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'Enemy At the Gate' (520) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Konrad9 View Post
    An open, non-shielded/iris'ed wormhole into the heart of a giant ship about to attack your homeworld? SEND A TEAM IN? WHAT?
    Go grab a naquedah generator, set it to overload, throw in a few flashbangs first and viola, you WIN!
    Wow thats a good point... We can blame Woolsey for this, he doesn't have a military mind.

    Also another thing was that Atlantis and the Atlantis team didn't do anything to save earth, all they did was save Shepard. Atlantis could have not sent the team into the gate, and they could have never came to Earth and everything would have been alright, so that whole getting two ZPMs, and using wormhole thing, was kinda pointly.

    But honestly, there were wayyyyy too many plot holes this episode but I tried to overlook them and just enjoy the episode for what its worth.


      I have a feeling atlantis will be staying on earth for 2 reasons:

      1.) When they take off, they cant have the cloak, it must be the shield. And people will notice a big burst of pressure like in rising. Also, im pretty sure that the cloak doesnt cover up the sound of the engines.

      2.) It has the only functional chair platform. Assuming they didnt move the drones from antarctica and only moved the chair, the drones can be tied into the chair one by one. It will take a long time but its worth it.

      Best Stargate quote:
      Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
      Green is your friend.


        Originally posted by JackO'Neill View Post
        First Jack gets his Asgard ship destroyed

        Now his Ancient chair

        Whats next ?
        Maybe the fish in his pond will disappear? What could be worse than that! Oh wait, he used to fish even if there were no fish. Nevermind.


          Originally posted by JackO'Neill View Post
          First Jack gets his Asgard ship destroyed

          Now his Ancient chair

          Whats next ?
          At least Sam didn't destroy it this time


            Whoa. What an episode?
            I completely am at a loss after watching this. My feelings are so mixed up. I can conclude, however, that canceling the show now was a mistake of epic proportions. What gives? They crammed SO much into this ep and I don't feel that they really gave it justice. Very little of the episode was deep and well thought out. Sure, some parts, like Ronon's "death", were beautiful. Also, I liked how they brought back a bunch of the characters we've grown to love over the seasons (or love to hate) like Kavanaugh....Ellis and Cauldwell rocked too.

            One thing (just *one* I know) that I haven't seen pointed out as a plot exactly did the team gate back to Atlantis? Didn't they go to an alpha site or something? I'm a little confused on how the pegasus gate is supposed to take priority or something, and wouldn't it need to be calibrated to work in the milky way? I felt that was SO glossed over. I mean, POOF Ronon magically showed up in the infirmary.

            OH, and what was with all the shipping? Rodney ended up with Jenifer. Teyla found her significant other in Kannan, Ronon ended up with Amelia (while cute, it was a bit of a stretch) and John got the shaft AGAIN. The poor guy has lost so much, of all people, I feel like he needed someone to emotionally be there for him.

            WHY oh WHY did they kill off Elizabeth?
            Sparky forever!!!!!!!

            Well, erm, that's my two cents.

            It still was admittedly a pretty fine 100th episode. We could've gotten something crappy like Harmony.


              Originally posted by Quinn Mallory View Post
              I like the episode and the last scene (can't believe that MGM emailed that for us...spoiling the possible Ronan death). Fairly sadden that this is the end of the show.

              Having Atlantis back on Earth does really up the stake for the TV movies.
              Totally agree with you
              I just finished watching the episode and was totally excited about it. It was indeed epic and i like the fact that Atlantis is now on Earth.
              It just hit me that this is really the end. They put a lot of stuff in that show but I think it came together well.
              Honestly though we really needed another season to wrap everything.
              - Are you Crazy?
              - I wouldn't say crazy. Maybe an eccentric who looks good in jeans

              Bring back Ford and Beckett

              Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind


                EXCELLENT!! I loved this episode sure it was a little rushed, but if this is the problems of this one episode just image what will happen in the movie now! The Writers are just getting me all exciting, I nearly crapped myself when Ronan died.. Holy Crap that was scary.. Now they are stuck on earth, I'm betting more Wraith ships got the message we'll see what happens in the movie!
                I'm gonna miss SG1..
                Season 10, Simply amazing... Bring on the movies

                The ori are going down!!!


                  I did find it a bit strange that Carter immediately said the chair was destroyed, about 5 seconds after the darts hit. I can't really recall, but doesn't Area 51 descend a bucketload of stories under the ground?? It might have survived.


                    Originally posted by lemonsandwraithohmy View Post
                    Whoa. What an episode?
                    I completely am at a loss after watching this. My feelings are so mixed up. I can conclude, however, that canceling the show now was a mistake of epic proportions. What gives? They crammed SO much into this ep and I don't feel that they really gave it justice. Very little of the episode was deep and well thought out. Sure, some parts, like Ronon's "death", were beautiful. Also, I liked how they brought back a bunch of the characters we've grown to love over the seasons (or love to hate) like Kavanaugh....Ellis and Cauldwell rocked too.

                    One thing (just *one* I know) that I haven't seen pointed out as a plot exactly did the team gate back to Atlantis? Didn't they go to an alpha site or something? I'm a little confused on how the pegasus gate is supposed to take priority or something, and wouldn't it need to be calibrated to work in the milky way? I felt that was SO glossed over. I mean, POOF Ronon magically showed up in the infirmary.

                    OH, and what was with all the shipping? Rodney ended up with Jenifer. Teyla found her significant other in Kannan, Ronon ended up with Amelia (while cute, it was a bit of a stretch) and John got the shaft AGAIN. The poor guy has lost so much, of all people, I feel like he needed someone to emotionally be there for him.

                    WHY oh WHY did they kill off Elizabeth?
                    Sparky forever!!!!!!!

                    Well, erm, that's my two cents.

                    It still was admittedly a pretty fine 100th episode. We could've gotten something crappy like Harmony.
                    lol about the Harmony thing.

                    It really was a lot to take in considering the fact that it is a 45 minute show and I loved the reunion thing too
                    We really didn't need to see them gate from the alpha site to earth all the little details were left out in the interest of time I guess; but I do agree cancelling this show a huge mistake!
                    - Are you Crazy?
                    - I wouldn't say crazy. Maybe an eccentric who looks good in jeans

                    Bring back Ford and Beckett

                    Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind


                      I loved it but if they kept Ronin alive it would have been just as good. It's kind of tacky having the person die then come back to life or should i say cliche. Either there dead or they stay alive.


                        Okay, on the whole I liked it, even though I could happily crush the heads of everyone involved in the the whole cancellation FUBAR.

                        Couple of nit-picky things...

                        Wormhole Drive? If youre gonna pull a huge, honking plot twist out of your butt like that, you should AT LEAST take the time to show us how it works/explain the basic workings of the damn thing...

                        "tell my team I said goodbye" WTF!?!?! Sheesh. Would it have hurt them to let the team have a couple of moments to connect on some basic human emotional level, FCOL... Oh, well, that's a story I'd like someone to get onto the fan fiction sites pretty quick...

                        On the plus side:

                        LORNE!!!! He lives!! I was afraid they were gonna take out someone - okay I know they did - but you know what they say, no ever stays dead in science fiction - and Lorne seemed to be an all too easy choice. As mad as I've been about the cancellation, I would have been really pissed if they had bumped off my boy Evan.

                        So when's the movie coming out?


                          Originally posted by freyr's mother View Post
                          I have a feeling atlantis will be staying on earth for 2 reasons:

                          1.) When they take off, they cant have the cloak, it must be the shield. And people will notice a big burst of pressure like in rising. Also, im pretty sure that the cloak doesnt cover up the sound of the engines.

                          2.) It has the only functional chair platform. Assuming they didnt move the drones from antarctica and only moved the chair, the drones can be tied into the chair one by one. It will take a long time but its worth it.
                          good point but it can't stay there forever eventually people will want to know why there's a quarantine around this area but i'm sure the writers will figure out something.
                          - Are you Crazy?
                          - I wouldn't say crazy. Maybe an eccentric who looks good in jeans

                          Bring back Ford and Beckett

                          Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind


                            Originally posted by Phenom View Post
                            I did find it a bit strange that Carter immediately said the chair was destroyed, about 5 seconds after the darts hit. I can't really recall, but doesn't Area 51 descend a bucketload of stories under the ground?? It might have survived.
                            Hopefully it survived, otherwise Earth is going to be defenseless against the next attack from whoever they piss off next.


                              Originally posted by JackO'Neill View Post
                              They should do a flash back scene in the third movie of Jack going nuts about his chair being destroyed

                              Jack - I dont go nuts
                              Daniel - Remember when Carter told you your special chair was destroyed
                              Oh, oh please, please let this be in the next movie!

                              On that note, I just hope that they find a way using Atlantis and Asgard tech to replicate a new chair platform. I mean, with Carter, Zelenka, and McKay all on Earth, I imagine they can solve it. Janus's lab might have some useful stuff.

                              Atlantis is most likely going to head back to Pegasus. I mean, that's where they are connected, that's where the stories are. I expect by the time of the movie they'll have stayed maybe a month or two, repaired, then gone back. I think, judging by the end of this episode, that the movie will probably deal with Atlantis returning to Pegasus. The Wraith are still recovering from the Hoffan drug, the human populations are recovering from the Hoffans and the Asurans, and the Genii and the Travelers are currently the most powerful forces in Pegasus with Atlantis gone. I expect the war between the humans and the Wraith is going to heat up now that the big tech advantage of Atlantis is gone.
                              Rush rocks.


                                So I'll bring up a question I haven't seen yet? (Doesn't mean I didn't miss it in those pesky first six pages)

                                What side are you on when it comes to Todd? Do you think Sheppard killed him or not?

                                They left that kind of open. If it goes Vegas style, they'll lock him up til he goes all poet crazy from starvation.

                                If they go Pegasus wise, they might let him loose since he's their strongest ally (however scary that thought might sometimes be for them).

                                Or Sheppard might have just killed him which goes well with both Shep's dark persona and his good side - saving Todd from turning into crazy poet Todd.

