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GABIT attendees thread

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    Just popping by to add my wishes that everyone has safe journeys and a great time. looking forward to lots of photos guys.


      Originally posted by Shirt'n'Tie View Post
      Hi ALL,

      Thought I'd just swing by to say "hi"...I've been over on the Van Con 08 Thread for the past months. I will be attending AT3, but can't get over til tomorrow morning!!
      Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces there...Madeleine W, GateGipsy and of course Raknor!! Vikkity...See you there too!!

      See you all and safe travel to all


      Will be setting off myself at 6am tomorrow morning. To all have a safe journey and looking forward to seeing you all there
      I remember something. There was a man. He’s bald and wears a short sleeve shirt and somehow he’s very important to me. I think his name is Homer.


        Originally posted by suse View Post
        A bunch of us are here! Surprisingly the hotel has held up well.

        LOL! I agree with RoX the Con hasn't officially started yet ... well OK I guess the Cocktail party is soon .... but give it time

        Glad to know you made it there OK! Have fun everyone!!


          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          Just three?!

          My room has exploded. I cannot see the floor. I have not packed. I'm just staring at all the stuff. *points finger at it* Maybe if I really, really concentrate it'll magic itself together.

          My finger doesn't work
          Your elders could have told you that.

          In memory of Deejay.
          May we all be so well loved.


            Oh dear, I'd forgotten it was happening this weekend (blushes, been away from this fandom far too long)
            Have a fabulous time everyone and I'm looking foward to read/see all your reports and photos.
            Enjoy !


              pass this along to anyone that wanted a badge and gave me their name. come and see me in seat b10 or Sue, a tall lady with white hair who sits in B9 to get the badges she made
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                I'm here!!!!!!!


                  Any word if there will be AT4? I sure would like to attend.


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                    I'm here!!!!!!!
                    ACK!!!! I can hold it in no longer!!!

                    I wish I were there! I should have been there.... *pouts*

                    Can't wait for a con report full with pictures of what I missed....



                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                      I'm here!!!!!!!

                      Glad to hear it!


                        Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                        Any word if there will be AT4? I sure would like to attend.
                        Just got confirmed. There will be!!!!!!!!!! In 2009.


                        I'm here too, met lots of fellow Gateworlders And I'm spamming GW with the same message over and over but ....

                        Amanda rocks!!!!!


                        It's a wonderfull weekend. THANK YOU G4!!! Thank you so much, it has been (and still is, cause it ain't over yet ) an awesome weekend!!!


                          Hi All,

                          Just back from AT3!! WOW and WOW and again I say WOW!!! Hats off to the G4 for another S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R event!!!

                          Thanks particularly to Becky and Bugs and Thomasina for squeezing me in to the autographs early!! I made the plane!!! PHEW!!

                          Thanks again all you guys!


                          PS The smallies say hello!!
                          "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                          Sara O' Neill's father;
                          COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                            Just got confirmed. There will be!!!!!!!!!! In 2009.


                            I'm here too, met lots of fellow Gateworlders And I'm spamming GW with the same message over and over but ....

                            Amanda rocks!!!!!


                            It's a wonderfull weekend. THANK YOU G4!!! Thank you so much, it has been (and still is, cause it ain't over yet ) an awesome weekend!!!
                            Yay!!! After Gatecon, I'll have to start saving and planning!!


                              Can't wait for AT4. I was squeeing so much when it was announced.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                I'm sure the itinerary posts and pics will start appearing as soon as we've all recovered

                                It was absolutely AMAZING!!!

                                We've already started planning what to do for AT4 (blue jello tasting session MUST happen again ... but next time I need to source out empty fridge space earlier, so I can make more ... b/c apparently 5 boxes wasn't nearly enough of the bluey goodness I think the international chocolate tasting session needs to be a definite repeat as well Yes, I have pictures of both of those, plus the PB tasting session as well... to be posted at a later date - see earlier excuse.)

                                I think one of the best things about attending, besides AMANDA of course, is meeting all the people with whom I converse on here (well not ALL of y'all, of course, but a goodly portion...) -- now I can put some faces to the names, and I can hear your voices when I read your posts. YAY!!!!!

                                Oh, apologies to anyone who didn't believe I was quite so ... um, animated in RL. Or so chatty ... (bouncy!!!) or so ... well ... me and for anyone who hasn't heard the outcome - I found my lanyard and pins again, so it's all good!

                                It was great meeting everyone. The G4 (and rest of the staff too) totally rock, almost as much as Amanda (who ordered me, in front of witnesses, to 'stay crazy!' ... so from now on, I'm blaming her! Hehehe...) *grin*

                                More later.... *HUGS*
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                                ames on facebook
                                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )

