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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
    Nice short list IHS. And I like the idea of posting a Shep whump fic rec list too (if there isn't one already posted here somewhere). *floats off to
    happy place* hehehe }:O
    There's a fic rec thread in the fanfiction forum, but so far it seems to be made up mostly of Sam/Jack and Rodney-centric recs. Not so much as even a Shep-centric fic to me found
    Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
      Well, slightly OT, but I guess Joe's talk is over and he's doing photos now - no word on the facial hair yet. Hopefully people will start posting shortly.
      I've been refreshing my F-list and the SGA noticeboard for any news.....sigh
      My fanfic-


        Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
        I've been refreshing my F-list and the SGA noticeboard for any news.....sigh
        I'm monitoring twitter too - all I've gotten is a lot of "OMG, OMG!!!!"


          That's just wrong on so many levels. Seems to me we may need to post our
          own Shep Whump Fic Rec List so any and all of us whumpers can easily access the best in Shep whump. *floats off to happy place* hehe }:O


            Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
            Well, slightly OT, but I guess Joe's talk is over and he's doing photos now - no word on the facial hair yet. Hopefully people will start posting shortly.
            Is the hope that he finally shaved it off? I'll admit I'm one of those who misses a beardless Joe. I think the beard makes him look older in a tired kind of way. But it is his beard to shave or not to shave, and he's still hot either way
            Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


              Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
              That's just wrong on so many levels. Seems to me we may need to post our
              own Shep Whump Fic Rec List so any and all of us whumpers can easily access the best in Shep whump. *floats off to happy place* hehe }:O
              In a way this thread already does that - if there's good Shep-whump posted, it will be rec'd either by the author or someone else. But, yeah, a Shep-whump rec list would be awesome

              There is, of course, the Sheppard HC community on LJ. It's not a recommendation site, but you can definitely find good Shep-whump fic there
              Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                Well, slightly OT, but I guess Joe's talk is over and he's doing photos now - no word on the facial hair yet. Hopefully people will start posting shortly.
                I believe Joe is minus the beard Just seen some pics I kinda stumbled on them in LJ, so I don't personally know the person who posted them

                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  Shameless self promotion.
                  The zine that is using one of my stories has posted the cover on their site -

                  Not terribly OT - Shep whump is involved!
                  That is so exciting!!!! Yay for you! I am sure everyone will like it. And for the few who don't, well pffft for them.

                  Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
                  Hello anyone who's currently in the thread (because my timing usually sucks and I pop in when no one's around )

                  Awesome Zines are so much fun.

                  Ali, hope things go well for you and Bubbin.

                  Pilgrim Soul - voted!

                  Slightly off topic:

                  I was whumped today by a milkshake. I found something in it that wasn't milk-shake related. I don't think it was anything too bad, and I didn't swallow it, but just the thought has left an ill feeling that refuses to go away. *Shudders*
                  Oh yuck for your OT. I hate finding UFO's in my food. I have a very hard time ever eating that item again.

                  Ali - hope things are going well. You have been on my mind all day. I even told Hubby and he sends his best wishes.

                  Josie - hopefully voting isn't closed yet. I had a busy day out spending money we don't have so now I need to relax and read a bit of your ideas.

                  Hope the VanCon goers are having fun!

                  IHS - glad you feel better. You dog sounds like my Remmington. He is a Rottie and is 6 1/2 years old. He still chews things up when we aren't home. At least he doesn't do it when we are around.


                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                    I believe Joe is minus the beard Just seen some pics I kinda stumbled on them in LJ, so I don't personally know the person who posted them

                    Where?? Please?


                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      I believe Joe is minus the beard Just seen some pics I kinda stumbled on them in LJ, so I don't personally know the person who posted them

                      I can't wait to see pictures. For some reason, Joe with a beard has burned itself into my mind. I'm hoping Joe without beard will remedy that.

                      Pocus: Yeah, it really doesn't take much for me to get turned off of certain foods. I'll probably never have a milkshake or even a cream slush from tha place again. (Well, maybe a cream slush because they are good, but definitely no milk shakes ).

                      Some whumpy thoughts (spoilers for Tru Calling):

                      So I finally saw the episode of Tru Calling with Joe where he wears a bullet proof vest. It got me thinking about Sheppard in a bullet proof vest, getting shot with some heavy artillary that doesn't penetrate, but the impact is so strong it breaks his ribs - either just making it hard to breathe or all-out puncturing a lung.

                      Come to think of it, I wrote a Thoughtcrimes fic a while back where Brendan ended up getting hit with armor piercing bullets.
                      Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        Where?? Please?
              , like I said I don't know the poster so not sure about snurching and stuff But its not friends locked, so looking shouldn't be doing any harm

                        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                          And here is a pic on the Con Thread:
                          No beard!


                            Good evening whumpers,

                            can´t wait to have news from Joe! SGAFan where are you?

                            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                            I have a favour to ask, I'm going to attempt to make a fresh start at my fic writing. (I know I had a hissy fit last week and said I wouldn't write any more but I'm feeling calmer and a little more positive so I thought I'd give it another try ) I have two fully formed story ideas and am having trouble choosing which to write first, I keep ping-ponging back and forth between the two.

                            I've written a quick summary of both over on my LJ and there is a poll to vote for which one you would like me to attempt first. Its a friends locked post (sorry!) but I think most of you with a LJ account are on my flist anyway. Thanks!
                            I have so much fun...just voting!!! imagine when you begin to write it (anyways, I'm happy to see the one I voted is winning yay!)

                            Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                            *runs in* Hi all, and greetings from the Vancouver Con!

                            Joe hasn't been on stage yet, he'll be on later this afternoon. (It's nearly noon here right now.) Personally, I hope he's shaved, but I'm not too picky because it's Joe!

                            Congrats Josie and Listy on your milestones!
                            Thank you very much PuddleJumper! please keep coming around with more...

                            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

                            great! Now she´s gonna whump those AF´s again!



                            The New Guy

                            BlueUniform Shep just doesn´t trust the "new kid".

                            BlackShirtShep: I´m telling you guys, I´m NOT evil!!
                            BlueUniformShep: That´s what they all say! Now tell us who send you!!
                            BlackShirtShep: Toy shop! Just like you guys...
                            Ronon: Don´t s*hit us here! I´m still pissed about that nightmare...
                            BlackShirtShep: Wasn´t me!

                            BlueUniformShep: Last chance! Tell us who you are or you´re gonna get wet in there!
                            BlackShirtshep: I TOLD you!! I´m Garrison Uniform John Sheppard!
                            Ronon: That´s not what your bill said!
                            BlueUniformShep: He´s right! Your delivery papers prove you wrong!

                            BlackUniformShep: aaaaaaargh!!! guys!!! Stop it!!!

                            Keller: Ronon!! Colonel!! What are you DOING???
                            Ronon: He´s evil! We just want him to confess!

                            BlueUniformShep: Yeah! His bill said "Jason" but he claims to be "Garrison".. whatever that means....
                            Sam: Actually, he´s right! He´s just had his name messed up in those papers!
                            BlueUniformShep: He did?
                            Sam: I suggest you guys get him out of there asap, or you can´t sit in that chair tonight!

                            BlueUniformShep: Crap! How were we supposed to know that??
                            Ronon: Beats me!

                            Keller: Your box was next to his!
                            BlueUniformShep What did it say on the box?
                            Ronon: I´m not good with reading!!
                            BlackShirtShep: *coughs out water*

                            BlackShirtShep: Get away from me!!
                            BlueUniformShep: Hey easy there, sports! We just wanted to properly welcome you!
                            Ronon: Yeah.. plus I kinda liked the name "Jason" better than Gary.
                            BlackShirtShep: GARRISON!!

                            Ronon: Whatever! I´m sorry, okay?!
                            BlueUniformShep: See, he´s just a big fluffy teddybear! You can sit in the chair later, alright?!
                            BlackShirtShep: Cool!

                            BlueUniformShep: You were right, this chair IS awesome!
                            BlackShirtShep yeah... can I have it back??
                            Keller: What do you mean "back"? It wasn´t even part of your box!!
                            Sam: Guys!! I´m trying to concentrate on chess here!!
                            WraithQueen: Your chatter is most distracting!
                            BlackShirtShep Shouldn´t those Wraiths do their lapdance someplace else??
                            Ronon: Where the hell did I land here??

                            sorry about the somewhat crappy quali...
                            *makes mental note: must invest in good camera*

                            Jeez! SAF I had a great really made me cry by so much laughing !

                            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                            Shameless self promotion.
                            The zine that is using one of my stories has posted the cover on their site -

                            Not terribly OT - Shep whump is involved!
                            Hey! good for you Lorr! no shame on self promotion...I think is so cool!

                            Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                            Alright gang, which episodes had the most whump for poor Shep? Ain't research fun? *whistles innocently* hehehe }
                            I know there are some Shep whump eps that we love, but I firmly believe the best of all it will always be 38 minutes.

                            Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                            Well, slightly OT, but I guess Joe's talk is over and he's doing photos now - no word on the facial hair yet. Hopefully people will start posting shortly.
                            Yay! thanks....


                              CC,thanks for for the Sheppard HC community on LJ. I'll head over there and see what's up. *big bear hug for ya* Cazzblade, it's not nice to tease whumpers ya know. Gives us weird ideas about what to do with the beard and the whumpy opportunities it involves for poor Shep. *writes down whumpy ideas before they flee* hehehehe }:O


                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      , like I said I don't know the poster so not sure about snurching and stuff But its not friends locked, so looking shouldn't be doing any harm

                                Oh, thank you! Jusst looking until permission to snurch is granted!

