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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
    Oh man, mini, you just said everything I wanted to say and did it so well. I'm going to wax lyrical about what a wonderful job the GABIT team did on their website when I get a moment. I so much enjoyed meeting so many warm, funny, fun-loving people (my husband says I have come home with a phony North American accent - bwaha! )
    LOL! We did our best to change it! But I think we're all coming home with mouths full of Brit-isms, so it was an equal exchange! (((scarimor)))
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
      Don't know exactly what the source of it is (GABIT or something else), but I've read she'll be doing 12 episodes.
      I was at AT2 the whole weekend and don't remember any number being given. In fact all I recall was Amanda stressing the fact that she didn't know for sure at this point exactly how many eps or how much/what type of involvement her character would have in the Atlantis franchise next season.
      Originally posted by Mousie View Post
      I do remember her saying that - I'm pretty sure it was during the first Q&A on Saturday and whilst I can't remember how many she said she was doing I'm positive it was more than 10.
      Funny how we remember things differently. I sat next to her at the cocktail party and no number was given. At all. As Sky said, she doesn't know at this point.

      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
      I believe the source for that is here
      I respectfully point out that there's no true source in this post that you gave us a link to. "A friend" can be anybody. Word from Amanda is that she doesn't know. Plus remember... if they start filming as they normally would do in February, then nothing will be certain about story arcs until much closer to filming.
      Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 21 November 2006, 05:59 PM.
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by AmberMoon View Post
        I just wanted to post a great big THANK YOU to the G4 for the best con I have ever been too. I was a con virgin but I ain't no more . I truly enjoyed myself (my credit card did's a puddle of goo in me pocket right now) and it was such fun meeting most of the GWers who were able to attend.
        It was a genuine pleasure to meet you too, AM. And as for that wee bitty melted (or is that toasted??!) credit card of yours.... since you were sitting right in front of me, I'll never forget your twitches of excitement as you whipped that card out and waved it in the air - or of that one moment that Amanda grabbed your card and hightailed it up the aisle, offering to auction off the card! ((((((((AM))))))))))

        I would type more but I'm running out of minutes and I have no more change in me pocket. 10 pence a minute....highway robbery!
        Though I hated so much the thought of the wonderful weekend being over, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to be back home with access to my desktop and lappie PC's... No more restricted access, being bumped out of sites, and no more feeding the evil moneyeating computer at the Ren's business office!!! (And I can right click and multiple window to my heart's content!!!! ) (Am I rubbing it in enough yet????!!! )

        (((A.M.))) (((LadyJeep)))
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
          I was at AT2 the whole weekend and don't remember any number being given. In fact all I recall was Amanda stressing the fact that she didn't know for sure at this point exactly how many eps or how much/what type of involvement her character would have in the Atlantis franchise next season.
          Yes, as others have already said, it's important that people don't take "rumors" as solid facts. Amanda truly did not say how many episodes she might be involved in. She made a point of saying she didn't know. And until we hear from her via Kamil (or the studio) one way or the other, I think it's safer not to begin a giant speculation mill.

          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            this event was really breath taking, Amanda is so beautiful in person, I hardly reconised her with long hair, she is such a wonderful person and she has a heart of gold. I was so nervous meeting her and I couldn't move a muscle when it was my turn to have my picture taken, she grabbed me and gave me a big hug and she was comforting me to carm me down, she's a miracle worker. She said I wow you could be my stand in? My mum went first, god knows what she said to her but when Amanda said that I was speechless, and she told me I was beautiful, well I was almost in tears, I didn't no what to say. I brought £32 worth of tea party tickets and when my number did'nt come up cry'd so much it hurt, but Early on I went to the loo, and just after I came out to wash my hands the door opened and there she was, she looked at me and said hi, I said hi back, god I was gob smacked, the loo's smell't really funny, and I just came out with it while washing my hands. It smell's funny in here dose'nt it and she said yer dose abit, then I realized what I said, god I'm so supid, what a dumb thing to say. I left the toilets as I didn't want to hang around and invade her privacy.
            Carn't wait until AT-3.
            kirsti xox


              Bleeeeugh I have a major headache, hassle at work and a nice dose of post-con crud kicking in between AT2 and Avalon but reading through the thread has cheered me up no end, in fact I'm sitting here grinning at all the fun and memories so as always, thanks for sharing


                Originally posted by flippy18 View Post
                *agrees with everything Rune said and Bev's fabby pome!*

                Kliggins tippee cup was genius, and it did work, there were no spillages
                Yes, it did work well, didnt't it? Good thing too since I was sitting next to you.

                Thank you G4; it was hilarious and the picture looks just like me.


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                  Hi flippy *waves*

                  Yes, she was very good at the party, but you should have seen the mess she made at breakfast!!!
                  I did not make a mess at breakfast. *stomps foot*

                  and I have these now £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££


                    Originally posted by Rune View Post
                    *cough* ya think? *cough*

                    Bev loves to wear her drinkies
                    hehehe, especially before a certain event.

                    Thank you Tracy


                      Originally posted by Rune View Post
                      Bleeeeugh I have a major headache, hassle at work and a nice dose of post-con crud kicking in between AT2 and Avalon but reading through the thread has cheered me up no end, in fact I'm sitting here grinning at all the fun and memories so as always, thanks for sharing
                      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww roomie. Sorry to hear you are not well. This will cheer you up; I have ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ Feel better soon.


                        Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
                        hehehe, especially before a certain event.

                        Thank you Tracy
                        Anything for my Kliggywiggy.

                        Then again, it was pretty damn hard to make a mess when the G4 provided you with a tippycup, huh, Kliggs?
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
                          Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww roomie. Sorry to hear you are not well. This will cheer you up; I have ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ Feel better soon.
                          ((((kliggy)))) thank you, I'm feeling horribly cruddy with the headache at the moment and been trying to text you all day, have you spilled drink on your phone and bust it?


                            Originally posted by Rune View Post
                            Bleeeeugh I have a major headache, hassle at work and a nice dose of post-con crud kicking in between AT2 and Avalon but reading through the thread has cheered me up no end, in fact I'm sitting here grinning at all the fun and memories so as always, thanks for sharing
                            (((Rune))) - Here is a nice Hot Toddy for you

                            My View From The Peanut Gallery


                              Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                              (((Rune))) - Here is a nice Hot Toddy for you

                              (((((Tsax)))))) awww thank you

                              I'm trying to kick both this cruddyness and myself back into gear ready for the weekend (trying not to whine here)


                                Rune, sorry, the braincell finally kicked in! I'm sorry you're feeling crappy *big hugs*
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

