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Irresistible (303)

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    Originally posted by smushybird
    Nope. But then I'm not a shipper so I don't look for it. Tho' I did notice Rodney's hopeful little attempt to get Teyla to look at him with drug-induced interest. That was entertaining.

    I do agree with you guys that I love this Sheppard. He was sweet and funny and tough and brave and fun with Beckett and with Rodney, just like the Shep of old. I would like to keep this Sheppard, too, please.
    I totally agree with you. It's quite funny that she kind of rolled her eyes at his attempt totally turned off.

    That he even had the balls to do that, AFTER her incident with Lucius and could hurt him bad---it was cute. It's definitely great move on TPTB's part only becuase in S2, McKay and Teyla barely talked to one another....they only chatted in Epiphany and Aurora, so it was cute to see.

    And we all know that McKay and even Carson were attracted to Teyla based on Rising, so again it was fun to see it. I felt like giving McKay a high five, and I'm a girl----it was a great try from a nerd.

    Anyway I vicariously live through Teyla....I say rack up a score of how many guys you can get fawning over your fiestiness.

    Yeah, Shep rocked the house. I think that working out for JF, is really working for him and his character as well. It was great how he definitely took charge and definitely went back to the way he was in Hot Zone, hopefully it's not a fluke for the moment and it's actually something he's going to stand by on for the long haul and forgo his military and friendship allegiance to Weir, when he needs to get the job done and protect his people.

    Click statement above to read article.


      I so wanted to hate this episode. And I mean really hate cause it looked like the stupidest thing ever based on the commercials and what little bit I had read. But fortunately for this episode, The Tower will still remain my most hated episode for now, and I’ve never even seen the whole thing….

      Can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually enjoyed this episode…..for what it was of course…silly fluff meant for a good laugh. I knew going into it it was supposed to be a “funny” episode, but I figured it was going to be so unwatchable and cringe worthy that it would be too embarrassing to watch with other people in the room. I did cringe a little but not as much as I was prepared to.

      Obviously too many of these types of episodes will rot the brain, but one every now and then isn’t so bad, I guess, as long as it’s a half way fun episode to watch and you let the logical part of your brain take a break.

      I’m a big Wormhole X-treme! fan so I can like oddball episodes that others just deplore and then again I can really despise episodes that people really enjoy like Prometheus Unbound. As far as writing goes in the Stargate universe, I’ve come to expect the worst for some episodes in recent years after getting burned on episodes *cough* PU *cough* that I thought would be good. Luckily my instincts were wrong on this one.
      IMO always implied.


        Ranks up there with "The Tower" as the dumbest and most pointless episode in the history of Stargate Atlantis. It started out sort of funny but then they just went overboard with the retardation. Awful.


        Oh yeah, they screwed up AGAIN by letting that fat dude on the base in the first place, shoulda sent him back immediately.
        Last edited by Oka; 29 July 2006, 04:05 PM.
        We're whalers on the moon,
        We carry a harpoon.
        But there ain't no whales
        So we tell tall tales
        And sing our whaling tune.


          Originally posted by sueKay
          As the for the Lucious 'date rape' thing...the wife that the team spoke to said she's slept with him once before he discovered the potion (whatever), so I don't think it's classified as it's not like his wives didn't enjoy it, and it seems that he was married to some of them before his discovery.

          Just enjoy the episode for the piece or fluff it is
          So, what youre saying is that its not rape if the woman is too high or intoxicated to complain? If a man drugged up a college girl, raped her repeatedly, and then went to trial, you would vote to let him go because the girl was seemingly enjoying it(ignoring that her mind was altered by chemicals).

          Also, watch the ep again. NONE of them slept with him before his discovery. They all disliked him. Then he drugged them and raped them. But I guess its okay because the director added funny music in the background which made his admission to rape humorous.

          After reading pages of posts, I'm glad that others arent taking the rape aspect of this episode as lightly as some. But theres another thing that people are overlooking. Luscious also had sex with Teyla and Wier.

          The man is a sexual predator and was on Atlantis with them for 2-4 days. Do you honestly believe he was absitnant for all that time? The same man who bragged about sleeping with 6 women at once? No. He wasnt. And especially after he showed so much interest in Teyla at his village and Wier in her office, you can safely say that he took advantage of the situation as soon as possible.



            Originally posted by rarocks24
            I actually object to them using the name Lucius. I'm sorry, but that's a complete insult to Mr. Malfoy in SO many ways.
            I doubt it has anything to do with Mr. Coldandcreepy Malfoy. Lucius is a real-life first name. So is Lucian.

            That Sheppard/McKay moment at the end was funny. It's sure to spawn a dozen slashfics.



              Originally posted by derrickh

              After reading pages of posts, I'm glad that others arent taking the rape aspect of this episode as lightly as some. But theres another thing that people are overlooking. Luscious also had sex with Teyla and Wier.
              That is a big assumption on your part. There is nothing to suggest that Weir and Teyla slept with him. If he did, then you can believe Weir and Teyla would have really upset, not just embarrassed like they actually were, so I don't believe for a minute that he slept with them.


                Originally posted by gambit
                That is a big assumption on your part. There is nothing to suggest that Weir and Teyla slept with him. If he did, then you can believe Weir and Teyla would have really upset, not just embarrassed like they actually were, so I don't believe for a minute that he slept with them.

                This reaction/belief is not all that surprising. Tis the same type of reaction that insists Shep has slept with every woman he's simply smiled at when CANON proof shows he only slept with Teer.

                Then again, I'm boggled at the rape thing. Sure, had the writers intended the ep to be about that. Be up in arms. But they so weren't going there. They aren't that deep. They aren't being ethical. They wrote pure crack. And it cracked me up.


                  Originally posted by derrickh
                  After reading pages of posts, I'm glad that others arent taking the rape aspect of this episode as lightly as some. But theres another thing that people are overlooking. Luscious also had sex with Teyla and Wier.
                  Unfortunately for your argument - you have absolutely no canonical proof of that. You can assume whatever you like but unless there is actual mention of it in the episode then it's all just conjecture... and personally I am thinking Weir and Teyla would have acted rather differently at the end if that were the case.

                  At the end of the day you can read whatever you want to into an episode, you can interpret it any of a hundred different ways - as these episode discussion threads have shown - but I'm sure you can agree that the intent of this episode, on behalf of the writers and producers etc, was not in any way to deal with the subject of rape, to condone or glamourise it, or in any way to make some deep or meaningful social commentary. It was intended to be a light-hearted, entertaining episode.

                  And realistically... if a guy had the kind of powers that Lucius had.. who honestly thinks he would not take advantage of that to get himself a few pretty wives (and before anyone attacks me, I am not in any way saying I condone such behaviour etc etc... I am just looking at it realistically).


                    I have a strong feeling that Weir would have killed, KILLED, KILLED Lucius if he had indeed slept with her, and Teyla, well, I have a feeling that some of that Wraith blood would have boiled to the surface long enough to learn an entirely sadistic and dangerous side of Teyla. She would have killed him, but very slowly. I have a feeling that if Steve was still around....well, I wouldn't be surprised if Steve had a meal.

                    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                      Originally posted by rarocks24
                      I have a strong feeling that Weir would have killed, KILLED, KILLED Lucius if he had indeed slept with her, and Teyla, well, I have a feeling that some of that Wraith blood would have boiled to the surface long enough to learn an entirely sadistic and dangerous side of Teyla. She would have killed him, but very slowly. I have a feeling that if Steve was still around....well, I wouldn't be surprised if Steve had a meal.
                      LOL. I agree about Teyla, Weir....probably would have Sheppard deal with him.


                        Originally posted by gambit
                        That is a big assumption on your part. There is nothing to suggest that Weir and Teyla slept with him. If he did, then you can believe Weir and Teyla would have really upset, not just embarrassed like they actually were, so I don't believe for a minute that he slept with them.
                        I dont think its a huge assumption. Its a logical step. If there was a character who ate compulsively and they put him in a room filled with chocolate bars. You can take the logical step and say he ate a few, even if the show never explicitly states it. Luscious had a huge sexual appetite. And to think that he didnt act on it even after expressing interest in these two women is the bigger assumption.

                        Wier and Teyla's lack of outrage is in keeping with the tone of the show. Maybe an after effect of the drugging is to be very forgiving. The show stated that Lucious' previous victims just got divorced from him, even after years of serial rape. Thats pretty forgiving. And it would be in line that Teyla and Wier both have the same type of reaction to their victimization as the women in the village.



                          Originally posted by derrickh
                          I dont think its a huge assumption. Its a logical step.
                          See remarks above about canonical evidence. You can believe/assume whatever you like but that's all it will ever be. You stated it as fact that he slept with Weir and Teyla. You have no basis on which to state that fact.

                          Originally posted by derrickh
                          Luscious had a huge sexual appetite. And to think that he didnt act on it even after expressing interest in these two women is the bigger assumption.

                          Wier and Teyla's lack of outrage is in keeping with the tone of the show. Maybe an after effect of the drugging is to be very forgiving. The show stated that Lucious' previous victims just got divorced from him, even after years of serial rape. Thats pretty forgiving. And it would be in line that Teyla and Wier both have the same type of reaction to their victimization as the women in the village.

                          Atlantis is not that kind of show and is not looking to deal with those kinds of issues - especially not in an episode like this. If this were Law & Order: Special Victims Unit then your assumptions might be relevant. But it's not.


                            Originally posted by derrickh
                            After reading pages of posts, I'm glad that others arent taking the rape aspect of this episode as lightly as some.
                            I'm slightly offended by this...

                            Some of us choose to "take it lightly" because we know it's not the writer's intent to showcase the "rape factor" of this plot. Hell, there are many MANY episodes of many MANY sci-fi shows where some weird guy has a machine or potion that makes other people behave strangely; it's just a regular sci-fi plot.

                            IMHO some of you are reading into a comedy episode way too deeply.

                            Luscious also had sex with Teyla and Wier.

                            The man is a sexual predator and was on Atlantis with them for 2-4 days. Do you honestly believe he was absitnant for all that time? The same man who bragged about sleeping with 6 women at once? No. He wasnt. And especially after he showed so much interest in Teyla at his village and Wier in her office, you can safely say that he took advantage of the situation as soon as possible.

                            All conjuncture, nothing more.


                              It was a funny episode, aside from that nothing important happened. Just another filler.
                              School is overrated.


                                Originally posted by derrickh
                                I dont think its a huge assumption. Its a logical step. If there was a character who ate compulsively and they put him in a room filled with chocolate bars. You can take the logical step and say he ate a few, even if the show never explicitly states it. Luscious had a huge sexual appetite. And to think that he didnt act on it even after expressing interest in these two women is the bigger assumption.
                                Excuse me, but eating a few chocolates and having sex with the female leads of the show are very VERY different things.

                                One does not automatically apply to the other.

                                Wier and Teyla's lack of outrage is in keeping with the tone of the show. Maybe an after effect of the drugging is to be very forgiving.
                                Or, you know, they didn't have sex with him.

                                The show stated that Lucious' previous victims just got divorced from him, even after years of serial rape. Thats pretty forgiving. And it would be in line that Teyla and Wier both have the same type of reaction to their victimization as the women in the village.

                                That was a joke made my Shep. We don't know what really happened.

