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    Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
    the ren takes amex.
    That I know. It's how I booked the hotel. In fact, most hotels world-wide take Amex in my experience, thank goodness!

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Last post as I will be leaving tomorrow for London. See you all there!

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        Last post as I will be leaving tomorrow for London. See you all there!
        Same here... Safe travels to all!!

        EDIT: Just printed out my boarding passes for tomorrow. Not long now!
        Last edited by ScifigirlSG; 07 February 2011, 12:36 PM.


          It is because AMEX has good programs that it costs the accepter more in fees and therefore smaller companies can't afford to accept them. The processing companies also tend to offer packages of VISA and Master card as a standard then the rest as add ons. Discover is not big here and amex isn't widely accepted. the big hotel chains of course tend to take more but they are big businesses and get better breaks on fees. If you use amex on pay pal it incurs extra fees.



            It's officially 13 hours and counting until I need to be at the airport. Which leaves me at least a couple of hours for watching TV and taking a nap before I begin packing.


              got ALMOST everything ready to pack...except clothes. guess i better pack some of those too. have to do laundry tomorrow. all plans are set except trying to get hold of the heathrow express cust. relations person about my scooter,keep getting the answering machine with no returned phone call yet! the worst thing i have to do now is clean. i hate cleaning, but my neighbor will be staying in my room while i'm gone. so must do an extra good cleaning. i'm glad i don't leave till late wed. that gives me more packing/cleaning time. i have this terrible thought that i'm forgetting something really important. but i get that feeling every time i travel. better double check my list. safe travel everyone. looking forward to seeing everyone.



                As long as you have your passport, ticket, and credit card the rest is all extra


                  Thanks for the info about the Amex cards - as I said, I don't have one and in all likelihood will never own one but it always bugged me why it seemed to be rejected here. Now I know.

                  Happy and safe travels everyone - have fun - not that you need me to tell you....stay well and please send us some tidbits of the event when you can....we'll be living vicariously through you.
                  I wonder when they will announce AT6??
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Safe travels everyone!
                    Not long now, not long at all!


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      Last post as I will be leaving tomorrow for London. See you all there!
                      Me too!
                      I leave at 18:35 our time and arrive at Heathrow at 12:00 Wednesday. Hope I can sleep on the plane.


                      Edit: actually it's today!


                        i leave wed. night and arrive at noon thurs. hope i don't sleep on the flight...i snore (very embarrassing). i have several episodes of sg1 on my ipod. have music, but then i'd start singing along(again, very embarrassing) wish i had thought earlier to get some sanctuary eps on the ipod. too late now.


                          We are in London! A scraggly bunch, safely in the country and in our hotel.
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            We are in London! A scraggly bunch, safely in the country and in our hotel.
                            Welcome to the UK Cold enough for you?


                              Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                              i leave wed. night and arrive at noon thurs. hope i don't sleep on the flight...i snore (very embarrassing). i have several episodes of sg1 on my ipod. have music, but then i'd start singing along(again, very embarrassing) wish i had thought earlier to get some sanctuary eps on the ipod. too late now.
                              LOL! You're not the only one who snores! I'm routing down to Raleigh to head over the big pond and I've got my fingers and toes crossed that there'll be noone in my row - I really do want to snore!!! (At least for a couple hours. My luck has been for all the AT's I've been to (routing through Chicago) that the plane was full and I don't do so well sleeping while sitting. Napping yeah, but not sleeping.) But we'll see! For me it's leaving early to mid-evening tomorrow and getting to Heathrow about 9 a.m.-ish on Thursday.

                              Hopefully Ames and others affected by the snow (looks like Oklahoma and Kansas are being walloped again) will be able to get oot and aboot.

                              Was looking at the London Transport site for travel into London Friday and thought I'd throw this up here as an FYI for any who might be thinking about using the Tube in central London on Saturday or Sunday - some lines will be totally closed those 2 days for upgrades and maintenance:

                              Thursday and Friday all lines are reported to be open and the only stations that will be closed will be Blackfriars and Latimer Road.

                              Am ready to go. Just need to pack, but won't do that 'til tomorrow morn.

                              Are we there yet? Huh? Huh? HUH?
                              Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 08 February 2011, 11:06 AM. Reason: wandering parenthesis....
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                I'm officially on my way! I'm cooling my heels for a six-hour layover in Canada. (Last time, weather delayed my first flight by 4 hours, so now I'm in the habit of scheduling long layovers for myself. I like exploring new airports anyway.)

                                It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to get out of my home country and into Canada and England. My home airport had zero lines for both checking in and security, so I just waltzed right through. Then I arrive in Vancouver and I'm the only one from my flight continuing to an international destination, so I get an entire checkpoint to myself with a fairly friendly customs guy to chat with for a bit. Last time I went through Heathrow, mine was the only flight that landed at that time, so customs was able to get us all processed through in less than 20 minutes.

                                And yet every time I try to go home again, it takes forever. It's like the US is trying to get rid of me and both Canada and the UK don't know me well enough to guess why. I mean, it's not like I'm dangerous. I'm only hiding a handful of nubbins in the back room. I'm sure they won't cause any problems...

