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'Brain Storm' (516) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
    Do you honestly think a room full of top scientists need a prissy little girl to tell them what to do in an emergency? It was dramatic license.

    to a certain extent, sure. but i work with engineers, that are a fraction as arrogant and anti-social as your cliched physicist...and they are hopeless. Often times you DO need to tell them what to do.

    they were a lot like mckay in the beginning, so obsessed with arguing the science that they kinda forgot the 'imminent threat of death deadline' part.

    I had no issue with keller smacking them down. It could have been rodney doing it, but other than that, someone needed to tell them to chill out and stop arguing about the shape of the table and get to the crux of the matter
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
      As hard as I tried not to come back to this offtopic, I have to point out that comparing McKay and Keller to Sheppard and Weir is a flawed analogy on numerous levels. Aside from the differing opinions on their respective chemistry, the relationship that Weir and Sheppard had is different than the one that Keller and McKay had. Sheppard and Weir worked together for years, slowly grew closer as they alone faced challenges of leadership together. Unlike McKeller, they never were actually a couple. Maybe if they had jumped on each other shortly after they met with no build up, I'd be annoyed. McKay and Keller were colleagues that knew each other a little bit had a few scenes together and hey did you know they were madly in love for a long time now?

      The age difference between Keller and McKay is not an issue for me. Its just the absurd way it came about. I understand sometimes people can fall in love suddenly. The problem is we never saw how or why or when Rodney "loved her for some time now." We were just supposed to accept that he was all of a sudden.
      It all comes down to "show, don't tell". The cardinal rule of writing which they break constantly. We saw a slow developing relationship between Sheppard and Weir. You can call it potentially romantic if you want to or just friendship but after GiTM not too many people deny it existed. With McKeller it's been developed too fast and the love declaration came without a buildup. Bad writing. I used to teach writing to young people and even my middle school students would have known better.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        It all comes down to "show, don't tell". The cardinal rule of writing which they break constantly. We saw a slow developing relationship between Sheppard and Weir. You can call it potentially romantic if you want to or just friendship but after GiTM not too many people deny it existed. With McKeller it's been developed too fast and the love declaration came without a buildup. Bad writing. I used to teach writing to young people and even my middle school students would have known better.
        I know it wasn't this episode but this backs up what you are saying When I watched The Shrine with my Dad after Rodney's love declaration he asked "Who's he talking to?"
        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
          I know it wasn't this episode but this backs up what you are saying When I watched The Shrine with my Dad after Rodney's love declaration he asked "Who's he talking to?"
          I was thinking after reading something from someone who likes McKeller. Has there been a buildup? Does Trio and the little hints from S5 constitute a reasonable buildup to canon romance of the I-love-you-let's-join-the-mile-high-club variety? Especially when our preferred ships and others have dragged on for 5 years and now nothing. Are we bitter that Rodney gets all the girls and they've decided to make John out to be a bumbling teenager with women? Perhaps I'll search my soul. Or not.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Originally posted by Ncc-72452 View Post
            My sincerest apologies. I did not intend to insult David Hewlett's looks in any way. I only meant to imply that he is showing the signs of entering his forties. It's not an insult, but a fact of his getting older. I certainly didn't mean to imply that he was ugly or unattractive. As a heterosexual male, I feel completely unqualified to offer an opinion on his attractiveness, so I will leave that in your capable hands. As for him being capable of being her father, unfortunately, yes, some males can and do reproduce by the age of 14. As for judging the character's age based on the actor's age, I thought that it was a reasonable place to start and/or estimate. Additionally, we know the actors are 14 years apart, and we are watching them engage in this behavior. So, it's not unreasonable for some of this repulsion(?) to carry over into how I feel about the characters engaging in this behavior.

            Still, I apologize again if anyone felt that I insulted David Hewlett. It was not my intent. In my defense, it is difficult to make my point of the age difference between the two and not come off as insulting to David Hewlett. I just reiterate that I have nothing but respect for David Hewlett.
            as a heterosexual female I can tell you that DH is definitely not hot. not my "type" at all! my daughter (who is keller's age) does not find Mckay attractive at all, either!

            Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
            A 10 -15 year age difference doesn't always have to be such a big deal, but in this case Keller comes off as so young and naive that it only exagerates the difference IMO. With Jewel's looks and mannerisms, Keller appears more like a teenager than a mature woman. With Rodney's grumbling and complaining and cynical attitude, he seems to be that much older. Everything about these characters just exagerates the age difference and makes it very uncomfortable IMO.
            you said what I was thinking! it's not the chronological age it's the way they act! my elderly mother (in a nursing home no less) whines less than Mckay does about how she feels, what foods she can eat, and being active. He sounds like a very old man most of the time. Keller is portrayed as younger than her years... the implication being that as a child prodigy she iis a bit backwards socially! So I agree there is something "dirty old man/sweet young thing" about the pairng that makes me go "squick"!

            Originally posted by col aga View Post
            And yet they invited McKay..
            The point is, it was supposed to be a meeting of the best Earth scientists. So Sam should have been there. Not because she's in the Air Force but because she's the leading expert in astrophysics. I do get why she couldn't be there, but it struck me as very odd that nobody, including Rodney, asked about her.
            Uh huh, and jeannie is quite brilliant, she is the one who figured out the bridge in the first place so why wasn't she there?????? hmmmmmm??? the scientific community knows about her since she had sent her proof to an old professor of hers.
            It was another "mckay is the best" boring ep.

            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
            I know it wasn't this episode but this backs up what you are saying When I watched The Shrine with my Dad after Rodney's love declaration he asked "Who's he talking to?"
            Mckay was talking to himself of course!


              My 2 cents I love Rodney I hate Keller, and please, very very please, someone should fire who dress Keller.
              Sig made by slizzie1986


                What this episode boiled down to for me was McKay, who everyone knows has a brain the size of a planet, still needing to remind everyone in two galaxies that he is smarter than everyone else (including himself), showing a room full of supposedly the top scientists in the world that he is better than them, saves the day, gets the girl and joins the mile high club. Nothing else. As has been said here, a little trimming and a B story would have served it and the fans better. It was an exercise in self indulgence at the cost of all else. With so few episodes left, it was a waste. And, it seems TPTB had reason to believe by the stage this was produced that there would be no S6.


                  I dunno whats with all the ppl who didn't like this episode - I thought this ep was awesome! Finally some real romance in the show

                  Its great that Rodney's finally found someone who can 'put up' with him lol

                  When the show started I was that...Bill Nye the Science Guy!??!?!?!?! on Stargate!!!???? HAHAHAHAaaaahh


                    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                    What this episode boiled down to for me was McKay, who everyone knows has a brain the size of a planet, still needing to remind everyone in two galaxies that he is smarter than everyone else (including himself), showing a room full of supposedly the top scientists in the world that he is better than them, saves the day, gets the girl and joins the mile high club. Nothing else. As has been said here, a little trimming and a B story would have served it and the fans better. It was an exercise in self indulgence at the cost of all else. With so few episodes left, it was a waste. And, it seems TPTB had reason to believe by the stage this was produced that there would be no S6.
                    Totally agree.. just another opportunity to stroke McKay's ego.. like we havn't had enough of those eps. I used to like McKay but now he is becoming one of my least favourite characters on the show...


                      Rac80 Why would Tunney the ****** invite the person who could blow his cover and provide proof that the idea was theirs also she's not in the whole science world that much.

                      For all you nay sayers towards McKeller what I'm getting from you is you don't think they have much chemistry but for more chemistry to appear they would have to have more scenes together which would give Keller more screen time which you lot also don't like. So is there any winning?
                      sigpic < Look what happens when you cancel stargate atlantis.

                      Mirror Mirror is a great maybe a little complicated but great.


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        I used to like McKay but now he is becoming one of my least favourite characters on the show...
                        what?! McKay is awesome



                          People, let's lose the 'those people' or 'you people' comments. Don't generalize. Because i guarantee you, no matter what you say as a fact about 'those people' there will be someone in that group that defies your generalization.

                          Let's spend less time (as in none) complaining about the opinions of others, and more (as in all) discussing what you did or didn't like about the episode
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Atlantis15 View Post
                            Rac80 Why would Tunney the ****** invite the person who could blow his cover and provide proof that the idea was theirs also she's not in the whole science world that much.

                            For all you nay sayers towards McKeller what I'm getting from you is you don't think they have much chemistry but for more chemistry to appear they would have to have more scenes together which would give Keller more screen time which you lot also don't like. So is there any winning?
                            Nope, no winning but it is part of the reason this lame romance concept was one of the worst Atlantis plot lines ever.



                              Originally posted by Atlantis15 View Post
                              Rac80 Why would Tunney the ****** invite the person who could blow his cover and provide proof that the idea was theirs also she's not in the whole science world that much.

                              For all you nay sayers towards McKeller what I'm getting from you is you don't think they have much chemistry but for more chemistry to appear they would have to have more scenes together which would give Keller more screen time which you lot also don't like. So is there any winning?
                              Yes.....Just don't have her in any eps That would make me very happy


                                Originally posted by Atlantis15 View Post
                                Rac80 Why would Tunney the ****** invite the person who could blow his cover and provide proof that the idea was theirs also she's not in the whole science world that much.

                                For all you nay sayers towards McKeller what I'm getting from you is you don't think they have much chemistry but for more chemistry to appear they would have to have more scenes together which would give Keller more screen time which you lot also don't like. So is there any winning?
                                Not true. If there's no chemistry to begin with, no amount of screen time is going to put it there. The winning situation for me would be for TPTB to realize it's a losing idea and drop the ship completely. Give some time to the other characters.

