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Irresistible (303)

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    Originally posted by ladysarah
    Discuss: What does this say about Rodney?

    Does Rodney want Sheppard to like him that much?
    Or Rodney is taking revenge on Sheppard after that little lemon trick Sheppard pulled in Project Pegasus. (Sheppard gave Mitchell advice on how to handle Rodney, and gave Mitchell a lemmon in front of Rodney:
    Sheppard: "He's also deadly allergic to citrus. I keep one with me at all times, it's just a comfort to know *Throws lemmon to Mitchell and Rodney sees it* it's there."
    Mitchell: "That's good intel thanks."

    Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


    Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
    Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


      Originally posted by StarGi
      Have you noticed how McKay checked out Teyla at the very end? What was that about? I thought Carter is his fantasy!
      Women are McKay's fantasy - any and all of them. LOL!

      I would have loved to see Shep's reaction when he realises Rodney used the drug on him! LOL!!!
      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
      it has it's own laws and beats about things
      which the intellect scorns."
      - Mark Twain -


        Originally posted by Gregorius
        Or Rodney is taking revenge on Sheppard after that little lemon trick Sheppard pulled in Project Pegasus. (Sheppard gave Mitchell advice on how to handle Rodney, and gave Mitchell a lemmon in front of Rodney:
        Sheppard: "He's also deadly allergic to citrus. I keep one with me at all times, it's just a comfort to know *Throws lemmon to Mitchell and Rodney sees it* it's there."
        Mitchell: "That's good intel thanks."
        That would work, if it wasn't for the fact that.

        A: The episodes were swapped around in the last minute.

        B: I think that type of 'revenge' isn't in the same vein.

        Let's face it, if Rodney did this to Weir or Teyla the fans would be all over it as canon proof that Rodney has the hots for one of them, or equally be disgusted for their honour.

        If a person is under the influence to do anything to please a person, well...
        There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
        serious about something intrinsically silly.


          Originally posted by Sela
          Women are McKay's fantasy - any and all of them. LOL!

          I would have loved to see Shep's reaction when he realises Rodney used the drug on him! LOL!!!
          McKay is the little black dress of Atlantis, he goes well on everyone.
          There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
          serious about something intrinsically silly.


            Originally posted by StarGi
            Have you noticed how McKay checked out Teyla at the very end? What was that about? I thought Carter is his fantasy!
            I think everyone saw that. Look back at Rising pt.2 towards the end, you'll see that both McKay and Carson were checking out Teyla---and were similarly jealous of John for getting to head tap with her.

            So I wasn't was totally entertaining to see that. I especially liked when she moved back and was totally unimpressed...all I could think was 'Nice try Mc, but she's way too much for you to handle.' Her reaction to McKay, was the same earlier on when Lucius was coming on a little strong when he was on Atlantis. More like a raised brow, eyeroll, and step was hilarious!!!

            The whole scene worked out and was totally funny. And anyway, who doesn't have a crush on Teyla?! She can fight, she's intelligent, she's empathic, she's forceful, she's a leader, she knows hand to hand combat, she can speak more than a few PG languages, she has questionable fashion sense but pulls it off, she can fly a hive ship. Oh, and let me not forget, her hair is continously changing styles and color per season.

            Shoot, I'm crushing on her.

            Originally posted by Sela
            Women are McKay's fantasy - any and all of them. LOL!

            I would have loved to see Shep's reaction when he realises Rodney used the drug on him! LOL!!!
            Agreed, but he was specifically checking out Teyla at the ending scene---*vicariously living through Teyla*. I think he just misses me!! .....

            Hallowed is McVab!!
            Click statement above to read article.


              So this episode was based on the idea that "ha, ha, ha! Isn't date-rape funny!"

              Like the writers just sat down and thought, "Hey, you know what would be really funny! If not only did this guy essentially strip a town of its free-will, getting women who disliked him when in their own minds to have sex with him -to become addicted to him, but! He comes to Atlantis and does the same there! Let's have him pet Elizabeth and have Teyla and every one else curl up at his feet like a dog because he's drugged them! Let's make it clear that his interest in them is sexual, that he's using a drug to strip their choice away from him! No, it's okay, it'll be funny! The fact that he has both means, motive and opportunity to have sex with these people against their will is so hilarious!"

              It wasn't. It was skeevey, it was disturbing. It was what should have been a dark episode, but done as if it was something light. We don't know if he did get around to having sex with anyone on Atlantis, and we don't know that he didn't, but we do know that he damn well date-raped a whole town of women. It's made very clear that that is what he's doing, explicitly so in the conversation with John, and that conversation is one of the few bits in this episode that worked. And then the rest of the episode, it's treated as funny, as light.

              This is the sort of episode that's enough to make me stop watching the whole series, and I don't want that. I want to like the series. I like liking the series. But episodes like this are disturbing, and not in the right way. It was horrible and awful and outright disgusting.


                Originally posted by Flowerbud
                There's massive difference between using a drug to get sex from a person who wouldn't otherwise have sex with you, to dressing nicely and chatting up that person/lying to the person, etc. It's against the law to do the former.
                ok it's against the law to put something on himself to appear more attractive. I guess we should lock up all those tag-body spray users


                  Overall, I enjoyed this episode of SGA. I knew it wasn't supposed to be a serious episode, so I was able to enjoy the comedy of it. It was just a fun hour of Atlantis.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    Originally posted by duffarama
                    LOL, this was one of the damn funniest episodes I have ever seen. I nearly got a heart attack from laughing. Excellent!
                    Indeed! Excellent episode


                      Originally posted by Auralis
                      Gah, this was not bad, it was a atrocity against humanity.
                      Personally, I think if you consider a 44 minute long, made-for-entertainment, science fiction television programme to be "an atrocity against humanity" then you either don't watch enough of the news or you have your proirities way out of wack.

                      By all means post your opinion and give some critical analysis of the episode but sweeping statements like that are really not remotely relevant and actually undermine your argument/point of view.
                      Last edited by Alipeeps; 30 July 2006, 10:39 AM.


                        Originally posted by ladysarah
                        Essentially Rodney used a 'love potion' knowing that Sheppard would be the only one effected.
                        It is not a "love potion" - it is a potion that makes everybody like him, men and women.. (A love potion would be a potion that would make everybody fall in love with him and, whilst the potion did make people like and idolise Lucius and want to please him I don't think it fits the definition of love potion - the name love potion infers a romantic/sexual element and I doubt Lucius wanted to sleep with everybody on Atlantis!! Or even in his vilage..)

                        As for why Rodney used it... I can easily see him a) being curious (being a scientist and all) and b) given that he is not a man who is comfortable socially, who makes friends easily etc, I can see that it would be a tempting idea for him to try it and see what it would be like for people to be nice to him and like him and do as he tells them etc (the last one of course would also appeal to McKay egomania! )

                        As for him knowing Sheppard would be the only one affected... the way he looked at Teyla suggests he was hoping it would have an effect on her... who knows how long the serum's protection against the pheromone lasts for?


                          Carson crying and Mckay at the last scene were two of the best parts


                            Originally posted by Flowerbud
                            I completely agree. The light-hearted, comedic tone just further drives home the point that the producers and writers are willing to trivialize the issues of rape and the victimization of women. If this show had any glimmerings of emotional honesty, those women on the planet and Weir and Teyla would feel horribly violated. It's the big elephant in the room that the boys at Bridge choose to ignore because it just gets in the way of their sexist fun.
                            Well then, that home must be The Twilight Zone.

                            Seeing rape is one thing, but thinking that the producers condone this kind of behavior is a whole other issue altogether. That is just wrong. Hell, I don't even think "it's a matter of opinion" comes in here at all. It's just plain wrong.

                            Well, I hope you'll stop watching, since, afterall, it's written by a bunch of folks that apparently condone rape.


                              Originally posted by ladysarah
                              McKay is the little black dress of Atlantis, he goes well on everyone.


                                Heh! Okay, this isn't the debate I expected to find when I peeked at the forum for this particular episode, but okay. I'll roll with it.

                                Were we all watching the same episode? Because the "Irresistible" on my TV certainly didn't seem to be condoning -- never mind glorifying -- Lucius's behavior. If anything, the entire episode was devoted to laying it out, step by step, just how monstrous his behavior was. The fact that this episode was hysterically funny in places doesn't change the fact that it was also deeply, deeply creepy.

                                I'm on board with those of you who were appalled by the idea that he drugged women into sleeping with him. He's like the cult leaders who deprive new recruits of sleep and protein until they're so brainwashed that sleeping with the cult leader, selling flowers in airports or drinking the poison kool-aid seems like a really good idea.

                                That's what makes Lucius the *villain* of this particular episode.

                                Lucius's wives looked happy, his village looked like Disneyland and everyone was smiling and brimming with glee once he worked his mojo on them. But I thought the episode did a pretty damn good job of showing that if you scratch the surface, you see the horror underneath.

                                He talked Weir into ordering a suicide mission! He made Dex pin McKay against a wall until he could drug him into submission too! He forced the entire city into a manhunt for Sheppard like the freaking Army of Darkness! Sure, it was fun to watch the actors play against type, but the whole time I was laughing (and I was laughing pretty hard -- "Fly, Luicus, fly!!") my skin was crawling -- and I'm pretty sure that's what the writers intended.

                                Anyhoo. I got a kick out of Friday night's show. It was a nice change of pace after the stupid enzyme arc of relentless gloom and doom (or so I thought, before I stumbled across the date rape debate of gloom and doom.) There were some great team moments, some clever problem-solving on the parts of Sheppard, McKay and Beckett and did I mention the funny? It was funny, people! Creepy, but funny!

