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    Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
    Jumble, I dropped one down the toilet once. And flushed.

    Put it on top of the radiator on a towel and by morning it was good as new
    LOL. Well, you certainly can't say THAT about the iPhone, much as I do love it.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
      Implication would suggest subtlety. Not really something I do ahaha

      All this phone talk is informative but in some ways it is like you are speaking a foreign language. I need a technobabble-luddite dictionary!

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
        Jumble, I dropped one down the toilet once. And flushed.

        Put it on top of the radiator on a towel and by morning it was good as new
        Doesn't surprise me

        Originally posted by EH-T View Post

        All this phone talk is informative but in some ways it is like you are speaking a foreign language. I need a technobabble-luddite dictionary!
        It's easy - do you need a phone or a pc in your pocket? I've never felt the need to email, fb or tweet whilst I'm out of the house, whereas I know others that do, so you need to get the simplest version that meets your needs

        My phone costs me £10. per month - 100 minutes + 100 texts included.


          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          I have a Nokia - it makes and receives calls, sends and receives texts and takes a pretty good photo. That's all I need it to do
          Oh, and it does still work after it's been dropped and put back together - what more could I possibly want?
          I can attest to that - hubby dropped his Nokia in a pool and it still worked after it dried out - tuff little buggers
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
            LOL. Well, you certainly can't say THAT about the iPhone, much as I do love it.
            It's had a tea shower, and a coke one actually, but I'm not brave enough to send it for a proper swim...

            All this has reminded me about pagers. I sorta miss them, my first go at texting, and my parents trying to keep tabs on me on school nights Lol


              The trick to (possibly) saving electronics after they have gone for a swim is to *not* turn them on again until they are completely dried out.

              Generally speaking, it's not the bath that breaks them, it's the attempt to turn them on again right away that cause things to short out. It's instinct to try and turn it on, but that is the worst thing you can do.

              Best advice is to remove the battery (if you - can't on an iPhone of course), leave the back off and just let it air out for a long while.


                Heh. Back when I first moved to NYC to follow fame and fortune, pagers connected to answering services were how agents contacted you when they booked you an audition or a job. Of course, you then had to run to a pay phone to get the message and then call them back to say yes/no/details etc. Good times. Yes, this was before everyone had cell phones. Yes, I am old enough for that.

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  I don't have a smart phone. NOt gonna pay the $70 a month for a data plan....I just don't need to surf the net that badly.

                  I have a pantech crux sucks. would not recommend it. I tried keeping some music on it but the stupid phone randomly plays music even wehn locked. the touch screen is buggy. Prior to that I had a LG Envy and it was fine. good qwerty keyboard and worked great.

                  I have a nano, an ipod touch and an ipad. I use the nano when i'm on the road, the touch was my organizer and I love my ipad. instant on, i can surf the net or type out a fic or read a story. I have movies on it although I have yet to watch any of them.

                  I have a large music collection that i've...appropriated over the years. I rip cd's. I have never bought anything from iTUnes, and I think that's why I've avoided a lot of the issues with music and movies. My songs don't have DRM on them, neither do my movies. I have the knowledge and patience to make my o wn copies so I don't have to muck with limited use files.

                  I see the issues people have and yeah, Apple has great stuff. But I also get tired of their 'you can't delete this' stuff. I get tired of using the device as they think i should. I still like my ipad adn my touch. I just find ways to work around Apple's attitude and limits.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by antoa View Post
                    The trick to (possibly) saving electronics after they have gone for a swim is to *not* turn them on again until they are completely dried out.

                    Generally speaking, it's not the bath that breaks them, it's the attempt to turn them on again right away that cause things to short out. It's instinct to try and turn it on, but that is the worst thing you can do.

                    Best advice is to remove the battery (if you - can't on an iPhone of course), leave the back off and just let it air out for a long while.

                    a bowl of dry rice works too. The rice wicks away water and moisture.
                    Let it sit for a few days at least, depending on how badly it was moistened.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      I only got a smart phone when our budget carrier started offering plans. $10 a month for 1000 texts and as much internet as I'm going to use? Yes please.

                      I love my cheap android, especially the micro SD to expand the memory. Having said that, even though it plays music I still lug around my sister's ancient ipod touch because I prefer it.

                      My sister and her (comparatively) luddite flatmate both have iphones and get totally different experiences from them. My sister is a nerd that gets right into the functionality of the thing. Her flatmate loves the intuitiveness and plug and play aspect. She is a writer who teaches workshops all over the place and often goes on international writers programmes. She is able to use her iphone in most countries, and plug it into her laptop for internet access anywhere.

                      I haven't even thought about what I would opt for if I went high end, iphone, htc or samsung galaxy? Would love any of the 3, but too busy saving for my trip to Nepal and London. My sister is supposed to be saving too and just bought a samsung tablet! She said it was to study on the train, but she said this as she was transferring episodes of Downton Abby onto it
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        when i got my new phone, i got the iphone because mayo the tall recommended it and as everyone knows, she is always right.(at least that's what she told me) and i really like it. i like that i can easily get my addys, photos etc loaded to my computer easily. i really do like apple services and they go beyond basics to help you figure things out. i have no regrets except like i said before, i miss hearing "DROID" when i get a call.
                        my latest discovery is the "magic jack plus" for my landline. free long distance, directory assistance and international calls when i use it. and only $19.95 a year. such a deal. and if you go out of the country you can make calls back to the states for something like 2 1/2 cents a minute. very cheap. sure beats paying $25/month for a phone. i can put that money towards my AT6 trip. wish they could come up with something that great for cell phones.


                          Wait, people still have landline? I thought only people parents had landlines
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            You get ice cream from your phone? Sign me up.

                            Interesting food for thought.

                            Anyone else want to weigh in?
                            I should be getting ice cream for mine later this year. I broke down and got a smart phone in December, a Motorola Photon. Loving everything but the bill so far. Though I was disappointed in my Girl Scout Cookie locator app. It never found the ones close to me. One reason I got the photon though is that it is a "world" phone, so it can be used across the pond. I got it for $50 at Best Buy.

                            Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                            I have a GS2 too! Android rulez!
                            Liking my android, but I wish webOS was still available. I lucked out and got a fire sale Touchpad (a friends' wife works for HP). Love webOS. Awesome system and very user friendly. (Hacked it the first night ) Can't wait to see what happens now that its going open source.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            I don't have a smart phone. NOt gonna pay the $70 a month for a data plan....I just don't need to surf the net that badly.
                            Yeah, I called sprint to see if they had an "old people's" plan for folks that don't live on their phone. They thought I was pretty funny. I love the convenience, but for the amount of data I actually use, it's a ridiculous price.
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              Best advice is to remove the battery (if you - can't on an iPhone of course), leave the back off and just let it air out for a long while.
                              Thats been a thorn in hubbys side actually - not being able to replace the battery.
                              And the iphones are a bit bulky but I'm still able to hide it in my bra when I run out of hands...I guess there are a ot of pros & cons to consider...I like the large screen on my iphone but I miss the compact size of my Nokia & Motorola.

                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              One reason I got the photon though is that it is a "world" phone, so it can be used across the pond. I got it for $50 at Best Buy.
                              I have international calling on my phone too but it is actually cheaper for me to get a new sim card at the other end of my destination than to use my own card...I hope I can do that with the iphone in November as well as be able to connect to the internet.
                              Last edited by Chelle DB; 30 March 2012, 09:47 PM.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                All this phone talk is informative but in some ways it is like you are speaking a foreign language. I need a technobabble-luddite dictionary!
                                I agree with Jumble. Find a phone for talking, maybe a few messages (a year) and cheap! they all take pictures - useful if you ever have a car accident. Don't want the internet or other such junk! Nuisance but necessary evil!

