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    Loved it.

    Can't wait for next week!

    Hehe - pretty gutsy - rob the replicators.

    I loved the CGI shot wide and around the Sheppard and Zelenka space jump. Loved all the CGI space shots.

    Nice - Ronon thanking Weir.

    Dr. Keller was very believable.

    Everyone did a good job.

    *I'd have a really hard time not playing and goofing around in a weightless environment.*
    Last edited by tagger; 28 September 2007, 10:24 PM.
    Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
    Quint Studer


      Alright, I was being very careful about spoilers, so going into this episode I knew NOTHING about it, other than a hunch about the repliweir and um, oh, the thing with shrinking the shield.

      So, I was pretty much blow away!! I loved it, I liked how they threw in some humor with the whole get happy from figuring something about but then another problem rising up and "Colonel Sheppard and Dr. McKay to the control room please" being repeated.

      I really really REALLY liked the asteroid scene, I have no idea they had that many jumpers!! That was sooo cool!
      And the fact that the city isn't entirely invincible was a nice touch and made for a great Radek/John scene.

      As for the whole thing with Weir, I think it is a MUCH more fitting way to write out a character than just a freakin exploding tumor that happened once upon a time *mutters*. At least here we get some good character development IMO and someone who could become a very interesting part of the show later on down the road (and I really had hoped they'd put her in more than 4 episodes, heres to hoping that she'll get a better in future seasons).

      Overall, I'm pleased! And I can not wait till next week. I am very curious to see how it all plays out

      (lol.... kinda OT, but I'm trying to do a million things on GW at once and my computer is moving in slo-mo. Guess I need to calm down )

      Proudly Supporting Team USA


        It was an "okay" episode for me - not the best, not the worst. I did get tired of all the Rodney/Shep scenes that seemed to go on and on and on.

        Have to agree with some of the other folks that "dumbed down" Shep just isn't very interesting. I didn't like it when the writers created Dumb O'Neill in the last few SG1 seasons, but they didn't have to do it to Shep too. I'd also like to see Sheppard show emotion in a different way other than licking or chewing his lip. Its starting to grate.

        The puddlejumper vs. asteroid scene was silly. Atlantis already has its leader in a coma and its current leaders are BOTH in danger. What if they had been killed? Who would have been in charge? Chuck? That whole piece was written just so Rodney could make an "Asteroids" funny. Dumb. Just dumb.

        Carter and Lee. Sigh. Those scenes just seemed like filler, like the episode came in too short and they needed to stretch it out.

        Weir. Poor Torri. They could have at least done something different with the hair. When she pulled that wrap off her head and her hair fell down, I laughed out loud, and not in a good way. It looked like something from a shampoo commercial.

        Keller. Sorry, Jewell is cute, but every scene she was in just showed what a huge hole was left when the idjits TPTB decided to dump Carson. I always felt there was a nice warm friendship between Elizabeth and Carson, and for Carson to face her death and be forced to use the nanites on her would have been much more personal and emotional. Jewell was just a robot in comparison. There was no emotional pull to tie the viewer to the decisions that had to me made.

        Worst of the night was yanking Torri Higginson out of the credits before she is even gone. Horrible decision. Just outright cold.

        I'll watch next week, but I'm not overjoyed with what I saw tonight. I'd give it a 5 out of 10.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          i watched my first ever atlantis ep! it was great!

          because it was my first, i was a bit slow on some things, but i was able to follow nonetheless.

          i really like the characters. i didn't get to learn a lot about teyla, but i liked the ronan/weir scene. ronan was very sweet. (is that normal for him?)

          mckay rocks! i think i have a soft spot for him just because i like david's personality and interviews so much. (the recent amanda/david interview is wonderful and made me and a lot)

          the special effects were awesome!

          poor weir... but i'm glad mckay did it anyways. (i would have to save someone i cared about)

          and seeing as i'm starting atlantis because of sam/amanda, it was WONDERFUL to see her!!

          so all in all, a great way to start my atlantis viewing. i'm giving it a 8.5/10.




            I just have to say... W.O.W!!! It was so amaizing!!! The special Effects for this episode were fantactic!! Seeing Atlantis in space is always cool! The scene with 20 PJ's shooting out asteroids was great!!! I was just so glad to see Carter! Even though she was light, she had to start somewhere and the Midway station looks great! I'm guessing that with the Budget Slightly more this year they can do more this season! I was shocked about the nanites being reactivated in Weir. I think that will bite them in the a** later. I can see shy they did that. If you knew someone; a parent, a husband , wife or just anyone that was going to die and you KNEW a way to save them, wouldn't you??? I know i would do ANYTHING i could to keep my mom alive. I read a post that said that Weir was bald then magically had hair and her face was much better, well thank those nanites for regenerating her!!! Weir bald is NOT a good look. Reminds me of Britney! the ending was shocking! I did not think they would try to steal Zpm's. ARE THEY CRAZY????? We'll just wait and see what happens.
            Sig Created by Lovley Lahela!


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
              It was an "okay" episode for me - not the best, not the worst. I did get tired of all the Rodney/Shep scenes that seemed to go on and on and on.

              Have to agree with some of the other folks that "dumbed down" Shep just isn't very interesting. I didn't like it when the writers created Dumb O'Neill in the last few SG1 seasons, but they didn't have to do it to Shep too. I'd also like to see Sheppard show emotion in a different way other than licking or chewing his lip. Its starting to grate.

              The puddlejumper vs. asteroid scene was silly. Atlantis already has its leader in a coma and its current leaders are BOTH in danger. What if they had been killed? Who would have been in charge? Chuck? That whole piece was written just so Rodney could make an "Asteroids" funny. Dumb. Just dumb.

              Carter and Lee. Sigh. Those scenes just seemed like filler, like the episode came in too short and they needed to stretch it out.

              Weir. Poor Torri. They could have at least done something different with the hair. When she pulled that wrap off her head and her hair fell down, I laughed out loud, and not in a good way. It looked like something from a shampoo commercial.

              Keller. Sorry, Jewell is cute, but every scene she was in just showed what a huge hole was left when the idjits TPTB decided to dump Carson. I always felt there was a nice warm friendship between Elizabeth and Carson, and for Carson to face her death and be forced to use the nanites on her would have been much more personal and emotional. Jewell was just a robot in comparison. There was no emotional pull to tie the viewer to the decisions that had to me made.

              Worst of the night was yanking Torri Higginson out of the credits before she is even gone. Horrible decision. Just outright cold.

              I'll watch next week, but I'm not overjoyed with what I saw tonight. I'd give it a 5 out of 10.
              WOW so much negativity!!! you must not be a SGA lover!!!
              Sig Created by Lovley Lahela!


                Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                Too bad they couldn't have had a two hour season opener.
                that's exactly what i said to my mom! this ep went waaaay too fast! i really got involved in the storyline and then wham, it was over. that's a *good* thing.




                  Originally posted by GateTrek View Post
                  WOW so much negativity!!! you must not be a SGA lover!!!
                  I actually love this show and have watched it from day one. I was a bit negative. I did love Ronon's scenes. He is a character who has developed multiple layers that range from angry caveman to soft sensitive guy, and Jason pulls it off well.

                  Teyla didn't do anything, but I didn't mention her because she will have more to do down the road.

                  Zelenka is always nice to see.

                  Overall the episode was just "off" for me. Some felt out of character and Keller will never fill Beckett's shoes.

                  The special effects were well done, but lots of TV shows and movies have "way super cool effects", but that doesn't mean the writing is good. In a funny way, even though a lot of "stuff" was happening, it felt like the writers kept stretching things - adding scenes willy-nilly to fill the time.

                  Hopefully next week will be better for me.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    that's exactly what i said to my mom! this ep went waaaay too fast! i really got involved in the storyline and then wham, it was over. that's a *good* thing.
                    Oh I know, me too!!
                    I was just settling in going "alright, assuran home world, here we come" and then TO BE CONTINUED ....... WTH???!!? Not cool, lol, *pouts*

                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    Worst of the night was yanking Torri Higginson out of the credits before she is even gone. Horrible decision. Just outright cold.
                    I do have to agree with this, I was really miffed that Elizabeth got yanked so quickly, I thought that was very uncool. Hey, at least they left Carson in last season's credits for the end of the season after he was most obviously GONE. They could have shown weir a little dignity by keeping her in the credits for at least the first two episodes.

                    Proudly Supporting Team USA


                      Ok I already saw the episode weeks ago but I have to admit. Watching it live with music and special sounds effects was AWESOME!!!
                      The greatest thing???
                      John and Rodney's interaction throughout the episode.

                      Yes, Joe and David did a marvelous job. I loved the who's in charge, keep me posted scene... and the "If you dumb this down any more I'm gonna hit you."
                      The whole nanite argument was the BEST SHEP/MCKAY scene EVER!!! Rodney finally calls Sheppard John, I smiled a lot during that. lol (I think some people fainted during the scene)
                      The "flight" in spacesuit, got me laughing, Zelenka's awe expression after landing... a must.
                      Then Radek gets microasteroidized (new word in my dictionnary), ouch that hurt like hell to watch, but not as much as Weir's head shaving (my personal nightmare.. yeah I'm a girl!)
                      Second BEST SHEP/MCKAY scene EVER, the I ACTIVATED THE NANITES scene. Ronon tells John, McKay is in "there" (infirmary), you can sense the... I'm gonna kill you Rodney stare. Then Rodney and Keller come out and guilt look on both their faces (awsome).
                      John is soooooo pissed at Rodney and Rodney is soooo desperate to save Elizabeth.
                      Rodney refuses a direct order from Sheppard, he will not shut down the nanites because it wil kill Elisabeth, "No, no, I won't do it!" (I so wanted to hug Rodney for his bravour)
                      Big tension in the room, when suddenly Lizzie wakes up, with her HAIR intact (big sigh of relieve from me... I so want nanites too now, just in case!). Then the most amazing thing happens Rodney make the first step to reconciliation. When he said the BETWEEN US line, I felt like "is this a slash fanfic??" than he said he was sorry and John quickly accepted I felt a weight lift for my shoulder and breathed again. whaou. Pretty intense.
                      Obviously Elizabeth is not happy camper about being half cylon ..euh I mean replicator, lol (crossover with BSG and Laura Roslin mysterious cancer cure with half cylon blood!).
                      Anyhow, those were the best scenes in the episode. I thought the Carter/Lee scenes were too slow and not that interesting (looking forward to see actually Carter as the leader in Reunion).
                      Teyla was a bit left out and I felt Elizabeth's near death was not touching that many people (Ronon was the only one to go see and talk to Lizzie, John was shocked and teary eyed, Rodney was baffled and I expected more yelling/screaming however HE DID SAVE HER in the end! and... well that's it.)

                      9/10 and BEST SEASON OPENER for Adrift.


                        + Ronon and Weir scene. Best scene in the episode.

                        + Actual character conflict on Atlantis! A-amazing!
                        - Sheppard and McKay made up four seconds later. Typical.

                        + Something interesting happening with Weir!
                        - It'll be so cool when they don't follow through with it in an engaging way! (If at all.)

                        - Action scenes facilitated by events of questionable likelihood. mguys nthier i s asteorieds fields happuen to enter oure pathg they will nbe destrouy

                        + Radek is the man

                        + I thought John was gonna shed a tear or two after Keller told him about Weir. Aww!

                        - Carter/Lee scenes + stupid SG1 humor. Yeah, Atlantis is supposed to be a dark(ish?) show. The tone of the show was dark. We don't need that goofy crap in the season premiere. Scoring it with the pizzicato strings "funny theme" does not make it humorous. Sorry, sound editor guy, that is just not cool. Either the scene is funny or it isn't. Man, I remember in classic SG1, O'Neill would say or do something hilarious, and the scene would speak for itself. It didn't need musical support to let the audience know HEY WERE MAKIGN JOESK NOW OK, it was just genuinely amusing. I think the next Carter + Lee scene should have a laugh track.

                        + Nice to see Sheppard making ballsy command decisions, particularly on Weir. Although, they could have played John the opposite way regarding her, and I still would have liked it. I could see him vouching to save her, after all.

                        - Yeah, uh... infiltrate the home world of the most technologically advanced race in the galaxy, steal a number of valuable, heavily guarded (I should hope) items, and make a clean getaway! The fact that the characters even consider this possibility is not the saddest part. What really pains me is that I can see this plan succeeding flawlessly, given absurdities we've been subjected to in Stargate history. Please, writers - if you are going to have your characters do something this stupid, make sure there are heavy, heavy consequences. (Like a major character's death.) The integrity of the writing is not worth whatever RAD ACTION SHOTS you get out of these heists. I really hope this only works because they just got hit by a bunch of nukes, and even then, it had better not work very well.

                        - On this note, I'll quote Toasteronfire;

                        The fact that the closest world with a ZPM happened to be the Asuran one, and right after Weir was nanited again, felt like extreme plot convenience to set up next week's ep.
                        Writers, do you know how large space is? Like I said - events of questionable likelihood.

                        + Jewel was good. I like her character so far. Her scenes don't make me conscious of Beckett's sacking or anything.

                        - Could have been structured somewhat more effectively. The "sequential progression of life-threatening issues" approach lacks finesse.

                        + Better than whatever the Season 3 opening was. I can't even remember it.
                        - Not as good as Siege III or Rising.

                        + Oh right, Teyla was in this episode! Yeah, she is cool. Have a +, Teyla. I sure hope they write something for you soon!

                        Overall: The characters were good, the plot was okay. I'm glad Atlantis is on again. Did anyone else note a certain similarity to a a certain other show's season 2 premiere, Scattered?
                        Last edited by AutumnDream; 29 September 2007, 03:17 AM.


                          Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                          I wish Skiffy would have done a season 3 marathon instead of showing random season 1 episodes today because I hardly remember what happened last season, especially in the season finally.
                          Season Three is currently airing in syndication in the US (began the weekend of 9-22/23-07), so the SciFi Channel couldn't air a season three marathon. SciFi Channel won't be able to show season 3 again until it's finished its syndicaton run in 2008.


                          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
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                            Wonderful episode! I think season 4 is going to absolutely ROCK! I just finished a quick stint on Episode 19 "Outcast" and from what I gathered (I couldn't get anyone to get me a full script, and nobody would give up their secrets for the season finale) it looks great. I saw Amanda zipping around Bridge Studios in a golf cart with a camera following her (perhaps for the DVD release). Anyways, I look forward to "Lifeline".


                              Just so-so episode for me. I guess I was expecting a little more with a lighter workload this year. I did think the Carter scenes were unnecessary and sort of lame, but hopefully they will tie into next week's episode.

                              Thought Radek was great.

                              Applauds Jewell for getting out all the medical jargon she had to say.

                              Kind of hard to see that both John and Rodney had to leave the station to deal with the asteroids, leaving nobody in command.

                              Tacky, unprofessional, disrespectful and premature with the new credits.


                                I love how the SGA story twisted, because in my opinion it was going nowhere, just waiting for what new ideeas Michael or the Oberoths came up with to destroy the city or the atlanteans. All this new stuff, from building the Midway Station, Apollo, the first time when we launch a spatial attack on one of our enemy homeplanet, changing leadership, leaving Lantea are like some electric shokcs applied on the show. The show is definatively improved and how someone already stated, gained maturity. The character scenes/relations are more deep and expressive, the conflicts and drama are more realistics, the suspance is more intense, the events per episode have been incresed in number and dinamic.

                                Rodney took the right decision to reactivate the nanites, for how long he programmed them to do just a specific task there is no point in wasting a life because of other people's fears and prejudicies. But, this was still a medical decision, unfortunately Dr. Keller seem to lack a clear opinion in this situation and leave the decison entirely to Rodney and choses to not intervine later in Shepp/McKay dialog. Not very promising for her.

                                A slight exageration is in my opinion, Sheppard doing all the action stuff and i mean everything, ideas and execution. For example the science stuff is more and more split between Rodney and Zelenka. They should have developed someone, second in command type, with a lot more screen time and contributions than Lorne. I guess they will do a better development job for Ronon, but i still don't see him "generating ideeas" other than "Let's blow them all".

                                Overhall a excelent episode; along with 'First Strike' and especially "Lifeline" they are "Creme de la Creme" of SGA. Sam is too little present to comment, but it cannot be worst ...

                                I personally have 2 main problems with SG series, but nothing is perfect:

                                1. They have a small main cast. This could be bigger, more characters, not-uber characters.
                                2. Extremly few scenes with the 'enemy', their society, their plan, their philosophy. Let's better understand the opposite side.

