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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
    A little inspiration for con dancing....
    Reminds me of the adverts on TV at the moment for 3 Mobile.. with people starting to dance in Liverpool Street Station in London. It's the station hubby travels to for work and he walked through all of it as they were filming it...


      Been enjoying the different views of Hot Zone, it's always been a favourite McKay ep of mine. I've got nothing useful to add, just thought i'd say i've had fun reading it all.

      SA - keep save hon. It's must be a scary time for you.
      They just had an update on the news and they're about to confirm whether two people have it in Scotland. And apparently it's ina few countires in Europe now as well as Oz and NEw Zealand. But apparent'y there is a vaccine and it works if it's administered early.

      Ali - Aimee is just so gorgeous, love the pic with the cat, there seems to be a mutual "What the hell?!" look between them there.
      Sounds like both you and hubby are loving every second of being parents.

      Not much more news about the movie then, well nothing that tells us anything anyway.

      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      The t-shirt -
      Rosebud was from Citizen Kane. It was a sled Kane had as a kid that he had to leave behind. Soylent Green was a 70's movie where all the food came in these energy bar type biscuits. They came in different colors. The most prized and hardest to get were green, and had the best nutrional value, taste, etc. In the end, the main character finds out the Soylent Green is made of humans. At the time, it was a very high shock value ending!

      Originally posted by Skylore View Post
      Ben obviously believed in whumping Cam and TPTB happily went along. For some reason, the enthusiasm never bled over to SGA.
      Apparently Ben was really into doing stunts so they obliged his self destructive streak.

      Originally posted by Skylore View Post
      O'Neill has been known to say magnets as his contribution to tech questions whenever Carter is figuring out the solution. It's his answer for everything.
      And once he was even right!

      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
      A little inspiration for con dancing....
      THat's so cool.

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Reminds me of the adverts on TV at the moment for 3 Mobile.. with people starting to dance in Liverpool Street Station in London. It's the station hubby travels to for work and he walked through all of it as they were filming it...
      About the only decent ads on the telly at the moment. Can you see hubby in it?
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Two days away and so much to catch up on! Although there's quite a bit about Primeval and since I've only seen two episodes I don't really feel qualified to comment.

        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
        Switching into bio lecture mode for the curious. This flu strain is pretty serious, especially if it has a combination of bird/swine/human elements because it could make synthesizing a vaccine hard with all those different components. More scary, it could infect all three populations and there's a chance it'd mutate in one of those groups to possibly infect the other two.

        You're right about how close people and pigs are - they worry with swine flu sometimes it could infect humans. My favorite example of how close humans and pigs are: before we learned to synthesize insulin for diabetics, a lot of it came from pigs - insulin in pigs differs only by one amino acid (the building blocks that make up proteins). It's a 2 amino acid difference between cow and human insulin.
        Thanks for the info, Vec. You clearly know your stuff. Scary stuff that the vaccine might be hard to produce. Presumably this is some kind of mutation of with swine fever or bird flu. I have visions of some poor begar catching both of them at once...and here's the result! (I know that's not right, which is why I'm not a lecturer like you!)

        SA - Vec's explanation means it's even more important for you to take care of yourself!

        Originally posted by Strey View Post
        Bloody hell! I finally succeeded! This is the yummy sig CazzBlade made for me many moons ago, but I couldn't get it sorted. Thankyouthankyouthankyou, Cazz! Awfully whumpy, isn't it...
        Lovely sig, Strey. Definitely better late than never.

        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Just loaded a few more up to PB so here's a bit of a picspam!


        Tia says hello to Aimee!

        So gorgeous. Definitely a hint of red hair there. Tia will be her favourite play thing when she gets mobile, I bet. Kids love animals, as more poor pld dogs, both now gone to the great kennel in the sky, found out to their cost!

        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
        A little inspiration for con dancing....
        That was brill. I love stuff like that. I wonder of the people who were actually their to catch a train thought it was unusually busy that day? We do have some mobile phone adds her in the UK showing the same sort of thing. I Love seeing the reaction on people's faces.

        Oh well, off to do some more writing and get some dinner soon.

        Catch you all later.
        My Fan Fiction Page
        My LJ Fics


          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
          Apparently Ben was really into doing stunts so they obliged his self destructive streak.
          Ah... so it'sb Joe's fault that we are whump-deprived then?! I mean, according to BamBam, Joe is always too busy etc to turn up to stunt/fight rehearsals...

          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
          About the only decent ads on the telly at the moment. Can you see hubby in it?
          Heh. No. According to hubby, they had signs up around the place saying they were filming and that if you didn't want to be included/footage with you in to be broadcast, you needed to speak to one of the staff members about and give them your details and that you decline to be involved. So... just to be contrary, hubby walked through the middle of it all, found a member of staff and told the poor bemused chap that he didn't want to be involved!


            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
            You should probably spoiler some of your question.

            Shameless self promotion - I did one. It's here -

            Thanks so much....really enjoyed this one.....Winnie


              Originally posted by Winnie View Post
              Oh, now that looks great and you're more than welcome for the whipping....hoping to post more by next weekend....Winnie
              Ooh! A feeding frenzy at a whumpfest! I'll bring the crates of plonk, then, shall I? Says she not waiting for an invite.


                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                You should probably spoiler some of your question.

                Shameless self promotion - I did one. It's here -
                Spoilered for Destiny -
                Vegas AU? *sniff* Still can't go near anything Vegas-y. Grr. I even switch off 'Sympathy for the Devil' these days when it comes on the radio. Sorry-arsed, I know. Still, happy to read your other fics! I tell myself that Joe loved the premise. Yes, I give myself a stern talking-to re Vegas every once in a while...


                  Dreamt whump...
                  it wasn't Sheppy, but it was Joe in character, so not RL(?)whump. The character Joe was playing got a huge shard of glass in his chest - spoilered for, what, AU version of something whumpy from Season 5 - -
                  yes, I watched the opening scene of TLT last night...

                  Anyway, it was a younger, baby-faced Joe with that long mop that somehow has even more of a reddish tinge to it, (noooo... ) and not our slightly greying, rugged Joe (yessss!) He was shirtless, of course, and the 'female interest' made him lie on his back so she could...
                  I never did find out... I woke up! Bloody alarm...


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Ah... so it'sb Joe's fault that we are whump-deprived then?! I mean, according to BamBam, Joe is always too busy etc to turn up to stunt/fight rehearsals...

                    Heh. No. According to hubby, they had signs up around the place saying they were filming and that if you didn't want to be included/footage with you in to be broadcast, you needed to speak to one of the staff members about and give them your details and that you decline to be involved. So... just to be contrary, hubby walked through the middle of it all, found a member of staff and told the poor bemused chap that he didn't want to be involved!
                    I'm not sure what would happen if they tried something like that here - we have our share ouf reality TV-obsessed who will do anything versus the rest of us who would hide. I do like hubby's sense of humor. though.


                      Oh, SA, I was thinking of you as I saw the news. That's horrible!

                      Ali, Aimee is just soooo adorable!

                      Well, have to go already. Boooo! But before that, a bit of self promotion. Two more fics for story lottery, leaving me with only two more to go.

                      Crosswords - John and Rodney friendship and banter in the infirmary bed. So much fun to write for!

                      Just a Game of Chess - The team encounters an interesting planet.

                      Now I need to think about Bingo (what kind of prompt word is that!?) and Hopscotch (WTF!?). Luckily hopscotch only needs to be 100 words long.
                      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                      Sig and avi by me


                        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                        Oh, SA, I was thinking of you as I saw the news. That's horrible!

                        Ali, Aimee is just soooo adorable!

                        Well, have to go already. Boooo! But before that, a bit of self promotion. Two more fics for story lottery, leaving me with only two more to go.

                        Crosswords - John and Rodney friendship and banter in the infirmary bed. So much fun to write for!

                        Just a Game of Chess - The team encounters an interesting planet.

                        Now I need to think about Bingo (what kind of prompt word is that!?) and Hopscotch (WTF!?). Luckily hopscotch only needs to be 100 words long.
                        Ah, payback for the first LFWS Gen challenge round being OCs only and only 200 words to boot. I mean, WTF?! Yes, I'm having lots of fun establishing an OC with such a paltry word count!

                        EDIT: just read both your fics. Love Crosswords. Love the way
                        John and Rodney niggle at each other like an old married couple!

                        I miss those boys... *sigh*
                        Last edited by Strey; 27 April 2009, 07:12 AM.


                          Originally posted by Winnie View Post
                          Hmm, I'm learning new things every time....thanks for that....will try the spoiler thingy next....

                          Was just watching the Vegas episode and was wondering if anyone knows of any tags
                          where John is actually rescued after the Wraith is killed....
                          Any help would be greatly appreciated....Winnie
                          Kristen999 has one called Sympathy for the Devil.
                          Sig by Luciana
                          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            Kristen999 has one called Sympathy for the Devil.
                            I second that rec. and will add negolith's 'Last thoughts'


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              Ah... so it'sb Joe's fault that we are whump-deprived then?! I mean, according to BamBam, Joe is always too busy etc to turn up to stunt/fight rehearsals...

                              Heh. No. According to hubby, they had signs up around the place saying they were filming and that if you didn't want to be included/footage with you in to be broadcast, you needed to speak to one of the staff members about and give them your details and that you decline to be involved. So... just to be contrary, hubby walked through the middle of it all, found a member of staff and told the poor bemused chap that he didn't want to be involved!
                              How rude!

                              Originally posted by Winnie View Post

                              Thanks so much....really enjoyed this one.....Winnie
                              Thank you!

                              Erika, I read Crossword and loved it! I'll read the other later. So much for a day off! I always find something that takes time.

                              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                              Kristen999 has one called Sympathy for the Devil.
                              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                              I second that rec. and will add negolith's 'Last thoughts'
                              Goodie! I'll have to read those later.


                                Congrats on 1700, Vecturist!

