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British X-304?

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    Originally posted by Major Tyler View Post
    Het is ook onbegrijpelijk aan Amerikanen. De overheid van Bush is niet het zelfde als de mensen van Amerika. Amerikanen waarderen wat de Nederlanders New Orleans doen helpen.
    ik weet heus wel dat het er een verschil is en hoop echt voor jullie dat de democraten een keer winnen.

    we hebben meschien wel de reputatie dat we gretig (greedy) zijn. maar we helpen graag vrienden in nood.
    sorry cant spell


      Originally posted by kefke20 View Post
      ik weet heus wel dat het er een verschil is en hoop echt voor jullie dat de democraten een keer winnen.

      we hebben meschien wel de reputatie dat we gretig (greedy) zijn. maar we helpen graag vrienden in nood.
      Ik geloof de Democraten zullen winnen de volgende verkiezing, zoals de vorige verkiezing. Wanneer de "Struik" is gegaan zal ons land helen.

      P.S. Leeft u werkelijk in een pretpark?

      (Ik ben droevig als mijn Nederlands is slecht...Ik leerde een klein beetje in Vlaanderen.)
      Last edited by Major Tyler; 02 March 2007, 11:22 AM.
      Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


        Originally posted by kefke20 View Post
        and thad one governing body most be the UN
        I think NATO would be a much more appropriate entity to control the Stargate. I give a very detailed reasoning in the following thread:

        Be sure to read both the opening post and my expansion found at this URL:

        I'd love to get more feedback and opinions.
        Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


          NATO would be perfect, if it weren't for the NA part


            Originally posted by jenks View Post
            NATO would be perfect, if it weren't for the NA part
            If you read my "GATO" thread, I fix that by turning the NA into a GA.
            Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


              im not so sure about nato :s

              R.I.P Carson.


                Originally posted by kefke20 View Post
                but you can not do that allon and the ather counties, powes and allis whon`t stand for it. the best solosin is to place stargate comand homeworld secerety and the starnavy onder UN banner
                UN....Ha ha ha
                no offence but th UN is doing a great job with Iran. So lets toss them a fleet of ships and hope they do somthing.

                Originally posted by squeakytoad
                Well, this show isn't reality. Too many people here get all uptight about what's said about the fictional representations of their nations in the fictional world of Stargate.

                And I would beg to differ. You want reality? How about the United States giving more relief and aid to third-world, war-torn, and disaster-ravaged nations than all of Europe combined.? How about the United States sacrificing technology that would make it invulnerable to nuclear attack (which I personally think was a stupid move of the government) to keep peace among the countries of the United Nations? How about the United States signing countless peace accords and weapon limitations over decades, in which the US was one of the only ones who lived up to their end of the bargain whilst the Communist walked all over the US government and took it as an opportunity to just strengthen themselves? How about the United States canceling all the ward debts of most of Europe (and several Asian and African countries) twice, when in both opportunities, calling in those debts, or at least keeping them around, would solve many of the United State's financial problems while bankrupting the rest of the "competition"? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of times when America had to bow to the wishes of the scores of worthless nations within the UN who only sought a means to their own ends?

                Despite what your new sources tell you, America has proved itself one of the most cooperative countries in the world. Especially since most other countries only cooperate cause they have nothing to lose or are afraid for their own well-being. Of course the pathetic mistakes of America's leaders over the last few years have certainly given the rest of the world a chance to sit back and laugh at America (despite being political laughing stocks themselves, but just not being important enough for anyone else to notice or care). And of course everyone chooses to shift the blame to the United States for things they originally supported but now realize their mistake but don't wish to admit it.
                I agree
                Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
                Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
                new enemy of the Ori


                  And don't forget one of the most stuborn, greedy and (in a way) selfish countries in the world...

                  Anyways on-topic: The other nations could never build one without a stargate program. You need Naquadah to build a ship remember? What i don't get is this: Why doesn't the SGC just give russia there stargate back and just get one of there own from some abandoned plannet...?

                  p.s. Nederlands rockt maar ik geloof dat je engels moet praten...


                    Originally posted by Hellfrost View Post
                    p.s. Nederlands rockt maar ik geloof dat je engels moet praten...
                    Well, I'm American so I certainly don't mind speaking English. Dutch is a fun language, though. When I went to Belgium I was told to learn French, but the Flemish were patient enough to teach me, and the, weren't.
                    Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                      Never learn French, the language is really hard and the people are (like most germans) impossible to work with! But that's just my oppinion


                        Originally posted by Hellfrost View Post
                        Never learn French, the language is really hard and the people are (like most germans) impossible to work with! But that's just my oppinion
                        but the germans girls are cool

                        also are the flemich, only thing wat iretats me when im are in belgem for a party, im always ask a copple of times if i got som drugs for sale.

                        but the french are indeed impolseble and roud. if you are on teras for a coffy ore somting thay are calling you names.
                        Last edited by kefke20; 03 March 2007, 01:42 AM.
                        sorry cant spell


                          Originally posted by Hellfrost View Post
                          And don't forget one of the most stuborn, greedy and (in a way) selfish countries in the world...

                          Anyways on-topic: The other nations could never build one without a stargate program. You need Naquadah to build a ship remember? What i don't get is this: Why doesn't the SGC just give russia there stargate back and just get one of there own from some abandoned plannet...?
                          Because you can't run two stargate programs from the same planet and they'd be fighting over who has control to the point where someone eventually gets hurt. In fact, if I were the Russians the first thing I would do is go off world with a portable power supply, manually dial the gate back to Earth and bring the DHD back, so that their gate is the main gate and America's is the secondary gate. That means all off world teams would go to Russia unless they caused it to overload. We don't know what happens if America would also then get it's own DHD, but it's own system has served them far better than a DHD (minor glitches aside) so I don't see them wanting to switch to one under any situation. More likely it would force them to run normal operations from the Alpha site and they can either work with the Russians to ferry supplies and people over or use a 304. However, the American government would never go through either of those hassles which is why they would never give up the gate no matter what the cost. As of yet paying to rent the gate and giving up a 304 is cheaper than dealing with the backlash of not honoring their agreements. Not just from the Russians, but the IOA as well.


                            Originally posted by jenks View Post
                            No, saying England is absurd, saying the United Kingdom would be a fact, along with France. They might not be a hyper power like the US, but there's no denying that the UK and France along with Russia and China are world powers, if not I don't think we'd have a UN veto.
                            The entire nation of France collapses whenever a few of its truckers are feeling lazy.
                            Their housing prices have skyrocketed so high that thousands are sleeping in tents.
                            Their economy and government are in ruin.

                            The UK simply doesn't have the recourses. (But it's possible, which is why I said 'debatable').

                            Originally posted by kefke20 View Post
                            sorry we don`t need very mutch, you equipment for a daister like thad are noting more like toy`s to us.
                            if need to we can build up city`s after a disaster very fast (ower ecomedy depends on it and it helps we got funds for it ready)

                            we are bite suprist and insultes by the bush gov thay we get acses to the deszaster area so late. on the first day we got ower pomps and water manigment engeneers raedy in the aireplance to be send to the US and we had allso allready dispact a warship from aruba carring food, medical suply and sucurety forces to acist. but we had to wait a copple of weeks.

                            you dont want to know how insulting is to us we are the best on thad area.

                            we evan held fund raisers for the riches county in the world and whad do we se thad tailand is rebuilding faster after the tunamie than new Orleans. if bush can not help the americans hoe raely need it, so way thay is he still in power. voor ons is dat echt onbegrijpelijk!
                            I can't even read this post due to the atrocious grammar and spelling.

                            Originally posted by dosed150 View Post
                            one reason britain should be in on the stargate program more the americans stole their original stargate from us remember it was found in egypt while it was under british rule so the americans must have stolen it and pretewnded it was never there
                            Which is kind of laughable really. It wasn't even buried that deep.

                            It was found by a German (I think) archaeologist on British-owned Egyptian soil and then sold to the American Airforce (and, as mentioned once, we paid quite a bit for it).

                            Originally posted by kefke20 View Post
                            but the germans girls are cool
                            Two words: Body hair.

                            Almost enough to make a decent-size winter cloak. Ewwww.


                              Originally posted by squeakytoad View Post
                              The entire nation of France collapses whenever a few of its truckers are feeling lazy.
                              Their housing prices have skyrocketed so high that thousands are sleeping in tents.
                              Their economy and government are in ruin.

                              The UK simply doesn't have the recourses. (But it's possible, which is why I said 'debatable').
                              What's possible?


                                Originally posted by jenks View Post
                                What's possible?
                                That they'd be able to properly run their own program.

