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    I'm up, I'm up Leaving for airport in 20 mins... am I the first to leave?

    Eta ok, so I let Dad drive. Still dark and I have never driven in tthe city before. Airport soon!
    Last edited by NZNeep; 01 February 2011, 08:31 AM.
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      I'm up, I'm up Leaving for airport in 20 mins... am I the first to leave?

      Eta ok, so I let Dad drive. Still dark and I have never driven in tthe city before. Airport soon!
      Besides too many -how many hours on the plane to get to the UK?


        Safe travels to everyone heading out
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          Euurrgh... mum is searching the house for a mini bottle of sun screen for me to take. To the northern hemisphere. Where it is winter.
          Um, hun it will be 80 (about 25C) here in LA during the day and most likely sunny (it did rain yesterday, but it should clear up). That's our winter. Besides, even with snow on the ground you can get sunburned (sometimes worse because of the reflection of the sun off the snow).

          Sunscreen will be needed.


            A broad,, I know. That really. Ok taking off bye!
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              A broad,, I know. That really. Ok taking off bye!
              Safe flight Neep!! And everyone heading out

              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                Originally posted by The Kit Kat Lady View Post
                Not sure whether this is a good thing, but currently no physical impairments for me relating to the hugs - mental yes...! Physical, no - however I would like to keep my ribs intact please!!

                But ... but ... where's the fun in that??? Silly worrying about ribs staying intact *pshaw*

                Originally posted by starsong101 View Post

                Unless you are in the UK don't forget your passport


                Glad you got the earlier flight. I also was going to suggest you try for an earlier one once I saw the airlines were not going to charge for changing your reservations.

                Safe travels all of you.
                LOL, yes, passport is also a definite *check*, as is airline tickets and wallet with cards and spare cash to cover anything I manage to forget Oh, and the stamps. Must remember the stamps this time!!!

                Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                ames...i posted this on gabit, just in case you don't see it-
                AMES, how is your blue jello supply? will you have enough? i swore i'd never buy blue jello again after shipping over 100 boxes to mumsey for AT4, but if your stock is limited i might be able to fit some in my suitcase now that i've decided not to bring my big bulky winter coat. let me know. i'll hook up my sled dog team and brave the blizzard to get some. (actually i'll wait till the 2-3 feet of snow is plowed away before i venture out.)
                When it comes to bluey goodness, IMO, more is always better!
                Although after your heroic effort at AT4, I would totally understand if you neglected to want to purchase another set of boxes any time in the near future I have 20 boxes myself, and have received a few offers of people stuffing some in their luggage - I would totally appreciate as much help as you wish to give!

                On that note, a huge thanks in advance to everyone who is willing and able to help out with the blue jello in any way they can!!! Y'all very much rock!

                ...on a weather note, it's coming up on 11pm here (about an hour SW of Toronto), and still no sign of the predicted snow...
                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                ames on facebook
                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  ...on a weather note, it's coming up on 11pm here (about an hour SW of Toronto), and still no sign of the predicted snow...
                  You can have ours! At least y'all know how to clear it!

                  come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                    patience. it should be arriving very soon. in chicago, we actually have thunder snow. the wind is terrible. i have almost an inch of snow in the garage by the doggie door. and there is about 2 1/2 feet of snow leaning against the outside(thank goodness) of the garage door. there's enough snow on the front porch that we can't open the screen door. but, my windshield is clear. the worst of it is supposed to come tonight. i'll start plowing(with my scooter) early afternoon tomorrow just to go get my starbucks(gotta feed the habit). the guy that does the snow clearing for us won't come till late afternoon. it's kinda fun plowing. i always thought it would be a blast to drive one of those big snow plows, but they won't let me. Poops!


                      Well I just looked outside and the wind is blowing the falling snow sideways. Lots of drifting snow in the driveway. It looks like around12-18 inches in some places and bare in others. I live in Wisconsin, WHY????


                        Yes, I just looked out the window ... it's very white out there. I can still see the street below (I live on the 16th floor), but there is snow covering down there, and the sky is very light. It doesnt' seem to be doing much atm, but the news just said that the edge of the storm is just now hitting the edge of our county.

                        Somehow I have a feeling that my chiro appt in the am will have to be resched...
                        Here's hoping I can still make my breakfast meeting!!
                        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                        ames on facebook
                        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                          Originally posted by starsong101 View Post

                          Glad you got the earlier flight. I also was going to suggest you try for an earlier one once I saw the airlines were not going to charge for changing your reservations.

                          Safe travels all of you.
                          I actually had two flights canceled since Monday night. The third one I made, I missed the check-in time when I arrived at the airport since it was a whirlwind to get out the door this morning when I rebooked on such short notice. I was resigning myself to leaving Thursday since I felt sure the very, very last flight out this afternoon was booked and everything after it being already canceled due to the storm. Thankfully I managed to get a seat and I made it to the gate just as the plane was boarding. Phew!

                          So glad as you say, they didn't charge for all the times I had to change departure times. I'm sat in warm, sunny L.A. now with a week of fun planned before I hop the pond next week for AT5.

                          Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                          patience. it should be arriving very soon. in chicago, we actually have thunder snow. the wind is terrible. i have almost an inch of snow in the garage by the doggie door. and there is about 2 1/2 feet of snow leaning against the outside(thank goodness) of the garage door. there's enough snow on the front porch that we can't open the screen door. but, my windshield is clear. the worst of it is supposed to come tonight. i'll start plowing(with my scooter) early afternoon tomorrow just to go get my starbucks(gotta feed the habit). the guy that does the snow clearing for us won't come till late afternoon. it's kinda fun plowing. i always thought it would be a blast to drive one of those big snow plows, but they won't let me. Poops!
                          I looked out the window on the plane just as it was departing and saw the first flakes of snow beginning to fall. Not sad I missed a history-making blizzard. Nope. Not at all.

                          From friends I've heard Wednesday may be a virtual stand-still with schools and businesses closing down for the day. My old employer (which hasnt closed a day in 11 years) was forced to close by the Coast Guard till Thursday.

                          Ames! I'll be picking up a few boxes of the bluey-goodness out here to bring so count me in as well.


                            Cel: Glad to hear you made it here safe! Enjoy the weather


                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              Cel: Glad to hear you made it here safe! Enjoy the weather
                              Thanks! We'll be calling you tomorrow when we get settled. Maybe we can meet for a bite to eat or whatever later that night.


                                Originally posted by ames View Post
                                But ... but ... where's the fun in that??? Silly worrying about ribs staying intact *pshaw*
                                As much as I would love some extra time off works, I'll pass - but thanks! Besides, I also don't want any trips to the hospital otherwise I'd miss all of the fun - and if you don't watch what you're saying young lady... (gimme a minute and I'll think of something!)

