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GABIT attendees thread

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    With regard to the PB/blue Jello tasting, I have paper napkins, plastic spoons and plastic cups. I will bring my pyrex glass jug and we have kettles in the rooms.

    so, all you folks need to bring is the Peanut Butter and Jello crystals.

    For details of AT10 go to


      Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
      To all our friends and those who we haven't yet met, travel safely and we're looking forward to seeing you all next week for fun, laughter and a great time.

      To those already arrived, enjoy the scenery and have fun before you descend on us next week!

      Some of our staff have already begun their journeys to get here. Some are just about to leave. The G4 and rest of the staff decamp to Heathrow on Wednesday but we will have internet access if anyone needs us, although replies won't be quite as fast!

      Take care all.

      Julia, Becky, Kay & John
      you sure sleep is for the weak I really had to puzzle out what it said actually

      and only a few days more and I'll be in London... I am finally starting to get excited. Since I am all packed already Only have to do some stuff like buying peanut butter and choccie and stuff like that.
      But I think i packed all my clothes, and 3 pair of shoes... yes i have issues with shoes


        Just a quick fly-by to say happy and safe travels to everybody going to AT3, and hope you all have a wonderful time together. Unfortunately Coley and I can't make it on this occasion , but if there's an AT4, then all being well we'll be back...


          Well Jan's arrived safe and sound (well as sound as Jan can be)

          my fanfic


            Coming from Mandy that's a compliment. Canada is still in one far.

            Suse and PengYn....paybacks are a


              Originally posted by JanSam View Post
              Suse and PengYn....paybacks are a
              *reminds Jan that suse and sft are not connected at the hip despite appearances to the contrary*

              Have fun.

              In memory of Deejay.
              May we all be so well loved.


                I'm back. Finally, officially left Southampton for good. Scary! I did a little tour before leaving and I found that the building I lived in when I first moved to southampton (almost six years ago) has now been knocked down. Weird.

                I'm having rodent problems at the moment. Despite the fact that the cage is shut up and there are no holes, my baby gerbil, Snowy, seems to have escaped. I'll correct that. Upon walking through the door and taking my shoes off, Snowy ran up to me, bit my toe, squawked and then scampered off. So I KNOW he's escaped. Spot, on the other hand, is still tucked up safely in bed.

                Question on the autograph front. I have one of the "Thor's Angels" pics that I got signed by Chris and Michael at Collectormania. I was going to assume that it's okay, but I'd rather not make the assumption, given what you guys are saying. Should I get it checked out by staff, or do Showmasters have a pretty good rep?
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post

                  • "Concert in The ParK" - Saturday
                  • 200th poster in tube for signing
                  • Ark of Truth poster in tube
                  • Items for Charity auction packed
                  • Suit in cleaners
                  • Shaving cream packed
                  • Super saoker packed
                  • Flyers packed
                  • Posted notes packed

                  To Do:
                  • Pick up suit from cleaners - Monday afternoon
                  • Pack clothes & person items
                  • decide which laptop to take
                  • Pick up new shoes
                  • Write Lesson Plans for Wed, Thur, Fri, Mon
                  • Print out all confirmation info
                  • Put some new tunes on the iPod for the flights
                  • Pluck PengYn
                  • Get water balloons

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    Uh oh! Sky is there before us...who knows what shape London will be in when we get there
                    London is okay, it's nottingham that's in trouble

                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Glad you made it. Good thing you had peanut butter and chocolate on hand to get you through the delay.
                    Afraid my chocolate was in my checked luggage. but at least they played the movies while we waited

                    Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                    To all our friends and those who we haven't yet met, travel safely and we're looking forward to seeing you all next week for fun, laughter and a great time.

                    To those already arrived, enjoy the scenery and have fun before you descend on us next week!

                    Some of our staff have already begun their journeys to get here. Some are just about to leave. The G4 and rest of the staff decamp to Heathrow on Wednesday but we will have internet access if anyone needs us, although replies won't be quite as fast!

                    Take care all.

                    Julia, Becky, Kay & John

                    safe travels to you guys. a week from now, we're gonna be saying goodbye
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Oi, Sky! You best leave my hometown in tact! I nearly went up there earlier today, actually.
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                        Coming from Mandy that's a compliment. Canada is still in one far.

                        Suse and PengYn....paybacks are a
                        Meh. Promises. Promises.

                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        • Pluck PengYn

                        *blames Amanda for my troubles*
                        You know if it hadn't been for her playing this truly terrific character on tv and making me a fan of stargate and a fan of Amanda, I would never have met JanSam who would never have introduced me to Mandy who would never have made me force myself to pick her as a writing partner in the Samanda story last year and THUS I would not have all this trouble and woe.

                        Being plucked. Honestly. The things I do for Amanda.



                          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                          Meh. Promises. Promises.

                          *blames Amanda for my troubles*
                          You know if it hadn't been for her playing this truly terrific character on tv and making me a fan of stargate and a fan of Amanda, I would never have met JanSam who would never have introduced me to Mandy who would never have made me force myself to pick her as a writing partner in the Samanda story last year and THUS I would not have all this trouble and woe.

                          Being plucked. Honestly. The things I do for Amanda.

                          *duck PengYn*
                          psst check your PM's


                            Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                            Coming from Mandy that's a compliment. Canada is still in one far.

                            Suse and PengYn....paybacks are a
                            JanSam, don't mess with the loon!

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              JanSam, don't mess with the loon!
                              Don't worry, she's lost her toonies, but still has her loonies...intact

                              *oh and I have introduced her to Canadian Tire money*

                              my fanfic


                                You evil, evil Cdn you.
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                                ames on facebook
                                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )

