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'Enemy At the Gate' (520) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by JackO'Neill View Post
    & that scene also became meaningless & annoying bravo writers bravo
    Hey if this was a book or even a movie, sure - I'd agree with you. BUT I know that movie(s) are in the future and I'd much rather have Ronon there than have a well-played death. And if it was Ronon's final bow, he deserves something bigger than getting stabbed in the lung. Please.

    He'd have to go like he did in Last Man (which was awesome dying side by side with Todd) or in some other awesome way.


      Although SG-1 is my first love, Atlantis always worked for me. It worked for me from the very first ep to the very last one.

      I think the finale was a fabulous, suspenseful ep, and I enjoyed it immensely. I tried to stay away from spoilers on it so I could evaluate it without all the pre-info to which I normally allow myself to be exposed.

      I do have some questions though. I'd love to see what others think. Two are major plot questions. The others are just nitpicky wonderings:

      1. Since this air battle took place over North America...should we assume the secret of the stargate will go public now? We can't assume the "flying fireball" spotted over the Pacific is the only thing anyone saw, can we? I have a feeling quite a few people probably spotted the activity between us and the Wraith...and thought they were all UFOs. Wonder what the fallout will be?
      2. If the ancient chair was destroyed, and it was at Area 51, should we also assume that all of Area 51 is now toast?

      and the three minor questions:

      1. Why didn't they name it the "George Hammond" or simply "The Hammond," instead of the "General Hammond?" The name doesn't really seem to flow to me.
      2. Why hasn't Davis been promoted?
      3. Why didn't Sam's BDUs fit better?

      I'm just interested in seeing what others think. And I agree with those who say this story could have made a good two- or three-parter. has been a long work week...but that's what I have for now.

      I will miss Atlantis immensely. Thanks to cast and crew for five great years of entertainment! But I'm looking forward to the movies that are ahead.


        Originally posted by TragicComedy View Post
        Hey if this was a book or even a movie, sure - I'd agree with you. BUT I know that movie(s) are in the future and I'd much rather have Ronon there than have a well-played death. And if it was Ronon's final bow, he deserves something bigger than getting stabbed in the lung. Please
        I still say that scene should have been done differently. Have him just surrounded by Wraith unable to attack back. Killing him was absolutely ****ing pointless


          Originally posted by ventuscarmen View Post

          That was SG-1's chair!!!! (i'm sorry, i'm nuts but there it is) I can't believe they destroyed it!! With a couple of darts! After the main plot focus on SG-1 to get that chair! Ugh! I'm insulted. Jack's chair.
          I'm glad to see I'm not the only one freaking out about them destroying the chair...and I love that you called it Jack's chair.


            Originally posted by JackO'Neill View Post
            I still say that scene should have been done differently. Have him just surrounded by Wraith unable to attack back. Killing him was absolutely ****ing pointless
            I dunno. It led nicely into Amelia's scene later which gives you the idea they've been spending time together with how somber and serious her comment is about the whole thing and the general 'air' around them.

            *shrugs* I'm not going to fret about it. I'm too busy being bothered over the whole chair fiasco.


              A nice wrap-up for the series and an interesting place to jump off from for movies. I enjoyed this episode far more than Vegas, and kinda wished they'd expanded it to a two-parter to perhaps allow for some more emotional beats and a slightly less frenetic pace.

              Carter was nice to see, and it'll be interesting to see how her new command will play out in the next SG-1 movie. And naming the ship after Hammond was a nice tribute to Don S. Davis.

              Kinda wished there'd been a bit more build-up story-wise, with the super-Hive and wormhole drive plot points kinda appearing out of nowhere, but there were still lots of references to previous episodes to enjoy, with Sheppard's suicide run, flying the city, Ronon reaffirming Atlantis as his home, etc.

              I liked seeing Teyla and Ronon staying with the expedition to fight for Earth, Ronon's death scene was done well, and the dogfights were cool to watch, as was Atlantis's reentry.

              Congrats to the cast and crew for a great run, and I look forward to the SGA movie.



                Originally posted by TragicComedy View Post
                *shrugs* I'm not going to fret about it. I'm too busy being bothered over the whole chair fiasco.
                They should do a flash back scene in the third movie of Jack going nuts about his chair being destroyed

                Jack - I dont go nuts
                Daniel - Remember when Carter told you your special chair was destroyed


                  Originally posted by TragicComedy View Post
                  I'm glad to see I'm not the only one freaking out about them destroying the chair...and I love that you called it Jack's chair.
                  I'm glad to see that too! I'm upset about the chair. After everything SG-1 went through for that chair it just gets tossed darts...ugh...


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                    2. Why hasn't Davis been promoted?
                    3. Why didn't Sam's BDUs fit better?
                    Your post just tickled me and I felt compelled to log in and reply.

                    I've been on the SciFi Forum about this ep and saw an answer to your Question #2. Major Davis is in an administrative position. He doesn't actually hold a command position over others (someone from the military can correct me if I'm wrong about this). I believe the other person said something along the lines of no command, no promotion. It makes sense. He's not doing anything overly fantastic to deserve a promotion... unless you count being totally cool something worthy. I doubt the Air Force would agree, though.

                    And as for Sam's BDUs... Why don't any BDUs fit better? What I would give to see Daniel in a nice-fitting pair of pants. Yummmm....

                    Oh and BTW, regarding the chair, here's how I reacted:


                    Okay not really but still. That's how I feel. You can't kill the chair, man!
                    Last edited by mkrg; 09 January 2009, 08:11 PM. Reason: QUOTE tags showed up by accident in post


                      Originally posted by ventuscarmen View Post
                      I'm glad to see that too! I'm upset about the chair. After everything SG-1 went through for that chair it just gets tossed darts...ugh...
                      Well, for the moment, they have Atlantis to help defend Earth. They owe us that much for letting the chair get destroyed.
                      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                        Although SG-1 is my first love, Atlantis always worked for me. It worked for me from the very first ep to the very last one.

                        I think the finale was a fabulous, suspenseful ep, and I enjoyed it immensely. I tried to stay away from spoilers on it so I could evaluate it without all the pre-info to which I normally allow myself to be exposed.

                        I do have some questions though. I'd love to see what others think. Two are major plot questions. The others are just nitpicky wonderings:

                        1. Since this air battle took place over North America...should we assume the secret of the stargate will go public now? We can't assume the "flying fireball" spotted over the Pacific is the only thing anyone saw, can we? I have a feeling quite a few people probably spotted the activity between us and the Wraith...and thought they were all UFOs. Wonder what the fallout will be?

                        2. If the ancient chair was destroyed, and it was at Area 51, should we also assume that all of Area 51 is now toast?

                        and the three minor questions:

                        1. Why didn't they name it the "George Hammond" or simply "The Hammond," instead of the "General Hammond?" The name doesn't really seem to flow to me.
                        2. Why hasn't Davis been promoted?
                        3. Why didn't Sam's BDUs fit better?

                        I'm just interested in seeing what others think. And I agree with those who say this story could have made a good two- or three-parter.

               has been a long work week...but that's what I have for now.

                        I will miss Atlantis immensely. Thanks to cast and crew for five great years of entertainment! But I'm looking forward to the movies that are ahead.
                        I've heard rumor that the 3rd SG1 movie will be about the SGC going public which would just go peachy with that Atlantis ending. It's hard to explain a disappearing fireball away. It would also make Jack's prominence in it make more sense. Though a girls got to hope it won't be all politics.

                        Oh and the people of Earth, they would have been UFO's.

                        Area 51 is a pretty big place I'd imagine. Something probably survived. (Don't quote me on that lol)

                        Yeah. I agree with you on the renaming. The General Hammond just sounds better but whatever.

                        I know that there are limited positions available in higher rankings, not sure if that applies to Lt. Colonel's as well. That may be it. I know it's not cuz he's not a good worker. Dude's awesome. Probably works close with Jack too since he's at Homeworld. Meaning they better be casting this guy for the SG1 movie.

                        If you are implying Sam's got a bun in the oven, I'd seriously doubt it since she's planning on leading the George Hammond. (Yeah, name so doesn't flow for a ship) And ya know, that position just so screws with my fanfic. lol Darn PTB.


                          Originally posted by ventuscarmen View Post
                          Ok, I really liked it - but now i'm going to pick on it

                          Why did they try to fit EVERYTHING into 43 minutes? That was an epic storyline...packed into not enough time.
                          The show was supposed to be renewed, and well the producers said this was going to be a season finale going into a season 6 premiere. Joe M just commented that on his blog tonight. They would of likely left this ep on a cliffhanger, and start off the new season with the conclusion of course. I think they did wonders for the 43 mins they had.


                            Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                            Well, for the moment, they have Atlantis to help defend Earth. They owe us that much for letting the chair get destroyed.
                            First Jack gets his Asgard ship destroyed

                            Now his Ancient chair

                            Whats next ?


                              Great episode, though it felt as if we were rushed through it. It certainly should have been a 2-parter, then maybe I'd be satisfied with it as the series finale.


                                Originally posted by JackO'Neill View Post
                                They should do a flash back scene in the third movie of Jack going nuts about his chair being destroyed

                                Jack - I dont go nuts
                                Daniel - Remember when Carter told you your special chair was destroyed

                                ahahahaha Niiice. "special chair" lol

