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    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
    Heh. Awesome. If I'm going to become Canadian, do I have to learn how to curl? Or is loving hockey sufficient?
    The citizenship test has a picture of a broom and if you don't know what to do with it, you fail


      Originally posted by ames View Post
      *giggles quietly*
      Ahhhhhhhh, how I miss all y'all!!!!
      *shuts down window with a grin, and heads to bed*

      PS: I got in on the badge flashing too - mine asked if you'd brought me jello
      (I think I audibly squee'd when I saw it in the basket A badge fit for a queen! LOL )
      Having a Twilight Zone moment here. About half an hour ago, I emptied the Blue Jello kit box and found a badge in the jug. It says "Mama said there'd be days like these." I'll keep it in the box so you can collect it at AT6.

      For details of AT10 go to


        Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
        If you're in the states, think of it like a restraining order, except tailored to the particular person's bad behavior. If I understand it correctly, that is. It started out as a way to curb the behavior of juvenile delinquents, but like all badly-behaved teenagers, they just started parading them around as proof of how tough they were and they became sort of badges of honor. Unless I'm just a confused American who got it all wrong, in which case ignore everything I just said. (I blame my understanding on a line in a Doctor Who episode that I then had to have explained to me.)

        As for the Lucky Charms... I had no idea they were so exportable... Hey Mocha! I'll go in with you on an export business... you get the Costco membership, I'll run the website stuff, we split the profits to finance AT6 tickets. And of course we'd ship at cost to any Gabiteers. Maybe we should add in blue jello. Whaddaya say?
        Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
        i've got the costco membership already. you can definitely have the computer part. if we add blue jello, we might make enough for TSE2 as well.
        Believe me, I could've warned you about the exportability of some very odd things to English ppl ... I've brought over blue jello and maple syrup, of course, but also peanut butter, chocolate, Lucky Charms, Kraft Dinner, Jolly Ranchers...the list goes on!
        BTW, as the direct line to Bambi, Head of the International Blue Jello Smuggling Ring (man, we so need a better acronym for that!!! *blinks*), shouldn't I be involved in the blue jello aspect of this financing of future events? *quirks eyebrow*
        I too have a Costco card ... and have used it in multiple countries ... I'm just sayin' ...

        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Well, there's a first time for everything:

        That's quite enough of that!

        I have no memory of this.

        I have two badges now (Starflight kindly bought me one in case I had forgotten the original) and guess what? You get both!

        That's quite enough of that!

        That's quite enough of that!

        While most were watching the Academy Awards on Sunday, I was watching the Canadian womens' curling championship. Awesome. BTW, was back at my regular curling gig on Monday. My friends were very excited to see pics from our curling adventure in Kent and to get pins from the only curling club in England. Score one for the ......... curler.
        Oh no, you tempted out the badges ....

        Yes, I have direct memory of this. We were at dinner attempting to eat more food than a small army actually requires for daily substenance at the time of the badging.
        Or perhaps that was merely the retelling of the fated badging. Hmmm... ... I was at work, so missed both =( The men's Briar Championship is coming up locally, but I don't have anyone to go with me ... and would rather watch the women anyway ... maybe next year? Hmmm....

        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
        Heh. Awesome. If I'm going to become Canadian, do I have to learn how to curl? Or is loving hockey sufficient?
        As evidenced by myself, one does not need to be a curler to be a Canadian ... it just helps to deflect the good-natured teasing That being said, every Canadian should at least give curling a try - it's actually quite fun, even when you are better at the 'graceful swandives' than the actual curling (I would totally go do it again, I'm just not sure anyone would want me on their team )

        In other news of the semi-related, I had a dream about the AT events last night. (Spoilered for those of you who detest hearing about dreams
        For those of you not used to hearing about my highly random dreams, the last one I had about AT5 involved the poor timing of the zombie apocalypse, Titta with a machine gun, the Great Wall of China, and a blonde Amanda Tapping. Although I was more upset about my missing luggage, including the blue jello and my picture for Amanda to sign, to worry about the zombies shambling up and attempting to enter the Ren. That's what machine-toting roomies were for, apparently.

        This time we apparently didn't hold the events at the Ren, but instead at an actual Sanctuary. This was not a new thing, as I distinctly remembered being there for both AT3 and AT4 ... the grounds of the Sanctuary (which was apparently far, far away from 'normal' civilisation) had immense dropped holding pads around it - for those abnormals with a more 'Jurassic Park' feel to them. The attendees were both the audience and the entertainment, as everyone was part of an act ... there were some very impressive tumbling rehearsals going on, with 4-person-high pyramids, and talks of a curling competition (of course!) ... I was lying in the road leading up to the main house (if you can call a Sanctuary building a 'house'), having collapsed for some reason while talking about the weekend's events and how last year I tried being part of the high-balancing act but almost bounced into a dinosaur enclosure, so wouldn't be doing that again this year. This swarm of black things (like gnats, but moving much more fluidly) came towards me, and a nice older gentleman popped up so they swarmed him harmlessly instead. The girl beside me elbowed me to wake me up, and told me about the swarm, and I replied that it would definitely had woken me up as I would've been screaming in pain had they swarmed me again like they did at AT3 -- apparently I have a magnetic personality, but I'm allergic to the creatures. Then Julia came out to encourage us into the 'house' to meet with Amanda, looking very much like S1 Helen ... then again, we were at a Sanctuary! She was getting us ready for our field-trip the next morning to the School for the Sight-Impaired (this was the charity we supported ... apparently this is what my brain comes up with when combining NOH and Hearing Dogs *quirks eyebrow at self*). The gifts we received in our SWAG bags were actually for the kids there, plus we all would write messages in books for each class. I had broken my glasses during my collapse and nap on the road, so spent the speech concentrating on getting my glasses back together so I could see as well - luckily I'd been there before, so didn't need to see where I was going to ensure I made it to the right place for the activities!

        Then I woke up ... and really, really missed you guys!
        ...and wondered why there weren't any dinosaurs in Sanctuary. Other than the cool rock lizard in the special holding area off the main lab that we don't get to see much anymore. But still - maybe all the 'dino' type abnormals are housed in Sanctuaries in warmer, more tropical climates? The Sanctuary we see is set in a city, albeit in the oft-forgotten 'Old City' portion of it, but I'm guessing someone would notice a really LARGE abnormal being housed there - so is there a satellite site, for the larger and/or harder to explain abnormals who seek/require aid? Hmmmm.... also, in Requiem Helen treats us to a teaser of certain historical figures being actually abnormals -- what about Ed, the talking horse? Or maybe Lassie ... or other public personalities that the loving public took in with a dash of disbelief suspension, but truly were abnormals?
        ...I know, my brain goes to some very strange places when trying to avoid homework
        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
        ames on facebook
        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
          Having a Twilight Zone moment here. About half an hour ago, I emptied the Blue Jello kit box and found a badge in the jug. It says "Mama said there'd be days like these." I'll keep it in the box so you can collect it at AT6.

          Awwwwww .... thanks Mumsey!
          *huge hugs*
          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
          ames on facebook
          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            You just haven't been caught
            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Well, there's a first time for everything:

            That's quite enough of that!
            Yay! Thanks Aunty EH-T, I feel complete now *skips away happily, repeating I'm cool I'm cool!*

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              Hmmmm...this thread is getting weirder by the day and somehow I am having no problems keeping up!

              Is this a sign of age or knowledge....or both!


                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                Heh. Awesome. If I'm going to become Canadian, do I have to learn how to curl? Or is loving hockey sufficient?
                As Ames says below, you have to at least try it, AT doesn't curl but has tried it so she remains Canadian.

                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                The citizenship test has a picture of a broom and if you don't know what to do with it, you fail
                LOL! That's only part 1 of the test. The hard part is when they ask you to explain how the scoreboard works!

                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                Having a Twilight Zone moment here. About half an hour ago, I emptied the Blue Jello kit box and found a badge in the jug. It says "Mama said there'd be days like these." I'll keep it in the box so you can collect it at AT6.

                do do do do.......

                Originally posted by ames View Post
                Believe me, I could've warned you about the exportability of some very odd things to English ppl ... I've brought over blue jello and maple syrup, of course, but also peanut butter, chocolate, Lucky Charms, Kraft Dinner, Jolly Ranchers...the list goes on!
                BTW, as the direct line to Bambi, Head of the International Blue Jello Smuggling Ring (man, we so need a better acronym for that!!! *blinks*), shouldn't I be involved in the blue jello aspect of this financing of future events? *quirks eyebrow*
                I too have a Costco card ... and have used it in multiple countries ... I'm just sayin' ...

                Oh no, you tempted out the badges ....

                Yes, I have direct memory of this. We were at dinner attempting to eat more food than a small army actually requires for daily substenance at the time of the badging.
                Or perhaps that was merely the retelling of the fated badging. Hmmm...

       ... I was at work, so missed both =( The men's Briar Championship is coming up locally, but I don't have anyone to go with me ... and would rather watch the women anyway ... maybe next year? Hmmm....

                As evidenced by myself, one does not need to be a curler to be a Canadian ... it just helps to deflect the good-natured teasing That being said, every Canadian should at least give curling a try - it's actually quite fun, even when you are better at the 'graceful swandives' than the actual curling (I would totally go do it again, I'm just not sure anyone would want me on their team )

                In other news of the semi-related, I had a dream about the AT events last night. (Spoilered for those of you who detest hearing about dreams
                For those of you not used to hearing about my highly random dreams, the last one I had about AT5 involved the poor timing of the zombie apocalypse, Titta with a machine gun, the Great Wall of China, and a blonde Amanda Tapping. Although I was more upset about my missing luggage, including the blue jello and my picture for Amanda to sign, to worry about the zombies shambling up and attempting to enter the Ren. That's what machine-toting roomies were for, apparently.

                This time we apparently didn't hold the events at the Ren, but instead at an actual Sanctuary. This was not a new thing, as I distinctly remembered being there for both AT3 and AT4 ... the grounds of the Sanctuary (which was apparently far, far away from 'normal' civilisation) had immense dropped holding pads around it - for those abnormals with a more 'Jurassic Park' feel to them. The attendees were both the audience and the entertainment, as everyone was part of an act ... there were some very impressive tumbling rehearsals going on, with 4-person-high pyramids, and talks of a curling competition (of course!) ... I was lying in the road leading up to the main house (if you can call a Sanctuary building a 'house'), having collapsed for some reason while talking about the weekend's events and how last year I tried being part of the high-balancing act but almost bounced into a dinosaur enclosure, so wouldn't be doing that again this year. This swarm of black things (like gnats, but moving much more fluidly) came towards me, and a nice older gentleman popped up so they swarmed him harmlessly instead. The girl beside me elbowed me to wake me up, and told me about the swarm, and I replied that it would definitely had woken me up as I would've been screaming in pain had they swarmed me again like they did at AT3 -- apparently I have a magnetic personality, but I'm allergic to the creatures. Then Julia came out to encourage us into the 'house' to meet with Amanda, looking very much like S1 Helen ... then again, we were at a Sanctuary! She was getting us ready for our field-trip the next morning to the School for the Sight-Impaired (this was the charity we supported ... apparently this is what my brain comes up with when combining NOH and Hearing Dogs *quirks eyebrow at self*). The gifts we received in our SWAG bags were actually for the kids there, plus we all would write messages in books for each class. I had broken my glasses during my collapse and nap on the road, so spent the speech concentrating on getting my glasses back together so I could see as well - luckily I'd been there before, so didn't need to see where I was going to ensure I made it to the right place for the activities!

                Then I woke up ... and really, really missed you guys!
                ...and wondered why there weren't any dinosaurs in Sanctuary. Other than the cool rock lizard in the special holding area off the main lab that we don't get to see much anymore. But still - maybe all the 'dino' type abnormals are housed in Sanctuaries in warmer, more tropical climates? The Sanctuary we see is set in a city, albeit in the oft-forgotten 'Old City' portion of it, but I'm guessing someone would notice a really LARGE abnormal being housed there - so is there a satellite site, for the larger and/or harder to explain abnormals who seek/require aid? Hmmmm.... also, in Requiem Helen treats us to a teaser of certain historical figures being actually abnormals -- what about Ed, the talking horse? Or maybe Lassie ... or other public personalities that the loving public took in with a dash of disbelief suspension, but truly were abnormals?
                ...I know, my brain goes to some very strange places when trying to avoid homework
                Let's not bring up the fact you are the shame of a curling nation!

                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Yay! Thanks Aunty EH-T, I feel complete now *skips away happily, repeating I'm cool I'm cool!*

                Seriously, this is not the right reaction!

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Seriously, this is not the right reaction!
                  If it makes you feel any better, I'm still afraid of the badge.
                  Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                  William Shakespeare

                  Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    LOL! That's only part 1 of the test. The hard part is when they ask you to explain how the scoreboard works!

                    Let's not bring up the fact you are the shame of a curling nation!
                    Hey - the owner said it was the most graceful swan-dive he'd seen in ages!!!
                    ...and I got up again straightaway, and kept trying, and had FUN! That's got to count for Cdn stubbornness ... determination ... something! ...right? LOL *is proud of self anyway*

                    Wait - I understand the scoring, and more critically, how the score board works - does that count towards me losing the title of disgrace of a curling nation??? Or just mean I get to keep my citizenship by the skin of my teeth?
                    ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                    SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                    ames on facebook
                    ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                      Yay! Thanks Aunty EH-T, I feel complete now *skips away happily, repeating I'm cool I'm cool!*

                      WooHood!!! Congrats Julia

                      Originally posted by llp View Post
                      Hmmmm...this thread is getting weirder by the day and somehow I am having no problems keeping up!

                      Is this a sign of age or knowledge....or both!
                      It's The Tapping Effect *nods*

                      Oh wait! It might be The WooHoo Effect

                      *runz away giggling*


                        Originally posted by ames View Post
                        Hey - the owner said it was the most graceful swan-dive he'd seen in ages!!!
                        ...and I got up again straightaway, and kept trying, and had FUN! That's got to count for Cdn stubbornness ... determination ... something! ...right? LOL *is proud of self anyway*

                        Wait - I understand the scoring, and more critically, how the score board works - does that count towards me losing the title of disgrace of a curling nation??? Or just mean I get to keep my citizenship by the skin of my teeth?
                        I'm proud of you too! You kept on going. And kudos for understanding the scoreboard. It has taken a year for me to read it without having to stop and think about it several times


                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          If it makes you feel any better, I'm still afraid of the badge.

                          Thank goodness it still has some effect!

                          Originally posted by ames View Post
                          Hey - the owner said it was the most graceful swan-dive he'd seen in ages!!!
                          ...and I got up again straightaway, and kept trying, and had FUN! That's got to count for Cdn stubbornness ... determination ... something! ...right? LOL *is proud of self anyway*

                          Wait - I understand the scoring, and more critically, how the score board works - does that count towards me losing the title of disgrace of a curling nation??? Or just mean I get to keep my citizenship by the skin of my teeth?
                          Yes, you get major brownie points for all of the above.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                            I'm proud of you too! You kept on going. And kudos for understanding the scoreboard. It has taken a year for me to read it without having to stop and think about it several times
                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            Thank goodness it still has some effect!

                            Yes, you get major brownie points for all of the above.
                            ^^does happy dance
                            (pssssssst - I still cringe when you reach for the badge....or duck, as the physical proximity dictates )
                            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                            ames on facebook
                            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                              Originally posted by llp View Post
                              Hmmmm...this thread is getting weirder by the day and somehow I am having no problems keeping up!
                              Is this a sign of age or knowledge....or both!
                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              It's The Tapping Effect *nods*
                              Oh wait! It might be The WooHoo Effect
                              *runz away giggling*
                              I'm loving reading all the randomness and fun on the thread...must be what Jumble said...a combination of both the Tapping & WooHoo effect.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                i've never seen the badge. is that good or bad?

