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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
    What's with the hard hats? I don't get it . . .
    At the AT4 openingceremony there was a vid of AT3 and Amanda was shown saying "I would twirl a baton for charity" (like we all remembered from AT3 of course ... gabit had arranged batons and asked us by e-mail to keep it quiet). Then came the AT4 auction and one of the items was "everybody ducks" and on came running all gabit staff with the hard hats and 2 batons for Amanda to twirl. Becky told how they take safety very seriously at gabit .. thus the hats lol. We all raised money (normal auction items are too expensive for most people, but everyone could give as much for this as they wanted) and Amanda twirled. Great fun!!

    Oh, and edit. Also fun. Someone asked Amanda about her hobbies or something at one point and she talked about playing the guitar. She said "I would never play guitar for charity" and made her point really clear, pointing her finger at Julia&Co ... "you hear, NEVER". Lol.
    So, the AT4 closing video was played and the clever gabit tech people had edited her words, so Amanda is now on tape saying "I would play guitar for charity". ROFL, one of the funniest things of the whole weekend (one of the ... lol, there were many).


      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
      Aha, you've delurked!! Wonderful and I love the "big boxes of blue jello, pantless Kiwis and bears with bum pens" references. I think of the fans involved and smile, smile, smile.

      So great meeting you and sharing Amanda's Q&As together. You will now have to change your GW name as you are no longer "2Shy" ...
      It's was great to have you by my side through the Q&A's and Chelle just a seat away, I truly was in good company

      Originally posted by Shirt'n'Tie View Post
      What a lovely post Julia!

      Well done and thank you!

      "Shy, delighted that you had a great time. Would love to meet up with your hubby at the next event!

      Though..I...erm....*cough*.....quite like the 297 women to 3 men ratio......*cough*......
      Well done all!!

      He's already been informed that there will at least be one other man in attendance than himself, not that I think he'll mind the abundance of ladies either

      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      Oh, have we talked about the time Julia got me to join her on stage? When I didn't have any trews on? That was great too

      I miss you guys! I miss Julia's laugh, Titta's boobs, Lies and her grin, 2shy's pigtails and bounce, PengYn's pretty, Eh-T's stern looks, Cel's hands, Chelle's damn Aussieness, Flow's... Flowness... I miss every single person who contributed to this amazing weekend.
      Aww, now your just gonna make my cry again, you're sucha sweetheart. At least you're still in Europe so you don't feel that far away, yet.

      This have to be a short post since hubby is trying to pry me off the computer. lol! But I'll be back



        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
        At the AT4 openingceremony there was a vid of AT3 and Amanda was shown saying "I would twirl a baton for charity" (like we all remembered from AT3 of course ... gabit had arranged batons and asked us by e-mail to keep it quiet). Then came the AT4 auction and one of the items was "everybody ducks" and on came running all gabit staff with the hard hats and 2 batons for Amanda to twirl. Becky told how they take safety very seriously at gabit .. thus the hats lol. We all raised money (normal auction items are too expensive for most people, but everyone could give as much for this as they wanted) and Amanda twirled. Great fun!!

        Oh, and edit. Also fun. Someone asked Amanda about her hobbies or something at one point and she talked about playing the guitar. She said "I would never play guitar for charity" and made her point really clear, pointing her finger at Julia&Co ... "you hear, NEVER". Lol.
        So, the AT4 closing video was played and the clever gabit tech people had edited her words, so Amanda is now on tape saying "I would play guitar for charity". ROFL, one of the funniest things of the whole weekend (one of the ... lol, there were many).

        Hah. That's great. Maybe next year will be the guitar playing . . . Thanks for the explanation. I was confused!
        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          A great part of life is how you tend to look upon the events, both good and bad, that happen to you. So here is my "glass is half full" version of the break in.

          First, no one was hurt.

          Second, the most important jewelry from a sentimental standpoint had been placed in my safety deposit box before my last trip. The advantage of being too busy since then to get them out? They were still there.

          The advantage of being a luddite? I have no technology worth stealing. Seriously, my DVD player is colour blind and cannot record, only play. My TV is old enough that it would take 2 people to carry it away. It is not a new slim model. It has a middle-aged spread.

          I was going to get a new more energy efficient door anyway.

          They left most of my DVDs. Apparently, the burglars were not big fans of The Sound of Music, et al. Go figure.

          Here is the funny part. You know what DVDs they did take? Sanctuary! So while of questionable moral character the thieves obviously have good taste in television shows. The other funny part? I had actually purchased 2 sets of Sanctuary DVDs to help their sales a bit. However, I took one set to London to give to another fan. On the bright side, sales will increase by one more unit when I go to buy a replacement set. Oh, one more thing. One of the Sanctuary discs was in my DVD player so they didn't get a full set. Serves them right. I hope when they sit down to watch it they are totally confused by the plot because they haven't seen the pilot.
          Last edited by EH-T; 19 November 2009, 12:52 PM.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            *huggles EH-T* That glass half full attitude does you proud


              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              A great part of life is how you tend to look upon the events, both good and bad, that happen to you. So here is my "glass is half full" version of the break in.

              First, no one was hurt.

              Second, the most important jewelry from a sentimental standpoint had been placed in my safety deposit box before my last trip. The advantage of being too busy since then to get them out? They were still there.

              The advantage of being a luddite? I have no technology worth stealing. Seriously, my DVD player is colour blind and cannot record, only play. My TV is old enough that it would take 2 people to carry it away. It is not a new slim model. It has a middle-aged spread.

              I was going to get a new more energy efficient door anyway.

              They left most of my DVDs. Apparently, the burglars were not big fans of The Sound of Music, et al. Go figure.

              Here is the funny part. You know what DVDs they did take? Sanctuary! So while of questionable moral character the thieves obviously have good taste in television shows. The other funny part? I had actually purchased 2 sets of Sanctuary DVDs to help their sales a bit. However, I took one set to London to give to another fan. On the bright side, sales will increase by one more unit when I go to buy a replacement set. Oh, one more thing. One of the Sanctuary discs was in my DVD player so they didn't get a full set. Serves them right. I hope when they sit down to watch it they are totally confused by the plot becasue they haven't seen the pilot.
              I am glad you're okay and your glass half full account is brilliantly put. I am glad the important jewellery was safe and that the burglars are potentially confused. Hopefully there isn't too much cleaning up to do yet.
              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                A great part of life is how you tend to look upon the events, both good and bad, that happen to you. So here is my "glass is half full" version of the break in.

                First, no one was hurt.

                Second, the most important jewelry from a sentimental standpoint had been placed in my safety deposit box before my last trip. The advantage of being too busy since then to get them out? They were still there.

                The advantage of being a luddite? I have no technology worth stealing. Seriously, my DVD player is colour blind and cannot record, only play. My TV is old enough that it would take 2 people to carry it away. It is not a new slim model. It has a middle-aged spread.

                I was going to get a new more energy efficient door anyway.

                They left most of my DVDs. Apparently, the burglars were not big fans of The Sound of Music, et al. Go figure.

                Here is the funny part. You know what DVDs they did take? Sanctuary! So while of questionable moral character the thieves obviously have good taste in television shows. The other funny part? I had actually purchased 2 sets of Sanctuary DVDs to help their sales a bit. However, I took one set to London to give to another fan. On the bright side, sales will increase by one more unit when I go to buy a replacement set. Oh, one more thing. One of the Sanctuary discs was in my DVD player so they didn't get a full set. Serves them right. I hope when they sit down to watch it they are totally confused by the plot because they haven't seen the pilot.
                EH-T I do love your 'glass half full' synopsis of the break in. When bad things happen, it's important to find that silver lining or else go mad with anger or bitterness...or worse. Not that I'm laughing at your troubles, but your the one person today to put a smile on this face of mine because of your reminder. Thank you.

                I do hope things get straightened out for you soon and LOL at the theives confusion with the Sanctuary disc still being in your possession. *hugs*


                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  A great part of life is how you tend to look upon the events, both good and bad, that happen to you. So here is my "glass is half full" version of the break in.

                  First, no one was hurt.

                  Second, the most important jewelry from a sentimental standpoint had been placed in my safety deposit box before my last trip. The advantage of being too busy since then to get them out? They were still there.

                  The advantage of being a luddite? I have no technology worth stealing. Seriously, my DVD player is colour blind and cannot record, only play. My TV is old enough that it would take 2 people to carry it away. It is not a new slim model. It has a middle-aged spread.

                  I was going to get a new more energy efficient door anyway.

                  They left most of my DVDs. Apparently, the burglars were not big fans of The Sound of Music, et al. Go figure.

                  Here is the funny part. You know what DVDs they did take? Sanctuary! So while of questionable moral character the thieves obviously have good taste in television shows. The other funny part? I had actually purchased 2 sets of Sanctuary DVDs to help their sales a bit. However, I took one set to London to give to another fan. On the bright side, sales will increase by one more unit when I go to buy a replacement set. Oh, one more thing. One of the Sanctuary discs was in my DVD player so they didn't get a full set. Serves them right. I hope when they sit down to watch it they are totally confused by the plot because they haven't seen the pilot.
                  It is definitely a good thing that no one got hurt, and I do love how you always manage to find the good within the bad stuff. And of *course* you gave your extra Sanctuary box set away. *feels bad* You could always come back over here and fetch it, but this time I might never let you leave.

                  In other news, the Neeplet fell asleep on my couch at about 8.50pm, bless her.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    A great part of life is how you tend to look upon the events, both good and bad, that happen to you. So here is my "glass is half full" version of the break in.

                    First, no one was hurt.

                    Second, the most important jewelry from a sentimental standpoint had been placed in my safety deposit box before my last trip. The advantage of being too busy since then to get them out? They were still there.

                    The advantage of being a luddite? I have no technology worth stealing. Seriously, my DVD player is colour blind and cannot record, only play. My TV is old enough that it would take 2 people to carry it away. It is not a new slim model. It has a middle-aged spread.

                    I was going to get a new more energy efficient door anyway.

                    They left most of my DVDs. Apparently, the burglars were not big fans of The Sound of Music, et al. Go figure.

                    Here is the funny part. You know what DVDs they did take? Sanctuary! So while of questionable moral character the thieves obviously have good taste in television shows. The other funny part? I had actually purchased 2 sets of Sanctuary DVDs to help their sales a bit. However, I took one set to London to give to another fan. On the bright side, sales will increase by one more unit when I go to buy a replacement set. Oh, one more thing. One of the Sanctuary discs was in my DVD player so they didn't get a full set. Serves them right. I hope when they sit down to watch it they are totally confused by the plot because they haven't seen the pilot.
                    And your sense of humor is still intact.

                    Glad to hear nothing of real value was taken. Some things just can't be replaced. Maybe two sets of Sanctuary will be purchased now. They'll be so upset that they're missing a disc, they'll buy a set.
                    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                    William Shakespeare

                    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      *huggles EH-T* That glass half full attitude does you proud

                      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                      I am glad you're okay and your glass half full account is brilliantly put. I am glad the important jewellery was safe and that the burglars are potentially confused. Hopefully there isn't too much cleaning up to do yet.
                      Doesn't that just make you laugh?

                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      EH-T I do love your 'glass half full' synopsis of the break in. When bad things happen, it's important to find that silver lining or else go mad with anger or bitterness...or worse. Not that I'm laughing at your troubles, but your the one person today to put a smile on this face of mine because of your reminder. Thank you.

                      I do hope things get straightened out for you soon and LOL at the theives confusion with the Sanctuary disc still being in your possession. *hugs*
                      I'm never bitter. Glad I put a smile on your face and go ahead and laugh. I chose to as I thought it was a better alternative than crying.

                      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                      It is definitely a good thing that no one got hurt, and I do love how you always manage to find the good within the bad stuff. And of *course* you gave your extra Sanctuary box set away. *feels bad* You could always come back over here and fetch it, but this time I might never let you leave.

                      In other news, the Neeplet fell asleep on my couch at about 8.50pm, bless her.
                      No need to feel bad my dear. The way I look at it, that kept them from them stealing both copies!

                      BTW, so glad the girls kidnapped you for some fun at the museum.

                      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                      And your sense of humor is still intact.

                      Glad to hear nothing of real value was taken. Some things just can't be replaced. Maybe two sets of Sanctuary will be purchased now. They'll be so upset that they're missing a disc, they'll buy a set.
                      Maybe three. I did mention to the officer from the identification unit that they had stolen my Sanctuary DVDs (minus one) and took the opportunity to tell her about the series.

                      Added bonus, I learned all about dusting for fingerprints (although that is a bit of a pain to clean up).

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                        To the lucky attendees from someone stuck in the States: Photos???
                        Soon I hope. I downloaded them the day after I got home, but went directly back too work and so haven't had time to resize the huge files down to Photobucket/Web-sizes yet. Was front row, so there's a couple nice ones. Hopefully later in the weekend after I burn some CD's for friends....
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Doesn't that just make you laugh?
                          Yup Best burglary we ever had was when the burglars must have either been disturbed or failed to find anything worth stealing in our garage. When we came down in the morning the contents of the garage were all piled very neatly on the lawn and nothing was missing. It was amusing to explain to the police.
                          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                          My Fanfic~My Femslash


                            Waking up in PengYn's flat is the most beautiful thing ever! Awesome flat. Even got a cup of tea brought to me on the sofa without having to leave my sleeping bag. Thanks Victoria!

                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            A great part of life is how you tend to look upon the events, both good and bad, that happen to you. So here is my "glass is half full" version of the break in.
                            Awww, love you Aunty Eh-T! Love that you can find the humour.

                            When I was 13 our house was broken into and they went into my underwear drawer and stole my 40 hour famine money for world vision. When people found out, they all chipped in to cover what was stolen and I ended up raising 3 times more than I originally had. Won the prize for most money collected on the school and... gave it away. Must be some weird temporal Eh-T influence.

                            Also, they didn't find the remote control under a couch cushion and the control panel on the TV was broken- useless TV

                            Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                            In other news, the Neeplet fell asleep on my couch at about 8.50pm, bless her. [/COLOR]
                            Sorry! Just crawled into my sleeping bag for warmth because my jumper was too far away. Next thing I was out
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              A great part of life is how you tend to look upon the events, both good and bad, that happen to you. So here is my "glass is half full" version of the break in.

                              Spoilered for length...

                              First, no one was hurt.

                              Second, the most important jewelry from a sentimental standpoint had been placed in my safety deposit box before my last trip. The advantage of being too busy since then to get them out? They were still there.

                              The advantage of being a luddite? I have no technology worth stealing. Seriously, my DVD player is colour blind and cannot record, only play. My TV is old enough that it would take 2 people to carry it away. It is not a new slim model. It has a middle-aged spread.

                              I was going to get a new more energy efficient door anyway.

                              They left most of my DVDs. Apparently, the burglars were not big fans of The Sound of Music, et al. Go figure.

                              Here is the funny part. You know what DVDs they did take? Sanctuary! So while of questionable moral character the thieves obviously have good taste in television shows. The other funny part? I had actually purchased 2 sets of Sanctuary DVDs to help their sales a bit. However, I took one set to London to give to another fan. On the bright side, sales will increase by one more unit when I go to buy a replacement set. Oh, one more thing. One of the Sanctuary discs was in my DVD player so they didn't get a full set. Serves them right. I hope when they sit down to watch it they are totally confused by the plot because they haven't seen the pilot.
                              First off: I'm so sorry to hear about the break in.
                              Second of all: You're assessment of the whole thing actually had me LMAO, it's priceless! Not only did they take the only DVD of value they actually upped the sales with one or two, or maybe even three copies. lol! I really admire your way of always thinking positive. Even in a situation like this.
                              And adding Tittamiire's and Neep's burglar stories makes me believe it's just not possible to efficiently steal anything from us.

                              Oh, and apparently Space channel is having a Sanctuary special tonight with Amanda and she's going to answer one of my questions. I guess that's what you get for being to much of a chicken to actually ask her yourself at the Q&A's *facepalm*


                                Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                                *slides in on the banana peel that is post-AT4-blues/excitement/twiredness*

                                Just got home last night I’m so exhausted and so overwhelmed by the whole experience. I just wanted to give my deepest heartfelt sincerest THANK YOU to all of you who made this weekend such a wonderful and beautiful experience. Enough can’t be said about the kindness, warmth, and generosity that I got to experience first hand from you guys. You made me feel so welcome from the get go and I’ve had much fun hanging out with you guys. I wont mention any specific names because I’ll just forget someone, but you all know who you are. And I will hopefully see you all again at AT5 I love you guys!

                                Big boxes of blue jello, pantless Kiwis and bears with bum pens are memories I will treasure forever.

                                And yes, I hereby promise to make an effort to divert from my GW lurking habits and hang around here more often.

                                Also I’m happy to announce that hubby as promised to joined us for AT5! So that will bring up the male/female ratio up to, what, 3 men to 297 women?

                                And I’m not a con-virgin anymore, yay

                                At last of course a huge THANK YOU to the GABIT Staff and volunteers that made all of this possible.
                                *Big hugs* was great to meet you!
                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Oh, have we talked about the time Julia got me to join her on stage? When I didn't have any trews on? That was great too

                                I miss you guys! I miss Julia's laugh, Titta's boobs, Lies and her grin, 2shy's pigtails and bounce, PengYn's pretty, Eh-T's stern looks, Cel's hands, Chelle's damn Aussieness, Flow's... Flowness... I miss every single person who contributed to this amazing weekend.
                                Neeep! *tacklehugs* miss you too.
                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                       so rock!!!
                                I had Steve ride on my lap on the flight back to Amsterdam...and he will be accompanying me on the plane home to Oz...he will be treasured forever!!
                                Thank you so much! *fingers crossed for AT5!!*
                                Chelle, I miss you!! (((((((chelle)))))))) glad Steve is enjoying the trip.

                                AT4 pics:

                                If you see yourself and don't wish to be there ie posted publicly please let me know and I'll remove it right away.

                                I know this is a bit harsh but the photos have taken me 4 days to get so that everyone could see them so...AT4 attendees feel free to 'steel' them. Non-attendees please ask me before you 'steel'. Hope that is OK.

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

