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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
    Takling of OT, My latest Radek ficathon fic is finished and will be posted on wednesday.

    So I can now get on with my long awaited (by me anyway) factual piece on the history of Aston Martin
    Sounds interesting


      Yes I'm afraid the Mistress of the Smut Side of the Force has been replaced by the Petrolhead Behind the Helmet


        Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
        My daughter had already left me with my mouth hanging open when she asked if me and my other half had sex (she's 12)
        LOL - My daughter doesn't want to know. Guess it is gross for kids to realize that their parents do or have done it.
        Originally posted by Reefgirl
        Don't I know it, she's already got the boys queuing up
        Mine too!

        Originally posted by Klenotka
        Rosehawk, I remembered you today. Our Scout celebrates 100 years of existence Just little OT...
        Cool. It's 95 years here in the States this year! Nice seeing you again on this thread!!!

        Originally posted by Reefgirl
        Takling of OT, My latest Radek ficathon fic is finished and will be posted on wednesday.
        Can hardly wait to read it!!! There is not enough Radek fic around.



          Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
          LOL - My daughter doesn't want to know. Guess it is gross for kids to realize that their parents do or have done it.
          Your daughter is old enough to know the answer without asking.

          PS: How is your shoulder? Ready to play tennis?


            Originally posted by Pajus View Post
            Your daughter is old enough to know the answer without asking.
            Oh yeah, she knows the answer. It's just that when you start having discussions to answer questions - I'm fortunate that she does talk to me about these issues - it's okay for everyone but parents to have sex. It's actually quite comical to see her reaction.

            PS: How is your shoulder? Ready to play tennis?
            Shoulder is feeling soooo much better. Thanks for asking, only one more scheduled session to go.
            I can handle a game of tennis, golf, lightsaber practice....yep, I think I am good to go.




              Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
              Oh yeah, she knows the answer. It's just that when you start having discussions to answer questions - I'm fortunate that she does talk to me about these issues - it's okay for everyone but parents to have sex. It's actually quite comical to see her reaction.
              I just think the thought of having a(nother) sibling is scaring her a little

              Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
              Shoulder is feeling soooo much better. Thanks for asking, only one more scheduled session to go.
              I can handle a game of tennis, golf, lightsaber practice....yep, I think I am good to go.

              *Goes to the other end of the training room*

              Don't worry, Radek-clone. There is no danger in this excercise

              Repeat after me, youngling.

              *Takes lightsaber, activates green blade, moves hands into the Soresu initial stance, closes eyes*


                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                I just think the thought of having a(nother) sibling is scaring her a little
                Nope, that's not the issue. She wants another sibling, it's just that life had other options for me to deal with.
                She just doesn't think parents, should have, well, fun. I get the same thing from my youth group that I work with. They can't understand me having fun with improv and the looks when I tell them I am going to try performing this summer for fun - their looks are just hilarious.
                Repeat after me, youngling.

                *Takes lightsaber, activates green blade, moves hands into the Soresu initial stance, closes eyes*
                Repeat after teacher,
                *Takes lightsaber, activates purple blade, moves hands into the Soresu initial stance, closes eyes*

                My clone is watching with keen interest



                  Originally posted by Rosehawk
                  Nice seeing you again on this thread!!!
                  Thanks, I am Czech but I am more McKay person, sorry I knew David H before Atlantis, so my heart belongs to him But DN is close second

                  To your topic-I am studying Civics in the University and I should be a teacher. Not that I´d like being one...I just wanted to study something . And my friend scared me few days ago-civics teachers are teaching kids the...I don´t know the right word-family education, maybe. I am really looking forward to teaching 14-year old kid about sex

                  "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                    Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                    Thanks, I am Czech but I am more McKay person, sorry I knew David H before Atlantis, so my heart belongs to him But DN is close second

                    To your topic-I am studying Civics in the University and I should be a teacher. Not that I´d like being one...I just wanted to study something . And my friend scared me few days ago-civics teachers are teaching kids the...I don´t know the right word-family education, maybe. I am really looking forward to teaching 14-year old kid about sex
                    Good luck, Klenotka. Prepare yourself for a severe blushing/giggling experience.

                    Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                    Repeat after teacher,
                    *Takes lightsaber, activates purple blade, moves hands into the Soresu initial stance, closes eyes*
                    My clone is watching with keen interest
                    *Uses FicForce to pick up a hidden Wraith stunner, aims at himself, fires, uses FicForce to perceive the blast, uses lightsaber to deflect the blast at Rosehawk.*


                      I think every kid goes through that "My parents have sex AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! " phase, but like I said she is only 12 and sex and boys are stil 'Yuky' to her


                        Originally posted by panikin View Post


                        How's everyone doing today?
                        Thanks for the cap panikin

                        Originally posted by Renenutet View Post
                        I'm doing great. I just got done painting floor trim for my kitchen that my friend and I are redecorating after 15 years of falling wallpaper.
                        Decorating.... I've got tons of that to look forward too when we move, but I can't stand putting up wallpaper, so paint it's going to be. We're doing a lot of renovating as well, not looking forward to everything being topsy-turvy for several months, but it'll be worth it

                        Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                        Where is everyone tonight?!! I fell asleep and just woke up and thought I was going to miss everyone.
                        It's getting quiet at night!

                        Mmmm yummy I'm here, at last! I don't know, I think I've been having a moment where I've had too much of the internet LOL, so I've been off the computer and doing other things, needed a break from it.

                        Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                        Just gotta say, if I didn't love Paul, I'd totally love David ^_^ he's so funny in real life and the Q&A thread is a real treat.
                        Welcome back to the Dr. Z threade HyperCaz, and I love your sigs

                        Originally posted by Potions_Mistress View Post
                        LoL! Prolly, either that, or the admins don't dare come to this thread cuz we might kill them with laughter

                        EDIT: When did I get 8600 posts?
                        Congrats on 8,600 posts Potions_Mistress!!

                        Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
                        My daughter had already left me with my mouth hanging open when she asked if me and my other half had sex (she's 12)

                        I think, as Rosehawk does, that as we've never caused trouble in this thread or any other and we're all over 13, they may as well leave us be and get on with keeping order elsewhere

                        Welcome back Caz
                        I agree with your last paragraph

                        Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                        Hey people! Me again I know, I know, I am not much around



                        Rosehawk, I remembered you today. Our Scout celebrates 100 years of existence Just little OT...
                        Nice to see you popping in Klenotka, and thank you for the great pics!

                        Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
                        Takling of OT, My latest Radek ficathon fic is finished and will be posted on wednesday.

                        So I can now get on with my long awaited (by me anyway) factual piece on the history of Aston Martin
                        Yay, can't wait!!

                        Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                        TekTek, & Gaia Online


                          thanks Shes but where's my Zelenka prize

                          anyway, just taking a break from cleaning the room up a the closet (well, looks better anyway) and dresser rid of some clothes i never where....but kept a few in case i lose a few pounds which i am working on

                          next project will be to dust, etc.

                          oh yea and i also cleaned my rollerblades (will have to get new bearings at some point)

                          yes, my clone and I have been busy today and it's only 4:15pm

                          hmmm, good thing we are taking a break he looks tired

                          perhaps i should bring in my mckay and shep clones to help


                            Originally posted by Potions_Mistress View Post
                            thanks Shes but where's my Zelenka prize

                            anyway, just taking a break from cleaning the room up a the closet (well, looks better anyway) and dresser rid of some clothes i never where....but kept a few in case i lose a few pounds which i am working on

                            next project will be to dust, etc.

                            oh yea and i also cleaned my rollerblades (will have to get new bearings at some point)

                            yes, my clone and I have been busy today and it's only 4:15pm

                            hmmm, good thing we are taking a break he looks tired

                            perhaps i should bring in my mckay and shep clones to help
                            Congrats on the milestone, PM.

                            Cleaning should be no problem with your little harem of clones


                              yea, well, a lot of cleaning all day is hard on to give them a break once and awhile to have fun

                              anyway, catch ya all laters...i am heading out


                                Originally posted by Potions_Mistress View Post
                                thanks Shes but where's my Zelenka prize

                                anyway, just taking a break from cleaning the room up a the closet (well, looks better anyway) and dresser rid of some clothes i never where....but kept a few in case i lose a few pounds which i am working on

                                next project will be to dust, etc.

                                oh yea and i also cleaned my rollerblades (will have to get new bearings at some point)

                                yes, my clone and I have been busy today and it's only 4:15pm

                                hmmm, good thing we are taking a break he looks tired

                                perhaps i should bring in my mckay and shep clones to help
                                Well, I have no Zelenka clone as a gift, but a couple of pics for you

                                From The Lost Boys

                                Ah housework...... evil it is I've got to do a load myself!

                                Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                                TekTek, & Gaia Online

