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GABIT attendees thread

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    I just get really sleepy... I don't really wake up at night. The only time that happened was when Cel showed me a message about the Chch earthquake at 3am on our first night back in L.A. Then I was wide awake.
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      Apparently, we've never done anything right.

      For AT3, we arrived at the hotel at about 3 or 4 and had to get ready for the cocktail party. AT4, we arrived in London at around 9 in the morning at stayed up all day sightseeing before going to bed. Both times, we were up for about 40 hours before sleeping (except for little cat naps on the planes). Both trips were a whirlwind of activity for a week and then the flight home. Out of sorts for about a day after getting home, which makes all that unpacking and doing laundry lots of fun. Luckily, I'm good at functioning pretty well with half a brain.
      No comment.

      Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
      Weekend of Many Hugs

      Auction for S4K:

      If it's already been posted then I'm sorry.
      But you should be away bidding and not here to see it twice;-)
      Did someone say auction?

      I was wondering if I should repost from the Gabit thread, thanks for saving me the trouble.

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        I just get really sleepy... I don't really wake up at night. The only time that happened was when Cel showed me a message about the Chch earthquake at 3am on our first night back in L.A. Then I was wide awake.
        Heh. Yeah, three in the morning. Wide awake. Darn jet lag!

        Seems I've no qualms of waking others in the middle of the night either when I see the need.


          anybody know anything about a "dragon con" that amanda will be at?


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            what i do when i fly to london from the US, well I never sleep on the plane. and once I get to england, might take a little nap (depends on when your flight arrives) but not a long one...if you get to the uK after about 4pm or so, just stay up a few hours and go to bed around 9pm, sleepin a bit.

            if you get in in the early am, take a nap for a couple of hours, then stay awake and go to bed at hte normal time, trying to keep to as normal of a sleep cycle as possible.

            and i agree with drinking plenty.
            Oh me too!!! Definitely a good idea

            Oh, you meant water? Ooops!



              I've flown first class on an upgrade and I can say from personal experience they are just as disgusting as the economy class. In fact I told myself when I left the "room" that it was a mess; 36 hours later I had the worst rotovirus infection . It put me down for 4 days; quite frankly I would have appreciated it if someone, anyone, would have shot me to put me out of my misery So a higher priced ticket doesn't buy you a clean bathroom.


                *Hugs* to everyone who's got jet-leg, it must be tough. I didn't get jet-lag obviously, but I was really tired for about a week, think maybe its to do with the fun of the weekend with, not much sleep adrenalin gets me through and when I get home and stop the tiredness hits.

                Oh and Ives the bear arrived home today. *Huge hugs* to JulaR and Ives sender. I gave him a big hug, it felt like hugging all of you. Miss everyone. *hugs thread*

                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                  Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                  anybody know anything about a "dragon con" that amanda will be at?
                  Dragon Con is in Atlanta on Labor Day weekend. I haven't been, but The Boy has and from the stories I have heard it sounds like a ton of people crammed into some inter-connected hotels in downtown Atlanta. A bit like Comic Con, but with slightly less people and *a lot* less space. It's known for the OTT costumes (there is a story of a girl walking around in just strategically place *caution* tape) and a lot of drinking. I really have no desire to go because it just seems like the crowds would be too big for me (and I am fine at Comic Con, for the most part, just moments in the dealers room) and it's Atlanta... not my idea of a tourist destination (no offense! )


                    Originally posted by antoa View Post
                    Dragon Con is in Atlanta on Labor Day weekend. I haven't been, but The Boy has and from the stories I have heard it sounds like a ton of people crammed into some inter-connected hotels in downtown Atlanta. A bit like Comic Con, but with slightly less people and *a lot* less space. It's known for the OTT costumes (there is a story of a girl walking around in just strategically place *caution* tape) and a lot of drinking. I really have no desire to go because it just seems like the crowds would be too big for me (and I am fine at Comic Con, for the most part, just moments in the dealers room) and it's Atlanta... not my idea of a tourist destination (no offense! )
                    Aw Antoa, it's not so bad! I've been, and it's pretty awesome fun. Lots and lots of people watching if you are into costumes. The main thing is to go to be around friends and to not wait in line for panels. I could care less if I'm in the back of the room-- gives you more time to just hang out. There's also quite a bit of charitable fundraising that goes on over the weekend. I like that a lot.

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                      anybody know anything about a "dragon con" that amanda will be at?
                      I don't but in addition to what the girls have said there is a thread for it. You might want to check that out.

                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      Oh me too!!! Definitely a good idea

                      Oh, you meant water? Ooops!

                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      *Hugs* to everyone who's got jet-leg, it must be tough. I didn't get jet-lag obviously, but I was really tired for about a week, think maybe its to do with the fun of the weekend with, not much sleep adrenalin gets me through and when I get home and stop the tiredness hits.

                      Oh and Ives the bear arrived home today. *Huge hugs* to JulaR and Ives sender. I gave him a big hug, it felt like hugging all of you. Miss everyone. *hugs thread*

                      Yay! I have a question though. Where on earth do you keep it? It's huge!

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        people is pigs, no matter how much they pay for the ticket

                        I"m personally not a fan of hand sanitizer, I don't like the whole 'super bugs' that overuse of them creates...that said, in cases like airline bathrooms and traveling, they're good to have on hand.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          too bad they don't let you bring on spray cans. i'd have a nice big can of Lysol germ killer.

                          almost feel human today. mega caffeine helped, actually making some progress in editing my 2035 photo collection from one trip. can't believe i took that many pictures. but my hands shake and i don't use a tripod so i just keep snapping. it's amazing the amount of funny faces amanda can make in one q+a session.


                            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                            *Hugs* to everyone who's got jet-leg, it must be tough. I didn't get jet-lag obviously, but I was really tired for about a week, think maybe its to do with the fun of the weekend with, not much sleep adrenalin gets me through and when I get home and stop the tiredness hits.

                            Oh and Ives the bear arrived home today. *Huge hugs* to JulaR and Ives sender. I gave him a big hug, it felt like hugging

                            all of you. Miss everyone. *hugs thread*
                            i think i over scheduled myself for sightseeing and didn't get enough rest during the trip. lots of very late nights and very early mornings. that, i'm sure, contributed to how tired i am now. i have to remember that i'm only 39, but have been 39 several times and most of my "get up and go" has got up and gone. (we won't discuss how many times i have turned 39). suffice it to say that acting immature makes you look and feel younger. it's also more fun. like i always say-i'm a 14 year old trapped in a 90 yr. old body.
                            by the way, can you tell me the brand name of the tripod camera thingy you had that attached to your chair? i forgot what it was. i want to keep my eye out for a sale on them. i'd like to get one before TSE2. (hint, hint, TSE2)


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              people is pigs, no matter how much they pay for the ticket

                              I"m personally not a fan of hand sanitizer, I don't like the whole 'super bugs' that overuse of them creates...that said, in cases like airline bathrooms and traveling, they're good to have on hand.
                              At my last job they had hand sanitizer in the cafeteria. I thought that was an excellent idea as most people seemed to just rush to the cafeteria when their colleagues walked past their offices and asked them for lunch.
                              No detour to the lady's/men's room, just straight to the cafeteria.

                              Not sure whatever happened to "wash your hands before a meal" that we were all taught when we were kids.

                              I think it was a nice touch that the Gabit backpack contained hand sanitizer. :-)
                              Last edited by Fresh_Horse; 04 March 2011, 10:13 PM.


                                I've often wondered about that, too. I wash my hands all the time and get very few colds (mostly when I've been to a theater or other crowded place). And I was grateful for the sanitizer as well. I was very jet lagged but didn't get sick when I came home from AT5. In fact I don't think I have ever gotten a cold after a con. I usually just use soap and water but lacking that the sanitizer was fine.

                                I think it took nearly 2 weeks to get over the jet lag. Now I'm back to staying up till 1 am and getting up at 9 or so. Embarrassing this am when my landlord showed up to fix my microwave. Still in my jammies, oops.

