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'Enemy At the Gate' (520) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    Ok I know it's been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time since I saw Unending But there was action in it?
    Um yeah. There were battles with Ori ships or did you forget that? Oh wait I forgot who I was talking to.

    EatG was way to rushed
    It was a bit rushed but it wasn't bad at all IMVHO.
    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
    "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
    Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


      Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
      It was a bit rushed but it wasn't bad at all IMVHO.
      Yeah...Sam was in it.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
        Um yeah. There were battles with Ori ships or did you forget that? Oh wait I forgot who I was talking to.

        It was a bit rushed but it wasn't bad at all IMVHO.
        It was pretty good but like a lot of folks have said previously a two parter would have been so much better, there are a number of eps they could have replaced.... Vegas, Identity, Brainstorm (which I still don't see the point of this ep ) They could have taken any of these eps out and replaced it with a two parter of EatG

        Originally posted by Alan View Post
        Yeah...Sam was in it.
        You've got it bad dude


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          You've got it bad dude
          Guilty as charged.

          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
          K-9, CLASS and much more...


            Stargate Atlantis - MGM Stargate: Video: Rachel Luttrell - Enemy at the Gate:


            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              At first i was not pleased. Now it is one of my fav eps. Should have been a two parter though(A non cliffhanger two parter) 9.5/10


                This is Crap!
                “We could be a team. You could be my sidekick.”
                “Yeah, it’d be like Batman and Ronon. Has a nice ring to it.”
                “Yeah, you keep eating like that it’s going to be more like fatman.”


                  DasNDanger writes: “And speaking of that jumpsuit…back in Enemy at the Gate, was Todd allowed to change in private, or did Sheppard watch??”

                  Answer: Are you kidding? Sheppard actually helped him change!
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    ... Oh my. Really getting into the
                    'write a gay character' mode,
                    More fun @ Spoofgate!


                      Stargate Atlantis - MGM Stargate: Video: Mallozzi on Finale:


                      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                      Morjana's Blog Twitter


                        Ok here is what I think would have been the better ending.

                        They should have had Atlantis ram the hive when they realized they were skimming the atmosphere. This would have done two things.
                        Left us viewers with a sense of loss instead of "oh golly gee" everything is fine and nobody died!
                        And second if they had indeed rammed the hive. this could have opened up so many windows for good scenes! Zelinca and Keller would be dead, thus there are so many scenes available for Rodney. Example. Rodney could give the eulogy for Zelinca! so many possibilities there! Rodney could actually give him praise and maybe even see him cry i.e. show is true character! this would have been nice to see. Also we could see him grieve over his loss of Keller. They would have saved the day but at what cost. Also Sheppard would be mad that he couldn't save the city and set off the nuke earlier. Thus we could be able to dive into his personal struggle with himself afore mentioned in Remnants. Also Tayla would be sad because her child would have died. So Ronan or Sheppard could have a very tender scene where they comfort her. Ronan would be "without a home" and have lost his "to be girlfriend" so there are many scenes that could be done there.

                        This ending would be very dark and depressing but I think it would be more literal and close to reality per say. As apposed to "we saved earth from the most impossible thing to destroy with hardly anyone dying!"

                        All in all I applaud the writers it was a decent ending to a very good series!

                        P.s. They should have brought back Ford. THAT would have been awesome! Maybe even have him help out the Atlantis team in saving earth.
                        Last edited by KCIV; 22 July 2009, 12:23 PM.


                          I find it interesting that every time a ship of some kind either crashes or comes hurtling through Earth's atmosphere, it lands in the Pacific Ocean. And there's often a comment by someone about the trajectory of whatever ship will bring in down in the North Pacific or somewhere in the Pacific. And Atlantis is now floating in the Pacific Ocean near San Francisco Bay.


                            I finally watched this tonight, which means for the first time ever, I have seen just as much Stargate as anyone else!

                            (well...maybe not infinity)


                              I ordered season 5 dvds and just got them in the mail. I missed watching most of the episodes and only now am getting caught up. I had read about the problems with Enemy at the Gate, but even being forewarned I was blown away at how bad an episode it really was.

                              It was a pathetic writing job trumped up with graphics, sound, and shooting meant to give it the feel of a block buster...and given what little real effort was put into making it fit into canon, I don't think the stargate franchise is going to see an extension of SGA. It felt like they were in a hurry to wrap it up and didn't take the time for a proper season finale...or even a proper episode.

                              It was like they completely ignored everything that had come before and patched together whatever they felt like to give it a 'wow' effect...but it didn't even come off like that. The acting was pathetic...Major Davis especially.

                              This episode is classic 'B' best.

                              I knew it was going to be bad...but I had no idea it would be this pathetic. And I'm being serious, no exaggeration involved. The more I watched the worse it got. They would have been better off not making the episode at all.

                              If that episode is considered canon...then they just killed Atlantis.
                              Stargate: ROTA wiki


                                All happens to fast, it could ba a 2 parts episode. But is a great serie end.

                                Stargate RIP 1994-2009

