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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by llp View Post
    Slightly off topic - I just went on the website for the Ellen show. She has an area where you can suggest ideas, etc. I wrote a really nice piece on why she should have AT on her show....also I hear she is taking the show to Vancouver for a week in her new season. Now, if enough of you do the same (write not go to Vancouver - or both) we might be able to push it over the "perverbial" edge and get AT on the show....any volunteers!
    Fantastic..I shall have to google the site and hope that I can also do my part...great idea llp!!
    Uhm...which area is it that one can suggest ideas?? There are so many little drop downs but I can't find one that says suggestions.
    Linky anyone??
    Oh wait...I think I know what to do's titled "Dear Ellen"'s under the title "Be a part of the show"...then scroll down...hope this link help:
    Last edited by Chelle DB; 03 August 2011, 12:19 AM.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      *jumps in*

      Hi guys, been so long I've been on GW, so what's new?
      Any pats dropping, chocolate eating, auction bidding related incidents I should know about?

      Also super excited and can not wait for the AT6 announcement!

      Take care y'all!


        Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
        *jumps in*

        Hi guys, been so long I've been on GW, so what's new?
        Any pats dropping, chocolate eating, auction bidding related incidents I should know about?

        Also super excited and can not wait for the AT6 announcement!

        Take care y'all!
        Auction? Did some say auction?

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          Auction? Did some say auction?

          Oh boy.....Auction! An AT Auction????? All right!


            Another good idea:

            Per @JuliaHague:
            Mind blowing thought! If all 45,876 @amandatapping Twitter followers donated just $10 in her birthday month to @Sanctuary4kids > $458760 would be raised!
            If you want to donate to @Sanctuary4kids as a united @amandatapping fandom gesture, just put #ATTwitterFandomUnited on the online donation form.



              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              Auction? Did some say auction?

              Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
              Another good idea:

              Per @JuliaHague:
              Mind blowing thought! If all 45,876 @amandatapping Twitter followers donated just $10 in her birthday month to @Sanctuary4kids > $458760 would be raised!
              If you want to donate to @Sanctuary4kids as a united @amandatapping fandom gesture, just put #ATTwitterFandomUnited on the online donation form.

              Will do! Awesome idea.
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                Another good idea:

                Per @JuliaHague:
                Mind blowing thought! If all 45,876 @amandatapping Twitter followers donated just $10 in her birthday month to @Sanctuary4kids > $458760 would be raised!
                If you want to donate to @Sanctuary4kids as a united @amandatapping fandom gesture, just put #ATTwitterFandomUnited on the online donation form.

                Well, just sent a bit of money from my birthday fundraiser, seems appropriate I send some for her birthday (even if I am not a twit..terer )

                BTW, had a lovely gift waiting for me yesterday all the way from NZ. Many thanks to Neep and Fred (I'm sure Fred was involved ). It was a CD that included a song about where I live. How fabulous is that? Even we don't write songs about where we live. Also, some lovely NZ chocolate. Huge hugs and thanks sweet Neep.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by rderoch View Post


                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                    Another good idea:

                    Per @JuliaHague:
                    Mind blowing thought! If all 45,876 @amandatapping Twitter followers donated just $10 in her birthday month to @Sanctuary4kids > $458760 would be raised!
                    If you want to donate to @Sanctuary4kids as a united @amandatapping fandom gesture, just put #ATTwitterFandomUnited on the online donation form.

                    My vids Sig made by me



                      Forgotted to put the tag in, but ah well
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        done did it.


                          Done also...again...second time this week...and no doubt I'll be doing it again soon. It feels so right.
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                            Me too!

                            Love your Mulder sig. Sigh......I miss XF.
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              Hi everyone,

                              What a fantastic idea from Julia! I just donated too.

                              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                                Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                                Another good idea:

                                Per @JuliaHague:
                                Mind blowing thought! If all 45,876 @amandatapping Twitter followers donated just $10 in her birthday month to @Sanctuary4kids > $458760 would be raised!
                                If you want to donate to @Sanctuary4kids as a united @amandatapping fandom gesture, just put #ATTwitterFandomUnited on the online donation form.


                                I'm always amazed at how good 'giving' feels.

