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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    Couple more from season 1




      Season 2




        More Season 2



          Season 3




            Few more from season 3





              I will post some from Season 4 and 5 a bit later.

              I have ton's more so if you want something more specific, let me know and I will see if I have it.



                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                Am I to understand you aren't working on this fic? You need to finish this bit of loveliness and post it! Great stuff!
                This WAS part of a fic that I spent ALL last year working on, but no matter how much I did on it, I just couldn't ever finish it. So I broke the fic down into several scenes. I pretty much burned myself out on it, unfortunately. I will happily keep posting scenes because in my opinion, some of them were pretty darn great. (Hint: Rodney gets arrested).

                The fic ultimately was about their return to the Pegasus Galaxy, which mostly everyone in the WORLD has done, including some authors that got published. I spent a lot of time with Woolsey in with the IOA, and Rodney fighting to convince everyone to go. I have ideas for at least four other fics that I am thinking of starting up. Some of the scenes I wrote with Radek and my OC are in different fics, but I can post some of them up as hints at least. I have been spending a lot of time role-playing on a site I created, and am only just beginning to get back into fanfiction writing. I hope to get started on a good new story soon. This month. Preferably before my birthday, (which is in a week).

                I'll throw in this cute little scene between Radek and my OC. Hopefully you like it.


                Radek’s stomach turned over as he entered the mess hall. The air, thick with tension, seemed to press even more so on his eardrums than the silence that came with it. He tried to keep his eyes off of the windows that revealed nothing but spotty light and the blackness beyond, but over and over he was irresistibly drawn to it like a kid to lightning.

                As a child, Radek had loved storms. Afternoons in the Czech Republic were often fraught with them, especially in the warmer summer months. In the morning, the sun would beat mercilessly down on the closely-packed streets of Prague, keeping most of the tourists under umbrellas and the locals to the cool safety of the shops. But sometime after lunch, right when the pace of the city slowed before the afternoon rush, a dark band of clouds would float in over the Vltava, open up their underbellies and drench the streets in sheets of translucent, grey rain. On some of the hotter days, the white-blue zigzags of lightning cut the air as well. When that happened, Radek would bolt outside and look up with wide eyes, trying to count the flashes or measure them by brightness. He even had taken a stopwatch outside once in an effort to time how long the flashes took to see if there was a correlation between intensity, brightness, and the long rolls of thunder that followed.

                His family had thought he was crazy of course, and after they had been forced to change from a house to a tent, anything that could cause a fire would send his mother into a panic. But Radek remembered clearly those brilliant flashes of lightning and how, for just a moment, the whole world would be bathed in light. The grey streets, the gold buildings, the green roofs - everything would go white and clean and beautiful.

                Out here, the addiction was not to the clear, clean light - but the oppressive, musky darkness encroaching on Atlantis’ piers. And he certainly didn’t feel a kinship with it - just the strange, overwhelming sensation to gape into the maw of some unseen monster.

                He wasn’t alone. On the other side of the room, dressed softly in science-blue and casual khaki, Corie James stood away from the table the two of them usually shared, facing out into the darkness. Her untouched lunch sat on the table, and as he neared her he noticed with a little ping of unease that her water bottle sat unopened as well. He set the tray down and approached her slowly, concerned that she would be lost in her thoughts and he might scare her. The two of them had not progressed far beyond his initial farewell, but he held the illusion that she would not reject his company, if for no other reason than because being alone in the darkness was not something humans handled well.

                He moved up to the window a few feet away from her, trying not to invade her personal space or her peripheral vision. She caught him anyway, turning her head to look at him, and he offered her a small, comforting smile. Her eyes on his were dark, and worry had created a thin sheen of sweat on her pale skin. Radek’s face grew concerned. “Are you all right?”

                Corie continued to look at him for a moment, then turned back to the window. “I can’t stop looking,” she said.

                “Yes,” Radek glanced back at the window. “Nor can I.” After a few prolonged seconds of silence, he looked at her again and then took a step towards her, holding out his hand. “Come, you should eat. Put your back to it.”

                “I d-don’t want...” Corie’s face twisted a moment and Radek closed the distance between them to touch her arm as gently as possible. Corie blinked and looked at his hand, surprise in her eyes. Radek pushed her arm as though trying to lead her to the dance floor, and he tried to give her another small smile.

                “Come on, Doctor James,” he said. “Come away from the window. You need to eat.”

                Corie, after another fearful glance out of the window, allowed him to lead her to the table. Her tablet sat as untouched as her food, and Radek quickly pulled his tray across the table and took a seat beside her, boldly. Only then did he release her arm and pick up his knife and fork to eat. A few bites in, he noticed there was no movement in his periphery, and he looked to see Corie staring at him. The unexpected attention made him choke, and with a nervous cough he grabbed his water bottle and took a drink. “What’s wrong?” he asked when he’d recovered his air.

                Corie, now flushing lightly, said: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you choke on your food. It’s just - you’re sitting next to me now.”

                Radek blinked. “I’m sorry, I should have asked permission...”

                “No! No, it’s all right, I just...”

                “I thought it would be best. You don’t have to look at it, and I don’t want to either.”

                “No, that’ was a good idea.” Corie’s lips curled in a smile and Radek returned it.

                The two sat in silence for some time before Corie spoke up again, her voice even thinner and softer than usual. “Doctor Zelenka?”

                “Mm?” He had a mouthful of food. He looked up to see her holding a fork halfway off the tray, staring at the food as though she’d never seen it before. She gulped hard before meeting his eyes.

                “A-Are...are you...scared?”

                Radek read the vulnerability in her eyes, and found himself struck with an odd desire to pull her into his arms. It was an odd and unexpected feeling, and he had trouble shaking it off. For the most part, however, he simply nodded. “Yes.”

                Corie swallowed. “Me too.” She continued to stare at the food for a few seconds before eating it, eyes focused warily in front of her.


                  Originally posted by Nayari View Post
                  This WAS part of a fic that I spent ALL last year working on, but no matter how much I did on it, I just couldn't ever finish it. So I broke the fic down into several scenes. I pretty much burned myself out on it, unfortunately. I will happily keep posting scenes because in my opinion, some of them were pretty darn great. (Hint: Rodney gets arrested).

                  The fic ultimately was about their return to the Pegasus Galaxy, which mostly everyone in the WORLD has done, including some authors that got published. I spent a lot of time with Woolsey in with the IOA, and Rodney fighting to convince everyone to go. I have ideas for at least four other fics that I am thinking of starting up. Some of the scenes I wrote with Radek and my OC are in different fics, but I can post some of them up as hints at least. I have been spending a lot of time role-playing on a site I created, and am only just beginning to get back into fanfiction writing. I hope to get started on a good new story soon. This month. Preferably before my birthday, (which is in a week).

                  I'll throw in this cute little scene between Radek and my OC. Hopefully you like it.


                  Radek’s stomach turned over as he entered the mess hall. The air, thick with tension, seemed to press even more so on his eardrums than the silence that came with it. He tried to keep his eyes off of the windows that revealed nothing but spotty light and the blackness beyond, but over and over he was irresistibly drawn to it like a kid to lightning.

                  As a child, Radek had loved storms. Afternoons in the Czech Republic were often fraught with them, especially in the warmer summer months. In the morning, the sun would beat mercilessly down on the closely-packed streets of Prague, keeping most of the tourists under umbrellas and the locals to the cool safety of the shops. But sometime after lunch, right when the pace of the city slowed before the afternoon rush, a dark band of clouds would float in over the Vltava, open up their underbellies and drench the streets in sheets of translucent, grey rain. On some of the hotter days, the white-blue zigzags of lightning cut the air as well. When that happened, Radek would bolt outside and look up with wide eyes, trying to count the flashes or measure them by brightness. He even had taken a stopwatch outside once in an effort to time how long the flashes took to see if there was a correlation between intensity, brightness, and the long rolls of thunder that followed.

                  His family had thought he was crazy of course, and after they had been forced to change from a house to a tent, anything that could cause a fire would send his mother into a panic. But Radek remembered clearly those brilliant flashes of lightning and how, for just a moment, the whole world would be bathed in light. The grey streets, the gold buildings, the green roofs - everything would go white and clean and beautiful.

                  Out here, the addiction was not to the clear, clean light - but the oppressive, musky darkness encroaching on Atlantis’ piers. And he certainly didn’t feel a kinship with it - just the strange, overwhelming sensation to gape into the maw of some unseen monster.

                  He wasn’t alone. On the other side of the room, dressed softly in science-blue and casual khaki, Corie James stood away from the table the two of them usually shared, facing out into the darkness. Her untouched lunch sat on the table, and as he neared her he noticed with a little ping of unease that her water bottle sat unopened as well. He set the tray down and approached her slowly, concerned that she would be lost in her thoughts and he might scare her. The two of them had not progressed far beyond his initial farewell, but he held the illusion that she would not reject his company, if for no other reason than because being alone in the darkness was not something humans handled well.

                  He moved up to the window a few feet away from her, trying not to invade her personal space or her peripheral vision. She caught him anyway, turning her head to look at him, and he offered her a small, comforting smile. Her eyes on his were dark, and worry had created a thin sheen of sweat on her pale skin. Radek’s face grew concerned. “Are you all right?”

                  Corie continued to look at him for a moment, then turned back to the window. “I can’t stop looking,” she said.

                  “Yes,” Radek glanced back at the window. “Nor can I.” After a few prolonged seconds of silence, he looked at her again and then took a step towards her, holding out his hand. “Come, you should eat. Put your back to it.”

                  “I d-don’t want...” Corie’s face twisted a moment and Radek closed the distance between them to touch her arm as gently as possible. Corie blinked and looked at his hand, surprise in her eyes. Radek pushed her arm as though trying to lead her to the dance floor, and he tried to give her another small smile.

                  “Come on, Doctor James,” he said. “Come away from the window. You need to eat.”

                  Corie, after another fearful glance out of the window, allowed him to lead her to the table. Her tablet sat as untouched as her food, and Radek quickly pulled his tray across the table and took a seat beside her, boldly. Only then did he release her arm and pick up his knife and fork to eat. A few bites in, he noticed there was no movement in his periphery, and he looked to see Corie staring at him. The unexpected attention made him choke, and with a nervous cough he grabbed his water bottle and took a drink. “What’s wrong?” he asked when he’d recovered his air.

                  Corie, now flushing lightly, said: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you choke on your food. It’s just - you’re sitting next to me now.”

                  Radek blinked. “I’m sorry, I should have asked permission...”

                  “No! No, it’s all right, I just...”

                  “I thought it would be best. You don’t have to look at it, and I don’t want to either.”

                  “No, that’ was a good idea.” Corie’s lips curled in a smile and Radek returned it.

                  The two sat in silence for some time before Corie spoke up again, her voice even thinner and softer than usual. “Doctor Zelenka?”

                  “Mm?” He had a mouthful of food. He looked up to see her holding a fork halfway off the tray, staring at the food as though she’d never seen it before. She gulped hard before meeting his eyes.

                  “A-Are...are you...scared?”

                  Radek read the vulnerability in her eyes, and found himself struck with an odd desire to pull her into his arms. It was an odd and unexpected feeling, and he had trouble shaking it off. For the most part, however, he simply nodded. “Yes.”

                  Corie swallowed. “Me too.” She continued to stare at the food for a few seconds before eating it, eyes focused warily in front of her.
                  This is an amazing piece of work! It was so wonderfully descriptive and imaginative. I can see a young Radek going out in a thunderstorm with a stopwatch :3

                  I am out of practice with writing *ashamed* but, you've inspired me to start again so thanks! ^.^


                    Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                    Planet_tv,will ya post the banner here for us Radek fans once it's ready? *wink wink nudge nudge* lol
                    I plan to.

                    Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                      Rosehawk,wicked pix m'dear. GUH...just freaking GUH. Nayari,that was a delicious scene ya wrote. if ya wanna,can ya post more of your work? Between Rosehawk's pix and your pieces, my muse is whacking me on the shoulder to write more of my nonsense. C'mon lovelies,post your own Radek fics,scenes,picfics,etc. There's no such thing as too much Radek fic!! More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                        Alright lovelies,I'm working on the next bit o' fic but I need some kind Czech soul to translate a line for me. I'll give ya proper credit for it I promise. Please PM me if ya want the line. Thanks gang!! More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                          Some Season 4 caps!





                            A few more from Season 4





                              Season 5

                              David is constantly moving some part of his face so it's hard to get the screen where is just has a straight face.





                                And some more from Season 5. If you need more let me know. I've got about 1000 screen caps of Zelenka!




