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Season Five : Complaints and Misgivings

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    .: Exactly what I mean. It's either out of character by story means (Teyla and Shep in Conversion and Liz and Shep in TLG immediately come to mind), or it's crappier cousin, out of character by the writers lacking something called a brain (Keller/Ronon, Keller/Rodney, the whole kibosh.)


      didn't see the ronon/ keller but got an eye load of rodney/keller. As much as I loath Rodney I found myself stating to the TV as it unfolded: "Come on, Rodney. You can do better than that." And with her tragic death scene my one thought was :Maybe she won't be back next season." Only to discover she's in 20 eps.

      yep, tptb should stay away from establishing any sort of relationship and just stick to the boobs, butts and bombs that they excel at.
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        Any thoughts on the article about the Daedalus Variations? It sounds a lot like the concept for The Last Man to me. Recycling from the previous season?


          Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
          Any thoughts on the article about the Daedalus Variations? It sounds a lot like the concept for The Last Man to me. Recycling from the previous season?
          My first thought -> "And they're doing it again. Spending all their money on VFX, saving none."

          BAMSR anyone, in comparison to TLM.

          My second thought -> Lots of VFX, no story to speak of.

          My third thought -> Sheppard and McKay get lots to do, Ronon and Teyla stand by and watch.

          My fourth thought -> THIRSTY!!

          My fifth thought -> Mmm... Mars! *snatches candybar away*

          My sixth thought -> The VFX will have to mask the bad writing.

          My seventh thought -> Didn't we already do this?
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            My first thought -> "And they're doing it again. Spending all their money on VFX, saving none."

            BAMSR anyone, in comparison to TLM.

            My second thought -> Lots of VFX, no story to speak of.

            My third thought -> Sheppard and McKay get lots to do, Ronon and Teyla stand by and watch.

            My fourth thought -> THIRSTY!!

            My fifth thought -> Mmm... Mars! *snatches candybar away*

            My sixth thought -> The VFX will have to mask the bad writing.

            My seventh thought -> Didn't we already do this?
            My first thought-> What are the odds they go through all these AU's and never mention Elizabeth?

            My second thought -> clip show without the clips

            My third thought -> Rodney saves the day while Shep nags him.

            My fourth thought -> acting against a green screen, great...*insert sarcastic comment here*

            My fifth thought -> Why am I still here?

            Great idea, FH. This works almost like stream of consciousness.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
              Say, since we are getting the all-girl team, why couldn't Teyla have been in charge of it? As an added plus we would have had Teyla/Carson moments!

              Oh wait. These are the people who wouldn't put Sam in charge of SG1 after EIGHT years.

              Never mind.
              Now that wouls have been a good idea....I know i'm a JT shipper but i'd liked to have seen some Teyla/Carson moments...I missed Carson and i didn't think they should have ever got rid of him but i'm not so sure i liked the way they brought him back...As a clone,it's not the real Carson I want my Carson back *sniffles*

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              Hmm? That's a very good point. I would think that by this point in time Teyla is very ready to get away from Rodney lead her own team. She has learned a lot from John about the military aspects of what they are doing, already knows how to fight as well as the average Marine, and could certainly teach the other women a thing or two. Having their best people all on the same team is unrealistic. Come to think of it Ronon could lead a team also.

              If they continue making Teyla the babe in distress, it will further damage her character. In fact Kanaan looked like a fit guy. Why not keep him and let them lead a team together? That would give us more screen time for her and also more about her culture. No, they would just have them get in trouble and have to be rescued by the big hewoes every other week. Bad idea. Besides, we know Kanaan is a dead man walking.
              TPTB making Teyla the babe in distress makes me laugh...She could probably take out half the guys on Atlantis...At the same time......nd before anyone starts no i didn't mean take out as on a date

              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
              "No on-screen kisses unless you're not being yourself. (TPTB writing you out of character not withstanding.)"

              That is how they get in trouble on this show. It's always OoC, then the fans run rampant with it.

              A normal story can have relationships...matter of fact it needs some type of relationship or else there is no connection between the character and the audience. TPTB problem is lack of closer and continued relation hinting. That drives me nuts!

              Let's look at the Sam/Jack tease...I call it a tease cause it's neither a relationship or non relationship.

              Sam and Jack was supposed to an underlying arc about how relationships, regulations and duty does not mix well. In the AU where Sam/Jack were canon the AU was a disaster and Jack died.

              Okay, so Jack admitted in one ep he cared for Carter more than he should have. The ep had the two agreeing never to let the info leave that room. Can't recall the episode right was with the Tok'ra lie detector test.

              Anyways, instead of reinforcing the single line closer they gave us...we had Sam/Jack googling each other endlessly. That continued the ship even when it was stopped. Never was the eyeballing dealt with. Hammond never took Colonel O'Neill aside and said, "You and Carter either need to act professional or I'm splitting you two up."

              Now, Sam is on SGA and good old love struck puppy, McKay is all ga-ga over her. I want to slap Rodney whenever he turns into a moron around Carter. So, do TPTB end the ship and have Sam say..."I'm dating Jack." Nope! We get an awkward, "Hi Rodney."

              Jeepers, tptb could have had Sam state: "After my break up with Pete the stalker...I decided I'm gonna not date anyone for some time. I need time to recover from the trauma associated with everything I've been through." Or even: "Oh, Rodney...I'm so happy to see you. Can you introducing me to your handsome friends I saw earlier?" Or how about: "After my horrible experiences with men...I've decided to become a nun." Of course I would have loved to have seen the forum activity if Sam stated: "Rodney, Guess what? Daniel and I are engaged."
              you guys crack me up....Well as for the whole romance thing...It can work if it writteb right,Farscape done it and it worked so if they've got writers that are good enough it can be done!

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              My first thought -> "And they're doing it again. Spending all their money on VFX, saving none."

              BAMSR anyone, in comparison to TLM.

              My second thought -> Lots of VFX, no story to speak of.

              My third thought -> Sheppard and McKay get lots to do, Ronon and Teyla stand by and watch.

              My fourth thought -> THIRSTY!!

              My fifth thought -> Mmm... Mars! *snatches candybar away*

              My sixth thought -> The VFX will have to mask the bad writing.

              My seventh thought -> Didn't we already do this?
              What......Ronon and Teyla don't stand around and watch...Teyla occasionally rolls her eyes and Ronon occasionally grunts and shoots stuff!


                I'm sure McKay will somehow rewrite some codes in last few second and everything will be just wonderful
                Stolen Kosovo


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  My first thought-> What are the odds they go through all these AU's and never mention Elizabeth?
                  Zero to none.... Sadly.

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Great idea, FH. This works almost like stream of consciousness.

                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  What......Ronon and Teyla don't stand around and watch...Teyla occasionally rolls her eyes and Ronon occasionally grunts and shoots stuff!
                  Oh yeah, right... what was I thinking? *facepalm*

                  Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                  I'm sure McKay will somehow rewrite some codes in last few second and everything will be just wonderful
                  Of course he will.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Just a random observation... I think it's interesting how on SG-1 everyone (well, some people) raved about Daniel being the "moral compass" of the team and how "lost" they'd be without him. Meanwhile on Atlantis we have Teyla, who is also sort of the "moral compass" of the team, but who is also routinely ignored by her so-called teammates. She questions things, she points out the dubiousness of their plans, they pat her on the ass head and send her off with Ronon to get her out of the way. The fact that she's been right nearly every time seems not to have sunk in with them and I kinda wonder why TPTB have it in there at all, unless they think we're too stupid to figure out that what the team is planning is dark morally dubious/stupid, so they need to have someone TELL us it is. Just for the sake of having it on record.

                    I have nothing against Teyla, per se, I think she has a lot of potential... but I also think that her potential will NEVER be realized on the show and that makes me wish they'd get rid of her. She serves no real purpose other than looking pretty (which, alas, seems to count for a lot in TPTB's book) and the whole "native guide" routine has gotten rather moot after all this time.

                    Why is she staying with the team, anyway? Out of habit? She knows they don't listen to her and treat her as less than an equal, so why stay? The stubborn hope that things might get better if she complains voices her concerns often enough? There's a metaphor in there somewhere.

                    I still think she and Ronon should strike off on their own. Screw Atlantis, the two of 'em would be better off without them and Atlantis would be free of some dead wood.


                      Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                      Just a random observation... I think it's interesting how on SG-1 everyone (well, some people) raved about Daniel being the "moral compass" of the team and how "lost" they'd be without him. Meanwhile on Atlantis we have Teyla, who is also sort of the "moral compass" of the team, but who is also routinely ignored by her so-called teammates. She questions things, she points out the dubiousness of their plans, they pat her on the ass head and send her off with Ronon to get her out of the way. The fact that she's been right nearly every time seems not to have sunk in with them and I kinda wonder why TPTB have it in there at all, unless they think we're too stupid to figure out that what the team is planning is dark morally dubious/stupid, so they need to have someone TELL us it is. Just for the sake of having it on record.

                      I have nothing against Teyla, per se, I think she has a lot of potential... but I also think that her potential will NEVER be realized on the show and that makes me wish they'd get rid of her. She serves no real purpose other than looking pretty (which, alas, seems to count for a lot in TPTB's book) and the whole "native guide" routine has gotten rather moot after all this time.

                      Why is she staying with the team, anyway? Out of habit? She knows they don't listen to her and treat her as less than an equal, so why stay? The stubborn hope that things might get better if she complains voices her concerns often enough? There's a metaphor in there somewhere.

                      I still think she and Ronon should strike off on their own. Screw Atlantis, the two of 'em would be better off without them and Atlantis would be free of some dead wood.
                      I have to agree on some parts....I really don't know why she sticks around,even Ronon...The both of them should just say "well you never listen to a word we say,we're the Pegasus natives after all....Or you listen to what we say but you go ahead and do whatever it is you were gonna do anyway so screw you and screw earth.....We're off...BYE BYE"......And then Rodney can start going on about how life's unfair and how he's the messiah and the answer to everyones prayers and then he can go and save the universe for the quadrillionth time while ending world poverty and findind cure's for every disease there ever was


                        Teyla is the embodiment of the average grandma. She's wise beyond her years, is usually right, knows all sorts of things that will help you and yet no one listens to her.

                        Come to think of it they don't listen to ronon either.

                        It's always been shep/mckay make the mess and then save the day. If tptb had someone else save the day after shep/mckay make the mess...well...mcshep would just look bad, huh?

                        Teyla should either go on her own or have her own team that has to come in and rescue mcsheppard.

                        Perhaps tptb plan on replacing teyla on the team with Keller in season 6? Give teyla her own team or a liaison role where she's not patted on the head, given a lolly and sent off.

                        that way at least Keller would be the one patted on the butt and sent away.
                        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                          Just read the spoilers for Daedalus Variations.......I'm sure I read a scifi book with that exact plot several years was about a group of people who kept jumping realities on one planet until they came to a reality in which the planet never existed and they were in space and so died.....wish I could remember the book's name.........

                          Anyway sounds a bit boring, too much like Ripple Effect, how about an episode called the Atlantis variations where the variation is that someone has an original thought.......


                            Isn't that what Continuum is all about?


                              Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                              Isn't that what Continuum is all about?
                              Wow TPTB really liked that film it seems


                                It's a bad sign when you start recycling plots you have only just used

