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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Very helpful advice there EH-T

    I leave two weeks today!!!!

    Haven't even started packing yet
    Always happy to help.

    I haven't really started packing beyond setting aside a few things (like the all important Tim Horton's card ).

    Originally posted by JanSam View Post
    LOL you call high 70s and low 80s F (19-27 C)very hot? (I know some who would disagree with you ). Forecast is showing highs in upper 60s F (18-23 C) and lows around 53-55 F (12-13 C) until the 23rd. Average highs are around 71F (22 C) and lows 55 F (13C). If your used to these temps than t-shirts and having a light weight pullover for the morning and evenings should be sufficient. If your not used to it..well I'd pack a jacket and yes it's not uncommon to get some rainy/overcast days with highs in 60s like this week has been. Hope that helps.
    Well, it's hot for Vancouver! It was over 30C (86F) there the other day.

    Originally posted by llp View Post
    Packing....packing.... I'll start that on Tuesday or Wednesday 7/28 because I leave first thing on the 29th Thurs for the airport to pickup Starsong (Pat). Got to be there around 9am. Then to the train station for Trin at noon.
    Next week I am at a writer's conference (fortunately at Seatac) so I have to get ready for that packing except my query letters and first 4 or 5 chapters of my book. I'm more concerned about that right now. Through with that Sunday afternoon. Monday I will collapse and Tuesday.....pick up my broken ego off the floor and start getting ready. Did get my hair cut last week and picked up some Canadian money. So I did do something. Tuesday I will need to wash my clothes before I go. Too much to do so I won't think about anything.....better that way. Oh, must not forget the bottle of wine.
    I'm sure the writer's conference will be a great experience. You'll have to tell us all about it when we get to Vancouver.

    Originally posted by sabrina_lane03 View Post
    Does anyone happen to know when a tenative schedule will be posted for the second event? A friend mentioned going to Whistler a few days before the Thursday dinner but we want to make sure we are back in time and consequently want to schedule an activity Thursday morning that ends early enough in the day that we catch the right bus.
    Don't know but the only event on Thursday for MTM is the dinner (and I think there is an informal get-together for the newbies--crashing by oldbies is allowed ). I'm sure the G4 will provide the info as soon as they can.
    Last edited by EH-T; 15 July 2010, 12:45 PM.

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      There seems to be some who are not aware of this bit of info (amongst those I'm talking with at least) concerning the Meet & Greet at SE, so thought I would post it here. This is a direct quote from Julia from the Gabit chat site in reply to a question someone asked about the dress code for the night.

      'Think of it as "a sit down drinks with canapes type of party" that you'd go to at a hotel where you were meeting friends. So basically not scruffy. I personally wouldn't think shorts and trainers are suitable. Jeans are okay provided not scruffy or torn. Smart casual or smart. People can really dress up too if they want to. Seriously, it's whatever you feel comfortable in at a smart party at a nice hotel.'

      Again, not sure if this is generally already known. If it is, then just overlook this post.


        Cel, it never hurts to clarify


          The Sanctuary Experience e-tickets are wending thier way across the internet as I type.

          Schedule and some information about how the charity can take payments willfollow tomorrow.

          MTM E tickets probably Saturday or sunday.

          Seating layout is in blocks
          A B C D E.
          seats numbered 1-9 in every row of every block.
          the first didgit of your seat number indicates the row in the block.

          so B34 would be the third row of Block B seat number four. So Anything ending in a 1 or a nine is an aisle seat.

          Row zero are VIP seats (Blocks A and E Only) So row 1 in BCD are the front row.

          It may take all night for my computer to send all the e-tickets so hang in there.



            HEAD DESK

            Sorry about that Publisher decided to forget it was linked to the excel sheet. You should all have the e-tickets with the correct information now.



              If is really is suppose to be here (at my pc) now, then no.....I haven't received an e-ticket with my name, seat number, etc on it. Just the first one that left all that stuff out.


                Originally posted by llp View Post
                If is really is suppose to be here (at my pc) now, then no.....I haven't received an e-ticket with my name, seat number, etc on it. Just the first one that left all that stuff out.
                Sorry guys Outlook burped. I have resent all the e-mails but they are stacked on my system dribbling out slowly.



                  Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                  Sorry guys Outlook burped. I have resent all the e-mails but they are stacked on my system dribbling out slowly.

                  Mine just arrived - Thanks for all your hard work Becky looking forward to seeing you soon!
                  My View From The Peanut Gallery


                    and i got mine, so they are dribbling out
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      If anyone is interested, I can post a seating layout based on Becks explanation so as the etickets arrive in our boxes, we can start plugging them in to see where we are sitting in relation to everyone else.


                        i made one, or at least a sketch out idea of how I think it is

                        although I certainly have no problem at all if you want to make one Cel. you probably have more time than I do,a nd a better idea of it
                        Attached Files
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Well, not more time. But I do keep strange hours.

                          Anyways, here's what I got. I wasn't sure on how many rows there were, so just made it to twenty. It can be readjusted and names filled in as we go. Also I can zoom it so we can see names better.

                          Yours works too, Sky. I really don't care who does it as it will be fun to see where we all are.
                          Last edited by Celandine; 15 July 2010, 05:10 PM.


                            actually, yours is better than mine, so please, run with it.

                            i'm C19
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?




                              Yay...figured out how to attach it. Whatever else happens tonight, I'm happy.


                                That seating plan is an excellent idea! I'm C48

                                Lovebar made by natz099
                                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets

