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    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

    I'm having the same problem! I got used to hugging!
    Me too! I keep hugging my flatmate every time I see her. She's starting to think I've been possessed.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      Me too! I keep hugging my flatmate every time I see her. She's starting to think I've been possessed.

      But in a good way! I miss the hugs more than anything!
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        *Hugs everyone*

        For everyone who misses the hugs and friends.

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Awwww. Julia. *GROUP!HUG*
          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
            Not sure at which AT this was, either AT3 or AT4 I think, where Amanda told us how she went to some celebrity thing right after an AT event. At the celebrity thing she was introduced to someone she's admired for a while and she hugged that person and only later realized that it must have been somewhat unexpected for them. ;-)
            It only came natural to her because she had been hugging everyone the weekend prior.
            I doubt anyone wood complain about being hugged by Amanda

            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
            Me too! I keep hugging my flatmate every time I see her. She's starting to think I've been possessed.
            I know - I hugged the dad of two of my kids yesterday. He looked gobsmacked

            I blame Martin.........

            In fact I'm convinced that the hug was invented by Canadians

            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
            *Hugs everyone*

            For everyone who misses the hugs and friends.

            *squishy huggles Julia*


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post

              In fact I'm convinced that the hug was invented by Canadians
              This would not surprise me.

              I've made my FB AT5 album public temporarily to share with y'all. I'll leave it open for the weekend before re-locking it. Please don't take any of the photos without asking. I'd be happy to share the originals with anyone who wishes, just message me and I'll send you a shiny high-def version.

              Album here

              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                I finally made it home in one piece ... this trip has been fraught with unexpected circumstances! For those of you from the Finchley crowd, my mate up North and I are speaking again, albeit carefully. *giggles as I remember Chris' face when we suggested having AT6 in North Finchley ... hehehe*

                I'm sorry I've been somewhat incommunicado -- I didn't get home until late Thurs, then had to work a 12-hour shift yesterday, and have a 13 or so hour one today. Rough would be a word I'm keeping going though, by regaling everyone within earspan about my wonderful weekend, including new nicknames (a few eyebrows were raised at the "Bambi" until I started accompanying it with re-enactments of my curling attempts ), blue jello totals (255 gbp - YAY!!! *does happy dance*), and the smile that I find appearing everytime I think of the amazing weekend

                Thanks to everyone who kept me up when I was down (after the event - I swear I WAS having fun at the Ren, I was just behaving, as ordered!!! I think I'm going to get a tee that says "don't bug me, I'm behaving!" for AT6 ) ... some days hugs truly are the cure to what ails you!

                JuliaR - as eloquent with words as always *hugs*

                Argh - so much to say, so little time before I have to head for work!
                Photos will appear shortly-ish ... although last time I was told that waiting a couple weeks was awesome, b/c it kept the fuzzy feelings going longer I'll try to not keep y'all waiting that long this time, but I do have over 1500 to go through, so .... yay for having new camera with which to play! LOL

                Thanks again to the G4 and the rest of the GABIT team for creating yet another wonderful event ... roll on AT6!!!! Y'all are simply amazing ... oh yeah, and there's Amanda too, who totally rocks the rockrock

                Gah - has not the words yet, must still process!
                *hugs* to everyone
                I'll try to be slightly more coherent next post!
                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                ames on facebook
                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                  Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                  I spent 15 years being quiet and withdrawn, not talking much and smiling less. I didn't hug people, I didn't go up to introduce myself to people I didn't know, and I almost never laughed in public.

                  That self-description is no longer even remotely close to accurate. Everyone who met me at the convention probably understands why one of my work buddies actually describes me as "aggressively friendly." I told several newbies on forums before the convention that if they were feeling lonely or shy, they should come find me because I would always happily welcome them into whatever group I was with or help them figure out whatever they were confused about. I'm thrilled and humbled to say that several did exactly that.

                  The trick is to start with small steps and then just keep stepping. The way I started might sound silly, but it worked for me. I started playing a game where I'd try to get strangers to smile at me as I walked past. The way you play is to start smiling. It doesn't need to be a gigantic, ear-to-ear sort of smile; in fact, it works better if it's not. Just make it an honestly happy one and think about something that makes you feel like smiling at least a little. (I suggest good memories from the convention.) Let yourself feel that kind of unselfish joy, then let it show on your mouth and in your eyes. Now walk down the street with that smile on your face. When you pass a stranger, make eye contact for a moment, just long enough to let them know that you saw them but not for so long that they feel the need to acknowledge that you're there. Don't let the smile dim. You'll be surprised by the number of people who smile back and look happier as they keep walking away. It's especially fun when you pass someone who is glowering at nothing; sometimes they get this slightly startled look on their face as they start to smile a little back at you. (The reason you start with strangers is because there aren't any consequences. If they react in a way you don't like, you keep walking. If they react in a way you do like, you keep walking. Worst-case scenario, you get a little fresh air and physical exercise, and that's not anything to be unhappy about.)

                  After that game stops feeling like a strange and impossible thing, start smiling at people you know with the same timing that doesn't require them to respond. Make a point of complimenting at least one person a day, no matter how trivial the compliment is or even if you know the person you're complimenting. It doesn't matter if you're complimenting their shoes or the joke they just made or the project they're working on or how adorable their toddler is. What matters is that you're practicing reaching out to people in a positive and friendly way. Don't push your boundaries so quickly that you want to give up on the whole project, but also don't stop pushing them until they are where you are happy with them.

                  Here's where I reveal that I'm a Doctor Who fan... imagine for a moment that the Doctor takes you a couple of decades into the future and you meet your future self. (Let's assume that you don't manage to nearly destroy the universe when you do it.) You realize that your future self is easily the most loving and fantastic person you've ever met and you're extremely proud to know them. Now write down what personality qualities that version of you has. For each one of the items you write down, come up with one baby step that will take you in that direction and find a way to practice that baby step every day. When the baby steps you picked out aren't terrifying anymore, make up new baby steps.

                  Big secret of life: You can alter your behavior on purpose, not just on accident. The trick is to ignore the fact that you aren't where you want to be and instead pay all of your attention to moving in the right direction. And to quote Amanda from TSE last summer, don't ever, ever give up.


                  P.S. Any time you feel discouraged about it, come see me. I'll tell you that it is possible, I've done it, and life is so much better afterward that I can't put the difference into words.
                  Wow! It really is wonderful how much you could change when you put your mind to it. I do some of those of things...I do compliment people people a lot, I do smile at people as I walk along. I don't have trouble doing that kind of thing. I do have trouble with the hugging thing. I think I just feel that you open yourself up a little too much to get that close to people. I'm better with my family these days, so I guess I'm improving? But outside of them, it's not something I feel comfortable with. I guess if I was at a con and people hugged me all day long I'd get used to it? I hope I find out!

                  Thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it and you seem to represent how people can change and be more open. Btw, I am an excellent virtual hugger, no consequences


                  P.S. I want to thank everyone who responded to me on this thread. I'm going to butt out now since I haven't actually been to a Gabit event (yet). I'm sure that if and when I do get to attend, I'll be squeeing like nobody's business Thanks again
                  Last edited by ladydeadlock; 19 February 2011, 10:02 AM.
                  by Sapphire_Jade


                    Originally posted by ladydeadlock View Post
                    Wow! It really is wonderful how much you could change when you put your mind to it. I do some of those of things...I do compliment people people a lot, I do smile at people as I walk along. I don't have trouble doing that kind of thing. I do have trouble with the hugging thing. I think I just feel that you open yourself up a little too much to get that close to people. I'm better with my family these days, so I guess I'm improving? But outside of them, it's not something I feel comfortable with. I guess if I was at a con and people hugged me all day long I'd get used to it? I hope I find out!

                    Thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it and you seem to represent how people can change and be more open. Btw, I am an excellent virtual hugger, no consequences


                    P.S. I want to thank everyone who responded to me on this thread. I'm going to butt out now since I haven't actually been to a Gabit event (yet). I'm sure that if and when I do get to attend, I'll be squeeing like nobody's business Thanks again
                    I didn't read all the posts, but wanted to respond to this: I'm no great hugger either. And I have been to 3 gabits!! Lol. I have no problem hugging people at cons, because everyone is doing it. But in RL I don't hug. It's just not common over here and I was not brought up that way.

                    I was actually talking with my sister about it the other day. That we have physical contact with so little people in our lives. We don't even hug (and we're great sisters!) .. it's just the way it is over here. I hope to change it with my daughter though

                    PS: no need to butt out


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                      I didn't read all the posts, but wanted to respond to this: I'm no great hugger either. And I have been to 3 gabits!! Lol. I have no problem hugging people at cons, because everyone is doing it. But in RL I don't hug. It's just not common over here and I was not brought up that way.

                      I was actually talking with my sister about it the other day. That we have physical contact with so little people in our lives. We don't even hug (and we're great sisters!) .. it's just the way it is over here. I hope to change it with my daughter though

                      PS: no need to butt out
                      Oh but you SHOULD! You're a great hugger


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        1. I didn't read all the posts, but wanted to respond to this: I'm no great hugger either. And I have been to 3 gabits!! Lol. I have no problem hugging people at cons, because everyone is doing it. But in RL I don't hug. It's just not common over here and I was not brought up that way.

                        I was actually talking with my sister about it the other day. That we have physical contact with so little people in our lives. We don't even hug (and we're great sisters!) .. it's just the way it is over here. I hope to change it with my daughter though

                        2. PS: no need to butt out
                        1. It's like that here too! (At least in this city.) But I've decided to say boo to being normal. I like hugging too much.

                        2 Agreed! Stay. Chat. Join the family!

                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Oh but you SHOULD! You're a great hugger
                        What she said.

                        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                          I love reading about all these positive outlooks and inspirational post-con attitudes. I'm not even going to pretend to try to put something coherent together, I think Julia and the rest of you have done a marvelous job of that already.
                          I just want to give a huge thank you to the G4, the gabit staff and all the other gabiteers for making AT5 the wonderful experience that it was.

                          I guess by now, most of you have seen the result of the photo mosaic project, but in case anyone is interested, more details about the final mosaics and the total sum raised can be found here.


                            Does anyone have a picture of Susan (lamemoose) towing Wynn around the foyer? Wynn's electric scooter had broken down, and Susan just grabbed the armrest of Wynn's manual wheelchair and started to tow her. It startled Wynn a bit, but she soon began to enjoy it!

                            For details of AT10 go to


                              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                              Does anyone have a picture of Susan (lamemoose) towing Wynn around the foyer? Wynn's electric scooter had broken down, and Susan just grabbed the armrest of Wynn's manual wheelchair and started to tow her. It startled Wynn a bit, but she soon began to enjoy it!

                              Alas, don't have a pic, but that was awesome.

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                                Does anyone have a picture of Susan (lamemoose) towing Wynn around the foyer? Wynn's electric scooter had broken down, and Susan just grabbed the armrest of Wynn's manual wheelchair and started to tow her. It startled Wynn a bit, but she soon began to enjoy it!

                                I saw that and had to laugh. Nothing like a little battery power to make friends.

