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The Eye (111)

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    Let's face it: Both of these women are LEADERS of many, many, MANY people, for crying out loud.
    No one ever said Teyla was THE leader of her people. If your read her bio, it says ". .despite her youth, she is somewhat of a leader to her people. . "

    Weir may not consider her a leader. .and I agree. Teyla is very young (20-25), inexperienced in negotiations (as in blurting out to other races just who woke up the Wraith) and she seems very naive. At this point I'm sure Weir looks on her as another team member and not a decision maker, which may be why we haven't seen any heart-to-heart chats between them.

    I do think she was a catalyst in the death of Sora's father. It would have been a much more mature thing to fess up to Sora that, yes, she may have inadvertantly contributed to his death. But that might have prevented the chick-fight that my husband enjoyed so much.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      No one ever said Teyla was THE leader of her people. If your read her bio, it says ". .despite her youth, she is somewhat of a leader to her people. . "
      Semantics. Whatever the bio says, they have written it so that Teyla not only represents the Athosians, but they also look to her to make the right decisions on their behalf. She's certainly not just a liaison, and she doesn't report to anyone for orders or consideration. The only man she really even "consults," if you can call it that, is that guy who's been there with Teyla from the beginning - the one whose son got just a LITTLE too curious at the beginning of the season. And even then, she seems to have a strong friendship with the man, at the most.

      Weir may not consider her a leader. .and I agree. Teyla is very young (20-25), inexperienced in negotiations (as in blurting out to other races just who woke up the Wraith) and she seems very naive. At this point I'm sure Weir looks on her as another team member and not a decision maker, which may be why we haven't seen any heart-to-heart chats between them.
      If I remember "Suspicion" correctly, there was the somewhat mutual realization that Weir had been put in an awkward position as a leader, and that Teyla understood what decisions had to be made over the course of that episode. As far as I've seen, Weir has shown that she respects Teyla as a leader of an alien race (well, alien to us, not to them...). Weir's also diplomatic and respectful enough of other cultures to recognize that things are not handled the same EVERYWHERE. Teyla's not well-versed in Atlantis/SGC decision-making processes, and how could she be?

      I think this is one of those perception things, again. I don't see Teyla as naive. She's from another culture, so of course she's going to handle things differently. Her people are trusting people, so that may affect how Teyla behaves in "negotiating," but Teyla's demonstrated pretty good wisdom and foresight (Look at "Childhood's End," for instance) so far - whether they decide to focus on that is a totally different matter .

      Also, I think there's a TOTALLY different reason why we haven't seen them have any heart-to-heart chats. Actually, I think are two: One, there's very little time for that, as every episode has been pretty action-packed; two, they've decided to focus on Weir, Sheppard, and McKay's relationship primarily, which frankly is a discussion for another thread... Sorry, if I don't stop now, I'll be off-topic for the rest of the evening.

      I do think she was a catalyst in the death of Sora's father. It would have been a much more mature thing to fess up to Sora that, yes, she may have inadvertantly contributed to his death. But that might have prevented the chick-fight that my husband enjoyed so much.
      Gotta respectfully disagree there, but only because the Genii are arrogant fools (he was a Genii guy right?). The Genii and the Goa'uld would have LOADS of fun together.


        I don't think Teyla is at all responsible to Sora's father's death. He was more than willing to kill a fellow human being to suit his own purposes. He said he wanted to make sure the Wraith never knew that they were there, but wouldn't the Wraith find it odd that one of their dinners was riddled with bullets?

        Yeah, he got what was coming to him, IMO.
        Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


          Originally posted by Major Tyler
          I don't think Teyla is at all responsible to Sora's father's death. He was more than willing to kill a fellow human being to suit his own purposes. He said he wanted to make sure the Wraith never knew that they were there, but wouldn't the Wraith find it odd that one of their dinners was riddled with bullets?

          Yeah, he got what was coming to him, IMO.
          Agreed, unfortunately. I would never WISH death upon anyone, but he was asking for it...

          His daughter (one I'd like to call "Petulant Redhead") had better be glad she was a grieving daughter, or else I DEFINITELY wouldn't have liked her. As it was, the actor played the character really well, IMO, so it's all gravy.


            Random comments. I’m not going to read all the previous comments, so forgive me if I’m repeating some things.

            - Oh, McKay, you’re so full of it! Weir doesn’t have any codes you don’t have yourself. Well, except that self-destruct code. Such a brave thing to step in front of that gun! And your hand was so bloody! I knew when you started rambling that you were trying to save Elizabeth and it wasn't just fear. Good thing she stopped you or you might have said something to give up the game.
            - That Genii tech guy sure figured out the tracker system quickly.
            - What was that red light on the front of Sheppard’s uniform? It wasn't the light from his gun.
            - Love the intensity of Sheppard as he prowled around the corridors.
            - Even as a prisoner, McKay can rant about the condition of the grounding station. Pretty amazing McKay knew which of the little fiber optic cables he was going to have to join back together
            - “Jiving”, Dr Weir?
            - “Okay, what would McKay do?” Glad McKay was an inspiration to Sheppard.
            - Ford can be a pain, can’t he?
            - “Really, Really Dangerous. Don’t Touch. McKay.” That was really funny! And so was Sheppard’s face. Guess it would be bad to take out the generator powering the control room.
            - Wow, Mr. Genii tech guy is really clever. Figured out Atlantis has the 5 generators. Later on thinks he can crack Sheppard command code.
            - Very good explanation of the shield plan by McKay to Kolya.
            - McKay, your blood sugar must be down to be asking your captor if you could stand out of the rain so you won’t catch a cold.
            - Sheppard, that’s 55 men killed against the Gate shield. Add the 2 from The Storm and the 3 that were trying to get him earlier and that makes 60 men.
            - Sora seems to understand that Sheppard is doing what he has to do under the circumstances.
            - I so felt for McKay as he was pushed against the railing by Kolya. McKay still manages to include Weir in his challenge to Kolya. After being let go, McKay putting his face in his hands was heart wrenching.
            - Man, Ford was mean to Beckett. Was that payback for Beckett not flying back earlier? Ford, that’s the guy who’s going to have to patch you up someday. Don’t make him mad!
            - Why don’t those 2 Genii guys call the Kolya to ask what to do with Sheppard instead of calling Sora?
            - Why does Ford think Beckett would know anything about the generators?
            - Why does Beckett know anything about the generators? How does he know that two of the generators are near a transporter? General science briefings? Hanging around McKay too much?
            - What’s with Weir and potential last words? She didn’t let Sheppard speak in Thirty Eight Minutes and she wouldn’t listen to McKay here.
            - “Shoot to kill.” Sheppard knows what he’s up against.
            - When asked, Weir sounded like she didn’t know her own command code. McKay had to prompt her to make it more complicated.
            - “I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I’m an extremely arrogant man who tends to think all of his plans will work!” What a line! And then McKay gets backhanded! I hate Kolya.
            - The Teyla/Sora fight didn’t do much for me. Seems like Teyla should have finished off Sora quicker.
            - McKay can run!
            - Sheppard is some sharpshooter. But you know Koyla has got to be alive.
            - Ha, McKay was lying when he told the Genii his plan wasn’t working. He sure bluffed his way then!
            -Okay, McKay said the tracking system was down so they didn’t know where Teyla and Beckett were. That happened when Sheppard cut power to the control room. But don’t the personal radios still work? Seems like they didn’t since Sheppard used the PA system to call for Teyla and Beckett. But Sheppard earlier tried to call Teyla on the radio when Teyla and Beckett were late in bringing down the Puddle Jumper from the bay.
            - Loved McKay’s lighthearted comment to Beckett about “Just in time to see how this ends, huh?” Tried to make light of the fact that in a couple of seconds more, Teyla and Beckett might have been electrocuted.
            - The tsunami wave rises, filling the screen, the city towers dwarfed in the foreground. The music swells, McKay shouts “Now!” and activates the shield. It goes up, splitting the tsunami in two. The wave is as tall as the outlying towers. What a great scene! The water rolling down the shield on either side of the city was magnificent.
            - Is Beckett the only one qualified to look at injuries? Why didn’t McKay get someone else to see to his arm? And I can’t believe McKay is silly enough to bandage his arm over his jacket and shirt. He seemed more happy than he should have been for just having a meal and oh, actually being alive. I bet he took too many pain pills for that cut when he brought Beckett down to the infirmary.
            - I felt sorry for the actors filming in all that “rain.”
            - All the storm intercuts were great. Such raw energy! And all the city shots were so realistic!

            The Storm and The Eye were just simply awesome!

            My kind of guy:
            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


              I loved this episode. It's my favourite after Before I Sleep. It had a bit of everything in it and I think it was a brilliantly acted and well directed episode.

              I loved the action in it. Joe Flanigan kicked butt in this episode portraying the angry Sheppard who wanted revenge when he thought Weir was dead. It was great to see the more military side of the character and Joe portrayed this side of Shepphard really well. It made for some great emotional moments and some tense scenes and I think it contrasted well with the more emotional development going on with McKay.

              I dont know what I thought of the fight scene between Teyla and Sora. I didn't really think it added much to the episode though I do think it was well choreographed. I'm starting to like Teyla more now (I'm up to Before I Sleep here in England) but I don't think this scene was really needed though it did add to the tense atmosphere and the action packed parts of the episode.

              The scenes with Beckett and Ford were hilarious though Ford did seem a little grumpy and quick to berate Carson when the man was obviously just a little freaked out by it all. McKay had a more emotional part to play tonight so it was nice to see Carson bringing some humour into the episode. I love the character so much and I think that Paul plays him amazingly well. He seemed to be a little reluctantly thrown into the action and I loved the way that Carson wouldn't stop talking because he was nervous. All of Becketts scenes were great. I just wish Ford had been a little les grumpy though it did make the pairs interaction kind of amusing.

              I loved McKay and Weir in this episode. Some of my favourite scenes were theirs. I loved all the insight we got into McKays character through his standing in front of the gun to save Elizabeth from getting shot by Kolya, his lying through his teeth to convince Kolya that they were both needed, his ultimately saving the day and through the way we saw him sitting outside in the rain with his arm around Elizabeth when they were cold. Just through watching these scenes we saw a side to McKay that tends to get hidden under his arrogance which he even admitted was an aspect of his personality in this episode. We got to see his bravery and what lengths he'd go to to save the lives of the people he cares about, we got to see that he does care about people even though at times he has difficulty showing it and is uncomfortable showing it and we saw that that he is repspectful of what other people are feeling. It was so sweet to see him with his arm around Weir as they sat outside because even though it was such a small thing its proof that the people who he's with on Atlantis do mean a lot to him and he has enough consideration for them to make sure they're okay even in the worst situations. I wouldn't have thought of that as a McKay thing to do so seeing him do that really opened up more doors with the character and hinted at the sensitive side that we've seen growing as he episodes have progressed.

              Weir and McKays scenes were emotional and a joy to watch and once again David Hewlett did an amazing job as did Torri Higginson and with the rest of the cast in my opinion made this one of the best episodes of the season. I did feel sorry for them being outside with all that water though!



                Originally posted by lucylou
                I dont know what I thought of the fight scene between Teyla and Sora. I didn't really think it added much to the episode though I do think it was well choreographed. I'm starting to like Teyla more now (I'm up to Before I Sleep here in England) but I don't think this scene was really needed though it did add to the tense atmosphere and the action packed parts of the episode.
                Very nice analysis of all the key elements in this episode. You were able to summarize many of the feelings I had regarding the growth of the character of McKay.

                I agree with you that the knife fight between Teyla and Sora seemed a bit "tacked on". Maybe it was written in as an after-thought when the writers noticed Teyla didn't have very much screen time. Re-visiting Sora's animosity for Teyla was a good idea, though I keep thinking there had to be a better way to showcase their conflict than this fight.
                To Infinity And Beyond!

                O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


                  There used to be a thread on people's thoughts on where Sheppard hid the C4. I thought we might of have found out in the this episode, but we never did that I could tell. If we did, would someone please tell me! After watching the episode, I have a good idea where he did (or a good possiblity).


                    Originally posted by greytop
                    There used to be a thread on people's thoughts on where Sheppard hid the C4. I thought we might of have found out in the this episode, but we never did that I could tell. If we did, would someone please tell me! After watching the episode, I have a good idea where he did (or a good possiblity).
                    I thought he might have hid it in a Puddlejumper and cloaked it. The Genii would seriously have no way of finding it.
                    Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                      I was wondering what was in the trunks behind the sign with McKay's name on it. It showed the sign and then Sheppard. The look on his face looked like he was satisfied with the sign. I think Sheppard made the sign and put McKay's name on it to throw the Genii off track.

                      Otherwise, I think the C4 was hidden in the trunks behind the sign, IMO.


                        Originally posted by impulsivelad
                        True, it'd be great if they took a page from DS9 and had these long season sweeping storylines. I was watching the DS9 DVD boxsets and they're great. It's like every season is a chapter in a novel.
                        Well, in keeping with the "they ripped off X" theme, DS9 was a total ripoff of Babylon 5.

                        Of all the main sci-fi players we've mentioned (Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica), Babylon 5 had by far the most originality, imo.
                        To Infinity And Beyond!

                        O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


                          While I did like the fight between Teyla and Sora, what I wish to have seen an old fashion cat fight. Hair pulling and all.


                            I really like this two part episode. Loved Sheppard kicking ass, the dots disapearing and the stargate sheild. Mckay was great of course, when is he not. The handmade poster was hilarious. Only part i didnt like was the fight with Teyla and Sora. It was too long in my opinon.

                            I was also really mad with SciFi for putting such a big break in between episodes.


                              For me, one of the best moments in "The Eye" has to be Sheppard's look when he reads the sign at the naquadah generator:

                              Really Really Dangerous. Don't touch. McKay.
                              Truth is relative. Pick one that works


                                I felt waterlogged just watching this episode. Why did they have to stand outside in the pouring rain waiting? They couldn't move the few feet back under the roof? I bet the actors got sick of it. The scenes were long the way it was without even considering retakes.

