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    Originally posted by llp View Post
    I hope she took my warning for being real! I normally wouldn't tell someone that unless it was really really bad....and this wine qualified!
    Yes, we did warn her, but that's exactly why I think she'll have opened it - to see just how bad it really is


      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      Yes, we did warn her, but that's exactly why I think she'll have opened it - to see just how bad it really is
      Hmmm....they do have socialized medicine in Canada don't they!


        I ended up buying a 5 pound phone card while I was out and about so I could call home. You can get them at any of the many convenience stores. It got me about 25-30 minutes to the US from the payphone in the Ren lobby. Didn't use it up so I'll bring it next trip. You can get different sizes.

        I had my cell for emergencies and for texting.


          someone told me to buy one of the phones that they sell at the airports. he said they are the cheapest way to go. but my next phone will definitely be global. and, i'll let the concierge call the taxis for me. that will save a lot.


            I was sitting there thinking "it isn't that awful. Is my taste in wine that bad?"

            So the Californian vs New Zealand Sanctuary wine explanation makes sense. Heh.
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              i think all wine tastes bad

              always gives me a headache.

              i'll take rum please
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                I was sitting there thinking "it isn't that awful. Is my taste in wine that bad?"

                So the Californian vs New Zealand Sanctuary wine explanation makes sense. Heh.
                Ah, we should have explained the difference

                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i think all wine tastes bad

                always gives me a headache.

                i'll take rum please
                I used to hate wine too, but I guess my tastebuds have changed with age.

                Or practise..........


                  I upgraded my phone to global after AT4 when my Mom had no way of contacting me except for email (which, being techie-disadvantaged, was even difficult for her to figure out) when my Grandma died a few days before the event. Was gutted. Decided when emergencies back home happen, I want to know NOW. Not days later.

                  It's worked out splendidly each time I was overseas and the bill isnt much. I pay like .05 for texts received and .50 for sending. The calling rate depends on the country, but I used it sparingly. It was just nice to have that assurance.


                    i was gone almost 3 weeks, and mom is a definite worry wart. so i had to call fairly often to make sure she knew i was ok. next trip it will be much shorter calls. she starts rambling about unimportant things(she's a real talker) and the minutes add up. and i'll do more texts.


                      My one email from mum was hilarious... all things like "your father has taken the dog for a walk."
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        gosh, i've been watching all the news and videos about the quake and tsunami in japan. my heart and prayers really go out to them. the tsunami wave videos are amazing . i just can't wrap my head around this massive wave pushing huge boats and hundreds of cars and houses all the way inland to the farm fields . it's really horrific. i'm so grateful that the other places where there are tsunami waves-hawaii and the west coast of north america -were evacuated and the waves don't seem to be to very high. i sure hope the worst of the after shocks are over and no more quakes will do any damage. i'm grateful that i don't live in an area where quakes are a problem. i don't think i've ever even felt a rumble although we have had a few minor rumbles here near chicago. my heart really goes out to them in japan. there but for the grace of God go I.


                          Last quake we had in our area was about last spring if I remember correctly. Wasn't anything major, but it surely made the news. I didnt feel it cos I was working on the boat at the time, but the year before this, we had another which I totally felt. Weirdest feeling.

                          My thoughts are with those affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            my phone won't even work in the UK
                            My phone wouldn't work overseas either but that was because of my network provider who screwed up royally. I ended up buying a cheap little Nokia phone from Vodaphone and went pre paid so I could call anyone anywhere. It's much cheaper than using my own phone because i would have got billed not only on my phone account for the call I mad but also on the other end had I rung home with my normal mobile phone, I would have got charged twice but with the pre paid phone, I only got charged once. So when I travel I buy a SIM card from the country I'm in and its cheaper than using my own.

                            Having watched the tsunami disaster as it unfolded yesterday, and then hearing about the Australian consulate tracking down Aussie visitors in Japan, had me thinking that I wonder if I should register with the Aussie Consulate every time I venture out the country? Coz I didn't when I went to Europe in 09 or NZ last year. Had something happened, the hubby knew I was in whatever country I was in but is it better to register when traveling abroad in case of events such as the Japan earthquake & tsunami?
                            Do most of you register with you consulate when you leave your country? Just a thought.
                            Sta safe everyone. xo
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Having watched the tsunami disaster as it unfolded yesterday, and then hearing about the Australian consulate tracking down Aussie visitors in Japan, had me thinking that I wonder if I should register with the Aussie Consulate every time I venture out the country? Coz I didn't when I went to Europe in 09 or NZ last year. Had something happened, the hubby knew I was in whatever country I was in but is it better to register when traveling abroad in case of events such as the Japan earthquake & tsunami?
                              Do most of you register with you consulate when you leave your country? Just a thought.
                              Sta safe everyone. xo
                              I've never registered with the consolate whenever I went out of the country and I have been outside the country many many times. But I suppose if I went to somewhere I was concerned about my safety maybe then. But I've been to a lot of places, including all over Europe, Japan, China, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama and Peru - even to the Amazon. However, maybe the world isn't as safe as it use to be.


                                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                                Having watched the tsunami disaster as it unfolded yesterday, and then hearing about the Australian consulate tracking down Aussie visitors in Japan, had me thinking that I wonder if I should register with the Aussie Consulate every time I venture out the country? Coz I didn't when I went to Europe in 09 or NZ last year. Had something happened, the hubby knew I was in whatever country I was in but is it better to register when traveling abroad in case of events such as the Japan earthquake & tsunami?
                                Do most of you register with you consulate when you leave your country? Just a thought.
                                Sta safe everyone. xo

                                I always register on the Aus Govt Smart Traveller website Chelle, even when going to a 'safe' country like the US for a week. The local consulates in 2 of the countries I've visited have actually contacted me during my holidays to alert me to issues in the area I was travelling in.
                                I also had to go to the embassy in Washington during my last trip and they were saying it makes their jobs so much easier if a disaster/major event occurs and they've already got your details on file.

                                I'd recommend it - for Aussies it's so easy to fill in the online form - then they send your information to the Aus embassies and consulates in the areas you'll be going.
                                Last edited by Kathryn; 11 March 2011, 10:28 PM.
                                The Wraith the Wraith are a very bad race. A very bad race indeed
                                Next convention: Creation LA SG/FS/Eureka WH13 Sanctuary TriCon

