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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
    vecino ???

    Anyway, I just read an article about Libertadores in which the teams are not wanting to play against Mexican teams (I think Chivas). My brother said there is a chance that his team, São Paulo, would have to go to Mexico to play if that happened and that the players are really scared about that.

    Hey! what a shock! we have football games with no people-fans at all in the stadium, but I never though of scare players...that is not good...


      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
      Quite apart from the whole slow response thing that people have mentioned, to be honest, it would never ever occur to me to call the police for a noisy neighbour. I'd sit there quietly fuming, and I'm grumble about it the next day, but that's it. It's that stereotypical English thing again, by which you mutter quietly, but don't actually complain out loud.
      In my town you can call the cops with a noise complaint, particularly if you're near the university - because loud party usually indicates underage drinking and the police can collect heavy fines from the participants and homeowner. I had problems with neighbors when I first moved back to school - they believed in a multi-party system (party on Friday, party on Sat).

      As far as embarrassing whump, I'll go back to my original idea, Shep getting whumped and cursing a blue streak when he thinks no one is looking and it's something stupid like tripping over a laundry basket or banging a shin against a bed frame.


        I have an embarrassing whump idea. How about constantly getting beaten by a petite and softly spoken women while sparring with her in the gym...hmmm, that sounds familiar...

        What about giving himself concussion while demonstrating a particularly cool move on his skateboard. Seriously not cool. my one track mind wanders back to private about he finds something awful lurking in his underpants after wading through leech infested waters. Come on, that wasn't graphic!
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          Originally posted by rhymer View Post
          Quite apart from the whole slow response thing that people have mentioned, to be honest, it would never ever occur to me to call the police for a noisy neighbour. I'd sit there quietly fuming, and I'm grumble about it the next day, but that's it. It's that stereotypical English thing again, by which you mutter quietly, but don't actually complain out loud.

          Whcih reminds me... I watched a bit of that one with the planet of the children last night, when it was on TV, and it struck me how we're supposed to take for granted that "I'm eighteen years old" means the same on that planet as on Earth. I'd love to see something set on a planet with a very short or a very long year, so there's a grey-bearded elder who says they're 12, or a child who's 78. Which led me to think about a civilisation that asked Sheppard how old he was, and when he answered, they immediately classed him as a mere teenager, because on their planet years are so short that you don't come of age until you're 45, or something.

          Um... I think I'm rambling. It made sense in my mind.

          Oh dear. Do I have a reputation?

          Or the others get together to play a practical joke on him, and Teyla and Ronon tell him straight-faced that these people will only deal with leaders who wear this really bizarre costume and approach while doing a silly walk, so Shep, reluctantly, does so, and waddles into the Gate Room to be met with everyone else with beer and "Happy Birthday, Colonel!" banners.

          I'm sticking with "great", I think.
          Don't you fret, poppet. It's a 'very nice' reputation... *pats Rhymer on head* Seriously, you have a wonderful imagination.


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Yup. That's pretty much what the police did when our hotel room was burgled. Have heard not a jot from them since, no update, nothing.

            Heh. Now that's actually an interesting idea.

            We British are far too repressed to actually go and complain to someone's face. We'd rather just moan and grumble about it to anyone that'll listen and feel righteously indignant.

            Mind you, in these days of yob culture, there's also the fear that you will bang on the wall/go knock on the door to complain and be met with a torrent of abuse and/or find your car vandalised the next day.
            Or you could try what hubby did one night and go park outside the noisy neighbours' home and honk your horn repeatedly at 2 o'clock in the morning... I tell you, that put paid to the problem. The cops sided with us. Phew...


              Again, after he gets infeted by the bush and he is just laughing, kind of drunk, playing the fool, he could hurt himself falling from somewhere just in front of the helpless team...who, at first, find it funny, but then they feel guilty when he gets really hurt.

              Ok, I'll go now.

              I still have to study a lot, emergency or not, I'll have to make those exams when this is over.
              So, I'll be back late in the night.


                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                As far as embarrassing whump, I'll go back to my original idea, Shep getting whumped and cursing a blue streak when he thinks no one is looking and it's something stupid like tripping over a laundry basket or banging a shin against a bed frame.
                Sorry. I missed your original post. I was tired like a zombie last night, and got caught up in doing something else before work this morning, so missed a few pages.

                What about him screaming in agony, not realising that people are in earshot, and they all come rushing up with a medical team and an intubation kit etc., only to find that he's just had a paper cut. (Because, seriously, they hurt.) I love the idea of Shep being stoical and brave with a gunshot wound, and squawking like a girl when he has a paper cut.

                Actually, it reminds me of a fic I wrote many, many years ago (like 12. *pauses to boggle at how time flies*) It was written as a parody of heavy angst stories (I was parodying my own stuff, more than anyone else) and had lots of overblown angst and dramatic ellipses. ("Pain... Blood... Agony...") etc. Then, right at the end, after a page or two of this, it was revealed that Mulder had just cut his finger on an arrest warrant.

                Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
       my one track mind wanders back to private about he finds something awful lurking in his underpants after wading through leech infested waters. Come on, that wasn't graphic!
                So your mind's wandering to Shep's private parts, eh? Well, as long as it's just your mind...

                Well, I'd better go off and do some writing. I'm doing a gen ficathon pinch hit, so really need to finish today if I'm to get it edited and formatted before Thursday.


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  I don't think he actually shoots his foot - just nearly does and is annoyed at himself for coming so close to injuring himself. If he had shot his foot, he'd have been in pain and limping and we never saw any sign of that.
                  You are very right Ali. After all that discussion - which was very fun to read mind you - I must admit I never thought he actually did shoot himself cause you all are right - he'd most surely would have shown that injury in the epi. I did, however, fail to clarify it in my post. My emphasis was on his delivery of "Good one John" it was so gruff and he was so clearly very angry at himself for not thinking that a ricocheting bullet could cause serious injury.

                  Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                  Soooo tired. My considerate neighbours downstairs decided to have a very loud party till 3am. And then the brat upstairs got up and starting crashing about at 7am, and hasn't stopped yet, 3 and a half hours later... Sometimes i hate living in a flat.

                  Knee update OT
                  I'm allowed back to work on light duties tomorrow which is good (means i get away from the noise! lol).

                  However, while i can now straighten the bugger and walk a little more normally, the cartilage is as tender as ever, so i've got to see a specialist. Of couse that means a 2-3 week wait for an appointment.

                  Fingers crossed they just tell me time is a healer eh!

                  maggs - glad your parents are ok.
                  That neighbor situation is a bummer Squonk. Sorry you have to deal with that.

                  Thanks for the thoughts about my parents. They are still not home and I'm frustrated that they didn't change their flights. My mom has always been a hypochondriac and has been known to wear a mask in the past to keep dust from her lungs. She is actually excited that she'll be able to wear a mask on the plane and no one will think she's crazy. So bizarre.

                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Ooohhh... AU fic anyone?

                  A nasty cut to the brow from sparring with Ronon.. that is bad enough to need stitches and they have to shave the eyebrow off to stitch the cut?
                  I have to be selfish here and say. Don't shave the eyebrow. I don't think I'd like to see Sheppy with one eyebrow. I know it would grow back but people always look really weird without one or both eyebrows. Just my preference though

                  Originally posted by Winnie View Post
                  uhoh, hope it doesn't disappoint.....Winnie
                  I'm sure it won't Winnie. Don't mean to put undo pressure on you... not really...

                  Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                  I hope this is over soon...Hubby and I were supose to celebrate 6 marriage years next may 9th, we never, ever organize celebration parties or reunions, but this time we just decided to have the celebration...and it seems we'll have to call it back...
                  Hope you guys don't have to call off those plans SA.

                  Originally posted by Vecturist View Post

                  As far as embarrassing whump, I'll go back to my original idea, Shep getting whumped and cursing a blue streak when he thinks no one is looking and it's something stupid like tripping over a laundry basket or banging a shin against a bed frame.
                  Always liked that idea Vec.

                  There was a good fic that a read a while ago. Shep slips in the shower and cuts himself really badly, can't reach his comm and bleeds out quite a bit before he is found. I recall that he is very embarrassed throughout. Wish I could remember the title. Anyone???

                  Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                  I have an embarrassing whump idea. How about constantly getting beaten by a petite and softly spoken women while sparring with her in the gym...hmmm, that sounds familiar...
                  Hey Shepsgirl - there is a fic that has a similar story - the woman is petite but she's not soft spoken.

                  Spoilered cause well you'll see if you click...

                  It's also a very sexually explicit story. Don't want to say more in case you haven't read and are interested. It's called What Sheppard Wants written by Shep Thunker Suzieb who likes her Sheppy... How you say??? Dominant.


                  Did I mention this is sexually explicit? I will again. Not for the young reader.


                    Welcome to the noble art of typig 1-handed cos the other arm is busy cuddling sleeping baby, I apologise in advance for any horrendous typos...

                    Originally posted by Strey View Post
                    Or you could try what hubby did one night and go park outside the noisy neighbours' home and honk your horn repeatedly at 2 o'clock in the morning... I tell you, that put paid to the problem. The cops sided with us. Phew...
                    Hmmm. When hubby and I called the police because a gang of boys (ranging from around 8 to 13) were climbing on our fence, threatening to throw stones at our house, to vandalise pur cars and to send one of their dad's round with a baseball bat all because hubby had confiscated their rugby ball (after the fourth time it had bounced into our garden - not to mention off our and other neighbours' cars - and they'd bithely barged in or climbed over the fence to retrieve it (and bearing in mind that a) the square on which we live is clearly signposted NO BALL GAMES IN THIS AREA by the local council, b) there is a huge playing field literally 2 mins walk down the street, and c) after the third time the ball came into our garden I only let them have it back on the proviso that they took it down to said playing field to play, which they promised to do, took the ball back, started right back kicking it around the street and 2 mins later landed it back in our garden)), they as much as told us it was our own fault for confiscating the ball!! They never even spoke to the kids in question, who were still hanging around when the police arrived (hubby and I having spent over an hour standing outside by the cars as the kids were threatening to vandalise them as soon as we went back in the house) or take their names or anything and basically only spoke to us and did nothing beyond advise us to give the ball back!!!!

                    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                    Actually, it reminds me of a fic I wrote many, many years ago (like 12. *pauses to boggle at how time flies*) It was written as a parody of heavy angst stories (I was parodying my own stuff, more than anyone else) and had lots of overblown angst and dramatic ellipses. ("Pain... Blood... Agony...") etc. Then, right at the end, after a page or two of this, it was revealed that Mulder had just cut his finger on an arrest warrant.
                    I kind of wrote a similar concept (non-parody) fic where Sheppy, despite bravely enduring all sorts of whump and various medical procedures, has to have a tetanus jab and turns out to be afraid of needles.


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      Welcome to the noble art of typig 1-handed cos the other arm is busy cuddling sleeping baby, I apologise in advance for any horrendous typos...

                      I kind of wrote a similar concept (non-parody) fic where Sheppy, despite bravely enduring all sorts of whump and various medical procedures, has to have a tetanus jab and turns out to be afraid of needles.
                      Tetanus shots are scary - I found out the hard way I'm allergic to the vaccine and am now subject to lots of fun lectures when I teach labs with dissection because we're supposed to have tetanus shots.


                        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                        Tetanus shots are scary - I found out the hard way I'm allergic to the vaccine and am now subject to lots of fun lectures when I teach labs with dissection because we're supposed to have tetanus shots.
                        You should try Anti-D injections... not only do they sting like mad but you get them in your butt!

                        And I had about 10 doses in total during my pregnancy... all for nothing, as it turned out, as Aimee turned out to be RhD- too!


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          You should try Anti-D injections... not only do they sting like mad but you get them in your butt!

                          And I had about 10 doses in total during my pregnancy... all for nothing, as it turned out, as Aimee turned out to be RhD- too!
                          I guess better safe than sorry? I've had a few shots that were intramuscular when they shouldn't have been - that was a whole world of hurt.


                            And for other ways to whump Shep - allergic reactions to antibiotics!

                            I've had more than a few fun ones - especially after getting penicillin from student health despite me commenting that several members of my family are allergic and getting told, "that's what everyone says."

                            Having an allergic reaction to something I was prescribed and feeling sick enough after puking and GI problems that I couldn't do more than lie on the floor...


                              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                              And for other ways to whump Shep - allergic reactions to antibiotics!

                              I've had more than a few fun ones - especially after getting penicillin from student health despite me commenting that several members of my family are allergic and getting told, "that's what everyone says."

                              Having an allergic reaction to something I was prescribed and feeling sick enough after puking and GI problems that I couldn't do more than lie on the floor...
                              What is it about student health centres? When I was at Uni the idiot dr at the student health centre prescribed me Penicillin B for tonsilitis, despite me telling him (and him having both my written notes and my computer notes open in front of him) that I had a previously diagnosed allergy to Amoxycillin.

                              A day or two later my throat was so painful I could barely swallow and lived off 1 cup-a-soup a day for 3 days and on the day I finished the course of tablets I came up with a white, raised, bumpy rash over my entire body!!


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                You should try Anti-D injections... not only do they sting like mad but you get them in your butt!

                                And I had about 10 doses in total during my pregnancy... all for nothing, as it turned out, as Aimee turned out to be RhD- too!
                                Tell me about it. Also RhNeg.

