't find blue jello. I have seen it here in the past but perhaps it isn't popular enough for Safeway to carry it--OR maybe it's been sold out to folks who are flying across the ocean to AT4

                                Gee!!!! I'll see you all soon!!!

