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'Trio' (416) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
    Wait.....good point, if she missed all the parties how does she know the beer drinking games. Do interns in medical school have a lot of time to do that sort of thing.... Oh wait, my boss just asked his new doctor if she did the bar craw at Ohio U and she confessed to it so I guess they do. But still, if she is supposed to be a social outcast, WTH?

    Oh and previews for next week: The episode may or may not be good or bad but it should be entitled "just when you didnt think Teal'cs hair could get worse".
    I didnt even notice the Carter toenails, but I am pretty sure it doesnt take too much effort to throw paint on them, people do it in their livingrooms while watching TV all the time. Even if carter worked 23 hours a day I am sure she could do the toenails in that one hour, were she so inclined....and now that she is experiementing with the hair and bad clothing maybe she is....or its just bad costuming.
    Oh my goodness I know! When good hair goes bad!

    As far as Keller goes, I did not enjoy her in Missing and when she was complaining about the walking early in this episode I was worried because I didn't know if I could sit through another episode filled with that Missing level of self-doubt and cringe-inducing whining but I think she held it together pretty well and she's starting to come in to her own.

    It was, is, and always will be GREEN


      I thought Trio was quite fun - the banter was lively, the interaction between the three was good, the plan to escape didn't work the first time (like it normally does) or the second or the third. They only got out by accident (and fortuitous timing).

      I agree with dasNdanger - I wasn't the least offended by Rodney's comments. I laughed out loud.

      I also agree that Keller is a flirt. She started coming on to Rodney during the chat about Katie ("What she deserves is a nice man... like you.") A woman doesn't ask a bud "Would you like to have a drink with me?" after he's blustered several times about not owing her a beer. And her response to his "What?" was "You're not very good at this, are you?" I seriously doubt she meant drinking. You go girl!!

      Way to go Rodney for being the tough guy for once (even if it was against his will and better judgment). He's learned so much about being a teammate. I particularly loved it when he told Sam he wasn't leaving her behind. I bet she never thought in her wildest dreams she would hear him say something like that.

      The kids cracked me up. I so knew they had brought back their friends. As usual, McKay has a gift with children. Maybe he was still worn out from his mission last week to the kid planet. And Sam trying to bribe them was hilarious. I have no idea why she thought the kids would risk parental punishment because some stranger promised them. Guess she had to try.

      And the Zelenka conversation! Who doesn't like Radek?

      A nice, fun ep with some great character moments.
      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        Originally posted by Ganthet Jr
        I really, really think she was just taking a friend out for drinks. The writers seem to, uh well, I'm not sure how to put it, not understand human interaction, so sometimes they make things look weird that aren't so weird fundamentally. I don't really whine about the writers, but I knew instantly after the ep was over that people would be making more of that scene than what it was.
        Oh, I think they know what they are doing.

        I HATE HATE HATE shows that are always about romantic relationships. One reason I still rate Common Ground as one of the best episodes ever because it examines the relationship between two men, and enemies at that. Good stuff. The lovey-dovey stuff...blech. That comes easy. It's MUCH harder to show two friends being...friends.

        So, basically I was joking about Keller being a player. She was extending her friendship to a guy who's totally clueless not only in matters of love, but in the most basic relationships with his co-workers.

        It was good. I was, however, a bit disturbed that Rodney so easily let his feelings for Jon Stewart slip out...lololol!!

        Some really funny stuff in this one. Enjoyed it lots.

        Last edited by dasNdanger; 08 February 2008, 07:50 PM.


          Originally posted by Ganthet Jr. View Post
          I really, really think she was just taking a friend out for drinks. The writers seem to, uh well, I'm not sure how to put it, not understand human interaction, so sometimes they make things look weird that aren't so weird fundamentally. I don't really whine about the writers, but I knew instantly after the ep was over that people would be making more of that scene than what it was.
          Originally posted by jenks View Post
          Nope, the point was that she missed a lot of her teenage years because she studied so hard. The point of it was to go some way in explaining why she is so young, not to imply she's socially inept.
          Originally posted by jenks View Post
          Ever considered that you're the one misinterpreting it?
          Originally posted by Lt. Ford View Post
          My take on the ending was this:

          Rodney didn't seem to like Keller very much at the beginning of the episode. The way he talked down on her shows this very well. At the end, they have become friends through the ordeal. They are going to get something to drink as friends. Are you guys saying that if I was to go out for a drink with a girl, it is automatically a date, and she is coming on to me? Wrong.

          Anyways, not a great episode. Sam got to be in it a lot, so that was good because her screen time this season is very little. I was disappointed with some of the lame aspects of the episode, such as the "No we'll get in trouble. We bet on the fact that people are trapped." They decided to include that, but not the part about Sam's romantic life. I was hoping it would be some mention of Jack, but I guess not..
          LOL i wonder if we checked profiles, would we discover that men think she was hitting on rodney and women realise it was friendly? it was friendly.


            Originally posted by jenks View Post
            The entire set tilts.
            Well I suppose that would make it expensive, seems like it could have just been easier to have the actors lean in a certain direction, but that probably would have looked stupid.
            All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

            The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

            Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


              I've never seen anyone act so immature before on a mission than I saw Keller act in this episode. Come on? Playing "who would you rather" ??? It just shows that she is not a leader and makes her seem even more out of place. She needs to grow up.

              It could've been a great episode. But it fell very short.

              And poor Sam - getting whumped again and again!


                Originally posted by Sweetsong View Post
                Highlight of the episode was Carter's nicely polished toe nails. I guess she finds time for a pedicure during her busy schedule.
                Wow, I'm surprised anyone brought that up.



                  Meh.... this was one of my least favorite episodes this season. 100% a filler.

                  Falling into the hole was just cheesy. Duh, if there is a hole you STAY AWAY.

                  Now, as far as characters... Rodney and Sam where fantastic, if it had just been those two then the episode would have been enjoyable.

                  Adding Keller to the mix was just annoying... that character will never grow on me. Yeah, she was helpful in some parts in that she provided an extra set of hands, beyond that, she was just in the way not to mention annoying. I almost wonder if the writers didn't add her just so that it would be a "Grace Under Pressure" spinoff (though, honestly, I would have rather watched something like that then hear Keller whine).

                  Gosh I miss Beckett... all her "are you okay"s got really old really fast, I want Beckett back, he didn't ask if you where "okay" he just went to work without being asked making SURE you where okay himself.

                  And the end.... we got Keller/Ronon ship.... now we have a Keller/McKay ship??? I think I'm going to be sick now...

                  Proudly Supporting Team USA


                    Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                    Well Keller did throw out the "you really arent good at this sort of thing" which to me does not imply "gee you really arent good at drinking with your friends" but more of a "you really arent good at this getting it when a girl is hitting on you". Thats how it sounded to me. Otherwise she could have said something like "come on just shut up and get me my beer" or something.
                    Exactly! She could have just left it with, "You owe me a beer", but she kept harping on it, "have a drink with me!" and then the old, "You aren't very good at this, are you?" which means, "I'm hitting on you dumbo!"

                    Run Rodney! Run! She'll be hitting on Sheppard next.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      From just watching the ep it is DEFINITELY more than a friendly invitation. Though seeing it in context I have to agree with whoever said it a few posts above that the writers probably didn't intend it to be Keller coming on to him.


                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        LOL i wonder if we checked profiles, would we discover that men think she was hitting on rodney and women realise it was friendly? it was friendly.
                        Or perhaps some people are just Ronon/Keller shippers? It was flirty


                          Originally posted by Vala_M View Post
                          Wow, I'm surprised anyone brought that up.

                          It was kind of hard to miss...they practically zoomed in on her foot!! Not to mention that the nail polish was like a bike reflector and caught what little light there was in the room which totally made it obvious that she had nail polish on in the first place!!
                          Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                          &=AWESOME &Forever
                          No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                            Actually, I think it was probably left ambiguous on purpose. There's a good chance that it could go either way. This also gives them leeway so that if things work better with Ronan, then it can be between the good Doc and Ronan. /shrug

                            As for all the Keller bashing - come on. She's a doctor. She's not in the field all the time. She's not military, she's a civilian. Just like Rodney was the first few times he went out on missions. Rodney's been doing this for, what, 4 years now? Seems to make sense to me that she's not this smooth, perfect field person. Even Beckett didn't like to go out into the field when he first started.


                              Jelgate's Two Cents
                              This was a lot like Harmony. It was humor episode that poked fun at McKay. Fortunatly I didn't want to claw my eyes out at the end of this episode. I believe prion said the the sucker Sheppard was sucking on at the beginning of the episode was the same one from his SciFi. I wonder how long it toke him to finish. It was funny seeing who was more important on the finding the planets inhabaitants problem. Speaking of funny, McKay is walking along talking about how physical fit he is and then he falls through a hole. It just gets more hilarious goes along. Every plan McKay, Carter, and Keller come up with fails with humerous consquences. Like when McKay says Carter should climb and Carter looks at him for not even offering to climb. Stupid kids, they would rather hve someone die than get in trouble. I wonder if Zelenka knows that these guys don't like him? I can't believe the suggestion that McKay made to get the kids to help them. I thought the grappling hook was an interesting idea. How many times do you get to see an episode where the team makes a grappling hook? I never saw Carter as the Cloney type. I was with Keller when Carter mention the two physicst names. I have never hears of those. Speaking, of the grappling hook, it was funny to see McKay throw the hook into air with little results. Someone, needs to spend more time training with Ronon. I wonder if Keller did a lot of drinking in her college days? Because I have never heard of that Bar bet. It was so close to acheiving victory. I don't know if Amanda or a stunt double did that fall but cherographes perfect. As much as Keller struggled to find solutions to the problems with them stuck in a mine shaft, she sprung into action the second she realized Sam was in danger. Thats what I like about this character. She is nervous when she is out of element, but when her expertise are needed, she can spring into action. McKay really showed that despite all his whinning, he can be pretty resourceful and courageous when he wants like when the structure finally falls and he the one holding Keller and not telling her to go into the light. Speaking of Keller, I applaud her for getting over her fear and swinging over to the mine shaft. I also applaud McKay for even after being injured and be told to go by Carter that he was able to sudden the strenght to repel Carter down to the mine shaft, even if he had a hard time swinging himeself. You think Keller would hve better things to do than tease McKay. I wonder how much beer they had. I am also glad that we were able to get some closure on McKay and Katie Brown. My biggest compliant is that Ronon and Teyla weren't seen at all and Sheppard only appeared for a few seconds. Overall not the best episode but good for a filler. Is it time watch Midway yet.
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                                LOL i wonder if we checked profiles, would we discover that men think she was hitting on rodney and women realise it was friendly? it was friendly.
                                I dunno my wife made a comment about her being the town bicycle.
                                All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                                The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                                Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu

