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John Sheppard Whump

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    Hey All! Just got up from a four hour sleep that left my clothes and bedsheets soaked. EW! Am feeling marginally better though.

    I'm watching an Sg1 marathon on Sci Fi right now. Why can't they do that for Atlantis?? And why can't the marathon be all Shep whump?? *sigh* I know it would go along way in making me feel better. The Ori just.....suck.

    Pilgrim - glad to hear the writing muse has returned! I look forard to reading it when you are finished.


      Evening all

      Feel better GG, lots of liquids, lots of drugs, and lots of sleep will help.

      Remnants pic info and big spoilers ahead.

      So, I was thinking about what people have been talking about, the strap/machete on one of the pics. You know the one where Shep can't stop staring at it. I know what the spoilers say, but the thing that Kolya is holding doesn't look like a machete. I know I could be wrong, but it looks to blunt to do what it's designed to do, and doesn't look like a typica machete. I'm wondering if he whips him first, you know get him into the mood for things to come. It's a step up from the beating and being tied up.

      And if it's in Shep's head. I'm assuming that the level of violence will escalate as time goes on, so i'm not sure that's a machete. Not for that scene. Maybe further on down the line... but maybe not yet. Kolya will want to taunt and play with him, first (i'm assuming again) and won't go in for the 'kill' straight away. If they're (whomever they are) are trying to keep Shep occupied on the mainland, then it stands to reason that the level of violence will go up incrementally, and that the machete will be like the last thing? I'm also curious as to how this all happens to begin with. Is he drugged? Is he brainwashed? Is their a device or spell? Will Shep ever take his shirt off? What? Just put that in to see if you were all paying attention.

      Okay for the non spoilery girls this one is just for you.

      Doesn't it feel good?
      Are you enjoying the sensation so far?
      Oh you need more of incentive to keep clicking?
      Well, I might have a surprise somewhere in here for you.
      You just need to keep clicking to get it out your system.
      So am I pissing you off yet?
      Yes? Good!! That means the novelty is wearing off.
      Ok since you've been exceptionally good...
      Don't you feel better for that now?


        Thanks Peggy for the non spoilery clicks!!! SQUEEE!!!


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          Thanks Peggy for the non spoilery clicks!!! SQUEEE!!!
          Hehe well you deserve something at the end of it Yours, Ruffles and Ali's patience astounds me, i'd have never lasted more than 30 seconds. But it'll all be worth it in the end. Trust me.


            H, Pegasus et al!
            Re REMNANTS and THAT photo -
            It does look some evil choppy thingy - aand it looks like a strap. In the other photo of the minions lifting Sheppy up, faux-Kolya is holding said thingy at a different angle, and it does look very choppy to me. Don't get me wrong - love the strap idea! - but he has his tac vest on. Yeah, bummer. (Too many layers, as usual.) I'm guessing it won't get any more violent than this, but I am sooo wondering what will be written as tag fic! Any takers? Yes? No? I guess I'll just have to wait until after the eppie airs sometime in Octember or Novembruary.
            Last edited by Strey; 11 September 2008, 03:56 AM.


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              Hehe well you deserve something at the end of it Yours, Ruffles and Ali's patience astounds me, i'd have never lasted more than 30 seconds. But it'll all be worth it in the end. Trust me.
              It's the knowledge of it being worth it is what keeps me going. It's really exciting to sit down on Friday night with little to no idea of what's going to happen.

              GG - I'm watching SG-1 right now too. Just finished The Quest 2. Wouldn't an ep like that for Shep have been great? Slowly losing himself as he works to save the galaxy while his team looks on.....
              Sig by Luciana
              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                LOL Pegasus! I clicked and I clicked and I clicked on your spoiler, and started thinking (not fondly) of infinity mirrors and carpal tunnel syndrome. Thanks for the laugh!

                Jes' plain silly OT
                I see my monicker mostly crops up first on the 'current active users' notification. Makes me wonder whether I should have gone for Aaron or Aardvark.


                  Guh I feel so happy First Remnants pics and then Buggy Shep pics its like heaven

                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  *races into the whump thread already knowing the the news and pics have already been posted here..
                  spoiler for Remnants

                  OMGOMGOMG! He's had the ever lovin' stuffing beaten out of him and look! its the look of death! Its the "i'm SO going to KILL you" look! Its been too long! YAY!

                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Not bad I start my internship next week
                  I hope you feel better soon

                  I had a fab time on sunday, Fianne is great! Went all round the Minster (which I'd never done before and Fianne kept pointing out how they were conserving things wrong Went to the Minster Gardens too, and the river (the bottom of the gardens had been flooded ). And Fianne bought some Fudge from the Fudge Kitchen Yum

                  Luuves Conversion *sigh*
                  You went to Fudge Kitchen??!!?? *drools* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Do you all know that there is going to be a petition at Bridge Studio's? Someone has proposed that for the people who can't be there in person that they put all their names on a banner, do you think this is a good idea? Would you want to participate?
                  I would love to add my name to it fab idea.

                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  They put filters on that block certain types of websites. Anything that the filter decides is personal websites (e.g. Facebook, Weblog (incl, JM's blog!!) - for a while it was blocking LJ but now it works again!) etc is blocked except for at lunchtime and anything the filter classes as gambling, pornography, personal storage (incl. Photobucket!), and streaming video (incl. YouTube, BBC iPlayer etc) is blocked permanently!

                  No! Can't see it yet. Only seen the link today and I can access it at work.

                  What ep is next then? I am SO spoiler-free I don't even know what ep happens when!
                  Hey Ali, I did a double take as I walked past the TV tonight, they re-played your weakest link show

                  Well where I work its worse, they don't block anything but tel you to only go on appropriate sites and they don't tell you what they deem appropriate and so if you go on a blog or LJ or GW you get into trouble for it.... why not just block them all and get rid of the temptation, do they not know me, I can't last two second near a spoiler tag how do tey expect me to resist an entire website with addd whump?? Good job my phone has internet

                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  I didn't see that coming on The Seed, I have to admit. Well, I saw one bit sort of coming because we had spoiler piccies But I didn't know what exactly was going to happen and I was VERY surprised, in an extremely pleasant way!

                  Spoilers and speculation for The Queen, so only click if you know the main spoiler for the eppie:

                  I mean, Teyla could feed on Sheppard! That'd be interesting... well as long as she or another wraith gave him his life back again!

                  But I'd love to see her smack him around a little because she become too Queen-like and loses control.

                  I'm quite looking forward to the episode personally. I'm more concerned about Tracker at this point, and as for Brainstorm???

                  I forgot my password, so I just re-registered. It seems to work fine now!
                  I never saw The Seed stuff coming either, it was awesome and as for The Queen spoiler stuff you wrote, I would love that!!!

                  Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                  Hee! I did something similar. I was staring at the Remnants pictures, and my husband came in, so I hastily minimised and tried to look innocent... forgetting that I'd put one of the pics as my desktop wallpaper, so my attempt at innocence failed utterly.

                  My screensaver consists of a sequence of whumpy Shep pics, but my screen goes into power save mode after only five minutes of screensaver, so my husband's managed never to see the screensaver. The other day, he popped into my room to pick something up, not long after I'd left the computer. "Uh... Sheppard's sitting in bed on your computer," he said, sounding slightly disturbed, "gazing up at me in a come-hither way." "Is that 38 Minutes?" I asked. "I don't know," he said. "Unlike some people, I don't know exactly what episode all the scenes of Sheppard in bed come from." "Well, what colour are the scrubs?" I asked, patiently. For some reason, he thought this was a strange question.

                  Where did I put that "help! I married a whumper!" manual, again?
                  bless him, can't see why he thought it was a strange question

                  Oh my screensaver is exactly the same and I left my laptop in the middle of the lounge floor and wandered off in search of coffee, returning to find my mum looking a bit puzzled at a Conversion pic (which nly made me wonder which other ones had flashed up while I was gone), to which she asked "Is that Mulder" *shakes head* parents!!

                  O/T question
                  a while ago someone either on here or on the JFT gave me a link to where I could get SGA ringtones and sounds, my phone broke and had to be repaired and I have lost my gate kawoosh sms alert and can't find where it came from anyone know where I can find one to replace it, it needs to be like an mp3 a wav file won't work?


                    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                    Hee! I did something similar. I was staring at the Remnants pictures, and my husband came in, so I hastily minimised and tried to look innocent... forgetting that I'd put one of the pics as my desktop wallpaper, so my attempt at innocence failed utterly.

                    My screensaver consists of a sequence of whumpy Shep pics, but my screen goes into power save mode after only five minutes of screensaver, so my husband's managed never to see the screensaver. The other day, he popped into my room to pick something up, not long after I'd left the computer. "Uh... Sheppard's sitting in bed on your computer," he said, sounding slightly disturbed, "gazing up at me in a come-hither way." "Is that 38 Minutes?" I asked. "I don't know," he said. "Unlike some people, I don't know exactly what episode all the scenes of Sheppard in bed come from." "Well, what colour are the scrubs?" I asked, patiently. For some reason, he thought this was a strange question.

                    Where did I put that "help! I married a whumper!" manual, again?

                    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                    Guess what? I've managed to write an entire chapter of a new fic in the last couple of days, and I'm pretty pleased with it too. Dare I say it but I think my writing mojo may be back.

                    I could quite happily sit down and watch him running for an entire episode.

                    I'm actually okay about Brainstorm but then I like Keller, though I understand that there are many who don't. There are some shots of the guest star in Tracker that piqued my interest somewhat (I am so very shallow) but The Queen is the one I'm most worried about because the plot just seems rather silly.
                    WooHoo for the fic! ITA for Shep running for an entire episode!

                    Dammit! I have to remember not to quote anything with spoilers, either. Thank goodness I realized what was there before I read too much.

                    The pilot for a new show was on last night - Fringe OT
                    Talk about predictable and throwing it every plot twist known to man and Wraith! It looks like the creators/writers watched X Files, Lost, twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Heros, Torchwood and any other show with any kind of weirdness, threw everything into a pot and started picking out stuff. Yikes! I may watch one or two more eps, but I don't hold out much hope.

                    Tell me why again that SGA gets cancelled but other drivel stays on TV?


                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post

                      WooHoo for the fic! ITA for Shep running for an entire episode!

                      Dammit! I have to remember not to quote anything with spoilers, either. Thank goodness I realized what was there before I read too much.

                      The pilot for a new show was on last night - Fringe OT
                      Talk about predictable and throwing it every plot twist known to man and Wraith! It looks like the creators/writers watched X Files, Lost, twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Heros, Torchwood and any other show with any kind of weirdness, threw everything into a pot and started picking out stuff. Yikes! I may watch one or two more eps, but I don't hold out much hope.

                      Tell me why again that SGA gets cancelled but other drivel stays on TV?
                      I watched 'Fringe' last night as well and I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. As a biologist, I really had a problem with quite a few explanations - couldn't they hire a biologist to proof the script or wikipedia a few things - like the fact that there are mammals (outside the primates) closer to humans than cows - like specifically pigs.
                      Science rant / genetics 101 in spoiler
                      Pigs are genetically closer to humans than cows - that's why a lot of substitute blood and organ replacement research has been done with pigs (I'm not sure what this means if you're kosher). Before they were able to engineer bacteria to produce insulin - insulin came from human cadavers or pigs - pig insulin is one amino acid different from humans, cow insulin is two amino acids different - amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Don't even get me started on the labs in the storage lockers and the number of violations/ illegality there.


                        Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                        Well don't' get too excited, I've got a clear cut beginning and middle for this fic but I'm a little iffy on the ending, I think it lacks punch. And I'm such a slow writer it'll be weeks before I'm done but I'm happy with how its going so far and that's a start.
                        Hey hon, the fact that you're writing at all is fab news and that you're happy with what you've written is even better. I'm happy to wait as long as it takes for the results (though of course will gleefully take advantage of my proofreader to benefit from a sneak preview! ). It's all good.

                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        Okay for the non spoilery girls this one is just for you.

                        Doesn't it feel good?
                        Are you enjoying the sensation so far?
                        Oh you need more of incentive to keep clicking?
                        Well, I might have a surprise somewhere in here for you.
                        You just need to keep clicking to get it out your system.
                        So am I pissing you off yet?
                        Yes? Good!! That means the novelty is wearing off.
                        Ok since you've been exceptionally good...
                        Don't you feel better for that now?
                        You.... are evil! Especially as I had to squint whilst deleting the first part of your quoted post!

                        Originally posted by Listy View Post
                        You went to Fudge Kitchen??!!?? *drools* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
                        Ooooh I love the Fudge Kitchen!

                        Originally posted by Listy View Post
                        Hey Ali, I did a double take as I walked past the TV tonight, they re-played your weakest link show
                        Ooh really? Cool! My fame endures...


                          Originally posted by Listy View Post
                          You went to Fudge Kitchen??!!?? *drools* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
                          Well I do walk past it practically every other day I couldn't let Fianne live in York for ten weeks and not know about it

                          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                            Afternoon Whumpers!

                            STILL watching Ike. Jeez already....he's taking his good old time, teasing us on the Gulf coast. Just like a man....can't make up his mind!

                            PEG.......I love those "click til you're silly" posts of yours! The pay off was worth it, of course!

                            I am off to catch up.



                              GG.......I hope you get to feeling better. I think you should go to a doctor though. Just to be on the safe side.

                              SGA FAN!!!!! I am in picspam heaven! Thank you soooo much for that. I have a life-size cap request for you if you have it.....SPOILER FOR S-5 episode:
                              Do you have one of Shep in the white shirt of YUM from S&R? Please could you post it?

                              OH my.....whoever it was who has the hubby who said Shep was on her computer giving him a "come hither" look.......that was hilarious! What color scrubs was Shep wearing, you asked him? ROFL



                                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                                Afternoon Whumpers!

                                STILL watching Ike. Jeez already....he's taking his good old time, teasing us on the Gulf coast. Just like a man....can't make up his mind!

                                PEG.......I love those "click til you're silly" posts of yours! The pay off was worth it, of course!

                                I am off to catch up.

                                Good luck with Ike IHS. Somebody in another thread said their parents were relocating to Dallas and Austin. Not fun!!

                                Josie did some writing!! Woohoo!! And even better that she is happy with it!!

                                Peg- thanks for the spoiler to click on. Even though it took forever to get to the pic inside. LOL!

                                GG -Hope you feel better SOON!!

                                Um.... I guess that is it.

                                Hubby is working late tonight and now I need to decide which SGA ep I want to watch. Decisions decisions.

