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John Sheppard Whump

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    Ali she is so beautiful. You and Hubby must be so proud. I hope he is getting to spend some time with her. She looks like she is very fascinated with her right hand.


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Just loaded a few more up to PB so here's a bit of a picspam!


      She's adorable Ali.....


        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
        Ali she is so beautiful. You and Hubby must be so proud. I hope he is getting to spend some time with her. She looks like she is very fascinated with her right hand.
        She likes to sleep with her hands up by her face (when she's not waving her arms around - I've started swaddling her as she sleeps better that way) and when she gets hungry she like to have a good old gum of a hand or sleeve - usually the right one, come to think of it...

        Hubby is getting into the swing of daddying and loves spending time with her - though he's still a bit cautious/uncertain about picking her up and handling her. He went down to London just for Thursday and Friday last week but has gone back down this afternoon and will be away for the full 5 days. I know it's gotta be hard for him to go away and leave her/us but he's copied a load of photos of her onto his laptop and has them on a rotating screen on his desktop!


          Ali, she is gorgeous!
          She has such beautiful eyes and long fingers! Is that red hair I see? Thank you for posting those!

          Okay, now I need to work Shep whump by baby into a story.


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            She likes to sleep with her hands up by her face (when she's not waving her arms around - I've started swaddling her as she sleeps better that way) and when she gets hungry she like to have a good old gum of a hand or sleeve - usually the right one, come to think of it...

            Hubby is getting into the swing of daddying and loves spending time with her - though he's still a bit cautious/uncertain about picking her up and handling her. He went down to London just for Thursday and Friday last week but has gone back down this afternoon and will be away for the full 5 days. I know it's gotta be hard for him to go away and leave her/us but he's copied a load of photos of her onto his laptop and has them on a rotating screen on his desktop!
            Poor Hubby having to be away.

            I love when their little hands are waving all over. Just keep an eye on those nails. It isn't fun when they scratch themselves. Teach her now to whump Shep not Self!!!


              Ali Thanks for the new pics - she's beautiful!


                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                Ali, she is gorgeous!
                She has such beautiful eyes and long fingers! Is that red hair I see? Thank you for posting those!

                Okay, now I need to work Shep whump by baby into a story.
                Yup, she's definitely got hubby's long fingers - and toes! Her hair atm is kinda brownish though in some lights it looks more blondish/brown.

                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                Poor Hubby having to be away.

                I love when their little hands are waving all over. Just keep an eye on those nails. It isn't fun when they scratch themselves. Teach her now to whump Shep not Self!!!
                Yeah, she's done that a couple of times. That's why in most of the pics you'll see she's wearing babygrows with built-in scratch mits...


                  OT FOR MISS AIMEE:
                  So cute! I think she's gonna be a redhead too. BTW....who's the kitty checking her out? Is that Tia?

                  I am lazy today so while I have the computer I am off to read some fan fics.

                  Could anyone put up
                  any bloody pics from either S&R or "Vegas"? I don't have any except for the White Shirt of Yum saved from S&R....and none from Vegas.



                    MC is on. So much love! Just thought about something. McKay tries to get in the lab at the end with Dr. Lee's card but is locked out. Did John figure that Rodney would try to get in with Lee's card or did he just lock everyone out?

                    One other thing - when Sheppard and McKay are talking at the end about presenting the situation, Sheppard holds Rodney's eye. He never looks away. He never blinks. His face and his eyes are open, readable.

                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                    OT FOR MISS AIMEE:
                    So cute! I think she's gonna be a redhead too. BTW....who's the kitty checking her out? Is that Tia?

                    I am lazy today so while I have the computer I am off to read some fan fics.

                    Could anyone put up
                    any bloody pics from either S&R or "Vegas"? I don't have any except for the White Shirt of Yum saved from S&R....and none from Vegas.



                    Sig by Luciana
                    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                      OT FOR MISS AIMEE:
                      So cute! I think she's gonna be a redhead too. BTW....who's the kitty checking her out? Is that Tia?
                      Yup. That's Tia being nosey.


                        *SQUEEEEEEES for bloody Sheppy* Many thanks RUFFLES!

                        One more....does anyone by chance have
                        the shot in "Whispers" when Shep and Clone!!Carson do the fist bump?
                        I hope I got the episode title correct.


                        ETA: Look at the
                        Camaro shot in the "Vegas" pics. Check out all the handprints on the left side by the front tire! Shouldn't that just be all dusty? tsk tsk Continuity peeps! But then again......kudos on the shot of Shep holding his arm across his chest.....look at that lovely blood spatter on the bottom of his white shirt. Niiiiice.


                          Ruffles, you are right about the scene in MC. He didn't turn away. thank you for the pics! Vegas pic
                          I was just thinking, the hood (bonnet) of the car must have been hot from being out in the sun all day. Ow!


                            Ruffles Thanks for the Vegas pics!
                            Skin peekage as Shep is vaulting over.


                              Originally posted by vecturist View Post
                              ruffles thanks for the vegas pics!
                              skin peekage as shep is vaulting over.


                                Ruffles - Thanks for the pics! I love that Vegas one of him flying over the top of the car. I've never seen it before.

