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Is anybody else excited about S3? POSSIBLE FUTURE SPOILERS

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    Is anybody else excited about S3? POSSIBLE FUTURE SPOILERS

    Hey all,

    I've noticed a trend and it's really kind of gotten me confused. I'm a spoiler hog, I love to read them. As a result I tend to read threads about the various up coming episodes. Well, I've noticed that about 90 - 95% of the discussion about future episodes, which in most cases are still being written or shot, is negative. And I'm not talking about the spoilers for one or two eps, I'm talking about ALL of them. I just sort of got disgusted with all the negativity. I can understand being disgruntled about something here and there that sounds potentially bad and wanting to state your opinion on it. But everything?

    Isn't there something about the upcoming season that people find exciting? I for one have found the spoilers we've gotten (granted they're very small and probably about an smidge of what we are actually going to see) to be cool and have made me look forward to season three. Yes, there are one or two things out of all of the spoilers I've read that have made me wonder, but none of it sounds as bad as some people have made it out to be, and nothing that has made me decide not to watch an ep as some people have said. And,of course, your going to be dissapointed in something if all you ever do is talk it down.

    I will say this though, I write stories for fun, nothing major just fun stuff. But, I know how I would feel if I was writing a story and decided to send out a tiny spoiler that covered about a thimble full of my actual story. Only to have everyone start yelling that it was going to suck before I even got it finished. I sure as heck wouldn't be encouraged to write more or better. I mean why bother if they're going to hate it before it's even done? Maybe that's why I tend to to not be negative about the spoilers, I'm aware that there is someone out there probably reading all this and thinking "Yeeesh, give me a chance to finish it first, guys!" Granted, I don't write for a huge fanbase like the writers of SGA do, but the concept is the same. I'm not saying that everyone should talk sunshine, rainbows and flowers all the time. But you might be surpised to find that positive talk actually changes things more then negative. Or negative feedback given in a positive way, not in "This sucks and it's never going to get better", kind of way.

    Wow! I guess I need to vent more then I thought! But I hope this isn't taken as agrumentative. I'm not meaning for it to be, I'm just curious if there is anything people are actually looking forward to in season 3. I would like to see some positive chit chat for once. Wouldn't that be a shocker

    I totally agree with Koshi, and me im going insane waiting for SGA and SG-1 the next seasons look amazing to me, from what ive read so far they look great.
    Shields at full. Ready main rail guns. Ready all missile batteries.


      The negative voices scream louder than the positive voices in my experience. Those of us who are excited about the upcoming seasons generally stay away from all the "anti" talk because it's exhausting and fruitless trying to express yourself because they don't want to hear it. It only seems like everyone is Anti simply because the Pros don't bother arguing anymore.

      Personally, I'm glad I'm a Pro because Pros have two great seasons to look forward to, whereas the Antis just get angry.

      My advice is to leave the Antis alone and let them express themselves in peace.
      We'll be too busy watching great television, anyway.
      Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


        Originally posted by Major Tyler
        The negative voices scream louder than the positive voices in my experience. Those of us who are excited about the upcoming seasons generally stay away from all the "anti" talk because it's exhausting and fruitless trying to express yourself because they don't want to hear it. It only seems like everyone is Anti simply because the Pros don't bother arguing anymore.

        Personally, I'm glad I'm a Pro because Pros have two great seasons to look forward to, whereas the Antis just get angry.

        My advice is to leave the Antis alone and let them express themselves in peace.
        We'll be too busy watching great television, anyway.

        Well, Misery loves Company, as they say... People love to Complain, it's what everybody lives for: A Great Argument; A chance to get really Angry & a Chance to Complain. The Complaining doesn't have to be unjustified, people have different opinions, & it seems that Stargate is turning away from the preferences of most Old Fans & cutting itslef a new Path. Change, it happens, for Good & for Bad.


          Originally posted by The Prophet
          Yes, Brad Wright and Robert Cooper are paying me.
          Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


            I for one am very excited about S3, except for two episodes( both start with "I" ). I think this season wil; be a lot better than season two and hopefully better than season 1.
            Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

            ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
            encounter on the strange journey.


            2 Cor. 10:3-5
            3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
            4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
            5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


              hi Koshi! I'm with ya all the way! I too am looking forward to season 3. I love reading spoilers and the discussions that follow but sometimes I think people overreact and/or worry too much about it. And as someone previously posted the "antis" tend to be louder about it than the rest of us. Just mho.

              sig by Pandora's_Box


                Well I am really looking forward to Season 3!!!!!!!!

                As has been said, the snippets we get are not the full story by any means so we should not focus too much on them! It is just to get our curiosity going so we want to watch! It is just in our nature as fans to analyse everything to the nth degree and try to draw conclusions where maybe there are none!

                I can't wait to be entertained by this simply brilliant show and so Season 3 cannot come soon enough for me!

                sig by SheppyD
                Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                So he just looks crazy


                  I know what you mean, Koshi...

                  I'm 100% positive about SGA. I loved both seasons 1 and 2. I've watched both seasons countless times and I really don't get all the negative things about season 2. I adore that season. I rate them 85/100 (season 1) and 95/100 (season 2), and I love all the spoilers I've read regarding season 3 (my only doubt is Irresistible, but it was written by one of my favorite writers, so I'm not worried).

                  I'm 1000000000% excited about season 3, and I avoid anti SGA threads because I don't agree with any of their points.

                  However, I understand how the people who don't like the latest developments in SGA feel because I feel that way about SG-1. I used to love the show, but season 9 made me want to take a break. Not only it made me want to stop watching new espisodes (the only s10 episodes I'll be watching will be those that are crossovers with SGA), but also made me lost interest in watching again old episodes as well. Nowadays, when an SG-1 epi (no matter from what season) is on TV, I turn it off. That's never happend to me before. As I said, s9 made me want to take a complete break of SG-1. I've read all the spoilers about s10 and didn't like any of them. I don't post in the anti threads but I agree with quite a bunch of their points (not all of them, though).

                  Funny thing. Anti SGA threads really annoy me. SG-1 don't. I know it's because I love SGA and I don't care for SG-1 anymore. I know I shouldn't get annoyed at anti SGA threads but I still feel that way. So I stay way out of any anti SGA thread, as well as of any anti "insert actor/character of your choice here". I like all the actors and characters in SGA.

                  I think negative/positive things about a show are subjetive and nobody's neither right nor wrong. Different things appeal to different people. What's negative for some people, is positive for others, and viceversa.


                    I can't wait for the new seasons! :impatience: I don't know why people keep dissing them... 2 was awesome for SGA, and 9 only had some bad episodes for SG1. The plot wasn't bad!
                    "Only a few find the way. Some don't recognize it when they do. Some... don't ever want to."


                      I'm very excited this season actually. There are only two eps I'm worried about, but all the others are fantastic..or what I've heard of them. I'm waiting for Teyla flieing a ship, same goes for the new martial arts moves. I'm really interested in the Asurans, and what their about to bring. I can't wait for Kolya and of course Shep's back story. I'm really looking forward to Carson's episode in the asylum. And I want to see the stories with Woolsey, Echoes---about the plesiosaurs is a must.

                      Yeah so overall I'm about 97% excited about SGA3!!!
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        I'm really excited about season 3 too. Sure, there'll be the odd episode that I don't like as much as others, but so what? From the spoilers I've seen today about Common Ground and the rest of the tone of season 3, I'm really looking forward to it - in fact I can't wait!


                          Overall, I'm excited about s3. It's just that s2 has made me rather grumpy and that makes me more likely to nitpick spoilers to death.

                          Almost 2 weeks to go! Hurray!


                            I'm really excited too


                              Originally posted by pavaneofstars
                              hi Koshi! I'm with ya all the way! I too am looking forward to season 3. I love reading spoilers and the discussions that follow but sometimes I think people overreact and/or worry too much about it. And as someone previously posted the "antis" tend to be louder about it than the rest of us. Just mho.

                              Yep, lookin forward to it eh.

                              Everybody is entitled to "their" own opinion, whether anti or not. For myself it doesn't bother me, my opinions are not effected based on someone else voicing there own thoughts. There are no "right or wrong" opinions, as opinions are based upon our own personal way we view things based upon our "own" lifes experiences, whether they were/are good or bad. There is know one here in this forum that is the "standard" by which all opinions are to be judged.

                              As for spoilers, I personally don't read' em I prefer to be surprised and let the season play out itself. Its kinda like opening a xmas or BD present that you already know what it is; kinda anticlimatic.
                              Last edited by LoveBuzz; 04 July 2006, 08:58 AM.

