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No Man's Land (301)

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    Finally saw the episode, and i was impressed.

    The fire fight was superb, im glad Caldwell is finally using the Daedalus at its fully potential.

    Loved the Rodney/Ronon banter, Rodney in mortal peril always leads to fun.

    I also loved Zelenka being on the Orion, but i dont think he would (although necessary) of given up so fast. Hes too much like McKay. Lorne in command of the Orion was awesome, i love him in so many ways. However much i love Sheppard, i cant help feeling Lorne is everything Sheppard isnt, and that Lorne would be a better military leader for Atlantis. Dont lynch me though. Im just saying. I still have Sheppard love.

    Sheppard was funny in this episode, had some great lines, they were well delivered. It nice to see him put his feelings for Michael aside and accept the help. I loved the flashback.. it was great, seems Shep should pay more attention next time

    Weir was great.. but i couldnt help wanting to smack her around the head when she technically ordered Caldwell and his crew to their deaths. Surely she knew it wouldnt end well with that much damage to Daedalus.

    I loved how she called him Steven, also how Teyla called her Elizabeth, and finally how Lorne called McKay, Rodney, just shows how well they have gotten to know each other.

    Im sad at losing the Orion.. but i guess it was inevitable. We never get to keep new toys long.

    Loved Michael, i hope he stays around for a while, but with Ronon around i dont see it happening any time soon.

    and, finally.. Where the hell was Beckett? I know there wasnt much for him to do with the episode plot.. but COME ON, hes a credited cast member now and hes vanished.. Carson had more air time when he was recurring. Zelenka seems to get more air time than Carson now-a-days.

    : I ask you.. what could possibly be in my eye that could explain this?


      I didn't have a problem with Shep making eyes with that girl in the flashback. Trust me, every single guy in the world has done that at some point- let their mind wander and see a pretty girl.


        what McDork said about carson dissapering and Zelinka appering so much its good for Zelinka but i hate how he speaks russian i just hate it


          Originally posted by Sheppard
          i hate how he speaks russian i just hate it
          He doesnt speak Russian.. he speaks Czech and usually its just the bad words .. ohh Zelenka how i love thee

          : I ask you.. what could possibly be in my eye that could explain this?


            what about hermiat he always swears in asguard language


              Originally posted by Annubis' hitman

              2. When the the wraith engaged the daedelus the daedelus' shields could stand up to wraith fire that long. Also we fired all of our nukes at the wraith ship and it barely took much damage. It shows the wraith tech is very advanced. The only reason the daedelus survived is bc the orion took the fire from both hives until it got destroyed.
              im sure caldwell said they only had 3 nukes and it looked like only one detonated i think that big blue detonation was a nuke the orange ones where just normal missiles


                Originally posted by Sheppard
                what McDork said about carson dissapering and Zelinka appering so much its good for Zelinka but i hate how he speaks russian i just hate it
                It´s Zelenka, not Zelinka! And he is Czech, not Russian! Can you please finally remember that? Sorry, that´s the little patriot in me

                i cant help feeling Lorne is everything Sheppard isnt, and that Lorne would be a better military leader for Atlantis. Dont lynch me though. Im just saying.
                I agree. I hope they will do with Shep something this season. Be just "cool" isn´t enough for me.

                "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                  I mostly liked this episode.

                  I really am interested to see what they are going to do with the Wraith. It might be make or break with me in terms of this show.

                  I loved Rodney and his whining. It's his coping mechanism, a relief valve under extreme stress, and it amuses me.

                  Still don't like Elizabeth (sorry TPTB, you have to a helluva lot better then that). But Teyla is pretty, and I like her.

                  John's flirting. Can be annoying, I can see that, also amusing. But please, give us a couple of more episodes free of the kirking! Please.

                  I keep wondering if Sheppard has some type of 'issue' when it comes to flirting. I mean, he flirts, but ....

                  Yeah. Looking forward to next week.
                  Last edited by ladysarah; 16 July 2006, 05:03 AM.
                  There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
                  serious about something intrinsically silly.


                    Originally posted by Sheppard
                    what about hermiat he always swears in asguard language
                    He does, doesn't he? And very well, I might add.

                    Coming off a season 1 marathon, I must say I was unsettled to see a Wraith working with them. I've seen season 2 front and back and I knew it was coming, but I didn't get what my eyes were telling me. When Michael said to use the gas, I thought, "What perfect evil." He'd do to his former crew what was done to him. Gets the hive ship, which extends life for Michael and everyone else. Yeah, a plus. Also gives Wraith crewmates a taste of what it's like to be outcast from Wraith culture forever. Which is better than dead. I'm just saying. I don't trust him but I like him. Want to see more of him.

                    For some reason, I really enjoyed Lorne heading over to Zekenka, saying, "You're killing me here," before they got those drones off.

                    I want an extra chair on the bridge of the Daedalus for the military hotshot they inevitably beam off some exploding or imploding craft, so the hotshot doesn't end up holding onto the back of Caldwell's chair in the middle of battle.

                    I know they have to keep the camera on Caldwell so we can see him say important things like, "Ready all missile batteries. Ready all rail guns," etc. I'm guessing that to keep Lorne (or Sheppard, usually Sheppard) in the shot, they have to move everybody into the same space. Add a chair!

                    The galaxy shot in the background took away my breath. I felt like they really were between two galaxies.

                    I checked out the time close to the end and saw, crap, we were going to get TBC-ed. I liked it, though. I'm all calmed down now that the hiatus is over. I can wait.

                    SG1 and SGA openers were great. There was a lull in SG1, during which I got distracted, and took care of an errand. I didn't finish the ep until I re-watched it on VHS. Glad I did. It was really good. SGA had me behinning to end. I swear, it was that Michael thing. A Wraith on the bridge of the Daedalus talking strategy, in full Wraith costume, bad teeth, the warbly Wraith voice, the whole nine yards. Probably had that slit on his hand just aching for a little fulfillment. A hit to the senses for me. Wasn't prepared. You know how it goes ... Too awful to watch, but I couldn't look away. Excellent ep, Star Wars reference and all.


                      Originally posted by expendable_crewman
                      I want an extra chair on the bridge of the Daedalus for the military hotshot they inevitably beam off some exploding or imploding craft, so the hotshot doesn't end up holding onto the back of Caldwell's chair in the middle of battle.

                      I know they have to keep the camera on Caldwell so we can see him say important things like, "Ready all missile batteries. Ready all rail guns," etc. I'm guessing that to keep Lorne (or Sheppard, usually Sheppard) in the shot, they have to move everybody into the same space. Add a chair!
                      Haha, they really need to add another chair.. or 3. But, i must admit, i find it hilarious watching them trying to keep their balance, and putting bets on with random family members on who will fall. I was extremely amused to see Zelenka on the floor of the Orion.

                      Its seems im easily amused.

                      : I ask you.. what could possibly be in my eye that could explain this?


                        this episode was great, there was so much in it.
                        at first i thought the shep landing on the hive was a cheap rip off but the fact he says later on i seen it in a movie completely justifies it.
                        Seeing the orion in action is something ive been waiting for a long time now and it was glorious, she opened up and desimated the hive, my face just burt into a masssive grin unpon seeing this.
                        However i was completely shocked to see the orion actually get desstroyed, i thought it was only gonna get badly damaged but sure i guess it was for the best, plot-wise that is.
                        the deadalus...... amazing we actually got to see an earth ship do damage and not only damage but kick ass, the rail guns to the dart bay was great never will i slag them again. and the 302's were brilliant too killing the darts.
                        all in all i was trilled with this ep i love to see our side go all out like they did and kick ass


                          Originally posted by Sheppard
                          what McDork said about carson dissapering and Zelinka appering so much its good for Zelinka but i hate how he speaks russian i just hate it
                          what about hermiat he always swears in asguard language
                          Do you have some issue with folks speaking foreign languages? I think it adds to the characters to have them occasionally slip into their native languages instead of speaking English all the time. It makes it seem more natural/realistic because it's something that real people would do.

                          It isn't as if Zelenka (or Hermiod for that matter) are native speakers of English spouting off in some completely random language just because they know no one will understand them. English is a learned language for them, much as learnig Spanish (or Czech) is for English speakers. And when you get frustrated or worried or whatever, what are you going to do? Stick to carefully enunciating a clunky language in an attempt to express yourself? Or revert to your native tongue so you can the full stereoscopic effect of whatever it is you want to say?

                          The guy speaking Hermiod's part may not be a native speaker of the Asgard language, but David Nykl (who plays Zelenka) is Czech, so he does know the language.

                          And if you're just mad 'cos you can't understand what they're saying: Welcome to Gateworld. There's a translation thread for Zelenka and there's a translations thread for Hermiod. Both are good, friendly threads.

                          And kudos for Atlantis for showing us that the expedition is multinational.


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                            Do you have some issue with folks speaking foreign languages? I think it adds to the characters to have them occasionally slip into their native languages instead of speaking English all the time. It makes it seem more natural/realistic because it's something that real people would do.

                            It isn't as if Zelenka (or Hermiod for that matter) are native speakers of English spouting off in some completely random language just because they know no one will understand them. English is a learned language for them, much as learnig Spanish (or Czech) is for English speakers. And when you get frustrated or worried or whatever, what are you going to do? Stick to carefully enunciating a clunky language in an attempt to express yourself? Or revert to your native tongue so you can the full stereoscopic effect of whatever it is you want to say?

                            The guy speaking Hermiod's part may not be a native speaker of the Asgard language, but David Nykl (who plays Zelenka) is Czech, so he does know the language.

                            And if you're just mad 'cos you can't understand what they're saying: Welcome to Gateworld. There's a translation thread for Zelenka and there's a translations thread for Hermiod. Both are good, friendly threads.

                            And kudos for Atlantis for showing us that the expedition is multinational.
                            i dont have a problem with it its just funny


                              Originally posted by Sheppard
                              i dont have a problem with it its just funny
                              Your words indicate otherwise.
                              Originally posted by Sheppard
                              i hate how he speaks russian i just hate it
                              Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                                Originally posted by Major Tyler
                                Your words indicate otherwise.
                                well ops my mistake

