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GABIT attendees thread

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    Well we can't very well TELL her to! *thinks*

    *ties Becks to....Julia?*


      I remember, five years ago, when the G4's (Julia's) dream of "Getting Amanda Back In Town" was becoming a reality ... and, just by luck or fate, my daughter and I were two of the last to get tickets.

      This dream turned into quite a memorable first con, marked by professionalism and caring and Amanda's eternal gratitude.

      Each time, since, the G4, all of them, have shown kindness and interest in all their guests and in preserving Amanda's privacy and her time with her fans. If you have never been an administrator or run a large event, you may not realize all the time, the hours, the planning, the logistics of it all to make everything seem so "simple" when the doors open.

      Add to that, personal touches like putting together fan photos for a slideshow for Amanda or the making of the beautiful quilts or the little "gifts" at the cocktail tables which actually try to relate to the individual attendees.

      I had the good fortune to win the tea raffle at AT2 and, even then, there were specially wrapped gifts for all of us and Amanda that Becks had run about to get.

      So ... the event sold out this morning. It is, what it is ... I think it's grand whether I get there or not. Amanda and the G4 can know in their hearts that the event has become quite special. It's also the meeting ground for many, many of us who have become friends because of Amanda and because of the vision of GABIT!

      John, the G4 photographer, is the final member of directors who really puts himself out to capture the weekend events for the fans. I was in the lobby last year when he lugged in what seemed tons of equipment, smiling all the way. The stewards and staff behind the G4 also labor to make sure that every little detail is taken care of and, overall, fans are welcomed properly and have a great time.

      Stepping off my soapbox but just wanted to say that I know how hard it is to run an event (I've had some experience in this area with university responsibilities).

      BE KIND PEOPLE. AMANDA'S ALL ABOUT KINDNESS. SO ARE THE G4! There will be more Amanda events, God willing. And good luck to those funny, folksy people across the pond who are working hard tonight to sort all this out!

      Peace, CG
      Last edited by ChopinGal; 03 January 2009, 12:40 PM.


        i know a number of people that tried to get tickets for AT4 this morning.... some missed out as the whole thing sold out in about ten minutes...even though they'd hovered in a Sanctuaty IRC for 2 hours before hand and had actually registered and recieved a confirmation number.

        'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


          Your registration auto confirmation is only a confirmation that we have received your REQUEST for tickets.

          if on that e-mail the ticket type is BLANK on the first person. you have not been allocated tickets at theis time and you have been put on the waiting list. NO ONE has been allocated a charmed pass yet and we will sort those out when we have sorted everything else out.

          I plan on having some skis attched to my feet when I do the throwing mself off the mountain and I do have a helmet.

          I have individually answered every person who has asked a question. Kay now needs time to sort out the requests into the correct order, arrange the payments from those that underpaid or have not paid, and see if we have any tickets become availible.

          My apologies if any of my responses tonight have ben curt or succint and deviod of the normal chattyness, but frankly I have been trying to control my anger at the vitriol that has spewed forth from some people both on forums and in private while answering serious and valid questions.

          It has not been helpful and I am very disappointed in some people's attitude.



            i was just wondering if anyone else has only received a 'Card Payment Receipt' email 'cos from what people have been saying, they've received an email about ticket confirmations (the email with either 'weekend' or 'blank' in the ticket type) 'cos i still haven't received one.

            Thanks to the G4 cos i know they've got their work cut out for them. I'm just in worry mode 'cos i've been looking forward to this since AT3 ended and was looking forward to taking Mum to the convention as a birthday present. Reeeeealy hope i get both my tickets and (with luck) the charmed passes!
            Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
            Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
            Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


              Let's remember guys that it's almost 1030pm UK time, and the G4 have been plugging away at this for about 8 hours or so. Time dictates that there'll be a point where they break for the night and get some sleep, so if answers aren't as fast as you think they could be, hey, folks gotta sleep.

              Things will work themselves out.

              I'm sure they'd rather do things slowly and 'right the first time' than rush through it and mess something up.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Sam_Carter View Post
                i was just wondering if anyone else has only received a 'Card Payment Receipt' email 'cos from what people have been saying, they've received an email about ticket confirmations (the email with either 'weekend' or 'blank' in the ticket type) 'cos i still haven't received one.
                I never got one also. I was flipping out because even people who didn't get a ticket got one of those emails. However, after emailing a very helpful Becky, I found I'm in and they got my payment. Sit tight, I think all that stuff stuck in their servers is the stuff from the payment site.


                  Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                  I never got one also. I was flipping out because even people who didn't get a ticket got one of those emails. However, after emailing a very helpful Becky, I found I'm in and they got my payment. Sit tight, I think all that stuff stuck in their servers is the stuff from the payment site.
                  thanks! i don't mind waiting, i just wanted to make sure i wasn't the only one!
                  Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                  Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                  Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                    Originally posted by Sam_Carter View Post
                    i was just wondering if anyone else has only received a 'Card Payment Receipt' email 'cos from what people have been saying, they've received an email about ticket confirmations (the email with either 'weekend' or 'blank' in the ticket type) 'cos i still haven't received one.

                    Thanks to the G4 cos i know they've got their work cut out for them. I'm just in worry mode 'cos i've been looking forward to this since AT3 ended and was looking forward to taking Mum to the convention as a birthday present. Reeeeealy hope i get both my tickets and (with luck) the charmed passes!
                    Please send your question to [email protected] and i will help you . I need your AT number and pf you have it forward your ticket application confirmation...

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    Let's remember guys that it's almost 1030pm UK time, and the G4 have been plugging away at this for about 8 hours or so. Time dictates that there'll be a point where they break for the night and get some sleep, so if answers aren't as fast as you think they could be, hey, folks gotta sleep.
                    I have answered every single message to reg that has come in tonight. sorry it took me three hours which for some wasn't fast enough. ( not here somewhere else). I will shorltly be calling it a night but customer services will reopen for target practice in the morning.

                    Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                    I never got one also. I was flipping out because even people who didn't get a ticket got one of those emails. However, after emailing a very helpful Becky, I found I'm in and they got my payment. Sit tight, I think all that stuff stuck in their servers is the stuff from the payment site.
                    Oh that was YOU!!! See my brain is so fried I didn't connect the name. Congrats glad you got in. it will be great to meet you.

                    hugs Becks
                    Last edited by becky_preen; 03 January 2009, 01:57 PM.


                      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                      Wow, just wow. What a tribute to Amanda that her event sold out this quickly!
                      And kudos to the G4 who, as Sky said, are working their butts off right now with all the morning's activity!
                      Let's hope many of us get to "greet and meet" this November in London!
                      Chelle, I know how much this means to you and it will be terrific to finally meet in person!
                      Yay!! So you're com ing too than!!
                      I'm getting ready for work took me ages to fall asleep...I watched the sun rise FCOL!!'s just wrong to be awake before the sun!!
                      Hubby is pleased for me though...kind of a bittersweet moment for me...some revelations were made this morning about some RL things happening but I have a ticket..I feel like Charlie Bucket!! *runs off singing...I got a Gabit ticket!!*
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        Yay!! So you're com ing too than!!
                        I'm getting ready for work took me ages to fall asleep...I watched the sun rise FCOL!!'s just wrong to be awake before the sun!!
                        Hubby is pleased for me though...kind of a bittersweet moment for me...some revelations were made this morning about some RL things happening but I have a ticket..I feel like Charlie Bucket!! *runs off singing...I got a Gabit ticket!!*
                        omg i just watched charlie and the chocolate factory, and was thinking the exact same thing!!! LOL
                        Great you got a ticket


                          Originally posted by sofie View Post
                          omg i just watched charlie and the chocolate factory, and was thinking the exact same thing!!! LOL
                          Great you got a ticket
                          LOL, thanks, now I don't have ask...Charlie who?

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                            Yeah, the link was up on time, everyone who says differently needs to check their watch and check
                            However, the page it linked to did not load. I tried it on two browsers. These things happen when several hundred people try to access the site at the same time. The whole registration process was *sloowwww* then again, understandably so, knowing how much traffic the site experienced.
                            Same here...I couldn't get the damn thing to load quick enough...I'm not feeling as confident as I did a few hours ago.
                            Originally posted by becky_preen View Post

                            I have now answered every single e-mail query we had on reg and asktheG4.

                            Please note however, that the confirmation of registration is a confirmation of the request for tickets and not a confirmation that they are available or have been allocated to you.
                            Sorry for the confusion.
                            I am off to clear my inbox again...
                            Well there goes breakfast.
                            I'm not so sure about my place now. But I have to get to work...I'll stress about it when I get there and wait patiently for an email to confirm if I am going or not.
                            I emailed G4 about my problem but have not as yet heard back...I may be lost in the system somewhere!
                            Still...I feel for the G4...this is hard on us but I'd hate to be doing their job about now!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                              Oh that was YOU!!! See my brain is so fried I didn't connect the name. Congrats glad you got in. it will be great to meet you.

                              hugs Becks
                              Yup, it's okay. Likewise.


                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                                Same here...I couldn't get the damn thing to load quick enough...I'm not feeling as confident as I did a few hours ago.

                                Well there goes breakfast.
                                I'm not so sure about my place now. But I have to get to work...I'll stress about it when I get there and wait patiently for an email to confirm if I am going or not.
                                I emailed G4 about my problem but have not as yet heard back...I may be lost in the system somewhere!
                                Still...I feel for the G4...this is hard on us but I'd hate to be doing their job about now!
                                You'll be meeting Amanda and your follow Samandans, Chelle. I'm sure it'll be worth it .

