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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL) View Post
    280 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!

    **Gets in before Kliggins this morning. Ouch this place is a mess! Wonders if the others have been having a wild party, to celibrate the "tickets on sale date" announcment. All without inviting me! cleans up and leaves cookies and milk for Kliggins**
    Oops. Thanks very much for the cookies.


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      You'll have to wear 6 inch heels for that

      *oops now you've gone and tripped in those heels*
      *dusts off knees* Ouch

      Say, if Suse is apparently knawing off your thumb how is it that you're managing to control the repli-thing of her. It's all very confuzzing.

      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
      **points out PengYn to Kel and makes note to pack lots of chocolate**
      Traitor. My plan to stick that "if you've seen these polar bears please do not approach.. highly dangerous... call the penguin squad" in the lobby is back on!


        Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
        You felt special, didn't you?
        Well, that's one way of putting it...


          I have a feeling I will be in my high heels all weekend. Not that I'm not already used to being over looked - I just yell louder so you tall folks can hear me.

          Name tags? Did I hear name tags? *claps hands* I did name tags for my small group - think 3 people - when I went to Burbank Con (here in the States) and figure I will do more this time (for this years' Burbank Con)... Oh more things to be creative with/for! *puts that down on her loooooooong list of 'things to do before London'*

          I don't know if I should be scared to meet ya'll or happy... I am leaning toward scared. But I deal with strangers (and strange people) every day... I'll just bring my notebook and pen and ask lots of questions and I'll feel better.
          Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            LOL, that reminds me of Toronto, when I was supposed to meet up with scarimor, I was waiting in the lobby and all of a sudden I hear MANDY! being yelled out, (thank goodness I didn't have a name like....minigeek )
            I just realise why I always use my real name as nick lol
            Now I defenitely see it's pro's


              Originally posted by Feli View Post
              Well, that's one way of putting it...
              You felt awe and amazement?

              You only met two of us at once, one sneaked in before us.


                Just one final invitation reminder:

                The GWers at the Sam/Jack Ship Family Thread invite friends of like minds to a special event:


                5th Annual Ship Day
                Saturday, July 28th
                12-midnight - 12-midnight, Eastern U. S. Time
                Gateworld Forums - Characters & Relationships

                * graphic by Zuz


                  Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                  Traitor. My plan to stick that "if you've seen these polar bears please do not approach.. highly dangerous... call the penguin squad" in the lobby is back on!
                  PengYn, we've heard you've had some trouble with flooding

                  Don't worry the Polar Bears will help you out


                  my fanfic


                    *tidies up and leaves food since Mal was complaining *



                      279 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        PengYn, we've heard you've had some trouble with flooding

                        Don't worry the Polar Bears will help you out

                        ROFL. Thanks I could use a lift. Better than trying to drown myself swimming to work.

                        Yay. Tickets!


                          This is my 200th post *woohoo*, so it had to be in the GABIT thread!!
                          Can't wait to see everyone again!! AT3 is gonna be awesome


                            Originally posted by sofie View Post
                            This is my 200th post *woohoo*, so it had to be in the GABIT thread!!
                            Can't wait to see everyone again!! AT3 is gonna be awesome
                            Congrats on 200 posts sofie!!

                            And yeah AT3 will be awesome!

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              Originally posted by sofie View Post
                              This is my 200th post *woohoo*, so it had to be in the GABIT thread!!
                              Can't wait to see everyone again!! AT3 is gonna be awesome
                              Indeed! I still remember meeting you and your mom in the elevator. And y'know, elevators are one of my favourite places


                                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                                Indeed! I still remember meeting you and your mom in the elevator. And y'know, elevators are one of my favourite places
                                lol, another Grey's anatomy fan. Elevators can defenitely be interesting *wonders why we didn't have an elevator God*

