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GABIT attendees thread

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    Woke at 630am, got my Photo/Auto sorted by 8:45am (after 20+ attempts LOL I was laughing hard and frustrated all at once, least I knew everyone was having the same issue made it more bearable though I headdesked a few times LOL), finally dosed back to sleep at 930am and then my tennant called me at 1030am whilst I was in the deepest REM sleep...I don't even know WHAT is said to him for the first 3 minutes LMAO was incomprehensible I think...then found out likely the motor in the ducted heating at my rental is blown *headdesk* .... i don't even want to know the cost to fix it and it is winter so it HAS to be done asap, TG it doesn't snow here :/

    But I got my photo's and auto's Tomorrow I'm off to catch up with ChelleDB for lunch WOOHOO! Then back to the TSE Auction completing ....

    Only 13 more days of work now


      sounds like you need a padded desk top. just wondering, was there anyplace to put in your ticket number for SE on the order form from legends?


        I think there was a 'comment' or 'additional info' box...i missed it on mine so i e-mailed them with my SE number.

        there's a lotta things you kinda have to ignore....such as 'where we'll ship your purchase to' .....there's no shipment I'll open my envelope in vangroovy and find 4 little tickets.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          I think there was a 'comment' or 'additional info' box...i missed it on mine so i e-mailed them with my SE number.

          there's a lotta things you kinda have to ignore....such as 'where we'll ship your purchase to' .....there's no shipment I'll open my envelope in vangroovy and find 4 little tickets.
          Yes - there was a comment box on the form. That's where I put the 3 names down & their SE numbers for buying pictures since you were limited to one per person per "guest."


            my charge card went through, so i'm not losing sleep over it. as of last night, all the options were up and available. I only bought photos and one auto (amanda's) cause i figure if any of them will sell out, it's hers. the others, i'll see how my cash flow is and go from there.

            (note this is just my choice of how to handle things, so folks do as they wish and make their own choices)
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by llp View Post
              Yes, but I got knocked off more times than I can count. Finally figured out how to get around that. I must say their prices are very fair, especially if you compare them to Creation Entertainment. Even pictures only cost $35. I want to personally thank Sanctuary, Gabit and Legends for being very fair and considerate about the charges. That is a lot more than most cons would do and way better than Creation. I have only one suggestion, (not a complaint - just an idea). Maybe next year they can offer a photo shoot with two Sanctuarians in it at one time. That would really be cool.
              Next year? Are you trying to give the G4 heart attacks?

              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              So no placenta products then?

              (eeew, ew, ew.)

              *edit to add*

              OK, you can get placenta lip balm. I'm going to be sick.
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              yes, nothing biological that might get me busted please
              Yes, musn't get Sky noodled by customs.

              Oh, and ewwwww.

              Originally posted by lame moose View Post
              i hear you. i just sent pictures to julia tonight for my auction contribution. i have to do major cleaning (especially my bedroom) since a friend will be staying here to take care of my handicapped mom and diabetic dog. i have to make sure i have enough insulin and syringes and treats,etc. (for the dog, not my mother). i planned to get a lot of stuff done the last 2 days, but we had a really bad storm wed. evening and we had a really BIG branch land on the house and several slightly smaller branches land on the roof of the porch and into the living room window(didn't break,thank God) we have a few punctures in the roof now, but the tree cutting guys pulled pieces of broken shingles over them to keep more water out. spent all thurs. raking up all the small branches and twigs that the town didn't clear away. filled 4 big garbage cans with branches. what a job. i'm very grateful that God was watching over us and no one was hurt. almost a week earlier we had another bad storm and an entire big tree fell on the car of the guy who has been our lawn maintenance guy for many years. he showed me a picture today and the whole tree(not just a branch) fell on the car and crushed the rear seats, trunk and front passenger area. thank God that he was not injured! the roof of the car was pushed down some but not enough to crush him. the same guy that cut him out of his car is the guy that cut our fallen branches off. worse storm i've ever been through. my poor dog was scared to death. so, anyways, there's lots left to do before tse, but that will just make the trip sweeter. but , you'll get it all done, so don't fret, just enjoy.
              i just bought my photo/auto tickets from legends mem. and had no problems except it said they would be sent by mail(becky said they would be in our packets at the event) and they didn't ask for the SE ticket #. so i just sent them an email and gave them the number. don't expect any problems.
              Glad you are OK.

              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              So are we supposed to distract you during the auction by yelling squirrel?

              Might work or perhaps you could yell out random curling terms.

              Hope everyone got their desired photos and autos. Since I already have most everyone's I didn't try. I will order a S4K t-shirt though.

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                This is off topic, but can someone describe to be what "reputations" are. I just discovered I had a boat load of them and never noticed it before. They are very nice and I want to thank all who sent them.

                So, how do you get them and or write in them or reply....a little help would be greatly appreciated.



                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Next year? Are you trying to give the G4 heart attacks?
                  What, a girl (be nice there now) can't dream!


                    You can give reputation points (or GREEN) by clicking on the six-point star at the bottom left of someone's post. You can leave a comment in the box, then click 'add to reputation'

                    Usually you can thank someone for 'green' by clicking on their name and commenting on their profile page, but atm it appears we can't access profile pages You can always find one of their posts and 'green' them back

                    Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that you can have your photo taken with more than one SE guest, as long as you pay for both of them


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      You can give reputation points (or GREEN) by clicking on the six-point star at the bottom left of someone's post. You can leave a comment in the box, then click 'add to reputation'

                      Usually you can thank someone for 'green' by clicking on their name and commenting on their profile page, but atm it appears we can't access profile pages You can always find one of their posts and 'green' them back
                      Well for all those lovely people that have done this for me for over a year without me replying I truly apologize. I didn't know. And now I am embarrassed by my ignorance. Would it be too late to reply now?

                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that you can have your photo taken with more than one SE guest, as long as you pay for both of them
                      Are you sure about that because how do you know they will be there at the same time?


                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        Well for all those lovely people that have done this for me for over a year without me replying I truly apologize. I didn't know. And now I am embarrassed by my ignorance. Would it be too late to reply now?
                        Don't be embarrassed, lots of people don't know about it for some time You could always just green people that have greened you

                        Are you sure about that because how do you know they will be there at the same time?
                        I'm sure I read it, but I have no idea how it wood work Something to ask G4 about maybe?


                          Thanks for the help....I do appreciate it. Sometimes I can be oblivious of about everything around me. Comes for living in my own little world too much.

                          And your right....time to find Mumsey....that is if she has recovered from the WC game.


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post

                            Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that you can have your photo taken with more than one SE guest, as long as you pay for both of them
                            I don't think so. I'd have to search for one of becky's posts, but i think, due to the fact that some actors will be on stage while others are taking photos, that there are no 'two actors/one guest' photos.

                            I'll look and see what I can find, but I don't think there are any group shots
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that you can have your photo taken with more than one SE guest, as long as you pay for both of them
                              Maybe you read the other way around ... two attendees in a picture with 1 SE guest, as long as both attendees pay?

                              If they didn't offer '2 guests in 1 picture' in the on-line store, you would think they're not selling those.


                                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                                Maybe you read the other way around ... two attendees in a picture with 1 SE guest, as long as both attendees pay?

                                If they didn't offer '2 guests in 1 picture' in the on-line store, you would think they're not selling those.
                                That could be it. Darn my useless memory

                                edit: Yep, that was it.

                                Quote from Becks on the SE thread:

                                You can have two attendees in the same shot. each person needs thier own ticket for an op with that guest and then two copies of the print will be printed. You cannot have two or more guests in one shot. They are doing seperate sessions so will not all be in the room at the same time. Sorry guys not shifting on this one. The logistics of guest group shots is impossible for TSE.

                                Best Becks
                                Last edited by Jumble; 27 June 2010, 12:24 PM.

