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Sateda (304)

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    I absolutely loved it, Laugh out loud; McKay still has his humour and Sheppard. Awesome to see Ronan’s past, and a different side of him, emotionally. Carson, a perfect shot, his now the third best at shotting drones, or is it Major Lorne. Was it McKay flying the puddle jumper, I think it was, yeah well Finally he can fly his “baby”. All up this epsoide is awesome and amazing. Loved it all. Especially the new wraith design in clothing and technology . 10/10


      Originally posted by vaberella
      Yeah, I noticed, Teyla also used contractions. Put it down to living with Earthlings for a while. Teyla has lived on Atlantis more than with her people for over 2 years, and Ronon nearly a year. You pick up mannerisms and tone, speech isn't far along. I sounded british after 2 years of living there, my friend after 3 months----when in Rome do as the Romans. It's just something that happens when your submerged in a culture, he learned how to use a spork and knife too.

      <---Teyla's in a McShep sandwich!
      Yeah, but this was in the flashbacks.... Long before he met up with Atlantis crew


        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
        Yeah, but this was in the flashbacks.... Long before he met up with Atlantis crew
        Maybe his mind altered the flashback. I mean it was seven-eight years ago.

        Heck I can’t remember what I said to someone last week.. and what I "think" I do remember is probably paraphrased and altered by my current experiences. It’s not like he was under hypnosis or anything.
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          So you've had dogs all your life. You have particularly strong memories of one called Kibble because he saved your life and you started calling him Kibble the Wonder Dog. Then you move somewhere else where they call dogs pollicles. So now you fondly remember those long summer days of your childhood spend romping through the woods with Kibble the Wonder Pollicle?

          Either the writers forgot or they made it "gate" because they figured people would be too stupid to understand what Ronon meant by "ring of the ancestors."


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            If the writers can come up with episodes like this, then why did we have to sit through previous garbage like "The Tower", "Epiphany", Inferno", and last week's masterpiece of literature, "Irresistible"??

            This episode should have been done towards the end of last season to solidify Ronon's place on the team. Jason Momoa is a very good actor who has not been given much of a chance until now, and it should stop all the complaints about Ronon being a "non-character". Showing the loss of his home, his friends, especially his wife, makes his life more tragic than just being a runner, and explains why he always flies off the handle when Wraith are around, especially scenes in "Instinct" and the Michael eppys. I just hope the writers don't hit "reset" and kick Ronon to the curb in the future. He is a marvelous character.
            I wholeheartedly agree, I have been waiting for an episode or two about Ronan's back story and something about his planet ever since he joined the team. They really need to open up his character a lot like they eventually did with Teal'c.

            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            Sheppard's talk about Teyla, Elizabeth, Ronon, Rodney, Carson all being like family to him was nice, and admitting he could never say what he wanted to say is something that should have been explored way back in season 1. Again, no questions were answered about just WHO Sheppard is or why he feels so alone. Season 2's womanizing/babe magnet personality didn't do anything to garner new fans either. Sheppard continues to be one of the weakest characters, unfortunately (and I had such high hopes for him in season 1).
            Unfortunately I have to agree with you on this one as well Foolish one, I really liked Sheppard in season I and in season II his character was all over the place, then we get him last week telling Mitchell that he loves Atlantis and considers it home then this week we get the vibe that he's so alone?. It seems like TPTB aren't sure where to take his character.

            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            I'm giving this episode a 9, only because we still don't know a thing about Shep. But this episode is still a big winner, and I hope the writing doesn't slip in the coming weeks. *crossing fingers*
            I loved this episode and I also consider it a "big winner", let's hope they keep the momentum up in coming weeks.

            Great post FoolishPleasure
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by smushybird
              I don't know who wrote this ep, but can you please have him write every ep? Please?

              Tell me who wrote this! He is to be worshipped.

              Action, excitement, and expressions of real feeling. Humor, tension, great dialogue. Everyone deliciously in character. Everyone getting a chance to shine.

              Actual honest-to-goodness character development! Touching! Hugs! Holy cow.

              One of the best SGA eps ever. I hope this trend continues.

              Shep and Teyla...Rodney and Carson...Ronon and Shep...poor

              I am dazzled, impressed, and so glad I taped it.

              Who is the new guy? Did they replace Lorne?
              That post practically sums up my thoughts. A great all round episode.
              Fantastic writing by Rob Cooper. It seems that Brad Wright and Rob Cooper write all the best episodes don't they?


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                So you've had dogs all your life. You have particularly strong memories of one called Kibble because he saved your life and you started calling him Kibble the Wonder Dog. Then you move somewhere else where they call dogs pollicles. So now you fondly remember those long summer days of your childhood spend romping through the woods with Kibble the Wonder Pollicle?

                Either the writers forgot or they made it "gate" because they figured people would be too stupid to understand what Ronon meant by "ring of the ancestors."
                Well obviously it was the writers stupidity... I was just trying to find an in-show reason for it. Whats that called when the fan makes up excuses for the plotholes and bad writing... fanwank or something like that.
                Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                  I was not looking forward to this episode. Recently Atlantis has been pretty dull for me, and Ronon is probably my least favourite character. The first few minutes made it look like your typical off-world escapade episode, maybe in the vein of Cor'ai (which I hated).

                  However, from the moment Ronon was beamed onto the planet along with the sunglasses wraith, it started to get interesting for me. I thought it was brilliant, definately one of my favourite Atlantis eps of all time. It even surpasses SG-1 for me this week. I actually like Ronon now, and the whole part on the planet really felt like a mini movie.

                  One little niggle though, was that they picked up 7 signals with the locator beacon- Ronon, and six others (possibly runners). So are they gonna check those out or just ignore them?


                    Wow. What a kick ass episode of SG.

                    I must admit it started slow, and McKays reaction to being shot with the arrow was too over the top for mine, but from the moment Ronon was taken back to his planet things got great quickly.

                    I didnt know that a male Wraith could be in charge of a hive, i had thought it required a Queen...

                    Good character development all round, with heaps of action. Best Atlantis ep ever imo...

                    My favourite parts were when Sheppard kept adding on a few extra wraith kills to his tally. Golden
                    Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                    Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                      OMG, that has got to be the best episode ever! Everything was perfect...
                      I was holding my breath from the first minute until the very last second and how nice that we got HUGE character development for Ronon!

                      The actors were spot on, especially Jason and Shep (they had the most emotional lines).

                      I had to watch it twice and I'm going to watch it a lot more in the future!

                      I love Atlantis
                      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                        Yeah, but this was in the flashbacks.... Long before he met up with Atlantis crew
                        Ahhh, thanks AD, I rewatched since I seroiusly did not notice that. Your right, and meh is my response. I do remember him clearly saying in Runner (or was it Duet) that he knew it as the Ring of the Ancestors, so that was an error by the writer.

                        For others, meh, nothing again I'd waste too much time on. It's much like other minor details, I was like okay and we move on. Shoot, as I mentioned Teyla used contractions, she didn't even use them (or that I know of) in Misbegotten or No Man's Land. Let's just say when she used a contraction in this ep, my personal equilibrium is thrown all outta wack.

                        On a side note, after rewatching for like the upteenth time the episode, I need to know, does anyone get the distinct feeling that whenever Teyla says---"They ARE Wraith!", she wants to end it with an obscenity. I get the letter 'F' at the end of that one. Then there was the time in the hospital, when she says, 'They're ALL Dead'---Idiots. 'We CAN'T take on a hive ship now.'---Fool! I'm being tame actually, a few are a bit more aggressive.

                        She just seems pissed at the stupidity being spewed. Pretty much as she was in Allies when John asked her what she meant. What kind of dumb comments are being sent her way!!

                        Final---Down with contractions. She killed my equilibrium, although I get the reason for their usage!

                        <--Teyla in a McShep sandwich!

                        Click statement above to read article.


                          This was a great episode - it basically showed all the potential I saw from the very start in Ronon Dex as a character... Jason Momoa as an actor I was not quite sure of, but this ep has for the most part put those fears to rest.

                          It's good to see 'the new guy' given more meaty, intriguing material to play, and is also a welcome relief to see some more substance and story narrative given to the character. Although Ford had the potential to be made into soimething more than he was and it was a shame to see that he wasn't, Ronon's char seemingly wasn't neglected in the same way, and I hope we don't lose focus of him in the future.

                          It's nice to see that SG:A isn't always the Sheppard/McKay show

                          Also, on the topic of R/M storylines, it was real nice to see John expressing his deep concerns to Teyla in his own unique Sheppard way... showing that he cares, but finding it extremely difficult to open up. Why this is, I hope they will tell us in a future ep down the line. Rodney McKay too tried to pass off his 'connection' to the Caveman, as well, which was nice to see

                          And who, I wonder, was this warlord-esque Wraith we saw in this episode, supposedly one of the if not the main leader of the Wraith responsible for the culling of Sateda? TPTB were saying we were probably going to see a couple of different distinguished kinds of Wraith... perhaps this was one of them, but probably not, most likely just a standalone Wraith warlord that badly needed some killin'.

                          In the end, I had to say I was disappointed Ronon didn't do the deed himself - I'd say they were tryin to show that it's mostly a team effort, and all that

                          Still this is probably the benchmark episode so far - very much like a movie as has been said before over and over, but with good story-driven action that I hope will lead into more repetitions of this formula, for other characters who don't quite yet have a fair level of backstory, IMO

                          Two thumbs up, and a resounding pat on the back to all TPTB



                            Originally posted by Jonzey
                            One little niggle though, was that they picked up 7 signals with the locator beacon- Ronon, and six others (possibly runners). So are they gonna check those out or just ignore them?
                            It'll be ignored for a couple of seasons until the writers randomly decide to pull it back out of their as- their hats and decide to use it as a plot devicey excuse for some one-off ep with no significance to anything except that TPTB can pat themselves on the back for maintaining continuity and tying up a loose end.


                              That episode was the best so far this season in terms of action.
                              Warehouse fight scene was awesome! I also loved Carson blowing the crap out of that ugly Wraith - GO Carson!
                              The only thing I thought was that it would have been interesting to have the episode as a 2 parter, only because I found Ronan's flashbacks a little too short; not explaining much about the relationship meaning to him of the people he'd lost in his past.
                              Overall though, pretty awesome - 9/10.


                                Anyone know if this writer will keep writing for the series? He seems to be the only writer that actually understands team dynamics.
                                It feels good to be alive.
                                Cause i've been dead for so long.

