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Irresistible (303)

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    The glorified date-rape with no real consequences was profoundly disturbing, but other than that the episode wasn't too bad. It wasn't as "irredeemable" as I suspected it might be.
    Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


      Originally posted by lissa1000
      I thought I was going to like this episode, but it just wasn't funny. The episode was stupid and it was creepy the way he essentially drugged those women into sleeping with him. Was that supposed to be cute? Maybe part of the problem is that Joss Whedon has spoiled me. I think sga needs some of Buffy's writers. I can't believe I got so excited about sga. This show used to be intellegent sci fi with interesting characters and now it's that cheesy campy sci fi that I always hated. Why did they have to change it so drastically?
      No no..Joss Whedon...Chris Carter, okay. Joss Whedon no way. My problem with Joss was the fact he would get you near to an orgasmic high during the ep cause it was good. And then they'd quickly end it and make it seem like it was totally rushed. I hate eps like that..and almost every Buffy/Angel ep was like that. As for Chris he's just beyond great.

      oh, although I have to say I liked Firefly.
      Click statement above to read article.


        I know they were trying to portray Lucius as a creep, but I could have definitely done without Lucius's open ogling of Weir's chest when they had their meeting and his comment about how he slept with all of his wives at once. Are the writers now living vicariously through him?

        And I don't care if that woman slept with him before he took the drug; once he was on it the women had no way to give honest consent - therefore it was rape. To have it happen in a comedic episode was even more out of place for me. Extremely poor form.


          ^ O come on lighten up a little, its just a show. I cant even begin to imagin how mutch fun that episode had to be to film. I loved it it was so funny,it was defnatly time for an episode like this, after all the storyline episodes.


            Funny episode.

            i give it a 9/10

            It gave a humorus side to the night with the more serious sg-1 episode tonight.

            I loved the acting.

            Ronnon acting goofy was awesome.


              Originally posted by Major Tyler
              The glorified date-rape with no real consequences was profoundly disturbing, but other than that the episode wasn't too bad. It wasn't as "irredeemable" as I suspected it might be.
              disturbing? thats the understatement of the century why didn't we arrest him? He was committing a crime against humanity what the crap is wrong with them? He should have been tried for his crimes instead of getting a little slap on the wrist and a wink.

              I really was ashamed after seeing Pegasus the greatest episode yet to air this was just not up to snuff. I don't mean to be a critic but I wouldn't give this anymore than 6 out of 10.


                I thought this was a very entertaining episode. Lucias got on my nerves--he was sorta creepy...okay, he was really creepy--but how everyone on Atlantis reacted to him was pretty funny. Carson had me rolling on the floor laughing and Rodney's line: "Fly, Lucias, Fly!" made me split my gut. Oh, and Carson blubbering in the back of the puddle jumper was just too funny. And the quip about Sheppard's hair was beautiful. Too bad he didn't answer--I, frankly, would love to know what he uses. And Rodney trying to hang onto the herb... well, who wouldn't want to?

                On a down note--I really, really didn't like Lucias. He had a funny part, but as a person he was a slime-ball. He was a rather gross little man--I mean, the way he keeps going on about getting "female companionship" more than once was very icky. And if I were his wives--or ANY of the women he had slept with--I would hang him by his... well, I'd hang him by what Ronan probably threatened to cut off.

                And I thought Weir's part sucked. Yeah, she was under the influence, but even before that--except for a few moments--I thought she had a really crummy roll. But,
                I suppose The Real World will amend that.

                (on a side note: Is it just a Canadian thing or does everyone except me pronounce herb with the "h"? I always thought it was "erb" minus the "h".)

                But, all in all, I thought this was a very good episode. I'd rate it an 8.5 or 9 on the scale of 10.
                thankee toasteronfire


                  Originally posted by vaberella
                  No no..Joss Whedon...Chris Carter, okay. Joss Whedon no way. My problem with Joss was the fact he would get you near to an orgasmic high during the ep cause it was good. And then they'd quickly end it and make it seem like it was totally rushed. I hate eps like that..and almost every Buffy/Angel ep was like that.
                  Well that is your opinion. This is mine... Joss Wedon dealt with a similar story, he had the three uber geeks mind control an ex girlfriend of one of them, then they were going to have sex with her one after the other or who knows all at once. She came out of the mind control thing and called them on it. "That is rape!" She got killed, while they were trying to silence her and bicker about how it wasn't rape.

                  Joss (and his brilliant team of writers) sending a clear message, as fun as it all seemed; it was still rape. Did anyone in this little eppy say he was a rapist?

                  If they did fine, if they just sent him off on his way, not so fine. I can take a joke but rape is no laughing matter to those who have been there and suffered. And if Weir or Teyla had sleep with him would you still say it was just funny? Or would you say he raped them? Consent is the key here, if you are unable to fully consent it is rape. *I can't understand how people still don't get that*


                    This is a stupid question, buy does anyone know why is Shep wearing combat boots and not his normal Merrill hikers?


                      i so hated this ep that i really had to come up here and write that i hate this ep
                      do u hear me producers do
                      I {Mod Snip} HATE THIS
                      The only reason i watched this is to see how pathetic this could be and it war very pathetic to begin with
                      i mean couldn't u come up with a better ep idea i mean there are a lot of fan who will give u ideas
                      when u have to drop this low to a level to fill in the ep requirements
                      great plzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont bring that {Mod Snip}ACTOR EVER AGAIN ON THIS SHOW
                      only i will hate him whtever show movie he comes into
                      could u just make a show of exploration or of how the wraith or just another good old impossible mission
                      Last edited by TameFarrar; 28 July 2006, 10:59 PM.


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek
                        This is a stupid question, buy does anyone know why is Shep wearing combat boots and not his normal Merrill hikers?
                        That's just what he is wearing now, he also has a new black uniform with leather jacket coming next week. The promo pics did show Mckay and Teyla with black uniforms as well, but they don't appear to have the leather jackets.


                          I loved this episode! I knew from the previews that it would be a lighter, funnier episode so that's what I expected. The actors portrayed their characters in a different light and did it fabulously!

                          Sheppard and McKay's expressions when they came back to Atlantis were priceless.. as were Lucius's comments to Weir and Teyla!

                          Especially the last bit where Shep says he needs to go clean McKay's quarters! PRICELESS!

                          Overall, I give it a 10/10.. I would definitely watch it again and again! As for the Lucius/imprisonment issue, I think it was punishment enough to send him back with everybody knowing what he had done.. I'm sure they'll be angry enough to get some type of revenge. And also, this is television, right? It's just entertainment.


                            This episode was just way too ridiculous ... which is probably why I was nearly laughing the whole time. I liked it. But initially if I were Weir or Teyla I would knock Lucius on his ass for making those kinda of moves and that was before his pharamones started to take effect.

                            Love the Lorne | The F.O.R.D shall rule the earth.... | Fly boys do it in the air
                            Quirk - The Paul McGillion fanlisting | Grace - The Rachel Luttrell fanlisting


                              First off let me say that this is just my humble opinion, not meant to insult anyone - I'm just voicing my views. While this part of the discussion might need to be taken to another thread I have to say that I don't see the rape aspect of it. I'm sitting here watching it through the second time trying to see what some of you are saying about "rape" and I don't see it. He drugged himself and produced a "super" pheramone which everyone reacted to. Yeah, he lied to everyone within earshot but how does that make it rape? He also married these women, he didn't sleep with them and dump them. To take the point a step farther, although he had ample opportunity he didn't sleep with either Teyla or Weir (or Carson) - he talked about marriage (although not with Carson).

                              Due Respect, but have none of you been out to the bars lately and come up against that one creepy guy who seems to (excuse the expression) charm the pants off of the women while you stand there wondering why? To me it's the same thing only more so. IMHO to tack a charge of rape on it I think takes it a bit over the top.
                              "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                              it has it's own laws and beats about things
                              which the intellect scorns."
                              - Mark Twain -


                                He had six wives and claimed to have slept with them all (at the same time, no less). When Sheppard interviewed one of the wives, she confirmed that before Lavin was on the herb, she refused to sleep with him...but now she does.

                                That's the definition of drug-induced rape.
                                Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.

