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'Brain Storm' (516) General Discussion

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    Worst episode of the season by a long way. The premise was terrible, utter garbage. It really shows that it was written in line with Universal's Green thing. With Atlantis drawing to a close soon, it was a real shame to have to endure this nonsense.


      Come along children -Chef-

      It is completly obvious that most of you are way under 25 and have no appreciation for the Nye, Tyson and fake Hawking performances. You are too young to know who these people are and how significant their being there was. Not your fault, but....

      When we get served up crap TV series in the future with inane juvenile situations but a lot of explosions, you know where to look. Please keep in mind that the viewers are not all young. We didn't die when we hit 50 and we still are into Sci Fi! I hope those of you who took the time to get educated who these guys are, were rewarded with a better understanding of the significance of their inclusion. That was well done. Especially their being snarky and backstabbing. That was funny!

      I thought the episode was interesting in its difference from the normal SG-A settings. Kellar and McKay getting together is alright. I want to laugh at those of you, who in advance of your eventual aging, think McKay is too old and has a receding hairline. Your turn is coming soon enough, so chill!

      I give this ep an 8.5. The assholiness of Tinney and the government guy who runs the lab was a little over the top in their arrogance.

      Everyone was trying to out McKay, McKay!

      I could only get through 3 pages of the complaining about this episode. It really is amazing how on one hand you want character development and when you get it you aren't happy it isn't how some of you like it! You just can't please everybody.



        Originally posted by Repli!kat View Post
        So was Keller
        Mental green, since it won't let me green you again yet.

        Now for my reaction:

        The only things right with this episode were Bill Nye and Ronon's "who cares?" at the beginning of the ep.

        That the guy was flash-frozen along his entire side and yet Keller said he was still alive (which he wouldn't be, no one could survive that, and after four minutes he'd be brain-dead even if they did manage to get his body functioning again by some miracle), that Rodney didn't warm Keller or pull her out of the water immediately, that the matter bridge wasn't designed with a safety switch (who would do that?!), that Rodney ran off and left the fate of 100 people in the hands of Moron to go save Keller instead of dispatching Moron or Nye, and that a group of the world's best scientists couldn't coordinate in a stat of emergency until some blonde in a dress treated them like sixth graders--

        Oh, and let's add in that Rodney didn't just tell them he was working for the US military and everything he did was classified from the get-go. Rodney couldn't tell them what he did, of course, but the fact he works for the military is nothing confidental -- he has to have had an FPO/APO all this time, working on US military bases for eight years or more. And even if him working for the US military is a secret, there has to have been a dummy corporation listed somewhere, he could have told them that work was classified. He could have done anything but what he did. Of course, Keller could have stood up for him instead of standing there and smiling and DeGrasse Tyson's "humor," but what is love but complete condescension? Like trying to stop McKay from telling Moron that turning the device on was a bad plan (which it was) and asking him if he's "heard the word humble."

        The whole hand-raising scene and "yes, Rondey" made me want to punch the little Mary Sue in the mouth almost as much as her "it is no less noble to save a hundred lives" that magically conviced Kramer to call the military.

        Don't get me started on the Mile High club scene at the end.

        This episode was nothing but sloppily-written Schilling the Wesley. Ronon said what I was thinking --

        Sheppard (looking at Rodney and Keller): Do you think he's ever going to make a move?
        Ronon: Who cares?

        Only people who like The Wesley Crusher of SGA, Ronon.

        Last edited by DragonLadyK; 23 November 2008, 10:06 AM.
        "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
          You know, I thought the same thing. Then I thought "What dry clothes?" They weren't in a convention at a hotel. All of the guests had been flown in to a facility in the middle of the desert. They didn't have overnight bags with them because they weren't spending the night. They were there for the presentation. I don't think they had anything to change into.
          Ah, okay, to clarify (which I should have done). At a facility out in the middle of nowhere, apparently, I would think, logically, that personnel on the base would have spare clothing - if nothing else, jumpsuits in case of lab accidents. Not asking for a spare tuxedo, but you'd think they'd have a spare jumpsuit or two in the airplane hangar...

          but then again, this place is so cheap as to have cheap wooden doors in a high security installation. Hmm...
          Last edited by prion; 23 November 2008, 10:09 AM.


            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

            I could only get through 3 pages of the complaining about this episode. It really is amazing how on one hand you want character development and when you get it you aren't happy it isn't how some of you like it! You just can't please everybody.
            But romance is not character development (well, except on soaps). All we learned from this 'character development' is that Rodney and JEnnifer want to get in to each other's pants *cough*


              ok first off i like rodney but i can only listen to him whine for a short time. so for me this ep is just a glorifcation of rodney mckay. i really don't like the whole mckeller thing. i want her with someone who has a backbone (ronan?????). i don't know how she can put up with all the whining he does. over all the whole show was a snoozer for me.


                Originally posted by Corona View Post
                Come along children -Chef-

                It is completly obvious that most of you are way under 25 and have no appreciation for the Nye, Tyson and fake Hawking performances. You are too young to know who these people are and how significant their being there was. Not your fault, but....
                Please don't make assumptions as to why some didnt like this episode or to why they should have. I am way over 25 and being non American have no clue who these guys are. (except for Hawkins).. never heard of them before today and don't think I missed out on anything either by the way.

                When we get served up crap TV series in the future with inane juvenile situations but a lot of explosions you know where to look.

                Well I found this jeuvenile and again I'm not in that 25 age bracket

                Please keep in mind that the viewers are not all young. We didn't die when we hit 50 and we still are into Sci Fi! I hope those of you who took the time to get educated who these guys are, were rewarded with a better understanding of the significance of their inclusion.
                I'm not really interested in the significance of these guys and have no urge to educate myself..

                That was well done. Especially their being snarky and backstabbing. That was funny!
                Sorry didn't find it funny, childish would be the word I would use.

                I thought the episode was interesting in its difference from the normal SG-A settings. Kellar and McKay getting together is alright. I want to laugh at those of you, who in advance of your eventual aging, think McKay is too old and has a receding hairline. Your turn is coming soon enough, so chill!
                Good for you but I didn't find anything interesting and I tune in to watch Stargate not the geeks conference with 2 of my least favourite characters.

                Everyone was trying to out McKay, McKay!
                And this is interesting how?

                I could only get through 3 pages of the complaining about this episode. It really is amazing how on one hand you want character development and when you get it you aren't happy it isn't how some of you like it! You just can't please everybody.
                I'm still screaming for some character development as it would be great to see some for most of the rest of the cast who have been totally ignored this season, but I got nothing here.. All we got was an episode of stroking McKay's ego again and showing him strutting his stuff with the young pretty thing.. the age thing doesn't bother me in the slightest if the pairing have some sort of connection or chemisty, McKeller IMO has neither. And I agree you can't please everyone, great that you loved it so much but others have just as much right to hate it..


                  Originally posted by Ncc-72452 View Post
                  At least Sheppard and Weir's age has the same number in front... And not a difference of 2 as is the case in the other two...

                  The irony of that being that Weir looked at least ten years older than Sheppard.
                  And she behaved more like his mommy than a potential love interest.

                  And it seems like Keller/McKay are going that same route, with her telling him what to do and scolding, etc.

                  Makes me wonder if the writers on Stargate have mommy issues.


                    Originally posted by smushybird View Post
                    The irony of that being that Weir looked at least ten years older than Sheppard.
                    And she behaved more like his mommy than a potential love interest.

                    And it seems like Keller/McKay are going that same route, with her telling him what to do and scolding, etc.

                    Makes me wonder if the writers on Stargate have mommy issues.
                    What you think about Weir is irrelevant here. She's gone. Can't you give it a rest? Why does this still matter to you?

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Gotta say i hadn't heard of Bill Nye until now but I loved his bowtie. Can I just say that it's not as if she yells at him all the time trying to change him all she wanted was him not to be grumpy on their first date and maybe try being a bit more humble.

                      God all this negativity is bringing me down from my sugar high.

                      Also DragonLadyK if you look carefully he did get Keller out of the water and into the corridor.
                      Last edited by Atlantis15; 23 November 2008, 11:10 AM.
                      sigpic < Look what happens when you cancel stargate atlantis.

                      Mirror Mirror is a great maybe a little complicated but great.


                        Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                        I enjoyed this episode more than I was afraid I would.

                        Its just: I didn't need it. After "Quarantine" my only wish was that Rodney should get a proper relationship and not such a messed up one, but hints would have been merely enough and some more hints that they actually do things together would have made this episode feel less "on the wrong place".

                        Despite that it was a nice one-shot with loooots of real crazy science stuff. The whiteboards looked like someone with a physics textbook just wrote some of the nicer looking formulas. I spotted some basic Maxwell equations but I'll rewatch it and try to find out some more
                        You know what? Forget what I said there.

                        Rewatched it and now I love this episode. My complaints (written in detail elsewhere) are still there, but I can't stop me from enjoying this. A lot!
                        The cake is a lie!


                          Confession I've watched it 10 times already, don't know why put I can't stop, I think I need help.
                          sigpic < Look what happens when you cancel stargate atlantis.

                          Mirror Mirror is a great maybe a little complicated but great.


                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            but then again, this place is so cheap as to have cheap wooden doors in a high security installation. Hmm...
                            Cheap, one plywood board thick wooden doors. When McKay chops thru the door and shouts thru it to Jennifer, you can see it's not even a hollow core wooden door. How did they install a lock on that thing?

                            Of course, we're supposed to be caught up in the action and not notice things like that. It was the thought that counted.

                            My kind of guy:
                            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                              oh my god...Bill Nye the science guy! What more could we ask for?!

                              Personally I thought the episode was great, though that intro scene was completely unnecessary and cliche.
                              (Something bad is going to happen> No, I'm sure it wont.....Oh crap it happened! >.<)

                              Overall I would have liked to see some more awesome shooting/space battles in one of the last episodes...but the McKeller bit was fun
                              Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                              SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                              Join the Aftermath RP


                                Originally posted by smushybird View Post
                                The irony of that being that Weir looked at least ten years older than Sheppard.
                                And she behaved more like his mommy than a potential love interest.

                                And it seems like Keller/McKay are going that same route, with her telling him what to do and scolding, etc.

                                Makes me wonder if the writers on Stargate have mommy issues.
                                You have a STRANGE age perception. IMO, she looks nowhere near 10 years older than him. He is 41, and she is 38, which means I have to amend my earlier statement and say that the left digit of their ages differs by 1. If anything, I always had the impression that they were almost the same age. I will say that I was surprised to learn that he was older than she, but the margin fit.

                                The difference between them and McKay/Keller is that McKay actually IS old enough to be Keller's daddy, and he looks the part with the 40ish gut peaking through and the receding hair line. He's 40, and she's 26. To me, it's such a strange dynamic because he is older than her by a somewhat considerable margin, and yet she is assuming a parent role in the relationship.

                                Comparing these two pairs is not even in the ballpark, IMO. You are welcome to your opinion, but I didn't get the impression that Weir ever mothered Sheppard. She was still his boss and gave him orders, if that's what you mean... But I agree with you that Keller seemed to be mothering McKay, as in correcting socially deviant behavior, but Keller kinda does that with everyone.

                                And to those chiding the younger that the ravages of age will catch me, my Mom looks better now than she did when she was my age, so :-D That's not quite true of my Dad though...

