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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post

    Also, Mayo, have to disagree with the point of not donating to charity. I would never be mean to an individual who doesn't give but I would point out that, IMHO, it is our obligation to give. Again, if someone does not have the money then they can volunteer time. We are all members of the same community and we should help one another.
    I'm talking about name calling because people don't 'give'.

    But I do think you need to be careful in how you go about it; promote the virtues of doing some good and paying it forward, but i wouldn't want anyone to do something because they felt they'd been guilted into it. Peer pressure ain't just for the kids!

    S4K and the fandom connection is a good example of LEADING by example. It's a gentle nudge and can be held up as a perfect example of inclusion and using the resources at hand (I'm calling fandom a resource

    As a model there could be no greater consequence than another show doing something similar. But in terms of individuals I think the best way is to try and set the example and hope that people will follow. I wouldn't ever feel comfortable telling anybody else how to spend their time or money. But if you do, then I guess that's just your version of refusing to move on the bus (you'll get that ref - and the World would never evolve without people doing it.



      I like this subject. It makes a nice change from conventions and 'ooh wasn't that episode shiny...' ahahaha


        Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
        I'm talking about name calling because people don't 'give'.

        But I do think you need to be careful in how you go about it; promote the virtues of doing some good and paying it forward, but i wouldn't want anyone to do something because they felt they'd been guilted into it. Peer pressure ain't just for the kids!

        S4K and the fandom connection is a good example of LEADING by example. It's a gentle nudge and can be held up as a perfect example of inclusion and using the resources at hand (I'm calling fandom a resource

        As a model there could be no greater consequence than another show doing something similar. But in terms of individuals I think the best way is to try and set the example and hope that people will follow. I wouldn't ever feel comfortable telling anybody else how to spend their time or money. But if you do, then I guess that's just your version of refusing to move on the bus (you'll get that ref - and the World would never evolve without people doing it.
        Absolutely. As I mentioned, my parents set the example for me. I am trying hard to model that behaviour for my nieces and nephews. One of the reasons I give the auction stuff away to others is I hope that they will pay it forward and they have.
        Last edited by EH-T; 14 November 2011, 11:56 AM.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
          There was a guy walking around Dragon Con with a single sheet of printed A4 paper claiming to be taking donations for a Womens' Charity.

          People were actually handing him bills and they literally went straight in his back pocket. I wanted to yell at them that they were being had Lol

          - Politicians - do you have the equivalent of Parliamentary Privilege in the US?
          In the US you are suppose to have a license to collect funds and display that license at all times!

          As for phone donations, I quit doing that because so much of the money doesn't go to where it should and they never leave you alone. I once donated to the "widows fund" for slain police officers. Not a large amount, but I donated anyway. Withing three weeks I received about six more calls from funds representing the fire dept., highway patrol, etc. Now I just say I don't have a job (which is true) so I can't afford it. And still some of them keep pushing. Finally I told one of them to send me an envelope but also send me the information about the charity, including the license, where the money goes to and what you actually plan on doing with my donation. Surprise - never heard from them again and that was over a year ago. However, I moved and guess what one of the first calls was that I received...yep! Donate to the "widows" funds. But this time I said no, I donate through work! Never received another call! My money goes to S4K and two animal charities. No where else!
          Last edited by llp; 14 November 2011, 01:54 PM.


            For the animals, most animal shelters are non profit. Buy them something they need or give them cash. Keep it local.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              My thing about giving, no matter what charity it might be, is when you do so to make sure it is whole-hearted. Giving with doubts or a divided heart shouldn't be done. Also, it should be done within your means. Sounds sensible, but when the bills come due and you feel pressure to 'give' (like the old slogan, 'give until it hurts') even though you know its a choice of one or the other, I would choose to pay my rent and car loan. Sorry if this sounds wrong to some of you, but I'd rather not go into debt. When I have money at the end of the month or whatever and feel I can give, then I will and I'll do it happily and without reservation.


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                S4K would not be listed. They are not a registered charity but a foundation.
                Keep in mind that S4K gives money to charitable organizations, some small and local and some, such as Save the Children, to deal with things like the natural disasters. Certainly a portion of the money going to STC would be used for administrative costs. It is a fact of life that most charities will have admin costs and part of your donation goes there. However, it does help to be informed so you are sure that it is only a small percentage. Essentially, that is part of what S4K is doing, they are vetting the charity for us.
                Also keep in mind that the method of giving has an impact. For example, if you donate to a telephone solicitor here, a good chunk of the money goes to the company doing the soliciting. Better to give directly to the charity.
                Also, Mayo, have to disagree with the point of not donating to charity. I would never be mean to an individual who doesn't give but I would point out that,
                IMHO, it is our obligation to give. Again, if someone does not have the money then they can volunteer time. We are all members of the same community and we should help one another.
                Not meaning to stand on anyones toes but I don't particularly agree with that statement that we should be "obliged" to give. Not everyone is in that position...which doesn't mean that they are also in a position to give up time either. Life isn't so simple for all. My brothers are truck drivers and work primarily to support their families & pay the HUGE debts they mount with owning a rig. They barely scrape by financially. My youngest is in the process of a divorce which sees him currently paying his mortgage as well as rent so he can live somewhere else. (he will have to eventually sell his house as it's just not financially viable for him to keep anymore) He also has 3 small children he has to support. Though his partner works, they are struggling to make ends meet with childcare costs taking almost 60% of their income....which together they earn almost 3 times that which my hubby & I earn combined. My older brother is only home on the weekends so gives that time to his family. My younger brother works 14 hours a day and only sees his children on the weekends. How do I tell them they are "obliged" to give if not financially then with their time?
                I know I can give some of my time...I'm volunteering at work every second Thursday to help with the Day Center guests. I have the luxury and really the privilege to do that. I also give every month to S4K plus more when the opportunities arise. And as a family we regularly donate goods to the local Lions Club to help support the community.
                I could continue to give more examples of how as much as we would like to give and give in any way be it monetary or time, it's not always possible.
                I do think that in times of hardship or times of need, communities do rally together & people do help each other. But not because they feel obliged to do so but rather because they want to do it...because that is the spirit I believe exist in all of us.
                Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                I'm talking about name calling because people don't 'give'.
                But I do think you need to be careful in how you go about it; promote the virtues of doing some good and paying it forward, but i wouldn't want anyone to do something because they felt they'd been guilted into it. Peer pressure ain't just for the kids!
                S4K and the fandom connection is a good example of LEADING by example. It's a gentle nudge and can be held up as a perfect example of inclusion and using the resources at hand (I'm calling fandom a resource
                As a model there could be no greater consequence than another show doing something similar. But in terms of individuals I think the best way is to try and set the example and hope that people will follow. I wouldn't ever feel comfortable telling anybody else how to spend their time or money. But if you do, then I guess that's just your version of refusing to move on the bus (you'll get that ref - and the World would never evolve without people doing it.
                I agree. Being guilted into donating turns me off donating rather than on.
                The best reward is that feeling you get in your heart that you've done something of your own volition to help others and not because someone said you had to do it.

                Mumsey - my S4K hoodie came in's a bit on the large side but I knew that would be the case...Niki thinks I should wear it as a dress next year with my Furling boots! My arms disappear in it...I think I can fly if I try!!!
                Thank you.
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  I once bought a goat for someone with Oxfam. It was a complete one off, because I don't know much about them and I give to local charaties normally. That was Christmas 2 years ago and I'm still getting emails and information packs posted to me. I have asked them to stop- who knows how much money they spend on contacting people who aren't interested?

                  Same for giving blood. I used to go in every 3 months only to be turned away for being under weight, anemic, less than 6 months since a piercing- whatever. I have only been able to give blood twice in the 7 years I have been eligible, yet they keep ringing and asking me to make an appointment. I would love to give, and have told them *I* will ring *them* when I'm healthy. Nope. Sigh.
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Hey Neep, does it make you wonder if the money you're giving them is actually going to the people who need it or to more promotions for the charity? Coz I get the same stuff from the deaf society, the blind society and the heart foundation. I get free cards & pens in the mail...things I didnt want or need. I get hounded by them to keep donating coz I gave once so they think it means I want to keep giving.
                    We even registered our number on the do not call register but guess what...charities are exempt from that so they can still chase you.
                    I'm not allowed to give blood coz I've been to the UK...yeah, apparently that's not a good thing.
                    Well at least my family all know that should something befall me I want to donate my organs...if anyone should want them.
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      I love local charities, have volunteered with a number around here over the years. I like being able to trust local charities, partly because of being able to see the results of their work, but also for being able to know exactly where money is going.

                      I'm in a position where I can volunteer more time and money at the moment, so time is what I do. I'm on call most Friday nights and Saturday mornings and do helpline shifts every so often to. It's a lot of fun and I get a lot of out of it myself.

                      I refuse to be guilted into giving money, usually by larger charities. I get flagged down a lot by the charity muggers on the street (because I'm on my own, youngish and female and they're mostly University students) and it doesn't matter who you are, it doesn't matter how worthy your cause, I am not signing up with my bank details in the middle of fargate for anything. If I did want to do something I would go home, research it and then do it.
                      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                      My Fanfic~My Femslash


                        Chelle, where you in the UK for 6 months or more between 1980 and 1996?

                        Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                        I refuse to be guilted into giving money, usually by larger charities. I get flagged down a lot by the charity muggers on the street (because I'm on my own, youngish and female and they're mostly University students) and it doesn't matter who you are, it doesn't matter how worthy your cause, I am not signing up with my bank details in the middle of fargate for anything. If I did want to do something I would go home, research it and then do it.
                        Charity muggers! I use the same tactics as I do with the aggressive street evangelists telling me I'm going to hell... suddenly become engrossed in my phone/bag/nails and fail to see them.
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          Chelle, where you in the UK for 6 months or more between 1980 and 1996?
                          Nope but last I asked which was 2 years ago they didn't want my blood because I had been in the UK...I think it all stemmed from the mad cow disease but that's all she said. And yes, I know, that was years ago. I used to be a regular donor before then...well regular as far as when they came to town.
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                            Same for giving blood. I used to go in every 3 months only to be turned away for being under weight, anemic, less than 6 months since a piercing- whatever. I have only been able to give blood twice in the 7 years I have been eligible, yet they keep ringing and asking me to make an appointment. I would love to give, and have told them *I* will ring *them* when I'm healthy. Nope. Sigh.
                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            I'm not allowed to give blood coz I've been to the UK...yeah, apparently that's not a good thing.
                            Well at least my family all know that should something befall me I want to donate my organs...if anyone should want them.
                            I used to be a regular donor until the mad cow thing came up - then I was told I couldn't donate anymore because I had a blood transfusion in 1989 Ironic really, because it was having my life saved by a donor was that promted me to start donating
                            Last edited by Jumble; 15 November 2011, 03:15 AM.


                              I'm going to have to contact the Blood Bank again coz I swear that chick gave me misinformation. I'm just going to have to wait til they come back to town...they're like a travelling circus's kinda fun!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                                I'm going to have to contact the Blood Bank again coz I swear that chick gave me misinformation. I'm just going to have to wait til they come back to town...they're like a travelling circus's kinda fun!
                                The website seems pretty helpful
                                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!

