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"The Last Man" Pre-Airing Discussion and Speculation (Spoilers)

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    i'm sure that michael experiments teyla's baby or kills her or something. when john gets in the future, old mckay sends him back to before they found carson, remember the guard said to john they were early.

    look how many times in the Stargate franchise they've changed the future in some way on the original timeline without alternate universe, the future has been written several times:

    1. - 1969 - SG-1 - shows the present happened long before.
    2. - Window Of Opportunity - SG-1 - every action Jack & Teal'c placed could have stayed with them if they stopped it.
    3. - 2010 - SG-1 - changed the whole future with the Ashen.
    4. - Before I Sleep - Atlantis - Weir going back 10,000 years when everyone drowned cause no one was there for the failsafe.
    5. - Mobeius Part 1 & 2 - Changed the future then back with a bit of change, fish in jacks pond and them never going back in time in the first place.
    6. - Unending - SG-1 - everyone growing old and dying and just undid it, cause there future would have been death.
    7. - The Last Man / Search & Rescue - Atlantis - possibly what i mentioned before, we'll find out.

    so i'm sure the mckay and keller kissing scene as shown in the previews for next week, in the end of the season premiere wouldn't even have happened like the daniel and vala scenes never did.

    oh yeah i think Todd betrays Atlantis and that he planned to and has his own purpose.


      Originally posted by ladyjanus View Post
      See, just like a couple of previous posters said, the writers take chances with these kinds of "what if" stories, go places that are dangerous or challenging or simply more interesting than the middle of the road, play-it-safe storylines that are designed to keep the bulk of the viewers mollified and coming back for more. Isn't there room for even just a few twists along way, some more of those "WTF?" moments that amaze people, and shock them?

      Now that's what I call entertainment...

      Well the only thing left to shock me would be a John and Rodney kiss... AND I would only be shoked 'cause I don't think tptb have the guts to do it. No lets play safe and do more Het shipping stuff instead. *groan*

      I don't mind Rodney kissing Jennifer, I like Jennifer a whole lot more then I probably should.


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        Well the only thing left to shock me would be a John and Rodney kiss... AND I would only be shoked 'cause I don't think tptb have the guts to do it. No lets play safe and do more Het shipping stuff instead. *groan*

        I don't mind Rodney kissing Jennifer, I like Jennifer a whole lot more then I probably should.
        keller is wkd i aqm glad she has found somone but i don't think it will last
        [[[[[Dr Keller]][[For Ever]]]]]


          Originally posted by The.Road.Not.Taken View Post
          if you pause it you can see what looks like a f-302 bay at the side however i could be rong

          but did u see those weapons the ship was firing!! they looks like drones!
          I thought they looked a bit like drones as well, maybe it is a ship from the future and it has the ability to fire drones. looks like its going to be an awesome space battle anyway.


            Originally posted by Gate-builder View Post
            I thought they looked a bit like drones as well, maybe it is a ship from the future and it has the ability to fire drones. looks like its going to be an awesome space battle anyway.
            They looked more like missiles to me with the trail they left but they seem to have gotten an upgrade in the guidance system;
            And it is about time they got an upgrade in that regard
            Now lets just hope there detonation systems have also been improved so they go of when hitting a shield rather then just crashing in to it


              I do not think this is a battle over Earth, otherwise the Wraith fleet is dead.

              So it has to be a battle over Atlantis. And Atlantis ZPM was nearly depleted in Adrift II. So it can provide little help to the 304.

              The ship Carter was in destroys a few Hives, but there are too many. And the ship eventually gets destroyed.


                Can’t wait too I can see this episode

                But I wonder if The Apollo blows up

                Or it happens in a other timeline

                So now that is why I call you names, like Carol, Jane and Sue. Like Moesha, Kim and Lilly and Susanne and Betty-Lou. See, regardless of the names I pick, my feelings are quite clear; you're a pain in every day of every month of every year.

                Dr.cox Scrubs


                  Last time i checked the Atlantis ZPM is just fine. They stole a practically new one from the replicators, and i doubt they drained the whole thing flying to the new planet...

                  RODNEY: plenty of power in the zed-pm

                  The ship is firing missiles.

                  I knew a new Mckay/Keller romance be in the works. Didn't you guys at all see the ending to Trio?


                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                    Well the only thing left to shock me would be a John and Rodney kiss... AND I would only be shoked 'cause I don't think tptb have the guts to do it. No lets play safe and do more Het shipping stuff instead. *groan*
                    Yeah, the killjoys! Maybe John and Rodney will finally kiss in the Season Five finale?? *crosses fingers and toes*


                      ZPM was great and fine initially.

                      But during Atlantis entry into the planet, Carter warns not to go in too fast, shields may not take it since the ZPM is depleted.


                        Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                        ZPM was great and fine initially.

                        But during Atlantis entry into the planet, Carter warns not to go in too fast, shields may not take it since the ZPM is depleted.
                        I love it how everyone ignores my posts.

                        [AFTER THE CITY HAS LANDED]
                        CARTER: How’re we doing?

                        McKAY: Systems are looking good ... so far. Plenty of power in the ZedP.M.

                        CARTER: lower the shield


                          A lot more in this episode than just Sheppard in the future appears to be going on. I can't wait! I'm betting that the Phoenix is destroyed, not the Apollo. For one, the Phoenix makes its first [probably and last] appearance in this episode, which personally, I'm not against an Earth ship getting destroyed as this ship seems to be very ugly on the inside (No bridge map and different window style). Joe Mallozzi posted pictures and vidoes from the Phoenix set for those of you know don't know what it looks like.

                          I figured that the Phoenix would be a ship in the future with Earth survivors and Sheppard has to contact them to get back to Atlantis or something, I'm glad the episode is otherwise.

                          Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                          ZPM was great and fine initially.

                          But during Atlantis entry into the planet, Carter warns not to go in too fast, shields may not take it since the ZPM is depleted.
                          If you watch carefully on the laptop screen in the beginning part with the chat with Sam in "Reunion", you can see that the ZPM is still 75% full so no worries about that.

                          And about the time travel without changing universes is this I believe. If you time travel with a time machine, you get an alternate universe and the original remains the same and if you time travel using the Stargate, you can stay in the same universe. Note all of those episodes where it stays the same were Stargate time travel episodes, not by ships.



                            If an Earth ship is destroyed, it will likely be in the "dark timeline" that Holo-McKay is trying to help set right, and it's probably a flashback sequence as to why the future went so bad.
                            Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
                            Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                              Carter is going go out with a BANG.

                              John time travelling by itself is not a great season finale.

                              But a 304 exploding to bits with Carter in it. Oh yeah.

                              I hope we get to see Michael smiling, maybe Teyla crying? LOL!


                                And yet somehow the asgard weaponry seems useless now.

