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Submersion (318)

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    Yes, you are right. The first half of the season 3 was good, because 5-6 episodes were parts of the metaplot. But know? They write only stand-alones. I don't say, that this episodes are bad, because as a fan I like them, but the SG-1's last episodes are the true examples that they can make much better with good character scenes, hateable enemies and intresting connected stories. The TPTB should be brave to make bigger, more complex stories between the two series. Please, use the SG-1's legacy! I fear the first time that season 4 will be the last if they continue with this attitude. This show nowadays only avarage and it isn't enough for us.

    What did Mitchell say in "200"?
    "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."
    "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

    "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

    "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


      Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
      I don't know, stun her with Ronon's gun like they did with the "Common Ground" Wraith?
      Again, pointless. She had already been exposed to Teyla's mind. They were compromised from the second teyla connected to her. It wouldn't have mattered.

      The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


        My thoughts on this ep.

        I liked it. I wouldn't say I was enthralled by it but I definitely liked it. Something of a filler ep - but then anything following the trauma and drama of last week's ep is gonna feel that way. It was another nice team ep, of which we've had a few this season, with everyone involved in the plotline and some nice interaction between team members. The snarking was entertaining and yet also kinda subdued... which is about as much of a concession to last week's loss as I had reasonably expected from TPTB. I did enjoy the humorous moments... Sheppard and Weir being "mum and dad" to a jumper full of fractious, arguing children scientists was a fun moment... and I liked the Wraith plotline (nice to see them again).

        I thought the Wraith queen in particular was excellent and very well portrayed - possibly my favourite female wraith aside from The Keeper. The interrogation scenes had a nice dark undertone that I kinda liked. The scene in the jumper with Sheppard was tense and the flooding a dramatic moment... however, it seemed to be glossed over rather quickly. It felt like maybe they had a lot of plot/explanation to fit into this ep and so they rushed it along a bit.. and yet, conversely, it felt kinda slow... I think what leaves me with that feeling is that I didn't really get much sense of tension or suspense from the ep - aside from the afore-mentioned scene in the jumper.

        My other main quibble is that I found the plot - dare I say it? - a little predictable. I admit I was spoilered as to the possibility of their being a wraith queen in the ep but even so, I called Teyla being taken over, there being a crashed wraith ship nearby, the wraith having set the self-destruct etc etc before those plot points were revealed.

        Overall, not one of the strongest eps of the season but a nonetheless very enjoyable team-centric episode with some nice character moments and an interesting plotline... I just kinda wish it'd had a little more... I dunno.. "bite" to it.


          The Defiant One similarities were what struck me the most. The early conversation about sensing the wraith and not seeing them on the scanners is just like the conversation in the Defiant One. It wouldn't have been so odd except that Rodney of anyone knows that the wraith don't show when hibernating. He had the brunt of the guilt over Gall's death in TDO. If they had different people on different sides, ala Zelenka pushing about not seeing them on the scanners, it would have been more buyable. As it is, it just looks like nobody learns from their mistakes. They keep making the same ones and have almost identical conversations about them


            Originally posted by suppie View Post
            This episode didn't air.
            Yes, it did. There are screencaps and reviews out there. However, that would depend upon where you live if it did or didn't air....


              Yeah, but there's an element to Wraith hybernation, a sort of bed if you will. Rodney was quite correct about the claim that there were no Wraith lifesigns. Though if he extended the scanners, he may have found the ship long before that. No one was really at fault for what happened. And regardless of whatever the Queens healing abilities were, it's still pretty unbelievable that she swam under that amount of pressure. They had to be deep enough that submarine hulls would be taking a beating, and she's not that strong.

              The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
                Some caps of the Queen
                Nice caps. Can you cap a wet Shep lying on the floor after the 'water ride'??


                  Originally posted by sgeureka View Post
                  Okay, I come here without having read all the other posts.

                  The episode was a little better than average. The beginning was very strong, so was the end, but the middle was kind of hu-hum.

                  Gracen - Gradon, Davidson - Dickinson -- LOL. I wondered all the time whether those characters were having a nice introduction here so that they could be used in later episodes, or whether they were just red shirts. I would have loved to keep both of those characters.

                  Er, that was GrayDon, not GraySon <G> and Dickenson (i read the end credits). Alas, like in any show, you get guest stars who (in scifi vernacular) are 'red shirts.' Boy, nobody's gonna want go on a field trip with McKay after this one


                    Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                    So, was it a good ep? Because alot of what I'm hearing is just people complaining that no one mentioned Carson?
                    I liked it. Not falling off my chair saying OMG that's the best thing ever, but it was "fun" (in that sort of spooky, everyone in peril, manage to escape sort of way *G*)

                    Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                    Well...I watched it. Hmmmm....

                    - I didn't understand why a Queen will be leading the big Alliance of many Hives on the board of a cruiser?!?!?!
                    Unless she escaped a destroyed Hive and crashed on the planet? Just a thought. We really didn't know the particulars of the battle so its hard to call that a plot hole.. *G*

                    Have to agree with Ali, LOVED the wraith queen. Probably my fav queen to date (kind of sad to see her die, she would've been fun to encounter again) Talk about a bad a$$ Bi***

                    I though the start with the snarking in the jumper was hilarious.

                    Shep: "Do I have to pull this thing over?" ROFL

                    I liked the dark and spooky setting as well and how the end solution wasn't the same old "Rodney saves the day just in the nick of time" thing.

                    McKay: "She's not dying according to plan here!" ROFL

                    All in all, decent ep

                    Ken, good job! Have to admit I liked CG better *G* but this was fun too
                    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                      Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
                      Yeah, but there's an element to Wraith hybernation, a sort of bed if you will. Rodney was quite correct about the claim that there were no Wraith lifesigns. Though if he extended the scanners, he may have found the ship long before that. No one was really at fault for what happened.
                      Well, I wasn't thinking in terms of fault. It was everyone's stance in the conversation that was odd. It seemed as if Ken needed a naysayer in the conversation, and picked McKay. But in this circumstance it seemed out of character.


                        Well I liked it. Yes, there were flaws, but I still was thoroughly entertained. The queen was creepy and scary, the sets dark and the water gushing through the jumper was excellent. I'm not saying anything about wet Shep ...ahem
                        Nice to see Teyla having some action, and ouch to poor Ronon.
                        The one thing that had me concerned was Weir being on the mission. I just dont think her, Sheppard and McKay would all go together on a scouting mission like that. I kept thinking, 'what if they all get killed?' So, that did irk me. Weir should not have gone, she's too valuable, IMO.
                        Otherwise, I enjoyed it. It did lack a little action, and could have been more...hmmm, exciting in places, but a good filler episode.


                          I LOVED seeing Elizabeth off with the team. Loved all the Elizabeth Teyla interaction as well, great to see the two of them have lots of scenes together!! I hope to see more bonding between the two of them as time goes on.


                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            Nice caps. Can you cap a wet Shep lying on the floor after the 'water ride'??
                            I sure can.

                            Gateworld, if you'd like to use this image for this Queen's profile, be my guest.

                            And now, for the Shepwhumpers/thunkers


                            The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                              I liked this ep - though I was also thinking why was Weir there - what happens if any bad guys coming knocking on Atlantis's door - will they just go away because no one is home - I wonder who was left in charge.

                              The ep had a few flaws but not enough to hamper my enjoyment and overall I found it very entertaining and enjoyable. Great to see Teyla get a good part of the action and she did a wonderful job. The Wraith Queen was creepy and scary and I would love to see her again - loved her little session with Shep in the jumper. Would have liked to have seen more of this. I thought they killed her a bit too easily in the end - but then maybe she isnt dead and will return...


                                Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                                Maybe I'm too easily entertained, but I like all of the Atlantis and stargate episodes, some a lot more than others, but I've never hated one. Realizing that not every episode is going to be perfect or going to be to my tastes, I'm willing to let stuff go and enjoy watching the episode for the interaction, the humor, the special effects, and just because it's cool.
                                Thats eexactly my felings as well. So you're not the only one.
                                Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                                "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                                Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.

